hydrothermal 发音
英:[haɪdrə(ʊ)'θɜːm(ə)l] 美:[,haɪdrə'θɝml]
英: 美:
hydrothermal 中文意思翻译
hydrothermal 网络释义
adj. [地质] 热液的;热水的
hydrothermal 短语词组
1、hydrothermal experiment ─── 热水实验
2、hydrothermal solution ─── 热液溶解作用
3、hydrothermal stage ─── 热液期
4、hydrothermal crystallization ─── [化] 水热结晶
5、hydrothermal treatment ─── [医]水热处理
6、geothermal resource of hydrothermal type ─── 水热型地热资源
7、hydrothermal alteration ─── 热液蚀变
8、hydrothermal condition ─── 水热条件
9、hydrothermal alteration contour ─── 热液蚀变等高线
10、hydrothermal alternation ─── 热液交代
11、hydrothermal vent ─── 深海热泉; ─── 深海热液喷口
12、hydrothermal crystal growth ─── [机] 热液晶体生长
13、hydrothermal area ─── 热水区
14、hydrothermal synthesis ─── 热液合成
15、hydrothermal activity ─── 水热活动
16、hydrothermal alteration zone ─── 水热蚀变带
17、hydrothermal alteration halo ─── 热液蚀变晕
18、hydrothermal method ─── [化] 晶体生长水热法
19、hydrothermal deposit ─── 热液矿床
hydrothermal 词性/词形变化,hydrothermal变形
副词: hydrothermally |
hydrothermal 相似词语短语
1、hydrothermally ─── adv.热水地;热液地
2、hypothermal ─── adj.温热的;不冷不热的
3、hydrothecae ─── 水生动物
4、homothermal ─── adj.恒温的;同温的
5、heterothermal ─── 异热
6、hydrotherapy ─── n.水治疗法
7、endothermal ─── adj.吸热的
8、hydrotheca ─── n.螅鞘,水螅鞘
9、homeothermal ─── adj.恒温的(等于homoiothermal)
hydrothermal 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The metal-sulfide-enriched hydrothermal fluid and thermal power of the granitic magma provide energy and carrier for the activation and movement of gold element,... ─── 岩浆中富金属硫化物的热液以及岩浆自身的热能,为地层和岩浆中金元素的活化和运移提供了能量和载体,对金起着捕获和富集的作用,有利于金矿床的形成。
2、This paper introduced the species and energy sources of microorganisms which inhabit in the vicinity of deep-sea hydrothermal vents. ─── 摘要介绍了生长在深海热液喷口周围的微生物的种类及其生长繁殖的能量来源;
3、Laminated siliceous rocks in country rocks might represent the nature of the Devonian hydrothermal sedimentary rocks. ─── 围岩中的层纹状硅质岩可能代表了泥盆纪时期的热水沉积岩性质。
4、You might film this unbelievable hydrothermal vent, which you think at the time has to be on another planet. ─── 当你拍摄下这个令人难以置信的深海热液喷口的时候,你会觉得仿佛置身于另一个星球之上。
5、Chen Dajing and Xie Shiye.2004.Basic character of hydrothermal depositional mineralization in Guangxi.Mineral Resources and Geology,18:415-421. ─── [1]陈大经,谢世业.2004.广西热水沉积成矿作用的基本特征.矿产与地质,18:415-421.
