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09-06 投稿



duplex 发音

英:[ˈduːpleks]  美:[ˈdjuːpleks]

英:  美:

duplex 中文意思翻译





duplex 短语词组

1、duplex balance ─── [计] 双工平衡

2、duplex computer ─── [计] 双计算机

3、duplex artificial line ─── [计] 双工仿真线

4、bridge duplex system ─── [电] 桥形双工系统

5、baudot duplex ─── [电] 波多特双工制

6、duplex communication line ─── [计] 双工通信线路

7、duo-duplex ─── [计] 双行影象-双式法

8、differential duplex system ─── [电] 差动双工系统

9、Bacterium duplex ─── [医] 慢性结膜炎 ─── [嗜血]杆菌

10、duplex apartment ( ─── 占有两层的公寓单元)跳层公寓单元

11、combination duplex ─── [计] 组合双工制

12、duplex apparatus ─── [计] 双工设备, 双工装置

13、duplex communication ─── [计] 双式通信

14、duplex calculating ─── [计] 双重计算

15、duplex carburetter ─── [机] 双汽化器

16、duplex cable ─── [计] 双股电缆

17、duplex artificial circuit ─── [计] 双工仿真电路

18、differential duplex ─── [计] 差动双工

19、duplex channel ─── [计] 双向信道

duplex 常用词组

duplex stainless steel ─── 双相不锈钢;二联不锈钢

full duplex ─── 全双工

half duplex ─── 半双工;半双向;半两用

duplex 词性/词形变化,duplex变形


duplex 相似词语短语

1、diplex ─── adj.双重通信的

2、duplexer ─── n.[通信]双工器;天线转换开关

3、suplex ─── n.后拉抱

4、duplets ─── n.[物]电子对;粒子对

5、Dupleix ─── n.(Dupleix)人名;(法)迪普莱

6、duplet ─── n.[物]电子对;粒子对

7、duple ─── adj.双重的;二倍的;双拍子的;n.(Duple)人名;(西)杜普莱

8、duplexes ─── n.工器;双连单位(duplex的复数)

9、Supplex ─── n.仿棉锦纶;供应尼龙

duplex 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Duplex filters, equalizer and attenuator all adopted plug-in design. ─── 双工滤波器、均衡器、衰减器采用插件式设计。

2、Improper use of word duplex, but often meant to signify a second equipment or computing devices which would substitute for original equipment in case of failure. ─── “双工”这个词的一种不恰当的用法,但经常还是用来指万一出现故障时能代替原先设备的一组后备装置或计算设备。

3、SOAP faults convey error condition information from a service to a client and, in the duplex case, from a client to a service in an interoperable way. ─── SOAP错误可将错误情况信息从服务传达到客户端,在双工情况下,还可以以互操作方式从客户端传达到服务。

4、The wsDualHttpBinding supports session communication and allows duplex communication by providing dual HTTP connections, one for each direction. ─── wsDualHttpBinding支持会话通信,并通过提供双HTTP连接(一个连接对应于一个方向)来允许进行双工通信。

5、The nested duplex PCR has 105 times more sensitiveness than usual PCR, 4、The total DNA from sick woods of Pinus massoniana was extracted using improved SDS method. ─── 4.应用改良的SDS方法,直接从马尾松病木中提取线虫DNA,并通过巢式多重PCR技术成功鉴定出病木中的拟松材线虫和松材线虫。

6、In 2002,TBS smelted successfully duplex UNS S31803 the first tim and get certified by related administration. ─── 2002年,我们成功炼制了第一炉双相钢,质量得到相关权威部门的鉴定和认可。

7、Which of the connections can be full duplex? ─── 哪一连接可能是完整的双三极管?

8、Dezincification of duplex brass, which is a form of corrosion, may occur when in contact with certain aggressive waters. ─── 两相黄铜的脱锌现象,是一种腐蚀,当接触到某些侵蚀性水时可能发生。

9、In 2007,TBS are honored to be one of the member for issuing Duplex Standards In China. ─── 2007年,我公司参与制定了双相钢无缝管国家标准。

10、As a result, one full duplex implementation needs 33 MIPS, 1.7 K words of program memory, and 2.3 K words of data memory. ─── 实际结果表明,一路全双工实现所需计算量为33 MIPS(兆整点指令每秒),1.7 K字程序空间和2.3 K 字数据空间。

11、A fire wall is to be in place if it is a traditional duplex style. ─── 一个防火墙是在地方,如果它是一个传统的双面风格。

12、Copies and prints in duplex mode just as easily as it does with simplex documents. ─── 使用双面复印或打印,跟操作单面文件一样方便。

13、Product range in Carbon and Alloy Steel, 316 Stainless, Duplex, Monel, Hastelloy, Inconel, Alloy 20 and Titanium. ─── 产品范围包括碳钢,合金钢,316不锈钢,双炼钢,蒙乃尔,哈司特镍合金,因科镍合金,合金20和钛。

14、Would you like a duplex or a mobile home? ─── 你想要双层楼公寓还是活动房屋?

