triumphantly 发音
英:[traɪˈʌmfəntli] 美:[traɪˈʌmfəntli]
英: 美:
triumphantly 中文意思翻译
triumphantly 词性/词形变化,triumphantly变形
副词: triumphantly |
triumphantly 相似词语短语
1、trenchantly ─── adv.尖锐地;锐利地
2、triumphant ─── adj.成功的;得意洋洋的;狂欢的
3、triumphery ─── 胜利
4、triumphalism ─── n.必胜信念;必胜心态
5、triumphalist ─── adj.庆祝胜利的,为夸耀而大肆庆祝的;n.必胜主义者,必胜信念者
6、triumphal ─── adj.凯旋的,胜利的
7、triumphing ─── n.胜利,凯旋;欢欣;vi.获得胜利,成功
8、ruminantly ─── 反刍地
9、rampantly ─── adv.猖獗地;粗暴地
triumphantly 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He smiles with a triumphant air. ─── 他带着胜利的神情微笑。
2、How Gustav and his family left their noise-shattered home, travelled the world in search of the lost music and triumphantly brought it home again. ─── 处在一个噪音以及摇滚音乐环绕的环境中,是一件令人难过的事,鼹鼠爸爸如何找回生活中的音乐呢?书中还以动物为主角,介绍了许多不同国家中具代表性的动物及乐器。
3、The army made a triumphant entry into the city. ─── 军队凯撒入城。
4、There was a triumphant glitter in his eyes. ─── 他眼睛里闪烁着胜利的光辉。
5、Triumphant news kept pouring in from the front. ─── 前方捷报频传。
6、Broken sky tumbling snow, as if the monster shake off the white hair, have obscured the view triumphantly. ─── 漫天翻滚的碎雪,仿佛巨兽抖落的白色绒毛,纷纷扬扬地遮蔽着视线。
7、Ah, those were the signs of real love, of the love that is mighty and triumphant. ─── 啊!那都是真正的爱情,是全能的、无往而不胜的爱情的标志。
8、His eyes were triumphantly cold. There was no light in them, no feeling, no interest. ─── 他的目光傲慢冷酷,呆滞无光,淡漠无情。
9、The record of his triumphant passage will inspire free hearts for all time. ─── 他的胜利航程将永远鼓舞着自由的心灵。
10、On October 1, 1943, his forces triumphantly entered that city. ─── 于一九四三年十月一日他的部队进占该城。
11、The debris did not appear to hit the shuttle during the smooth morning blastoff, marking a triumphant U. ─── 周二早上进行的发射比较顺利,碎片并没有击中航天飞机。
12、In 2004 social conservatives marched in lockstep behind a triumphant Republican Party. ─── 2004年的时候,美国社会保守派们的步伐紧跟着当时再度获胜的共和党。
13、It triumphantly designed the urban and rural integrative cadastral alteration mode, and realized it in the practice information system. ─── 4. 成功地设计出城乡一体地籍数据的变更模式,并在实际系统中得到实现。
14、A triumphant smile appeared on his face. ─── 他脸上露出了胜利的微笑。
15、Midst: the triumphant return of the fully laden boat. ─── 中:满载而归的渔船回航了。
16、"St.Peter's, the most magnificent church in Christendom and the fruit of many talents, soars triumphantly above the Vatican Hill. ─── “圣彼得,最壮丽的教堂和基督教的果实许多人才,大幅上升以上胜利梵蒂冈山。
17、They emerged triumphant in the September election. ─── 他们在九月份的选举中大获全胜。
18、For He has delivered me from all distress, And my eye looks triumphantly upon my enemies. ─── 7祂从一切的急难中,把我救出来;我的眼睛也看见了我仇敌遭报。
19、Which prevails will determine whether “the tens”, the decade that begins in 2010, prove to be terrible or triumphant. ─── 二者谁占上风将决定“整10年”、即2010年开始的10年,到底失败还是成功。
20、Presently the secretary of the Gun Club appeared at the top of the cone in a triumphant attitude. ─── 只一会儿的工夫,大炮俱乐部的秘书就以胜利者的姿态,在圆锥体的顶端出现了。