6、So this article proposed a hydrothermal power market simulation model to analyze the potential market power of hydros. ─── 为此本文分析了水电厂参与市场竞争时可能出现的市场势力过大的问题。
7、Laiwu hydrothermal metasomatic iron deposit is located at contact zone of Ordovician carbon-ate rock (Majiagou Formation) and Late Yanshanian diorite or nearby. ─── 摘要莱芜接触交代-热液铁矿赋存于奥陶系马家沟组碳酸盐岩与燕山晚期闪长岩的接触带及其附近。
8、Ore bearing hydrothermal migrates ... ─── 成矿过程中,体系是开放的。
9、Petrological and mineralogical examinations of core material can be used to identify hydrothermal alterations. ─── 岩芯的岩石学和矿物学研究也能用来鉴定水热蚀变。
10、A cloud of hydrothermal fluids streams from a black smoker, or mineral chimney, along the Mid-Ocean Ridge off the west coast of Mexico. ─── 板块构造图片美术馆。一个云状的烟的水热作用的流动的小河从一个黑烟囱,或矿物的烟囱,沿着中-洋脊在西海岸之外的墨西哥。
11、Abstract: Recently, microbial ecology and related phenomena of seafloor hydrothermal vents have been the focus of geomicrobiology. ─── 摘要: 海底热液活动区微生物生态及其相关研究一直是近年来海洋地微生物学研究的热点之一。
12、Complex and superimposed magmatism and hydrothermal processes resulted in the formation of a superlarge gold and polymetallic ore district in the Beiya area. ─── 北衙矿区复杂多样、多期叠加活动的岩浆与成矿作用,造就了矿区大规模的成矿作用。
13、Banpo antimony deposit is a typical fracture-controlling and hydrothermal fluid filling deposit. ─── 半坡锑矿床是典型的断裂控矿,热液充填型矿床。
14、The alabandite and getchellite of hydrothermal origin, cement anatase of alkaline volcanic origin, and the high content of chlorite in coal were fist found in coals. ─── 在西南地区晚二叠世煤中首次发现了热液成因的硫锰矿和硫砷锑矿、碱性火山灰成因的胶态锐钛矿和陆源碎屑成因的斜绿泥石。
15、Merits and demerits in E-O applications for KTP crystals grown by the hydrothermal technique and by the flux method respectively were analyzed. ─── 对水热法生长的KTP晶体和熔剂法生长的KTP晶体在电光应用中的优缺点进行了分析。
16、Liu Jiajun, Zheng Minghua.Geochemistry of hydrothermal sedimentary silicalite [J].Acta Geologica Sichuan, 1993, 31(2): 110 - 118. ─── [3]刘家军,郑明华.热水沉积硅质岩的地球化学[J].四川地质学报,1993,31(2):110-118.
17、Raman and Infrared Spectrum Analysis of Hydrothermal Exchanged Cuttlebone[J]. ─── 引用该论文 杜广芬,李福利,王大志,张运生,许存义,左健.
18、The faulted structure,hydrothermal alteration,gossan,geophysical-geochemical exploration anomalies are comprehensive ore-hunting indicators. ─── 断裂构造、热液蚀变、铁帽、物化探异常为重要的找矿标志。
19、Deep-sea hydrothermal activities and hydrothermal products which were found dur-ing nearly 20 cruises in the past 26 years of DSDP/ODP are introduced. ─── 在DSDP/ODP的26年钻探中,有近20个航次钻遇到热液作用踪迹或热液产物。
20、Some of the large sedentary organisms associated with vents are also found at ordinary deep-sea temperatures many meters from the nearest hydrothermal sources. ─── 在距离最近的热液源几米远的深海温度下,也发现了一些与火山口有关的大型静止生物。
21、Dongan gold deposit is a new discovered hypabyssal hydrothermal deposit in Heilongjiang province. ─── 东安金矿床是黑龙江省近几年来发现的浅成低温热液金矿床。
22、The porphyry mass provided not only mineralizing hydrothermal solution but also a part of mineral matter. ─── 斑岩体不仅提供成矿热液,也提供部分矿质。
23、The early deformational environment was favourable for movement of ore -forming hydrothermal solution and precipitation of gold and other metals. ─── 在早期开放的变形环境下,有利于成矿热液的活动和富集,是寒山金矿的主成矿期;
24、Water of hydrothermal fluid was derived from meteoric water. ─── 介质水属于下渗大气降水。
25、From early to late stage metallogenic hydrothermal activity evolves from high to low altitude in space, and the oxygen fugacity changes frow lowto high value. ─── 成矿热液活动由早阶段到晚阶段在空间上似具有由高向低、氧逸度具由低到高的演变特征。
26、It all began in 1977 with the exploration of hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor. ─── 一切始于1977年的一次海底上深海热泉的探索。
27、The main uranium mineralizations in Sanjiu area are hydrothermal vein type and cataclastic altered rock type in granites. ─── 三九地区铀矿化类型主要为花岗岩热液脉型和碎裂蚀变岩型。
