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09-01 投稿



ecstatic 发音

英:[ɪkˈstætɪk]  美:[ɪkˈstætɪk]

英:  美:

ecstatic 中文意思翻译




ecstatic 网络释义

adj. 狂喜的;入迷的n. 狂喜的人

ecstatic 词性/词形变化,ecstatic变形

副词: ecstatically |

ecstatic 短语词组

1、ecstatic state ─── 消魂; ─── 消魂状态

ecstatic 相似词语短语

1、astatic ─── adj.不安定的;[物]无定向的;不稳定的

2、ecstatics ─── adj.狂喜的;入迷的;n.狂喜的人

3、eustatic ─── adj.海面升降的

4、epistatic ─── adj.[遗]上位的,强性的

5、ectatic ─── adj.扩张的;膨胀的

6、static ─── adj.静态的;静电的;静力的;n.静电;静电干扰

7、aerostatic ─── adj.航空的;空气静力学的

8、geostatic ─── adj.地压的;耐地压的

9、enstatitic ─── 顽固不化的

ecstatic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The devotees and the Master sang and danced in a state of divine fervour.Several of them were in an ecstatic mood. ─── 奉献者和师父以非人的热情又唱又跳,有几个人还进入了心醉神迷的状态。

2、Honest to God, I'm chuffed to bits. I mean, I can't really believe it's happened again so I'm ecstatic to be honest. ─── 对上帝发誓,我身上的每一个细胞都感到欣喜。我仍然不能相信这一切确实发生了,所以老实说我现在的感觉就是欣喜若狂。”

3、Don't. They are ecstatic to be parents and are willing to play the cards they've been dealt! ─── 别难过了。他们刚做父母,高兴都还来不及呢,对老天赐予他们的结晶,不管做什么他们都会心甘情愿的。

4、He was ecstatic at the news ─── 他获知消息后欣喜若狂。

5、A French woman, after meditating with the Convenient form of practice, was ecstatic at her visions of Jesus Christ and Shakyamuni Buddha. ─── 一位法国妇女在学了方便法后,兴奋地说她看到了耶稣和佛陀。

6、His Divine Mother would allow him no respite till he had left behind the entire realm of duality with its visions, experiences, and ecstatic dreams. ─── 他的神圣母亲并没有允许他暂缓,直到他已经离开拥有各种异像,体验和入迷的梦的整个二元领域为止。

7、"Let it go, Kincaid, get back on the road. Shoot the bridges, go to India. Stop in Bangkok on the way and look up the silk merchant's daughter who knows every ecstatic secret the old ways can teach. ─── “丢下这一切吧,金凯,回到大路去,拍摄那些桥,到印度去,中途在曼谷停一下,去找那个丝绸商女儿,她知道所有古老的令人迷醉的秘方。

8、He is always drunk with ecstatic love for the Mother of the Universe. ─── 他总是陶醉在宇宙之母的心醉神迷的爱里面。”

9、First he nodded politely, and then his face broke into that radiant and understanding smile, as if we'd been in ecstatic cahoots on that fact all the time. ─── 他起先有礼貌地点点头,随后他脸上露出了那种喜洋洋的、会心的微笑,仿佛我们俩在这件事上早已进行了疯狂的勾结。

10、He is filled with a wild ecstatic happiness. ─── 他欣喜若狂。

11、Whistles were coming in from every part of the stadium except for The Torino fans segregated at one section, who were ecstatic. ─── 哨子响彻在体育场的每一个角落,当然除了单独分开的都灵球迷的看台。

12、Still in an ecstatic mood, the Master said, "Ah! ─── 师父仍然处于心醉神迷的状态,说:“啊!

13、Kelly: It sure does! Music can make me melancholy or ecstatic! ─── 剀丽:没错!音乐能让我变得伤感或者兴奋!

