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09-14 投稿



gosling 发音

英:[ˈɡɑːzlɪŋ]  美:[ˈɡɒzlɪŋ]

英:  美:

gosling 中文意思翻译




gosling 网络释义

n. 小鹅;年轻无知者n. (Gosling)人名;(英、德、葡)戈斯林

gosling 词性/词形变化,gosling变形


gosling 短语词组

1、Gosling's Apalis ─── 小鹅的阿帕利斯

2、gosling rum ─── 小鹅朗姆酒

3、gosling bird ─── 小鹅鸟

4、gosling pest ─── 小鹅

5、gosling gander ─── 小鹅

6、gosling czubak ─── 吞咽峰

7、gosling wonder pets metacafe ─── 小鹅神奇宠物metacafe

8、gosling animal ─── 小鹅

9、gosling plague ─── 小鹅瘟疫

10、gosling definition ─── 小鹅定义

gosling 相似词语短语

1、moslings ─── 莫斯林

2、nousling ─── 努斯林

3、to sling ─── 吊起

4、tousling ─── v.弄乱(头发)(tousle的过去式及过去分词)

5、mousling ─── 滑鼠

6、godling ─── n.小神祗;地方神灵

7、goslings ─── n.小鹅;年轻无知者;n.(Gosling)人名;(英、德、葡)戈斯林

8、housling ─── 豪斯林

9、-isling ─── n.岛;vt.使成为岛屿;vi.住在岛屿上;n.(Isle)人名;(英)艾尔

gosling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Establishment and Application of Direct Flurescent Antibody Test for Gosling Plague Virus ─── 小鹅瘟病毒荧光抗体试验的建立与应用

2、Chelsea are set to move for Plymouth Argyle youngster Dan Gosling after watching him in action again at the weekend. ─── 切尔西在本周末再次看了普利茅斯的年轻球员的表现后已经准备签下他。

3、Diagnosis and Control of Gosling Pest ─── 小鹅瘟的诊断与防制

4、It seems to be an open and shut case, which is perfect for Willy Beachum (Gosling) of the D. ─── 原计划是再去爬野长城,但是路线上出了点问题,索性停在了慕田峪。

5、After affirming the field that raise goose produces gosling acute communicable diseases, should do urgent processing, otherwise, after virus is infected each other, control an illness very hard. ─── 在确认养鹅场发生小鹅瘟后,应做紧急处理,否则,病毒相互传染后,很难控制病情。

6、Vodka, Gosling's Rum? ─── 伏特加,戈斯林的酒?

7、1 Klaver JHJ,Greve EL,Gosling AH,et al.Blood and plasma viscosity measurement in patients with glaucoma.Br J Ophthalmol 1985; ─── 3刘杏,周文炳,葛坚,等.原发性开角型青光眼血液流变学改变及其对视功能的影响.中国实用眼科杂志1996;

8、According to Gosling, the professional snoop must be careful about jumping to any quick conclusions. ─── 据高斯林称,职业的窥探者必须小心,不要急于下结论。

9、Giles Gosling himself was somewhat scandalized at the obstreperous nature of their mirth. ─── 吉尔斯·戈斯林本人看到大家高兴起来那么喧哗,有点难为情。

10、Yangzhou gosling ─── 扬州鹅

11、gosling plague virus ─── 小鹅瘟病毒

12、She may not be very smart, but she has a pure love of a gosling are polite. ─── 她也许并不是很聪明,但是她有一颗纯净的爱心,对一只小鹅都彬彬有礼。

13、Research advance of gosling new type viral enteritis ─── 雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎的研究进展

14、gone gosling ─── n. 没有希望的人(无可救药的人)

15、"Well, when the first gosling stuck its little head out from under the goose, I was sitting on my stool in the corner and Charlotte was on her web. ─── "好吧。当第一只小鹅从鹅妈妈的身下伸出他的小脑袋时,我正在旁边的凳子上坐着,夏洛就在她的网上挂着。

16、AI Xiao-jie,HAN Zheng-kang.Effects cysteamine on the growth and performance in gosling [J].Chinese Journal of Animal Science,1999,35(6):43. ─── [3]艾晓杰,韩正康.半胱胺对雏鹅生长的的影响[J].中国畜牧杂志,1999,35(6):43.