28、In all hydrothermal deposits the minerals formed are not solely the sulfide ore minerals. ─── 在所有热液矿床中,所形成的矿物并不单单是硫化物矿石矿物。
29、Classifications of the subfacies and microfacies of the hydrothermal sedimentary facies and their characteristics have been approached in the paper. ─── 提出秦岭泥盆纪热水沉积岩相,划分了热水沉积岩相的亚相、微相,并总结其特征。
30、Argument against a hydrothermal origin is the sympathetic distribution of uranium and gold. ─── 反对热液成固的理由是铀和金有着一致的分布。
31、A new method of static hydrothermal dealumination has been developed. ─── 开发了一种静态水热脱铝的方法。
32、Mineralized hydrothermal water mainly originated from the atmospheric rainfall. ─── 成矿热液的水主要来自大气降水。
33、The stratiform skarns of hydrothermal fluid sedimentary origin are well developed in Kendekoke gold deposit, Qinhai province. ─── 摘要热水沉积成因层矽卡岩在青海省肯德可克金矿区非常发育。
34、In the previous stage, the laminal ore and source were formed by spouting hydrothermal sedimentary in the eastern part and in the lower herizon. ─── 前期海底喷流热液沉积作用,在台沟与台地过渡地带形成了矿区东部和下部的纹层条带状矿和矿源层。
35、Hydrothermal alterations in gold-hosting turbidites include silicification, py-ritization,and decarbonatization. ─── 成矿溶液具有还原、偏酸性特征。
36、Hydrothermal vents are cracks in the Earth's surface that occur, the ones we are talking about here are found deep at the bottom of the ocean. ─── 热泉是地球表面出现的裂缝,我们在这里提到的裂缝是在海底深处发现的。
37、The ratios of Fe/Ti, (Fe+Mn)/Ti, Al/(Al+Fe+Mn) and U/Th, and Al Fe Mn and Fe Mn (Ni+Co+Cu) diagrams show that the siliceous rocks are the sedimentary rocks of hydrothermal origin. ─── Fe/Ti、(Fe+Mn)/Ti、Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)、U/Th比值及Al?Fe?Mn、Fe?Mn?(Ni+Co+Cu)三角图均表明岩石为热水来源沉积岩。
38、This paper describes the geological and geochemical features of the ore deposit and proves its subvolcanic hydrothermal metallogenesis. ─── 文章较系统阐明了磁海矿床的成矿地质地球化学特征,证实了它的次火山热液成矿特征。
39、Ag(polymetal) deposits in the north Hebei poovince are genetically dirvided into volcao-subvolcano hydrothermal type and magmatic hydrothermal type and dominated by the former. ─── 冀北地区银(多金属)矿床成因类型可划分为火山-次火山热液型和岩浆热液型,以火山-次火山热液型为主。
40、Xincheng gold mine belongs to the medium temperature hydrothermal filling metasomatic altered rock type. ─── 新城金矿属于中温热液充填交代蚀变岩型矿床。
41、During the course of its thickening and the hydrothermal fluid enriching, the crust under the root of mountain is melting into some large granitic magma. ─── 山根下部的地壳在增厚及热流体的不断富集过程中,导致重熔产生大量花岗岩浆。
42、The hydrothermal ore-forming solution originated from reaction between sea-water and basaltic rocks u... ─── 含矿热液起源于海水与玄武岩在高温下的反应,成矿金属元素主要来自火山岩,矿化剂硫来自二者。
43、Hydrothermal synthesis reactor is in a certain temperature and pressure conditions, certain synthetic chemical reactor provided. ─── 水热合成釜是在一定温度、一定压力条件下合成化学物质提供的反应器。
44、Located in the western part of the northern margin of the North China craton, the Hadamengou gold deposit is of hydrothermal type related to alkaline magmatism. ─── 哈达门沟金矿床产于华北克拉通北缘西段,形成于伸展构造背景中,成矿流体富钾高碱且氧化性强,矿石建造中铁氧化物含量高,并且可见铁氧化物被硫化物交代的现象。
45、The incineration fly ash stabilized by phosphate under hydrothermal condition can be recycled as construction material. ─── 垃圾焚烧飞灰在水热条件下经磷酸盐稳定处理后可作为建材原料回收利用。
46、Thegenesis pertains to dynamo metamorphism hydrothermal metasomatic deposit under structural control. ─── 其成因类型属于受构造控制的动力变质热液交代矿床。
47、By the analysis of property and the origin of hydrothermal fluids,PGE remobilization in each stage had been discussed. ─── 各阶段热液性质、流体来源及铂族元素热液活动性分析表明,蛇纹石化阶段铂族元素热液活动最强烈,主要表现为就地改造;
48、But the newly discovered bacteria, which are distantly related to the Firmicutes division of microbes that exist near undersea hydrothermal vents, flourish there. ─── 不过新发现的细菌和存在于海底热液排放口的厚壁菌门微生物有远亲,在那里很繁荣。