14、She Immediately called Kenny. "He was ecstatic," recalls Betty Anne. "He said, 'That's it, we're out of here.'" ─── 她马上打电话给肯尼.“他欣喜若狂,”贝蒂安妮回忆道,“他说‘就是它了,我们可以沉冤得雪了’。”

15、In fact, there are a lot of sysadmins out there who would be ecstatic if CGI were outlawed. ─── 事实上,如果CGI能够被人们所抛弃,很多系统管理员会感到非常高兴的。

16、The monk and the devotees looked wonderingly at him in his ecstatic condition. ─── 僧侣与奉献者都惊讶地看到他处于一种神迷的状态。

17、"Where do all people automatically and effortlessly obtain pure ecstatic love for Krsna? ─── “在哪里所有人可以自动地、毫不费力的获得对奎师那纯粹的狂喜之爱?

18、I would love to answer that question in a few more days. But, you know, right now I'm just ecstatic to be where I am. ─── 我很愿意在未来的几天里能够继续接受你的采访,但是,现在我很清楚地知道,我还没有完成比赛。

19、The ensuing bungling crime spree of thieving, vandalizing and trespassing brings an ecstatic break from an otherwise boring routine for Jiro. ─── 一连串笨拙但又疯狂的盗窃,肆意的破坏,擅自闯荡使得次郎从以往的单调日子里,获得了暂时性的狂欢。

20、And she smiled her ecstatic smile. "What would you have? Lavater would have said that I have not the bump of paternity," said the prince. ─── 她于是兴奋地莞然一笑。“怎么办呢?拉法特会说我没有父爱的骨相,”公爵说道。

21、He smiled like a weather man, like an ecstatic patron of recurrent light ─── 他象一个气象预报员又象一个欣喜若狂的回归光守护神似地露了笑容。

22、"It's an ecstatic moment," said Mrs.K., mother of three, with a look of rapture when she recalled the pain. ─── “那是一个令人欣喜的时刻,”生有3个孩子的K夫人说。 回忆起当时的痛苦,她一副心醉神迷的样子。

23、The original makers of the telephone would have been ecstatic if they could have created a phone that let you call your friends just by pointing to pictures of them. ─── 如果能够开发出只需指向朋友图片就能与他们通话的电话软件,那些最初的开发者们会更加欣喜。

24、But Obama supporters are ecstatic in the wake of Ted Kennedy's endorsement on Monday and his statement that Senator Obama would be ready on day-one to assume the presidency if elected. ─── 但是泰德.肯尼迪星期一作出支持奥巴马的决定以及他作出的奥巴马参议员一旦当选就能胜任的声明让奥巴马的支持者欣喜万分。

25、And here too, on the pleasant coast that had once drawn ecstatic tourists, lights were a menace ─── 在这儿,当年陶醉过游客的景色优美的海岸上,灯火也是一种威胁。

26、For a man who claimed an “ecstatic prescience of the glories beyond the grave”, it was a fitting existence. ─── 对于一个自称“狂喜地预见到死后荣耀”的人,他的一生确实不虚此言。

27、He must be ecstatic about your exoneration. ─── 他得知你恢复清白身一定很兴奋。

28、It has the feel of an ecstatic stream-of-consciousness, moving rapidly toward a climactic end. ─── 就好像是在感受一股让人兴奋的意识流,很快的向着最后的高潮移动。

29、Anyway, the upshot of all the stress and anxiety is that the hard work has paid off and even though you don't quite get the A++ that your jammy friend got, you're ecstatic with your well-earned B+. ─── 不管怎样,压力和焦虑都过去了,这是你下苦功的回报。尽管你没有象你的铁哥们那样得到A++,只得了个来之不易的B+,这也足够让你欣喜若狂了。

30、ecstatic to finish in the top three ─── 为进入前三而狂喜

31、That she suffered is obvious, and so everyone was to suffer who encountered Shelley's ecstatic and uncompromising nature. ─── 她显然感受了痛苦,任何人碰上雪莱如痴如醉和毫不妥协的天性都不免要感受痛苦的。

