disgorge 发音
英:[dɪsˈɡɔːrdʒ] 美:[dɪsˈɡɔːdʒ]
英: 美:
disgorge 中文意思翻译
disgorge 网络释义
vt. 吐出;被迫交出;香槟酒酿制过程中的一道程序,即在插入最后的软木塞前,把沉淀物从酒瓶中取出
disgorge 短语词组
1、disgorge law ─── 吐出法
2、disgorge merch ─── 未长大的女孩
3、disgorge mean ─── 吐出平均值
4、disgorge mex ─── 吐出mex
5、disgorge synonym ─── 吐出同义词
6、disgorge clue ─── 吐出线索
7、disgorge crossword ─── 吐字谜
disgorge 词性/词形变化,disgorge变形
动词现在分词: disgorging |动词过去式: disgorged |名词: disgorgement |动词过去分词: disgorged |动词第三人称单数: disgorges |
disgorge 相似词语短语
1、disgorges ─── vt.吐出;被迫交出;香槟酒酿制过程中的一道程序,即在插入最后的软木塞前,把沉淀物从酒瓶中取出
2、discharge ─── v.准许(某人)离开;释放;排出;放电;履行(职责);开火;卸货;(法官)撤销(法院命令);n.出院,免职;释放;(液体、气体等的)排出;排出物;放电;开枪;下客;履行责任;(债务的)清偿
3、disgorging ─── v.(使)流出;(大楼、车辆)放出(居民、乘客);交出(不正当所得的资金);吐出(食物);(河流)流入大海;在发酵后将沉淀物从(汽酒)中去除(disgorge的现在分词)
4、disgorgement ─── n.追缴;除酵母泥渣
5、disgorged ─── vt.吐出;被迫交出;香槟酒酿制过程中的一道程序,即在插入最后的软木塞前,把沉淀物从酒瓶中取出
6、to disgorge ─── 吐
7、disgorger ─── 去酒泥机
8、disgorgers ─── 去酒泥机
9、disgodded ─── 断开的
disgorge 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Thermodynamic production by steam gorge and disgorge ─── 蒸汽吞吐
2、But he would disgorge the bait now. ─── 现在他要把嘴里的钩吐出来。
3、disgorge food ─── 吐哺
4、(Chip in of 4) damp and hot: Element has damp and hot inside accumulate, disgorge of damp and hot is strong, blood of block sluggish gas moves; ─── (4)湿热下注:素有湿热内蕴,湿热流注冲任,阻滞气血运行;
5、Fearful that a large state company may fail and disgorge angry, unemployed peasants onto the streets, local party officials pressure state banks to keep the credit flowing and spare the jobs. ─── 地方党政官员害怕某家大型国企的倒闭会让愤怒的、失去饭碗的农民涌上街头,因此,他们向国有银行施压,要求它们持续为企业贷款,以保住工作机会。
6、The fire lion is the king of monsters, it can disgorge fire. ─── 火狮为兽中之王,纳群山之灵气,集百兽之神威,一身正气,既能镇
7、15 The riches he swallowed he shall disgorge; God shall compel his belly to disown them. ─── 他并吞的财富,必要吐出,天主必使之由他腹中呕出。
8、The crow knows to disgorge its food in order to feed its parents ─── 鸦知反哺
9、You owe me 5come on, disgorge! ─── 你欠我5 英镑,快,吐出来!
10、Can drop along film of muscle of lumbar big muscle in the waist, form abscess of lumbar big muscle, but disgorge comes inguinal lower part, yi Ke bypasses femur small rotor comes coxal. ─── 在腰部可沿腰大肌筋膜下降,形成腰大肌脓肿,可流注至腹股沟下方,亦可绕过股骨小转子至臀部。
11、They persuaded him to disgorge the missing documents. ─── 他们劝他交出不见的文件。
12、to disgorge radioactive waste into the atmosphere ─── 把放射性废物排入大气中
13、gorge and disgorge ─── 吞吐
14、She was trying hard to disgorge a fish bone. ─── 她拚命想把鱼刺吐出来。
15、disgorge v. ─── 吐, 吐出;
16、London had already begun to disgorge its workers as he neared Putney Bridge; the ant-heap was on the move outwards. ─── 汽车快到普尼桥时,伦敦已经开始吐出那些做工的人;蝼蚁似的人群正向城外涌去。
17、If the prey item is too big, the frog can simply disgorge its stomach and wait it out for the next meal. ─── 如果捕食对象过大,这种青蛙可能会把它吐出来,再等下一餐。
18、44 I will punish Bel in Babylon, and make him disgorge what he swallowed; peoples shall stream to him no more. The wall of Babylon falls! ─── 我必惩罚巴比伦的贝耳,由他口里夺出他所吞灭的,万民必不再向他涌来,因为巴比伦的城墙已倒塌。
19、In line with theory on agency cost of dividend, a high rate of dividend payment could make the manager disgorge extra free cash flow, thus reducing the agency cost of free cash flow. ─── 股利代理成本理论认为,较高的股利支付水平可以迫使经理人“吐出”自由现金流,从而降低企业自由现金流代理成本。
20、The ground had opened to disgorge a boiling stream of molten lava. ─── 地面大开,沸腾的熔岩从中喷出。
21、cough up one's profits; disgorge one's illegal gains ─── 吐还赌赢的钱
22、Let the dog disgorge the bone ─── 让狗吐出骨头
23、As you do not disgorge previous compensation, the incentive is to engage in trades that explode rarely, after a period of steady gains. ─── 由于你不用吐出以前获得的薪酬,在这种激励之下,在获得一段时期的稳定收入后,你将会进行那些偶尔会崩盘的交易。
24、You owe me 5: come on, disgorge!. ─── 你欠我5英镑,快,吐出来!.