15、In duplex Doppler ultrasound, malignant tumors display more abundant blood flow within and higher resistance index. ─── 在双功能多普勒超声中,恶性肿瘤内部血流更为丰富,阻力指数(ri)较高。

16、The Media Access Control method treats the link as point-to-point.Since separate fibers are used for transmitting (Tx) and receiving (Rx) the connection is inherently full duplex. ─── 媒体存取控制方法将传输链结视为点对点的连接方式,因为传送与接收线路采用分离的光纤,因此该链结本质上就是传双工的。

17、With your large family, renting a duplex might be just what you need. ─── 像你这样的大家庭,租套两层楼的公寓正好。

18、Full duplex: Data transmission in both directions simultaneously. ─── 全双向:数据同时的接收及传发.

19、If a fight broke out, Janus and Duplex could stay out of the fracas. ─── 如果战争爆发了,雅努斯和迪普勒可以抑制这次喧噪。

20、Top location, close to all. 3 b/r home, located on good-sized bloc, separate lounge & eat-in kit, suitable for duplex or potential future unit redevelopment. ─── 位于高位,短途到车站及商店*3睡房家庭住宅,位于超大占地*独立客厅和可进餐厨房*适合做排屋,未来可重新开发。

21、Typically, they were half duplex, meaning that they could not send and receive data at the same time. ─── 典型的,他们是半双工的,这就意味着他们不能同时发送和接受数据。

22、The MSP430 microprocessor is employed as the controlling unit, which is produced by Texas Instruments Company.With being controlled by MSP430, the wireless full- duplex comm... ─── 介绍了射频和基带的硬件构成,设计了 MSP430 对数据进行采样的方法,阐述了基站和移动台之间建立同步数据链路的过程,给出了用软件实现时分双工的基本思路。

23、Linux: Recording in full duplex (playing existing tracks while recording) on some systems causes mono recordings to sound distorted or low-pitched. ─── Linux:在某些系统上使用全双工方式录音(在录音时播放已有音轨)将导致单声道录音听起来失真或音调偏低。

24、As a result, signals leak across conventional hybrids at all other frequencies causing oscillation in full duplex systems and unreliable VOX(Voice Operated Xmit)operation in half-duplex systems. ─── 因此,在所有不同频率上信号通过传统的混合线路,信号泄漏会在全双工系统和不可靠的VOX(话音控制发射)在半双工系统中的操作中产生震荡。

25、Duplex cutter: A sheeting device which cuts two different sheet lengths from the web simultaneously. ─── 双刀裁纸机:把纸卷切成单张的装置。它能同时切出两种长度的纸张。

26、Each antenna can be configured for simplex or duplex operation, allowing the system to also be operated as an airborne microwave repeater. ─── 每个天线,可配置为单操作或双面,使系统也将微波营运,空降中继器。

27、FTTH Cable, Tight Buffer Fiber, Duplex&Simplex, Breakout Tight Buffer, Subgrouping .Distribution, Armour ed out, Bumble. ─── [相关分类:电缆附件,导线附件,连接器,终端,通信电缆

28、Also referred to as duplex or two-sided printing, this option allows you to print on both sides of the paper, regardless of paper orientation or source. ─── 也称为“双面”或“两面”打印,此选项使您能够在纸张的两个页面上进行打印,而不管纸张方向或纸张来源。

29、A duplex apartment. ─── 二联式公寓

30、The compressive structure mainly includes base-involved structure (back thrust pattern and thrust pattern), imbricate duplex structure and cover-slipped structure. ─── 压缩构造样式主要包括背冲式和冲断式基底卷入型构造、叠瓦状双重构造和冲隆式盖层滑脱构造;

31、Duplex cutter A sheeting device which cuts two different sheet lengths from the web simultaneously. ─── 双刀裁纸机把纸卷切成单张的装置。它能同时切出两种长度的纸张。