17、Gosling: Whether you're doing intense algorithm design or not, I think computer programming is always an art. ─── 不管你在写代码时有没有用到算法,不可否认的是,计算机编程确实是一门艺术。

18、gosling plague ─── 古冈佐拉干酪

19、gosling pest ─── 小鹅瘟

20、The Blues had a scout in the stands watching Gosling as Argyle crashed to defeat against non-league Torquay United, fuelling rumours that a swoop could be on the cards. ─── 派了一个球探近距离观察了Gosling在普利茅斯击败业余联赛的TorquayUnited的比赛中的表现,这使得有关一次收购已经在牌面上的传闻愈演愈烈。

21、gosling new type viral enteritis virus ─── 雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎病毒

22、Isolation and identification of gosling plague antigens and preparation of highly immunized egg yolk antibodies ─── 小鹅瘟病原分离鉴定及高免卵黄抗体的研制

23、Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams star in this 4)tear-jerker about first love. ─── 赖恩•戈斯林和瑞秋•麦克亚当斯主演了这部关于初恋的催人泪下的影片。

24、A report on making a diagnosis and giving treatment for gosling pasteurellosis ─── 核桃散治疗牲畜肠痉挛效果好

25、Diagnosis and general Prevention and Cure on Gosling Plague ─── 小鹅瘟病诊断与综合防制

26、Influences of Enzyme Preparation on Enzyme Activities of Pancreatic Juice and Intestinal Chyme in Gosling ─── 米糠日粮添加酶制剂对雏鹅胰腺和食糜酶活性的影响

27、Giles Gosling himself was somewhat scandalized at the obstreperous nature of their mirth. ─── 吉尔斯·戈斯林本人看到大家高兴起来那么喧哗,有点难为情。

28、The third character in the film is a beautiful old wood-frame house that Gosling's character, Noah, fixes up to woo the woman he loves, Allie (McAdams). ─── 影片中第三个特别之处是片中高斯林扮影的角色诺亚追求他心爱女人艾丽(默克亚丹斯)而设的一栋美丽的老木宅。

29、said Giles Gosling, drinking off the cup, and smacking his lips with an air of ineffable relish. ─── 吉尔斯·戈斯林说,一面喝下一杯,带着妙不可言的神气把嘴唇咂一咂。

30、Research progress of Gosling plague ─── 小鹅瘟的研究进展

31、/James Gosling, Frank Yellin, the Java Team. ─── 书名/作者 The Java application programming interface.

32、Studies on the Purified Method and Nucleic Acid Strandedness and Structural Proteins of Gosling New Type Viral Enteritis Virus ─── 雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎病毒的提纯和核酸链型及结构蛋白分析

33、Gosling goes on to talk about the trade-offs between throughput and determinism. ─── Gosling接着谈到了吞吐量和确定性之间的取舍。

34、I'd say smoldering temptress. We're all relying on you, gosling. ─── 我会说是阴燃诱惑的女人。我们都指望你,傻帽。

35、Report of Treatment and Diagnosis on Gosling Plague ─── 小鹅瘟的诊治报告


37、Who meddleth in all things may shoe the gosling. ─── 爱管闲事只是浪费时间.

38、It can be foreseen that this individual actor to hold the film market, competition is also Gosling another opportunity for various awards. ─── 可以预见,这种以男主角个人撑场的电影,也是高斯林竞争各种奖项的又一次契机。

39、Now the foreign goose-egg was set under the broody hen and in due time a wonderful gosling hatched out. ─── 那只外国鹅蛋被放到了抱窝母鸡的肚皮下。时间一到,一只漂亮的小鹅被孵出来。

40、Effects of Crude Enzyme Preparation on Viscosity and pH of Intestinal Chyme in Gosling ─── 粗酶制剂对雏鹅小肠食糜粘度和pH的影响

41、Gosling's Apalis ─── n. 高氏娇莺

42、he asked Berthier, that “gosling I have made an eagle,” as he afterwards called him. ─── 他问那个他后来称之为“我使他变成了鹰的小鹅”的贝蒂埃。

43、Chelsea are set to move for Plymouth Argyle youngster Dan Gosling after watching him in action again at the weekend. ─── 切尔西在本周末再次看了普利茅斯的年轻球员的表现后已经预备签下他。

44、Study on the Agar Gel Precipitin Test to Detect Antigen and Antibody of the Gosling New Type Viral Enteritis ─── 琼脂扩散试验检测雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎病毒及抗体的研究