25、London had already begun to disgorge its workers as he neared Putney Bridge; the ant-heap was on the move outwards. ─── 汽车快到普尼桥时,伦敦已经开始吐出那些做工的人;蝼蚁似的人群正向城外涌去。
26、Such a bitch and immoral prostitute will not disgorge good speech! ─── 一个下贱的臭婊子说不出什麽好话!
27、3.In the evenings when he was free, he would stare fixedly at this clay friend who could only swallow money but not disgorge it .In a low voice he would exhort it, "Eat more, old boy, eat more! ─── 晚间无事的时候,他钉坑儿看着这个只会吃钱而不愿吐出来的瓦朋友,低声的劝告:“多多的吃,多多的吃,伙计!
28、Unwilling to disgorge the cash he had stolen from the pension fund, the embezzler tried to run away. ─── 贪污者不愿交出从养恤基金里窃取的现金,试图逃之夭夭。
29、to order the criminal to return the spoils; to recover stolen money or goods; to make somebody disgorge the spoils ─── 追赃
30、Orthogonal Design for Parameters of Thermodynamic Production by Steam Gorge and Disgorge in Thick Oil Deposit ─── 稠油油田蒸汽吞吐热采参数的正交设计
31、to disgorge half-digested food ─── 吐出没完全消化的食物
32、and when i set my house down ,i will talk to you ,the bitch woman more ,and i will teach you how to become a good disgorge woman. ─── 还是先在这里住一段时间吧,等以后再慢慢迁吧,至少要比一次性搬的累的要命的强很多倍。
33、evert Turn inside out, disgorge; used of guts protruding from the mouth of a fish brought up quickly from depth when the swimbladder expands and pushes internal organs out. ─── 外翻翻转过来,吐出;当鱼类从深海中快速浮起,泳鳔膨胀而推动内脏的时候,肠道从口中凸出。
34、London had already begun to disgorge its workers as he neared Putney Bridge; the ant-heap was on the move outwards ─── 汽车快到普尼桥时,伦敦已经开始吐出那些做工的人;蝼蚁似的人群正向城外涌去。
35、They pursue other birds, forcing them to disgorge the fish they have caught. ─── 它们追赶别的鸟儿,强迫它们吐出抓到的鱼。
36、to disgorge ill-gotten gains ─── 吐赃
37、The soldiers had to disgorge the jewels which they had plundered ─── 士兵被迫交出抢劫的珠宝。
38、If coastal ice shelves buttressing the west Antarctic ice sheet continue to disintegrate, the sheet could disgorge into the ocean, raising sea levels by several metres in a century. ─── 假如支撑西南极洲冰盖的沿岸冰架持续解体,那么冰盖就会泄入海洋,百年之内海平面便将上升数米。
39、disgorge ill-gotten gains ─── 退赃
40、Unwilling to disgorge the cash he had stolen from the pension fund, the embezzler tried to run away. ─── 贪污者不愿交出从养恤基金里窃取的现金,试图逃之夭夭。
41、to disgorge something illicitly obtained ─── 被迫交出非法所得
42、and after great labor they disgorge it, and spend an hour in the endeavor to crack it by repeated blows with their bills. ─── 费尽力气又把它吐了出来,用它们的嘴嚎啄个不休,企图啄破它,显然这是一群窃贼,我不很尊敬它们;
43、You owe me 5: come on, disgorge! ─── 你欠我5英镑,快,吐出来!
44、The necks of the bottles are then frozen and the corks removed to disgorge the accumulated sediments. ─── 然后将瓶的颈部冻结并拔去瓶口的软木塞除去聚集的沉淀物。
45、4.You owe me 5: come on, disgorge! ─── 你欠我5英镑, 快, 吐出来!
46、"Tethered and collared, cormorants catch and disgorge fish into a boat in Japan. ─── 在日本,鸬鹚被绳绑着,戴上脖套,它们捕鱼并被迫把鱼吐回船里。
47、Today is the American Memorial Day (Memorial Day holiday). market activity rather tepid, some traders to disgorge the profits. ─── 因为今天是美国的阵亡将士纪念日(Memorial Day holiday),市场交投相当清淡,一些交易员进行了获利回吐。
48、Unwilling to disgorge the cash he had stolen , the embezzler tried to run away . ─── 不愿吐出窃来的钱,这个贪污犯想逃走。
49、disgorge freight ─── 卸货
50、Disgorge the last circle of smoke ─── 吐出最后一个烟圈
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