32、ecstatic state ─── 出神状态

33、He shows off a text message stored on his cellphone from an ecstatic customer: wins in 11 of 12 matches. ─── 他向人炫耀存在他手机上的一条短信,这条短信是一位欣喜若狂的客户发来的:斗12场,赢11场。

34、Passionless for years. Ecstatic it's over. ─── 失去激情好几年了。幸福早已结束。

35、His ecstatic declamation of the sonorous rhythm was enough for me. ─── 他朗诵时的那种洪亮的节奏,那种心醉神迷,对我已足够了。

36、Ivo waxed ecstatic ─── 伊沃高兴得有点忘形。

37、When Jolin appeared, everyone present at the scene went ecstatic and there were continuous cheers and screams everywhere. ─── 小天后蔡依林一现身,现场尖叫声和镁光灯闪个不停。

38、"It's an ecstatic moment," said Mrs.K.,mother of three,with a look of rapture when she recalled the pain. ─── “那是一个令人欣喜的时刻,”生有3个孩子的K夫人说。回忆起当时的痛苦,她一副心醉神迷的样子。

39、DJ jet has made some hippest venues even more ecstatic. ─── 各知名夜店都有令人激赏的演出。

40、Looking at the temple of Radhakanta, across the courtyard, the Master went into an ecstatic mood. ─── 师父望着庭院对面的罗陀肯塔神庙,进入了心醉神迷的状态。

41、As his teammates sprinted to smother him in an ecstatic scrum, several Ghanaians slumped to the field. ─── 当队友们狂喜地冲过去拥着他的时候,几名加纳人跪在了场地上。

42、She is so astonished and ecstatic that she could hardly say a word. ─── 她惊喜交集,一句话也说不出来。

43、Her mood of ecstatic fidelity was a dangerous exaltation ─── 她苦行主义的忠实气质是一种危险的升华。

44、Beach-lovers will be ecstatic when choosing Spain one of their Europe travel destinations. ─── 去欧洲旅行如果选择西班牙,沙滩爱好者会对此迷恋。

45、Mr.Trapani once waxed ecstatic about the growth potential of China. ─── 崔帕尼谈到中国的成长潜力时一度欣喜若狂。

46、After the Master had finished his bath, he again spoke of the ecstatic love of the gopis. ─── 师父洗完澡以后,又再次说起牧牛姑娘们心醉神迷的爱。

47、Sri Ramakrishna, still in an ecstatic mood, sat on the bench. ─── 室利罗摩克里希纳坐在长椅子上,仍然处于出神状态。

48、China reached the World Cup finals for the first time on Sunday by beating Oman 1-0 in an Asian qualifier,setting off a frenzy of celebration by hundreds of millions of ecstatic soccer fans around the country. ─── 中国队在星期天的亚洲资格赛中以1比0胜阿曼队,首次获得了世界杯决赛的入场券;全国上亿球迷欣喜若狂,纷纷庆祝这一盛事。

49、His wife gave birth to their first child, and he was ecstatic about it. ─── 他的妻子生下了他们的第一个孩子,他对此欣喜若狂。

50、Sally was ecstatic about her new job. ─── 萨莉对她的新工作高兴得发狂。

51、When things quieted down, in a hushed silence, punctuated by a few ecstatic "Amens", all the new young lambs were blessed in the name of God. Then joyous singing filled the room. ─── 一切平息了下来,在一片寂静之 中偶有几场欣喜若狂的“阿门”发出,所有的小羔羊都得到了上帝的祝福,教堂里回荡着欢快的歌声。

52、But stop and loiter all the time to sing it in ecstatic songs. ─── 只一直停留着徘徊着,用欢乐的歌曲来歌唱这些东西。

53、Cool it, Steve, and tell me why you're so ecstatic. ─── 冷静,史蒂夫,告诉我你为什么如此兴奋。

54、"The modern Brahmajnanis have not tasted Thy sweet bliss. Their eyes look dry and so do their faces. They won't achieve anything without ecstatic love of God. ─── “现代的梵之知者并没有品尝到你甜蜜的喜悦。他们的眼睛看上去是干枯的,他们的脸孔也是一样。没有对神狂喜的爱,他们什么也不能达成。”