21、In May went on the market newly triumphant has more ripped open first which the new car pelted “the opening”. ─── 今年5月上市的新凯越撕开了新车大降的第一条“口子”。
22、Mahathir.Pakatan Rakyat candidates, as expected, emerged triumphant and completely unscathed. ─── 一如所料,民联候选人大获全胜。
23、As a bear, he is the ugly duckling and underdog who will be disparaged , dismissed and, eventually, triumphant. ─── 作为一直熊,他是一个卑微的人和一个失败者饱受别人的贬低、解雇但最终获得了胜利。
24、"Gotcha. " He yelled triumphantly cuddling her to his chest. ─── “知道了。”他得意地喊道抱着她到他的胸部。
25、She bounded to her feet and waved her right hand triumphantly. ─── 她一跃而起,得意洋洋地挥着右手。
26、The public heard little of the new NSC system that had been announced triumphantly three weeks earlier. ─── 公众很少听到三周前如此大吹大擂地宣布的新的国家安全委员会体制。
27、They marched triumphantly into the capital. ─── 他们得意洋洋地列队进入首都。
28、For this, the reporter interviewed this print to unseal Hao Yu of triumphant boiler Inc. opens vise general manager. ─── 为此,本刊记者采访了开封得胜锅炉股份有限公司郝予开副总经理。
29、"I didn't know you'd come, sir," he began, as Jo gave him a triumphant little glance. ─── “我不知道你回来了,爷爷”,劳瑞忙不迭地回答,而乔则在旁边送给他胜利的一睇。
30、Hers is a moving and ultimately triumphant story. ─── 她的事迹是一个感人肺腑的、最终获得成功的故事。
31、As a bear, he is the ugly duckling and underdog who will be disparaged, dismissed and, eventually, triumphant. ─── 作为一只熊,他是个丑小鸭,被蔑视而且解职的失败者,但最终胜利。
32、But no cooking! "Was Dorothy's smile just a bit triumphant? ─── 多萝西笑了,是不是有那么点儿得意的意思呢?
33、They say he intended to humiliate her in a triumphant procession on the streets of Rome. ─── 他们说他打算让她罗马的街头的胜利凯旋中当众受辱。
34、One might be to arrange for a straw man to win the election and then step down, paving the way for Mr Putin to return triumphantly in a snap election. ─── 一种可能是安排一个挡箭牌赢得大选,然后辞职,为普京在即将到来的大选上成功回归铺平道路。
35、In the mean time evil may be triumphant. ─── 同时,罪恶的勾当也许会十分猖獗。
36、After meetings with car bosses, Mr Sarkozy announced triumphantly in February that he had got his way. ─── 二月份,在与汽车大亨们的会晤之后,萨科奇先生得意地宣布自己找到了办法。
37、A number of militiamen rushed with a triumphant yell towards his fallen body. ─── 一批以胜利的呼喊民兵赶往他身体倒下。
38、"Who's making perspnal remarks now?" the Hatter asked triumphantly. ─── "看看现在是谁在做人身攻击啦?"帽商得意地说。
39、The regimental band triumphantly piped the soldiers in. ─── 团部的乐队用风笛奏起凯歌,迎入士兵。
40、albert was not deceived , for the next evening franz saw him enter triumphantly shaking a folded paper which he held by one corner. ─── 阿尔贝没有猜错,因为第二天傍晚,弗兰兹看到他手里拿着一张折拢的纸,兴高采烈地挥舞着走了进来。
41、The “free Catalonia” camp took a triumphant 95% of the vote.Yet only 27% of potential voters turned out. ─── “自由的加泰罗尼亚”阵营赢得支持率为95%的全胜,但其实只有27%的选民参与了投票。
42、With your supports and blessings we will surely move forward triumphantly and fruitfully. ─── 因有您的全力支持与肯定,我们台湾地区总会一定会持续迈向胜利及丰盛的前程!