32、Duplex envelope paper: Generally made by twin-wire,with a colour on one side and white on the other,to improve opacity. ─── 双面信封纸:通常是由双网造纸机造成。一面是白色,另一面是其他颜色,以增加不透明度。

33、The old formula homo duplex is therefore verified by the facts. ─── 人类两重性的旧程式便得到的事实的验证,

34、Throughput set to half duplex instead of full duplex. ─── 被设置为半双工而不是全双工的吞吐量。

35、A luminaire may be provided with a maximum of one duplex or two single convenience receptacles. ─── 一套灯具可以配备一个负荷为最大值的双面插座或两个简易型插座。

36、The Duplex sample demonstrates how to define and implement a duplex contract. ─── “双工”示例演示如何定义和实现双工协定。

37、It is also recommended that Exchange mailbox servers be configured with 100 mbt Full Duplex networks or greater. ─── 同时建议为Exchange邮箱服务器配置100 mbt或更高的全双工网络。

38、Compound type duplex air release va. ─── 复合式双口排气阀。

39、My home is duplex, I am always very tired after homework, this is the bed which loves me the most. ─── "这是就最最喜爱我的大床了"楼主这句话有点匪夷所思。。。

40、Duplex Pertaining to a transmission system where data may be received and transmitted.Half duplex involves transmission or reception in any one time only.Full duplex involves transmission or reception simultaneously. ─── 关于传送系统方面,数据可以接收及传发。半双向指在任何时间的单向传发或接收。全双向指同时接收及传发。

41、A hinterland-dipping duplex is located in the east side of the structure. It is a piggyback type fan in the front. ─── 其东侧后缘为倾向腹地的双冲构造(hinterland dipping duplex),前缘为背驭式的叠瓦扇(piggyback imbricate fan)。

42、Because of the half duplex communication mode,it is important to solve the problem of communication conflict,so as to improve the reliability and the stability of the system. ─── 因其通信方式大多是半双工的,解决其总线数据传输的冲突,即通信避障,就成了提高其工作可靠性、稳定性的关键和前提。

43、Grand Central Hotel Shanghai owns best duplex president suite of Shanghai with a private Hanging Garden.The picture shows the group photo of Domingo and Mr. ─── 上海大酒店拥有沪上首屈一指的复式总统套房,并配有一处闹中取静的空中花园。

44、Ensure all data is synchronized between the disk volume pairs and are in a full-duplex state, as shown in Listing 17. ─── 确保所有数据均在磁盘卷对之间同步,并且处于全双工状态,如清单17所示。

45、Duplex round indoor cable (type I), which uses loose tube fiber as the basic component, is specially designed for indoor cabling. ─── 全双工轮室内电缆(第一类),即用松管光纤作为基本的组成部分,是专门设计用于室内布线。

46、duplex winding transformer: used for connecting the two power system voltage grade. ─── 双绕组变压器:用于连接电力系统中的两个电压等级。

47、Maybe you'd like to live in a townhouse or a duplex. ─── 也许你喜欢住联排住宅或双层公寓。

48、According to this scheme, full duplex wireless communication is established directly between one robot and another without the control by a computer. ─── 在该设计中,机器人之间可以直接进行无线通信,摆脱了计算机的控制。

49、Simplex: Data communication in one direction only. Contrast to Full duplex , Half duplex. ─── 单向:数据只作一个方向的传送。有别于全变向,半变向。

50、This 750 sq ft Grand Duplex Suite is one of three similarly styled rooms housed in what was once the ballroom of the original city club. ─── 这套750平方英尺的豪华复式套房是3套类似风格的客房之一,这里曾是最初这个城市俱乐部的舞厅。

51、Thus it is proved that the duplex refinement craft of AOD and electric-arc furnace for high strength low metal alloy steel is practical. ─── 从AOD工作层砌筑与烘烤、电弧炉熔炼配合、AOD精炼操作过程控制及产品验证等方面进行阐述,证明用AOD与电弧炉双联精炼高强度低合金钢工艺切实可行。

52、If the attached station is operating in full duplex then the station may send and receive simultaneously and collisions should not occur. ─── 假如接上的机台是以全双工模式运作,此机台可以同时发送和接收,碰撞应该不发生。

53、The holoenzyme recognizes specific nucleotide sequences on the DNA duplex(promoters). ─── 全酶还能识别DNA双链分子上的特定核苷酸序列(起动基因)。

54、This includes packaging materials like coated duplex board and corrugated cardboard, as well as certain paper stationery, of which recycled materials from paper recycling plants are increasingly used for production. ─── 另一方面,部分企业采用循环再造物料进行生产,产品包括白板纸及瓦楞纸等包装物料,以及若干类纸制文具。

55、full-duplex data transfers" mean? ─── 全双工数据传输是什么意思?