55、He gave an ecstatic sigh of happiness. ─── 他发出如痴如醉的幸福叹息。

56、Austere, ecstatic craftsman, set apart From all who traffic in Apollo's mart, On thy phrased paten shall the Splendour be! ─── 其他报刊、杂志、网络媒体欲转载、链接、转贴或者以其他方式复制本文,务必注明“酷酷英语网”字样。如对稿件内容有疑议,请及时与酷酷英语网联系。

57、But one who remains ecstatic within the self; self illuminated and fully satisfied within the self only; activities do not exist for him. ─── 但是如果一个人,只迷醉于内在的自我觉醒,心灯自燃,完全满足于内在的自我的时候,行为活动对他来说就是不存在的.

58、I was ecstatic when I heard that I had won a scholarship to study music. ─── 听到我获得了学习音乐的奖学金我万分雀跃。

59、He was ecstatic at the news of his daughter's birth. ─── 他获悉女儿出生不禁欣喜若狂.

60、I remember taking a picture with both teams on the middle of the floor and I was ecstatic. ─── 不过我们仍旧仰慕那些球员,我还记得在场中央两队合影,我高兴得发狂。

61、he kept thinking, looking at her sparkling eyes, at the happy, ecstatic smile dimpling her cheeks under the moustache.He had never seen that smile before. ─── 他一面想道,一面望着她那闪闪发亮的眼睛和显得幸福的得意的微笑,这一笑使那胡子下面的面颊现出了一对酒靥。

62、In theory, I should be ecstatic about all the choices available; I no longer have to put up with bad service or shoddy goods. ─── 从理论上讲,我对能有这么多选择应该感到欣喜万分,我可以不再忍受低劣的服务和伪劣商品了。

63、Instead, driven into a kind of ecstatic fugue state by the labours of His Creation, God continued to work. ─── 相反,由于陷入了一种成就感所带来的淡淡欣喜之中,上帝兴奋起来,继续埋头苦干。

64、In his then state of ecstatic agony such a conquest would have cost him little ─── 在他当时痛苦恍惚的状态里,这样一次胜利不会要他付出多大代价。

65、One day, an old turtle slowly crawled leisurely manner beside a small bluestone, small bluestone ecstatic, it hastened to the old tortoise, said: "Turtle Grandpa, can you take me to the sea? ─── 一天,一只老乌龟慢慢悠悠地爬到了小青石身旁,小青石欣喜若狂,它连忙对老乌龟说:“龟爷爷,您能带我去大海吗?”

66、Thirty-four years later, to my ecstatic surprise, it became my honor and privilege to work on the fiction campaigns of LRH's monumental return to the world of fiction with Battlefield Earth and the Mission Earth series. ─── 三十四年后,讶异莫名的,我荣幸参与了LRH以地球战场和地球任务系列重返小说世界的的不朽盛事。

67、The couple was ecstatic at the birth of a daughter. ─── 例:这对夫妇因生了个女儿而欣喜若狂。

68、"I'm ecstatic that I am Olympic champion. It's always been my dream.” said Robles, who has dominated the event this season in the absence of Liu. ─── 刘翔的缺席使罗伯斯在本赛季的比赛中独占鳌头,他说:“成为奥运冠军,我太高兴了,这是我一直以来的梦想。”

69、Annie was ecstatic about the idea. ─── 安妮为这个主意欣喜若狂。

70、Compensation For each ecstatic instantWe must an anguish payIn keen and quivering ratioTo the ecstasy. For each beloved hourSharp pittances of years, Bitter contested farthingsAnd coffers heaped with tears. ─── 为每一个狂喜的瞬间我们必须偿以痛苦至极,刺痛和震颤正比于狂喜。为每一个可爱的时刻必偿以多年的微薄薪饷,辛酸争夺来的半分八厘和浸满泪水的钱箱。