43、She's alive!" he shouted triumphantly. ─── 她活着!”他狂喜地大喊。
44、The losers didn't like our triumphant laughter. ─── 失败的那些人不喜欢听到我们得意的笑声。
45、The regimental band,triumphantly piped the soldiers in. ─── 团部的乐队用风笛奏起凯歌;迎接士兵们。
46、Yes!@ Katherine's voice clanged triumphantly. ─── “当然
47、He led pathos up to the writing of epigraph, and triumphantly used images like crane and pine to build the likely atmosphere. ─── 他将浓郁的悲情引入碑志文创作,并成功地在碑志文中运用了“鹤”、“松”等意象,为悲情的生发营造适合的氛围。
48、He laughed triumphantly, and silenced her by manly smothering. ─── 他胜利地微笑着,以男人咄咄逼人的气势使她哑口无言。
49、Everyone has been lying to her, she exclaims; Pinkerton is Back, her love is triumphant. ─── 她大声说,人人都一直在骗她;平克顿回来了,她的爱情胜利了。
50、Triumphantly he says “Get up, all of you! ─── 他高兴的说道“所有人都起来。
51、The entry hatchways to the escape pods aboard the Triumphant have the Republic "cog" logo on it. ─── 在“胜利”号上,进入逃生舱的舱口都带有共和国的“齿轮”形徽章。
52、"We are getting ready to welcome the triumphant return of Commander Du. ─── “我们这里正筹备欢迎杜统帅凯旋的事务。
53、The whole country continued to advance triumphantly. ─── 全国继续胜利前进。
54、His triumphant laughter echoed across the water. ─── 他那得意的笑声在水面回荡。
55、It has triumphantly used in measuring alum images system in waterworks. ─── 在水厂自动加矾系统实时矾花检测系统的实际应用中取得了良好的效果。
56、After meetings with car bosses, Mr Sarkozy announced triumphantly in February that he had got his way. ─── 二月份,在与汽车大亨们的会晤之后,萨科奇先生得意地宣布自己找到了办法。
57、But overall Mr Blanning has produced a triumphant success. ─── 但是总体来说,布兰林先生这部作品创造了值得称赞的成功。
58、He saw the Union triumphant. ─── 他认定联邦会获胜。
59、And all the rush of the spring within him escaped in a triumphant sigh. ─── 他心里的全部春之奔放都由一声得意的叹息透露了出来。
60、His parents looked on with a triumphant smile as he collected his prize. ─── 他领奖的时候.他的父母亲带着胜利的微笑在一旁看着.
61、Thus it had come to pass, that Tellson's was the triumphant perfection of inconvenience. ─── 其结果便是台尔森银行的不方便反倒是它一种完美的成就。
62、His eyes were triumphantly cold. There was no light in them, no feeling, no interest. ─── 他的目光傲慢冷酷,呆滞无光,冷漠无情。
63、The evacuation of all their forces was glowingly represented as a triumphant success. ─── 他们的全军大撤退被堂而皇之地描绘为一次伟大的胜利。
64、No wonder those forces are so often held to be untrammelled, unfettered or merely triumphant from Seattle to Shanghai. ─── 不用奇怪,为什么从西雅图到上海,市场力量总是被放纵自由,也可以说节节胜利。
65、For many weeks I had been toiling, almost night and day, at a famous railroad law case that I won triumphantly but a few days previously. ─── 数周来我一直,几乎夜以继日,在忙一个著名的铁路诉讼案件,几天前我已赢了这场官司。
66、His grandfather Ramiro was one of the triumphant Show jumping stallions in Holstein and Westphalia. ─── Reflektor的祖父Ramiro在荷斯坦(Holstein)和维斯特法伦(Westphalia)地区均获得过障碍赛的冠军。
67、The painting was recovered and went on a triumphant tour of Italy before it was returned to Paris. ─── 在它回到巴黎之前,克在意大利进行了一次胜利的巡回展览。