56、Duplex Double, or having two distinct parts. The term is particularly used to describe the double helix of the Watson-Crick DNA model. ─── 双的(双链):双的或两个截然不同的部分。尤其用于描述沃森-克里克DNA模型的双螺旋。参见DNA

57、A luminaire may be provided with a maximum of one duplex or two single convenience receptacles . ─── 一套灯具可以配备一个负荷为最大值的双面插座或两个简易型插座。

58、Color duplex ultrasonography can provide sufficient information for treatment of patients the. ─── 双功彩超可为大部分患者的治疗提供较充分的信息;

59、Duplex structure, refined decoration, furniture, home appliances are bought, the apartment is very luxurious 4 stars! ─── 复式结构,精装修,家电家具都是新买的,本公寓是4星级非常豪华!

60、The accuracy of PPG in evaluating venous reflux was 67%compared with that of color duplex ultrasonography. ─── 与双功彩超相比,PPG探测下肢静脉倒流性疾病的精确度为67%。

61、Echogenicity changes in duplex thyroids. It is advised to have it reexamined regularly. ─── 两叶甲状腺回声改变:定期复查。

62、Servers expected to handle a load greater than 7 Mbps should have either two 100-Mbps, full duplex network connections, or a single gigabit Ethernet network connection. ─── 如果预期的处理负载超过7 Mbps,则服务器就应该有两个100 Mbps的全双工网络连接,或一个千兆比特的以太网连接。

63、Configures a callback service implementation in a duplex client application. ─── 在双工客户端应用程序中配置回调服务实现。

64、Duplex, triplex, row housing, or townhouses. Two or more dwellings that are attached physically but are owned and/or occupied by different people. ─── 双并屋、三并屋、并列房、城市屋灯,指两个以上实体相连,但属于不同屋主的住宅。

65、Half duplex (HDX). FDX-normal response mode and FDX-asynchronous response mode of HDLC respectively is simulated. The results of simulation are analysed and illustrated. ─── HDLC半双工(HDX)、全双工正常响应方式(FDX-NRM)和全双工异步响应方式(FDX-ARM)的模拟。

66、Duplex envelope paper Generally made by twin-wire, with a colour on one side and white on the other, to improve opacity. ─── 双面信封纸通常是由双网造纸机造成。一面是白色,另一面是其他颜色,以增加不透明度。

67、Duplex paper: Paper with a different colour or finish on each side. ─── 双面纸:底面颜色不同或修面方法不同的纸张。

68、Power is supplied through duplex feeding and two Cummings (USA) standby diesel engine generators are furnished. ─── 二路供电,配有2台美国康明斯备用柴油机发电机组。

69、Spike duplex attachment on one side of 1 / 2“ duplex chain. We are based in Ca... ─── 南非公司求购特殊传动链2007-5-8其它国家和地区.南非有效期:30天

70、The stores on the 8-shaped corridor form a pedestrian street of brands. The inside duplex design extends the charm of personalized business. ─── 8字环廊底商,营造步行品牌街区,内部跃层设计,延展个性商业魅力。

71、Be liberal with duplex or angiography after blunt trauma when cervical vessel injuries cannot be ruled out. ─── 即使没有临床表现,颈部的钝器伤仍有严重血管损伤的可能;

72、If your printer supports two-sided printing (or duplex printing), verify that Two-sided or Two-sided, flip short side is selected under 2-sided printing options. ─── 如果您的打印机支持双面打印,请验证是否在“双面打印选项”下选择了“双面”或“双面,翻转短边”。

73、Other binding modes also occur, depending on the target DNA sequence and on how we modify the PNA's bases.Of these, double duplex invasion is particularly interesting. ─── 如果目标DNA序列以及PNA分子上碱基有所修改,我们还可观察到其他结合模式,其中双重双股螺旋入侵格外有趣。

74、Hong Kong property developer has sold a duplex apartment for a world record price, less than three months after the territory technically emerged from recession. ─── 一家香港房地产开发商已按全球创纪录价格出售一套复式公寓,而理论上目前香港脱离衰退还不到三个月。

75、For ease of use, duplex scanning captures both sides of documents in one pass, and enhanced Perfect Page image processing make your images crisp and clean. ─── 在易于使用方面,双面扫描可一次过采集文档的两面,而增强“完美页面”影像处理则可使您的影像无比清晰洁净。