49、It is held that this tremolite jade deposit is probably a magmatic hydrothermal replacement deposit. ─── 初步推断其矿床成因为岩浆热液交代成因。
50、It was found that addition of same material (RA) to a hydrothermal treating fluid not only could prevent rock softening but could cause rock hardening. ─── 已经发现把一些物质(RA)添加到热液中,不仅能够防止岩石软化,而且能使岩石硬化。
51、Hydroxyapatite crystals were precipitated on film surfaces at low temperature hydrothermal treatment. ─── 低温下进行水热处理,羟基磷灰石晶体在氧化膜的表面沉积。
52、In addition, the hydrothermal synthesis of transition metal stannate, titanium oxide and titanate have been performed. ─── 同时,在这基金的资助下,我们还对某些过渡金属锡酸盐和二氧化钛以及碱土钛酸盐进行了研究。
53、It has been preliminary studied by analysed the changes of physical chemical condition of auriferous fluid caused by hydrothermal boiling. ─── 仅从热液沸腾造成含金热液物理化学条件改变的角度对这一关系进行初步探讨。
54、Which together with the quartz albitite etc.composited the replaced stratiform sedimentary rock series formed by Devonian hydrothermal metasomtism an... ─── 层状的岩脉与金矿床的空间关系密切是寻找金矿床的有效岩石标志。
55、The ore-genesis belonging to deep resource hydrothermal fluid cryptoexplosi on metasomatism was put forward. ─── 提出银矿床属深源热流体隐爆-交代型矿床。
56、The ore deposit can be named as subvolcanic hydrothermal garnet-diopside-magnetite deposit. ─── 可把此矿床定名为次火山水热石榴子石-透辉石-磁铁矿矿床。
57、There has long been controversy on the genesis of the Jiapigou gold ore deposit, metamorphic hydrothermal or magmatic hydrothermal. ─── 吉林夹皮沟金矿床成因,多年来一直存在变质热液和岩浆热液之争。
58、As a whole, the deposit belongs to middle-low temperature postmagmatic hydrothermal deposit. ─── 总的来说,矿床属于中低温岩浆期后热液矿床,形成于燕山期。
59、The metallogenetic substance is derived mainly from postmagmatic hydrothermal solution, secondarily bound up with wallrock and dike rock. ─── 成矿物质主要来自岩浆期后热液,其次与围岩、脉岩等关系密切。
60、The mineralizing fluid originates from magma hydrothermal solution,mixingin underground water,and formed a kind of mixing hydrothermal solution. ─── 成矿热液起源于深部岩浆热液,在沿构造上升过程中混合了浅部地下水溶液,形成了一种混合热液。
61、In Chapter 5, we have synthesized a Lindgrenite Cu3(MoO4)2(OH)2 by hydrothermal reaction. ─── 在第五章中,我们通过水热法得到一种天然矿物钼铜矿(Lindgrenite) Cu3(MoO4)2(OH)2。
62、The formation of hypabyssal hydrothermal gold(copper)deposit in Yanbian Prefecture has relation with mesozoic structure and volcanic secondary volcanic magmatic activity. ─── 延边地区浅成热液型金(铜)矿床的形成与中生代构造和火山-次火山岩浆活动有关,属滨太平洋成矿带的一部分。
63、The Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) lead -zinc deposits are the classic epigenetic hydrothermal ores. ─── 密西西比河谷型矿床为后生热液矿床。
64、The manufacturing method of LVL with poplar veneer treated by hydrothermal condition was discussed in this paper. ─── 摘要对杨木单板湿热处理后制造单板层积材进行了初步研究。
65、In hydrothermal solution, gold is activated and migrates in the form of hydride, carbonyl compound, nanometer particle, and nanometer alloy. ─── 在热液中金呈金氢化物、金羰基化合物及纳米金粒子、纳米金合金粒子活化迁移。
66、The main types of ore deposits are skarn, volcanogenetic hydrothermal and sedimentary deformation. ─── 主要矿床类型有矽卡岩型、热液(火山热液)型和沉积改造型。
67、The wallrock alteration is weak, with characteristics of medium-low T hydrothermal ore deposit. ─── 围岩蚀变微弱,具中低温热液矿床的特征。
68、Gypsum was used as raw material to prepare porous hydroxyapatite with hierachical structure by hydrothermal reaction. ─── 使用石膏作为原料,通过水热反应得到具有特殊结构的多孔羟基磷灰石。
69、Dalucao Xishan etc.Metallogenic conditions are analyzed from the magmatism of REE-bearing syenite,hydrothermal activity and fracture activity. ─── 从富含稀土的正长岩岩浆活动、浅成热液作用和断裂构造分析了矿床成矿条件。
70、Takeshi Morita,Minoru Kuribayashi Kurosawa,Toshiro Higuchi.A micro ultrasonic motor fabricated by hydrothermal method[C].1998 IEEE Ultrasonic Symposium. ─── 上羽贞行,富川义郎.超声波马达理论与应用[M].上海科学技术出版社.1998.
