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09-05 投稿



divorcee 发音

[ dɪvɔ'sɛi]

英:  美:

divorcee 中文意思翻译



divorcee 短语词组

1、divorcee male ─── 离婚男性

2、divorcee 1930 1930 ─── 年离婚者

3、divorcee login ─── 离婚者登录

4、divorcee film ─── 离婚影片

divorcee 词性/词形变化,divorcee变形

动词第三人称单数: divorces |动词过去式: divorced |动词现在分词: divorcing |动词过去分词: divorced |

divorcee 相似词语短语

1、divorced ─── adj.离婚的;脱离……的,分离的;v.与(某人)离婚;将……分离;疏远(divorce的过去式和过去分词)

2、divorce ─── n.离婚;分离;离婚判决;离婚的男子;v.与(某人)离婚;分离,脱离;彻底分割

3、divorcer ─── n.提出离婚的人

4、divorcées ─── 离婚

5、divorces ─── n.离婚;分离;离婚判决;离婚的男子;v.与(某人)离婚;分离,脱离;彻底分割

6、divorcée ─── n.离异女子

7、divorcé ─── n.离异的男人

8、divorcive ─── 离婚的

9、divorcees ─── n.离了婚的人

divorcee 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His parents went through an acrimonious divorce. ─── 他的父母在激烈争吵中离了婚。

2、They look as though they're heading for divorce. ─── 他们看样子会离婚。

3、The remarried divorcee with children does not incorporate her divorced husband ' s name in her new one. ─── 有了孩子的再婚妇女不再用前夫的姓,而用新丈夫的姓。

4、They have agreed to get a divorce. ─── 他们已同意离婚。

5、A man cannot divorce from his kin after all. ─── 人终究是离不开同类的。

6、You can't divorce science from ethical questions. ─── 不能把科学与伦理问题截然分开。

7、The local court received her petition for divorce. ─── 地方法院受理了她的离婚申请。

8、Do not push me too far, or I will divorce you. ─── 别逼人太甚,否则我要与你离婚。

9、She has filed a petition for divorce. ─── 她已向法院申请离婚。

10、Why do you have to keep dragging up my divorce? ─── 你为什么非要老提我离婚的事呢?

11、He brought divorce proceedings against his wife. ─── 他诉请与妻子离婚。

12、One in every three marriages ends in divorce. ─── 三分之一的婚姻都以离婚而告终。

13、Kathy and Vim had their amicable divorce. ─── 凯西和维姆和气地离了婚。

14、You should avoid mentioning his divorce. ─── 你应该避免提及他离婚的事。

15、She is one of the country's best-known television personalities, a divorcee without royal or aristocratic links. ─── 她是西班牙家喻户晓的电视人物,她曾经离过婚,而且没有任何皇室、贵族背景。

16、Masako Masuoka, an 81-year-old divorcee, is still fit enough to work as a volunteer cleaner and cook for her elderly neighbours. ─── 81岁的离婚妇女益冈雅子依然能胜任清扫志工,并为她的邻居们煮饭。

17、She tends to sheer away from any discussion of her divorce. ─── 一谈到她离婚的事她就尽量转换话题。

18、All of us thought he was the answer to a maiden's prayer. Nobody had expected he actually ended up marrying a divorcee 10 years his senior. ─── 我们大家都认为他是少女心目中祈望得到的白马王子。谁也没有想到他后来竟然和一个大他十岁的离过婚的女人结了婚。

19、Within a year of their divorce he had remarried. ─── 他离婚不到一年就又结婚了.

20、When did you learn of Mary's divorce ? ─── 你是什么时候得知玛丽离婚的消息的?

21、She have file a petition for divorce. ─── 她已经提出离婚的要求。

22、Can you divorce life from art? ─── 你能使生活与艺术脱离吗?

23、To divorce her because she is so neurotic. ─── 因为她太神经质了,所以他要跟。

24、They proposed to divorce church and state . ─── 他们提议将教会和国家分开。

25、Don't mention his divorce---it's a very tender subject. ─── 别提他离婚的事---那是个敏感话题。

26、It's almost certain that they'll get a divorce. ─── 他们离婚几乎已成定局。

27、He was cited in a DIVORCE case . ─── 他在离婚案中被传讯出庭。

28、Attitudes about divorce have dramatically changed. ─── 人们关于离婚的观念迅速改变。

29、He had written to Mexico for a mail-order divorce. ─── 他已经写信到墨西哥去办理通信离婚。

30、A battered wife has adequate grounds for a divorce. ─── 受虐待的妻子有充足的理由要求离婚。

31、They proposed to divorce church from state. ─── 他们提议将政教分开。

32、Did Unilateral Divorce Laws Raise Divorce Rates? ─── 单方面离婚法是否会提高离婚率?

33、Bachelet will also be the first atheist and divorcee to assume the top slot in a country where 76 percent of the population is Roman Catholic and where divorce was legalized only a year ago. ─── 在一个76%的人口都是罗马天主教徒而且离婚在一年前才开始合法的国家,巴切莱特也将成为首位拔头筹的无神论者和离婚者。

34、She has a very detached attitude to her divorce. ─── 她对她离婚有非常超然的态度。

35、He showed/exercised considerable restraint in not suing for a divorce. ─── 他极力克制自己,不提出离婚诉讼。

36、Remarriage has a high risk of divorce. ─── 再婚者的离异风险大。

37、Ten years of marriage more than justifies 40 years as a divorcee. ─── 10年的婚姻完全能够让40年的离婚生活也变得值得起来。

38、His wife asked him for a divorce. ─── 他的妻子向他提出离婚。

39、However, as the child of divorce , and a divorcee myself, i also know that the course of true love never runs smooth. ─── 但是因为父母离异,而自己也离了婚,我也知道真爱的路途绝不平坦通畅。