45、Diagnosis and prevention for Gosling plague ─── 小鹅瘟的诊断与防治

46、During that month off, Cianfrance wanted to "destroy the newness," Gosling says. ─── 在停工的那个月,斯安弗朗斯希望能够“粉碎新鲜感,”高斯林说。

47、Etiology and detection methods of gosling plague ─── 小鹅瘟病原学与检测方法的研究

48、shoe the gosling (=shoe the goose) ─── 徒劳无益; 干蠢事

49、a gone goose [gosling] ─── ((口语))无可救药的人,无能为力的事

50、Ryan Gosling: "I thought, 'Michelle Williams is trying to kill me. '" ─── 瑞恩·高斯林:“我想‘米歇尔·威廉姆斯试图在杀死我’。”

51、Who meddles in all things may shoe the gosling. ─── 闲事样样管,时间白白丢。

52、gosling plague virus VP3 gene vaccine ─── 小鹅瘟病毒vp3基因疫苗

53、A young goose is a gosling. ─── 小鹅英文叫gosling。


55、Substitute Dan Gosling's late winner broke Liverpool's hearts and ensured Everton set up a fifth round tie at home to Aston Villa. ─── 替补果子狸的绝杀球让利物浦老少的心都碎了,同时也报送埃弗顿晋级第五轮面对维拉。

56、Growth of the attenuated vaccine strain of new type gosling viral enteritis virus and study on its characteristics ─── 雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎病毒弱毒株的培育及其特性研究

57、Isolation and Primary Identification of Goose Parvovirus of Gosling Plaque ─── 小鹅瘟病毒分离与初步鉴定

58、Toffees youngster Dan Gosling grabbed the winner in the 119th minute, thus ending the Reds' hopes of adding another domestic knock-out title to their haul. ─── 太妃糖的年轻的中场格斯林119分钟的进球帮助埃弗顿夺得足总杯晋级入场券,同时也让红军晋级再一个淘汰赛的希望嘎然而止。

59、Studies on the Effects of Different Levels of Energy on Absorption and Utilization of Yolk Sac in Gosling ─── 不同能量水平对雏鹅卵黄囊吸收利用的影响

60、However, the fact that this collection of the world can never do things without losing too small is too small indeed.Pencil sharpener gosling was breaking, I am a sad good; ─── 然而,事实上,这世上能永远如愿珍藏而不失去的东西确实太少太少。

61、gosling blast ─── 小鹅风

62、The Gosling valley was once a valley of peace and prosperity.In Goslingit seemed the sun always shined, your neighbors smiled, and the harvestswere bountiful. ─── 在这个山谷里面,太阳总是照耀着大地、居民脸上都洋溢着笑容、收获的季节也是让人满载而归。

63、Can speculate that gosling plague virus is through drinking water, food, faeces, oral secretions, access to oral infected gosling. ─── 可以推测,小鹅瘟病毒在本实验同居组中可能是通过饮水、食物、粪便、分泌物等途径进入口腔感染雏鹅机体。

64、Heat gosling ─── 仔鹅

65、To kick the truth, in order to bring the perpetrators to justice, an ambitious young district attorney (Ryan?Gosling) into a final battle of the mental irreconcilable. ─── 为了揭开事情的真相,为了将罪犯绳之以法,雄心勃勃的年轻地方检察官(瑞恩?高斯林)最终陷入一场势不两立的心理大战之中。

66、A blacksmith once said to me, when...asked why her was not both blacksmith and whitesmith, " The smith that will meddle with all things may go shoe the gosling." ─── 有一回,我问一个铁匠,为什么不同时兼做锡匠,他对我说:“样样都搞的工匠结果将一无所成。”

67、He would kill a gosling if he could get away with it - the goose knew that.Everybody knew it. ─── 偶尔,来这里玩的埃弗里能在干草堆里找到一条可爱的小草蛇,便把它和兜里的别的宝贝装到一起。

68、Inoculating breeding gooses with gosling plague bacterin is the most economical and effective way to prevent gosling plague. ─── 种鹅接种小鹅瘟疫苗,是预防本病的最经济有效途径。

69、Pathogen Isolation and Identification of Gosling Plague and Development of Hyperimmune Yolk Antibody ─── 小鹅瘟病原分离鉴定及高免卵黄抗体研制

70、Gosling: Some of it's software. ─── 有一部分是软件吧。

71、General gosling feeding more than two months, the average body weight of up to 6-7 kg. ─── 一般雏鹅饲养两个多月后,其体重平均可达6至7公斤。

