retrospective 发音
英:[retrə(ʊ)'spektɪv] 美:[,rɛtrə'spɛktɪv]
英: 美:
retrospective 中文意思翻译
retrospective 网络释义
adj. 回顾的;怀旧的;可追溯的n. 回顾展
retrospective 同义词
ex post facto | show | showcase | surveying | exhibition | retroactive | display | backward-looking |reflective | presentation | demonstration | exposition | showing | nostalgic
retrospective 反义词
retrospective 短语词组
1、retrospective survey ─── [医] 追溯调查
2、retrospective retrieval ─── 回顾性检索
3、retrospective bonus plan ─── [经] 红利分配追溯法
4、retrospective explanation ─── 回顾性解释
5、retrospective effect ─── [法] 追溯效力
6、retrospective report ─── 回顾报告
7、retrospective syllabus ─── 回顾教学大纲
8、retrospective rating ─── [经] 追溯费率
9、retrospective tracing facility ─── [计] 追溯跟踪设施
10、retrospective study ─── [医]回顾性研究,追溯性研究,回顾性调查
11、retrospective payment ─── [经] 追溯支付
12、retrospective search ─── [计] 追溯检索法
13、retrospective legislation ─── [法] 有追溯效力的立法
14、retrospective self-report ─── 回顾性自我报告
15、retrospective analysis ─── 回顾性分析
16、retrospective law ─── [法] 有追溯效力的法律
17、retrospective conversion ─── [计] 追溯转换
18、retrospective reserve ─── 回顾性储备
19、retrospective assessment ─── 回顾评价
retrospective 词性/词形变化,retrospective变形
副词: retrospectively |
retrospective 相似词语短语
1、retrospections ─── n.回顾;反省;追忆
2、retrospection ─── n.回顾;反省;追忆
3、retrospectively ─── adv.回顾地
4、extrospective ─── 外向的
5、perspective ─── n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的
6、prospective ─── adj.未来的;预期的
7、retrospecting ─── n.回顾,追溯;vi.回顾,追溯;回想;vt.回顾;追忆
8、introspective ─── adj.内省的;反省的
9、retrospectives ─── (艺术家)某个时期的作品展览;(对过去作品的)回顾展;(音乐家等)作品回顾演出(retrospective的名词复数)
retrospective 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Retrospect and prospect for the plant cytotaxonomy in China. ─── 中国植物细胞分类学的回顾与展望.
2、Retrospective Study of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Operable Oral Cavity Cancer Patients. ─── 口腔鳞癌新辅助化疗的回顾性研究。
3、Method A retrospective review was conducted to analyze 276 cases Rhinoplasty from 1998 until now. ─── 方法:回顾1998年2月至今进行的276例隆鼻手术。
4、Methods:Retrospective study of 388 cases of complicated upper urinary calculi treated with URSL and PCNL. ─── 方法:回顾分析经尿道输尿管镜取石术(URSL)及经皮肾微造口输尿管肾镜取石术(PCNL)治疗输尿管上段结石388例的临床资料。
5、The individual designated by the Sponsor to lead the planning and execution of the retrospective. ─── 主持人指派的负责计划和执行项目回顾的个人。
6、In retrospect, Terman's study was probably flawed. ─── 回顾这些,特曼的研究可能有疏漏。
7、In retrospect it was simply a bad idea. ─── 回想起来,那根本就是一个坏点子。
8、Methods : With retrospective analysis for PRFM in 396 cases. ─── 方法 对396例胎膜早破进行回顾性分析。
9、In retrospect the elaborate preparations seemed de trop. ─── 回顾繁杂的准备工作,似乎是多余的
10、A new law ought to be prospective, not retrospective in its operations. ─── 在实施过程中,新的法律应规定未来,而不应溯及既往。
11、How many meetings should be planned, based on the scope of the retrospective? ─── 在回顾会的基础上应计划开几个会议?
12、In retrospect, its easy to see why we were wrong. ─── 中文:回顾过去就很容易明白我们的错处了.
13、Retrospective ENSO Forecasts: Sensitivity to Atmospheric Model and Ocean Resolution. ─── 回溯ENSO预报:对大气模式和海洋分辨率的敏感性。
14、Retrospect and prospect of plant chemotaxonomy in China. ─── 中国植物化学分类学回顾与展望.
15、It also seems all right "in retrospect" to the rulers of the United States. ─── 单就美国统治者来说,“回顾起来”,也是妥当的。
16、In retrospect, it was wrong to carry out this experiment. ─── 回顾起来进行这个实验是错误的。
17、In retrospect the studio appears unforgivably tardy. ─── 回顾起来,公司似乎超级没头脑。
18、In retrospect, that campaign looks like his last hurrah. ─── 回顾起来,那次竞选看起来像是他的最后奋力一博。
19、In retrospect it was a nightmare. ─── 回想起来,真是一场恶梦。
20、In retrospect, what would you have done differently? ─── 回想看看,如果是你,你会有不同做法吗?