71、With the increase of hydrothermal reaction time, the content and the length of the nanotubes increased. ─── 随着水热反应时间的延长,纳米管的含量增加,管长增长;
72、The deactivation of catalyst for propene hydration etherification was discussed in three aspects: coke deposition, loss of the modifier as well as hydrothermal condition. ─── 从积炭、改性剂流失和水热效应3个方面探讨了丙烯水合醚化催化剂的失活原因。
73、The hydrothermal fluid and the spaces of ore-bodies in the deposit are provided by the granite magmas and the Permian period. ─── 指出印支期白岗质花岗岩岩浆提供部分成矿物质,二叠系地层和花岗岩浸位提供热源和导矿、容矿空间。
74、Research results on growth of amethyst crystal by hydrothermal method are presented. ─── 报道了水热法人工紫色水晶生长研究的结果。
75、The hydrothermal vent communities were actively studied in rescent years and significant progress has been obtained. ─── 摘要近年来深海热液喷口生物群落的研究取得了大量的成果。
76、Thus, Waizideposit is a remelting magmatic hydrothermal deposit. ─── 因此,该矿床是重熔岩浆热液矿床。
77、Moreover, two types of cements of limnic calcite and limnic dolomite and hydrothermal dolomite of reburial period are included in the karst rocks. ─── 岩溶岩中发育有淡水方解石和淡水白云石2种胶结物类型,以及再埋藏期沉淀的热液异形白云石。
78、An example is Beggiatoa.They are found mainly in sulfur-rich muds and springs, including hydrothermal vents. ─── 例如贝日阿托氏菌Beggiatoa,主要发现于硫含量丰富的淤泥、泉水以及热液出口处。
79、Sidaogou gold deposit is locatedc in Dandong,Liaoning Province,which is a migmatic hydrothermal stratabound ore deposit. ─── 四道沟金矿位于辽宁省丹东地区,是一个混合岩化热液层控矿床。
80、The mineralizing fluid includes magmatic hydrothermal fluid, underground thermal brine, metamorphic hydrothermal fluid, atmospheric water and so on. ─── 成矿热液具有岩浆热液、变质热液以及大气降水多种来源。
81、The formation of the regional hydrothermal deposits was improved by the transition of tectonic system around the Miocene. ─── 中新世前后的构造转折促进了全区热液型矿床的形成。
82、Thus, the dolomitization mechanism in this area may be called " dolomitization through deep buried hydrothermal". ─── 因此其白云化机制可称之为“深埋热液白云化”。
83、This formation is in part man-made: farmers drilling for water in 1916 tapped into a hydrothermal aquifer that flooded the area. ─── 这个形成过程有部分是出于人为原因:1916年时,当地农民挖掘水源时挖到了地下热水蓄水层,使地下水涌出地面泛滥;
84、Seafloor hydrothermal activities have been found in tbe Red Sea, Galapagos,East Pacific Rise, Gulf of California, and Mid-Atlantic Ridge since 1960s. ─── 六十年代以来,在红海、加拉帕果斯、东太平洋隆起、加利福尼亚湾以及大西洋中脊等地发现了海底热液活动并有富含重金属的沉积物形成。
85、Source of uranium hydrothermal deposits is an important content in the study on genesis of granite hydrothermal uranium ore deposits. ─── 摘要铀成矿物质的来源一直是花岗岩热液铀矿床成因研究的重要内容。
86、The posttraumatic hydrothermal solution is the principal source of ore-forming fluid. ─── 断裂和岩浆岩是两大重要的成矿地质条件。
87、The paper concerns about the summary and classification of hydrothermal uranium deposit with oxidation zone. ─── 对铀矿床氧化带的资料进行了总结,提出热液铀矿床氧化带的分类。
88、In addition , only pentlandite, coffinite and the epidote in the alteration zone of volcanogene hydrothermal gold deposit are typomorphic minerals. ─── 同时指出只有镍黄铁矿、水硅铀矿和火山热液型金矿床蚀变带中的绿帘石为标型矿物。
89、Illite jade, in vein, was discovered in some copper mine, located in Daye county, HubeiProvince, and is a rind hydrothermal alteration rock from anorthosite. ─── 伊利石玉产于湖北省大冶市某铜矿区内。玉石矿体呈脉状产出,系由斜长岩脉经热液蚀变而形成。
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