72、gosl management ─── 目标管理

73、Studies on the Rule of the Rise and Fall of Antibodies Against Gosling New Type Viral Enteritis and Relationship with Goslings Passive Immune Protection ─── 雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎弱毒株免疫种鹅抗体消长规律及其与后代雏鹅被动免疫保护关系的研究

74、new gosling type viral enteritis virus ─── 雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎病毒强毒

75、Prevalence of gosling plague and Its effective measures of prevention and control ─── 小鹅瘟的流行与有效防制措施

76、Advances of the Diagnostic Methods of Gosling Plague ─── 小鹅瘟血清学诊断方法研究进展

77、Two or three grave sedate-looking persons shook their heads, and left the inn, hinting, that if Gile Gosling wished to continue to thrive, he should turn his thriftless godless nephew adrift again. ─── 有两三个严肃而沉静的人却摇摇头,走出了旅店,暗示吉尔斯·戈斯林,要是他想生意继续兴隆,就该趁早打发这个奢侈无度、不敬上帝的外甥再到外面去漂流。

78、Effect Enzyme Preparation Supplemented to Barley Diet on Plasm a Levels of Metabolic Hormone and Biochemical Parameters in Gosling ─── 酶制剂对雏鹅代谢激素和生化指标的影响

79、When the first gosling poked its grey-green head through the goose's feathers and looked around, Charlotte spied it and made the announcement. ─── 当第一只小鹅刚从母鹅羽毛间伸出它深绿色的小脑袋朝四周张望时,就被夏洛看到了,它马上向大家宣布。

80、"Less than superlative?" said Giles Gosling, drinking off the cup, and smacking his lips with an air of ineffable relish. ─── “不是顶好的?”吉尔斯·戈斯林说,一面喝下一杯,带着妙不可言的神气把嘴唇咂一咂。

81、"there lies the goose with the young gosling," said Heinz. ─── 每天不到日当正午,懒鬼哈利可不想起床。

82、I personally believe, Gosling has a great chance to be nominated as the Best Actor in Oscar again this year. ─── 我认为,他有机会角逐奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。

83、Gosling infectious myocarditis virus ─── 雏鹅传染性心肌炎病毒, 鹅流感病毒

84、The isolation and identification of gosling plague ─── 小鹅瘟病毒的分离鉴定

85、gosling plague bacterin ─── 小鹅瘟疫苗

86、hard to tell it's even Gosling under that thinning hair and that sour demeanor, but it is. ─── 很难相信那个拥有稀薄的头发和难堪的行为方式的人会是高斯林,但是他确实是。

87、Effects of Enzyme Preparation on Viscosity and pH of Intestinal Chyme in Gosling ─── 米糠日粮添加酶制剂对雏鹅小肠食糜粘度和pH的影响

88、shoe the gosling ─── n. 徒劳无益(白费气力)

89、"Less than superlative?" said Giles Gosling, drinking off the cup, and smacking his lips with an air of ineffable relish ─── “不是顶好的?”吉尔斯?戈斯林说,一面喝下一杯,带着妙不可言的神气把嘴唇咂一咂。











4、Redis设计与实现 Redis实战



2、java数据结构和算法(Robert Lafore)



















基于 Apache Flink 的流处理

这本书主要讲解的 Flink 实时计算引擎相关的知识点,非常适合新手入门,里面有很多Flink 相关的技术概念、API 的使用讲解、注意事项等等,我把这本书已经看了三遍了,这本书也是最近才上市,本身也是 Flink PMC 编写的,同时也是 Flink Commitor 来进行翻译的,Flink 入门,这本书不错。

这本书 Flink 基础讲解的还可以,不过原理方面的话,建议还是去看源码会好一些,先知道整体的计算框架,然后再去看源码,这样会更清晰一些。

Hadoop 权威指南

《Hadoop 权威指南》可以说是我进入大数据领域学习的第一本书了,不管你学没学 Hadoop,未来你接触的大数据组件一般都会和 Hadoop 有关系。比如在集群资源管理方面,现在用的最多的还是 Hadoop 的 YARN 资源管理器。Hadoop HDFS (分布式文件系统)也用的很多,比如在 Flink 中,就会使用 HDFS 来存储实时计算应用程序的状态信息。

新同学如果想要在未来进入大数据领域,我建议可以先从这本书开始入手,Hadoop 生态系统非常的庞大,你学习完 Hadoop ,再去学习别的组件,这样未来学起来,会更容易一些。



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