68、In the maturity of Taiwan's hospice, the model of taking care of cancer terminal patients has triumphantly accomplished the idea of good death. ─── 台湾的安宁疗护发展已臻成熟之际,这套癌症末期病人的照顾模式已经成功的实践医界对于善终的理想。
69、For those who will fight bravely and not yield, there is triumphant victory over all the dark things of life. ─── 勇敢战斗、不屈不挠的人一定会战胜生活中阴暗的东西。
70、They glanced at him shamefaced yet in their eyes was an odd triumphant defiance. ─── 他们向他瞥了一眼,面带羞愧,然而在他们的眼中是一种古怪的、获胜的蔑视。
71、My God in His lovingkindness will meet me; God will let me look triumphantly upon those who lie in wait for me. ─── 10我的神要以慈爱迎接我;神要叫我看见那些埋伏等候我的人遭报。
72、A glorious victory. The armies of France are triumphant. ─── 一次光荣的胜利,法国部队战无不胜。
73、No difficulties or obstacles can stop the triumphant adance of the Chinese people. ─── 任何艰难险阻都挡不住中国人民胜利前进的步伐。
74、Sets up fittings limited company of the automobile triumphantly, it is a private enterprise. ─── 凯立汽车配件有限公司,是一家私营企业。
75、Abby triumphantly held up the sleeve with the bright yellow tag. ─── 艾比得意地举起了带有亮黄色标签的衣袖。
76、Returning home triumphantly in the spring of 1998,the burgeoning dancemeisters felt confident enough to unleash their self-titled debut on America. ─── 1998年春,乐队凯旋而归,声望日隆、能歌擅舞的男孩们感到有足够信心在美国发行乐队的同名专辑。
77、Triumphant: Exulting in success or victory. ─── 因胜利或成功而兴高采烈。
78、Anderson has not featured for Brazil since a brief cameo at last summer’s triumphant Copa America campaign. ─── 在上个夏季的美洲杯中,安德森短暂浮现一下之后便再没为过巴西队效力。
79、If we sing triumphantly, our faces and bodies should show that.If we sing in penitence, our faces and bodies should show that. ─── 不论是唱凯旋的诗歌或是悔罪的诗歌,我们的面容和身体都应表露出诗歌的内容来。
80、The regimental band triumphantly pipedthe soldiers in. ─── 团部的乐队用风笛奏起凯歌,迎入士兵。
81、London had stood triumphant through all her ordeals. ─── 伦敦在经历考验之后仍巍然屹立。
82、His eyes sparkled, and he sent up a great blue triumphant cloud from his cigarette. ─── 他的眼睛闪闪发光,得意地喷出一口蓝色的香烟的烟雾。
83、He emerged triumphant from a closed hearing in the Bahamas to announce the results. ─── 他带着胜利的表情从巴哈马一个封闭听证会中走出来宣布了这个结果。
84、Jennifer Hudson continued her triumphant return to the spotlight with a win at the Grammys on Sunday night. ─── 在周日晚,珍妮佛哈德森继续着成功回归的气势赢得了人生第一个小喇叭。
85、There was a positively triumphant note in her voice. ─── 她的声音里带有一种极为得意的语气。
86、North the previous season's latter half, allies the national capital after Yage peaceful, the team advances triumphantly, obtains second finally. ─── 上个赛季的下半段,自从迪亚戈加盟北京国安后,球队高歌猛进,最终获得第二名。
87、It was a triumphant preview of the kind of quality and expertise that would be on display over the next two weeks. ─── 在质量和专家方面来看这是一个良好的开端,接下来的两个星期将会继续慢慢上演。
88、By bringing me hither, to die this death of triumphant ignominy before the people! ─── 他把我带到这里,让我在众人面前,死在胜利的耻辱之中!
89、The count was erect and triumphant, like the Avenging Angel! ─── 只有伯爵笔挺地站着,面露胜利的神色,象是复仇的天使。
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