21、If it is unable to make a retrospective adjustment, the reasons shall be explained. ─── 无法进行追溯调整的,应当说明原因。
22、Methods: A retrospective study was carried out in 76 cases with pulmonary contusion. ─── 方法:回顾分析76例肺挫伤患者的临床资料。
23、Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in Scholarly Journals. ─── 学术期刊书评回溯性索引。
24、It was,in retrospect,the happiest day of her life. ─── 回想起来,那是她最幸福的日子。
25、She felt a pang of retrospective sympathy for Mel. ─── 回顾过去,勾起了她对梅尔的同情。
26、This investigation presents a retrospective study of occult spinal dysraphism(OSD)in 40 patients. ─── 对40例隐性椎管闭合不全的患者进行了回顾性研究。
27、In retrospect, it's easy to see why we were wrong. ─── 回顾过去就很容易明白我们的错处了。
28、We conducted a retrospective study and tried to identify the risk factors and reasons for the revisits. ─── 我们进行了一个回顾性的研究,尝试去发现回诊病人的危险因子和导致回诊的原因。
29、One's school life seem happier in retrospect than in reality. ─── 学校生活回忆起来显得比实际上要快乐。
30、The decision seems extremely odd, in retrospect. ─── 回想起来,这个决定显得极其荒谬。
31、In 1946 Moore had his first foreign retrospective exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. ─── 摩尔在纽约现代艺术博物馆举办了他的第一次国外回顾展。
32、Methods: Retrospective analysis for eight cervical spondyloschisis,four of them were combined with spondylolisthesis. ─── 方法:回顾分析8例颈椎椎弓裂病例,其中4例伴有滑脱。
33、What project artifacts will be collected and examined for the retrospective? ─── 回顾会将收集并检查哪些项目工件?
34、There are few precedents for this sort of retrospective legislation. ─── 此类有追溯效力的立法还鲜有先例。
35、The topic of the Hong Kong Cinema Retrospective this year was Fifty Years of Electric Shadows introducing the development of Hong Kong movies. ─── 今年的香港电影回顾专题"光影缤纷五十年",介绍香港电影在过去50年的发展。
36、and with some retrospective guilt, his son loved him for this grand gesture. ─── 也有一些回顾性罪恶感,他的儿子爱他为这盛大的姿态。
37、Retrospective Analysis of Change in Cesarean Section Rate and Indications over 30 Years. ─── 30年剖宫产率及剖宫产适应证变化回顾性分析
38、It was, in retrospect, the happiest day of his life. ─── 回想起来,那是他一重中最幸福的日子。
39、The retrospect was depressing. ─── 回想起来令人沮丧。
40、Building restrictions in effect after Ammonia availability retrospective night? ─── 建房在先限制在后氨气袭人有无追溯力?
41、However, he will not appreciate tickets to “A Retrospective of 19th Century Quilts. ─── 不过,他绝不会喜欢一张“19世纪加衬芯床罩回顾展”的门票。
42、Methods: Retrospective analysis was made on the treatment and prognosis of 132 patients with ACST. ─── 方法:回顾性分析132例ACST患者的治疗及预后情况。
43、Eg. In retrospect, it was the wrong time to set up a new company. ─── 回想一下,那不是一个建立新公司的适当时机。
44、It is pleasant in the retrospect. ─── 回想起来令人愉快。
45、From the vantage of adulthood, and with some retrospective guilt, his son loved him for this grand gesture. ─── 从成人的视角出发,回忆中还带着几许内疚,他的儿子为这堂皇的作派爱他。
46、The driver in journey sees sit retrospective drunkard slowly a disrobe. ─── 一个醉汉叫了一辆出租车回旅馆。路途中司机看见坐在后面的醉汉正慢慢地一件件脱衣服。"
47、What does the sponsor want to accomplish as a result of the retrospective? ─── 主持人想通过回顾会达到什么目标?
48、As long retrospective, here is to trace Buddhism. ─── 如追溯久远,这里又是佛教迹地。
49、Method: 202 patients with nosebleed hospitalized in recently 5 years were performed with retrospective sum-up. ─── 对近五年来我科住院治疗的鼻出血病人202例进行回顾性总结。
50、The Retrospective Review that the elect had revived. ─── 《反省杂志》已被一批出类拔萃的人复刊了。
51、What project metrics will be collected for the retrospective? ─── 整个回顾会将收集哪些度量数据?
52、In retrospect, this battle is a turning point in the war . ─── 事后看来,这场战役是战争的转折点。
53、In retrospect, I think that I was wrong. ─── 回首往事,我觉得当时我错了。
54、Method: 160 case of ACS in emergency department were studied by retrospective analysis. ─── 方法:回顾性分析160例ACS患者在急诊救治过程中的护理体会。
55、In retrospect, this has been a prosperous year. ─── 回顾往事,今年是繁荣的一年。
56、Retrospective analysis has now identified 102 cases in the outbreak, which dates back to October 2004. ─── 回顾性分析现已确定暴发中的102例,可追溯至2004年10月。
57、What documentation will result from the retrospective? ─── 回顾会将产生什么文档?