76、FTA62O-WG Duplex Controllers are intended to operate two AC pump motors. ─── WG豪华型控制装置适用于两台单相交流电泵电机。

77、A special liquid, hermetically vacuum-sealed, is employed in a unique duplex design. ─── 在独特的双结构内,采用了一种特殊的液体,并实现气密般的真空密封。

78、The surface outlets at Ertan hydropower plant are arc gates,and the hoisting devices are duplex hydraulic hoists. ─── 二滩电厂表孔采用弧形门,启闭形式为双缸液压启闭机。

79、Full duplex connections can receive and transmit data at the same time. ─── 全双工连接可同时接收和发送数据。

80、Pardon my ignorance, but what is a 'duplex'? ─── 请原谅我无知,duplex是什么呢?

81、A duplex contract requires a session, because a context must be established to correlate the set of messages being sent between the client and the service. ─── 双工协定需要会话,因为必须建立上下文才能将客户端和服务之间发送的一组消息关联在一起。

82、And give some class which can pass COM1, COM2 to realize full duplex communicate. ─── 关键词:串行通信;分布式控制;通信应用程序接口;

83、The conventional treatment for a duplex kidney with a poorly functioning upper-pole moiety is an upper pole heminephroureterectomy. ─── 对于功能不佳之上侧肾盂及输尿管的传统治疗为半肾输尿管切除术。

84、Network administrators can manually configure the interface speed and duplex values if necessary. ─── 如有必要,网路管理人员能够手动调整介面的速率与双工值。

85、The client must provide a class that implements the callback interface of the duplex contract, for receiving messages from the service. ─── 客户端必须提供一个实现双工协定回调接口的类,以便从服务接收消息。

86、Dezincification of duplex brass , which is a form of corrosion. may occur when in contact with cart ain aggressive waters. ─── 两相黄铜脱锌现象,是一种腐蚀,当接触到某些侵蚀性水时可能发生.

87、If you have the same speed and duplex settings, this helps to support reliable communication. ─── 如果拥有同样的速度和双工设置,将有助于支持可靠的通信。

88、Simplex/Duplex-indicates if this sst is a simplex or duplex configuration. ─── Simplex/Duplex -- 指示该 "sst" 是单一配置还是双重配置。

89、Most MCUs have only one duplex USART, that can't meet the demands for multi- MCU application. ─── 大多数MCU中只有一个全双工串行口,不能满足多MCU应用的需求。









一、在影响就业之前,人工智能将会对雇主产生影响 长期来看, 人工智能不会摧毁就业市场——至少在2018年是不可能的。但是企业面临着一个重大挑战:只有汇集了来自不同种类的数据以及不同学科的团队成员时,人工智能才能发挥出最大的效果。同时,它还需要借助相应的结构和技能来实现人机协作。但是大多数企业都把数据存放在联合企业和团队的数据库里。 很少有企业开始为员工提供他们所需要的基本人工智能技能。普通的企业还没有准备好满足人工智能的需求。可能你读到过很多这样的新闻:机器人和人工智能将会摧毁工作机会。但我们并不这样认为。我们看到一个更加复杂的情况成为焦点,人工智能将会促进就业市场逐步演变,只要正确的应对这一趋势,就会对就业产生积极的影响。新的工作机会将抵消那些失去的。人们仍然会进行工作,但他们会在人工智能的帮助下更高效地工作。 同样,你也可能听说了人工智能击败了世界上最厉害的国际象棋大师。但并不是每个人都知道什么才能击败人工智能象棋大师:一个“人机结合”系统,或者人和人工智能作为一个团队去下棋。人类能够从人工智能合作伙伴那里获取建议,但也可以自由的推翻它。这是两者建立联系的过程,也是取得成功的关键。 这种无与伦比的组合将成为未来劳动力队伍中的新常态。考虑一下人工智能将会如何加强产品设计的过程:人类工程师定义每个零件使用的材料、特征和各种约束条件,并将其输入到人工智能系统中,从而生成大量模型。然后,工程师可以选择其中的一个模型,也可以改进他们的输入,然后让人工智能再次尝试生成模型。 这种模式是人工智能促进经济发展的一个原因。然而,不可否认的是,在一些行业,经济体和企业(尤其是那些涉及重复性工作的行业,经济和企业)中,工作将会改变或被淘汰。不过,在接下来的两年内,影响相对有限:根据普华永道的国际就业自动化研究估计,在对29个国家的分析中,到2020年,存在高度自动化风险的就业岗位仅约3%。

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