71、The monk and the devotees looked wonderingly at him in his ecstatic condition. ─── 僧侣与奉献者都惊讶地看到他处于一种神迷的状态。

72、The beginning of the sea, is at noon, find the sea calm as a mirror, looking at the endless sea calm, really ecstatic. ─── 初到海边,已是正午,觉得海面平静的象一面镜子,看着一望无际平静大海,真是欣喜若狂。

73、"Rich dad pulled a dollar out of his wallet and gestured to the older man. Seeing the money, the derelict came over immediately, took the bill, thanked rich dad profusely and hurried off ecstatic with his good fortune." ─── 富爸爸掏出1美元,向乞丐招招手。看到钱,乞丐立即走过来,他收了钱,含糊不清地道了谢就欣喜若狂地拿着他的钱走了。

74、"Yes," said Bertha, with a smile that was almost ecstatic ─── “对”。伯莎带着一种差不多是入迷的微笑说。

75、They gave an ecstatic reception to the speech. ─── 他们给该演讲以热烈的欢迎。

76、Yet they died like anything but poets, died in mess ecstatic outbursts ─── 但是他们那种殉身的方式完全不象诗人,他们就会如醉如痴,一哄而起。

77、And the audience ecstatic, like a magician, took the girl goes on the face of a license to own affectionate one, a bright red lip print immediately appear in the magician's face. ─── 和观众一样欣喜若狂的魔术师,拿起那张少女牌往自己的脸上深情一贴,一道鲜红的唇印立即出现在魔术师的脸上。

78、She was ecstatic about her new job. ─── 她对新工作欣喜若狂。

79、The reaction from inside the conservative cocoon was at first ecstatic. ─── 保守派内部的第一反应是狂喜。

80、In such an exercise, two dragons shall unite as one in an ecstatic dance of energies that can be felt by both in the act of eye gazing. ─── 在这样的实践中,两条龙在能量的出神舞蹈中合二为一,你们双方都可从眼睛的对视中感受到这一点。

81、9.For a man who claimed an “ecstatic prescience of the glories beyond the grave”, it was a fitting existence. ─── 对于一个自称“醉心于预测生后荣耀”的人而言,他的死不愧为最好的注脚(这句的翻译有待商榷)。

82、You may be relieved or even ecstatic about the end of a symbol of terror, or maybe it seems like the pain is just beginning all over again. ─── 作为恐怖的象征的本拉登死了,对此你或许感到解脱,甚至是狂喜,或者也可能是曾经的痛苦又卷土重来。

83、The very sight of Harish made him ecstatic. ─── 哈里什的每个印象都让他狂喜。

84、Anyway, the upshot of all the stress and anxiety is that the hard work has paid off and even though you don’t quite get the A++ that your jammy friend got, you’re ecstatic with your well-earned B+. ─── 不管怎样,压力和焦虑都过去了,这是你下苦功的回报。尽管你没有象你的铁哥们那样得到A++ ,只得了个来之不易的B+,这也足够让你欣喜若狂了。

85、As sure as moonrise over Possession Island, king penguins gather each year for ecstatic display. ─── 就像月亮必然会在谱瑟斯恩岛上升起一样,每一年,帝企鹅都会毫无疑问地为“狂欢炫耀”而聚集。

86、an ecstatic lust ─── 如痴如醉的诱惑

87、But even as they plucked at him and struck him, Ikey remained in his ecstatic trance of joy. ─── 但是即使她们对他又拉又打,艾奇仍高兴得心醉神迷。

88、And she smiled her ecstatic smile. “What would you have? Lavater would have said that I have not the bump of paternity,” said the prince. ─── 她于是兴奋地莞然一笑。“怎么办呢?拉法特会说我没有父爱的骨相,”公爵说道。

89、Because as long as I see my face in the papers the next day, I'll be ecstatic ─── 因为只要我在第二天的报纸上看到我的脸,我就会很高兴

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