58、It was preceded by one-hour retrospective of the series' six characters over the last 10 years. ─── 在大结局播出之前,有一段一个小时的短片,回顾了剧中6位人物过去十多年的经历。
59、A retrospective analysis was performed on48cases with thyroid microcarcinoma treated from Feb.1994to Dec.2002. ─── 回顾性分析1994年2月至2002年12月收治的48例甲状腺微小癌。
60、In retrospect it's obvious how we went wrong. ─── 回想起来, 我们是如何出的错就很明显了。
61、One's school life seems happier in retrospect than in reality. ─── 人们的学校生活回想起来要比实际上的快乐。
62、A subsequent ratification has a retrospective affect, and be equivalent to a prior command. ─── 事后追认有溯及力,等同先前命令.
63、A subsequent ratification, which has a retrospective effect, is equivalent to a prior command. ─── 事后追认有溯及力,等同先前命令。
64、Let's just do a stand-up and let's just do a retrospective, and let's just try this. ─── 让我们做一个单口喜剧,让我们做一个回顾,让我们试试这个。
65、Methods:Retrospective study of 17 PGL patients,who were proved by pathology was performed. ─── 方法:回顾性分析17例经病理证实的原发性胃恶性淋巴瘤患者的诊治情况。
66、Poor thing, poor thing!" said Martin the younger, who was sorry to have provoked this retrospective harshness. ─── 可怜的东西!可怜的东西!”年轻的马丁为引起这残酷和苦涩的回忆而感到抱歉,说道。
67、Methods:Retrospective analysis to complicating bacteremia of 184 patients with SAP. ─── 方法:回顾性分析184例重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)并发菌血症的情况。
68、Active surveillance and retrospective analysis is in place. ─── 已经落实积极监测和回顾性分析。
69、Women Appear to Have the Same Minimum Alveolar Concentration as Men: A Retrospective Study Eger II E, et al. ─── 女性似与男性具有同样的最小肺泡浓度:一项回顾性研究。
70、I've had a ton of fun in retrospect. ─── 回想起过去带给我无穷无尽的乐趣。
71、When a precedent is overruled the effect is retrospective. ─── 先例被宣告无效时,其结果溯及既往。
72、After the implicature test, 12 students were selected for further retrospective interview. ─── 会话含意测试后对12名典型学生进行了回顾访谈,收集了会话含意推理过程的数据。
73、What methods will be used for the major retrospective activities? ─── 使用什么方法进行主要的回顾活动?
74、In retrospect, many good opportunities were neglected in my life. ─── 回顾以前,在我人生里错过了许多好的机会。
75、Reserve the first hour or two of your iteration planning session for a retrospective on the previous iteration. ─── 在迭代规划会议时留出头一到两小时用于回顾上一次迭代。
76、Methods: Retrospective analysis of 128 cases of acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning the clinical data. ─── 方法:回顾性分析128例急性有机磷农药中毒的临床资料。
77、I saw everything I began to dislike, in retrospect. ─── 我看见的一切都让我开始厌恶了,回想起来。
78、It was odd that in retrospect they both seemed equally dreary. ─── 回味起来,奇怪的是,它们显得同等地枯燥乏味。
79、Retrospective confirmation of this case brings the total in Azerbaijan to 8. Five of these cases were fatal. ─── 该病例的回顾确认使阿塞拜疆病例总数增至8例,其中5例死亡。
80、Prepare and issue the meeting notice to the participants, including the completed Retrospective Planning Worksheet. ─── 准备并给与会者发出会议通知,同时发出已完成的回顾计划工作表。
81、One's school life seems happier in retrospect than it really was. ─── 回忆中的学校生活似乎比当时感受到的更愉快。
82、Method: A retrospective analysis of 126 ears with chronic suppurative otitis media was carried out. ─── 方法:回顾分析慢性化脓性中耳炎126耳的临床资料。
83、In retrospect it may seem odd. ─── 回顾一下,似乎有点奇怪。
84、Method A retrospective study of 16 cases of DHD have been reviewed. ─── 方法 回顾分析16 例DHD 病例。
85、Retrospect A review, survey, or contemplation of things in the past. ─── 回顾:对过去事情的回顾、审度或反思。
86、A retrospective influence pervaded the whole performance. ─── 怀旧的影响弥漫了整个演出。
87、Retrospective case investigation has revealed that sporadic cases had occurred since the beginning of March. ─── 回溯性病例调查表明,3月初发生散在病例。
88、It was, in retrospect, the happiest day of her life. ─── 回想起来, 那是她一生最幸福的日子。
89、It was only in retrospect that the silliness became profound. ─── 只是在回顾中才意识到,当时看似愚蠢的言行意义却如此深刻。
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