40、They advocated a complete divorce of government and religion. ─── 他们主张政教完全分离。

41、He is unable to divorce fantasy from reality. ─── 他不能将幻想与现实分开。

42、A divorce lawyer must know prenuptial contracts. ─── 一个离婚律师必须通晓婚前协议。

43、he married Clare Hollway, a divorcee 13 years his senior. ─── 他娶了克莱尔·霍尔韦,一个比他大13岁的离婚女人。

44、She remarried her former husband ten years after their divorce. ─── 她与原来的丈夫离婚十年后又复婚了。

45、One must not divorce oneself from the masses. ─── 不应该脱离群众。

46、He made an announcement to declare his divorce. ─── 他宣布他离婚了。

47、After the divorce he tried to turn the children against their mother. ─── 他离婚後竭力教唆子女对抗他们的母亲。

48、He's going through a divorce at the moment. ─── 他现在正在打离婚。

49、Just under half of all mar-riages end in divorce. ─── 几乎二分之一的婚姻是以离婚收场。

50、Promiscuity went unpunished, divorce was permitted. ─── 乱交挨不着惩罚,离婚办得成手续。

51、They proposed to divorce church and state. ─── 他们提议将教会与国家分开。

52、The news of their divorce threw us for a loop. ─── 他们离婚的消息使我们大吃一惊。

53、It came as no surprise to me that Sandra segued from Oscar winner to divorcee to mother in the blink of an eye. ─── 因此来说,对桑德拉的多重角色我不感到意外,在我眼里她是奥斯卡获得者、婚姻离异者、孩子的妈妈。

54、She was all cut up about her divorce. ─── 她对自己的离婚感到十分愤慨。

55、She feels / is bitter about her divorce. ─── 她对离婚觉得很感伤.

56、Smith flung his arms up is horror AT the news thAT his son was living with a rich divorcee. ─── 史密斯听到儿子与一位离异的有钱女人同居,显得十分惊慌。

57、Would you rather be a widow or a divorcee? ─── 你愿意成为寡妇还是离婚人士?

58、She decided to file for divorce. ─── 她决意起诉要求离婚。

59、Smoke is almost as great a solvent as divorce. ─── 吸烟和离婚已变成两大消溶剂。

60、What were his grounds for wanting a divorce? ─── 他要离婚的理由是什么?

61、Smith flung his arms up is horror at the news that his son was living with a rich divorcee. ─── 史密斯听到儿子与一位离异的有钱女人同居,显得十分惊慌。

62、And at the same time, the divorce rate is falling. ─── 与之相对应,离婚率正在下降。

63、The divorce left him a sadder but a wiser man. ─── 他离婚是吃一堑长一智。

64、Is he still unable to divorce fantasy from reality? ─── 他还是不能区别幻想与现实吗?

65、The chief constable is named in the divorce case. ─── 在离婚案中提到警察局长的名字。

66、A woman went to court for a divorce. ─── 一个女人上法庭,要跟她先生离婚。

67、He was cited in divorce proceedings. ─── 他因离婚案被传讯。

68、She was cited in the divorce proceedings. ─── 她在离婚诉讼中被传唤。

69、She got a divorce from him last year. ─── 她去年和他离了婚。

70、She filed a petition for divorce. ─── 她提出了离婚申请。

71、He complains that his wife is hell on wheels; he is considering getting a divorce. ─── 他抱怨说他老婆总是在找茬儿骂人,他想跟她离婚。

72、She took divorce proceedings against her husband. ─── 她控告丈夫,要求离婚。

73、To put it bluntly, I want a divorce. ─── 坦白地说,我要离婚。

74、She filed for divorce. ─── 她提出离婚诉讼。

75、Dad: Torture. You mother's trying to fix you up with some divorcee. Human rights barrister. Pretty nasty beast, apparently. ─── 爸爸:简直是在受折磨。你妈妈想给你介绍某个离过婚的男人,一个人权律师,显然就是令人讨厌的衣冠禽兽。

76、She talked of divorce but only by inference. ─── 她提到了离婚,但没有明说,只是旁敲侧击。

77、Rumours about an impending royal divorce were rife. ─── 到处都是有关王室成员即将离婚的传言。

78、What brought about your divorce? ─── 什么原因导致你们离婚?

79、His views on divorce are unpalatable to many women. ─── 他对离婚的看法是很多妇女无法接受的。

80、Their marriage ended in divorce. ─── 他们的婚姻以离婚收场。

81、She sued her husband for a divorce. ─── 她为求离婚而控告丈夫; 她控告丈夫要求离婚。

82、He married again six months after the divorce. ─── 他离婚后半年就又结婚了。

83、However as a child of divorce and a divorcee myself I also k now that the course of true love never runs smooth. ─── 不过,作为一名离异家庭的孩子,且身为一名离婚者,我也知道通往真爱的道路并不平坦。

84、Their divorce was an unceremoniousaffair. ─── 他们离婚没有庄重的形式。

85、But in less than a year he was to relinquish the throne in order to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson, and his younger brother had to take over. ─── 但不到一年,爱德华为了和一个离异的美国妇女结婚而放弃王位,由他的弟弟来接替。

86、Not even Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin who spoke for the nation when he said Britain did not want an American divorcee for a queen. ─── 连首相斯坦利·巴尔德温也不行--他代表国家说英国不想让一个离过婚的美国人成为王后。

87、He wants to divorce her because she is so neurotic. ─── 因為她太神经质了,所以他要跟她离婚。

88、Eric split them up, and is cited in the divorce proceedings. ─── 埃里克把他们俩拆散,在他们的离婚诉讼中他受到传讯。

89、Douglas Quaid: Consider that a divorce. ─── 奎德:就当离婚吧。

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