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09-08 投稿



snappers 发音

英:[ˈsnæpəz]  美:[ˈsnæpərz]

英:  美:

snappers 中文意思翻译



snappers 常用词组

red snapper ─── 红鲷鱼

snappers 短语词组

1、whipper-snappers (whipper-snapper ─── 的复数) n. 厚颜无耻 ─── 的或妄自尊大 ─── 的年轻人

snappers 词性/词形变化,snappers变形


snappers 相似词语短语

1、strappers ─── n.用皮绳捆的人;马夫;用磨刀皮带磨的人;体格结实而健壮的人

2、scrappers ─── n.拳击手;好打架的人

3、schnappers ─── 鲷鱼

4、snapper ─── n.鲷鱼;揿钮;咬人的狗;暴燥的人;n.(Snapper)人名;(英)斯纳珀

5、nappers ─── n.打盹的人;拉毛工人;n.(Napper)人名;(德、英)纳珀

6、slappers ─── n.飞片;粘舌

7、sappers ─── n.工兵;坑道工兵;挖掘器;n.(Sapper)人名;(英)萨珀;(德)扎佩尔

8、snippers ─── n.手剪

9、snap peas ─── 甜荷兰豆;豌豆

snappers 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Is the red snapper too spicy? ─── 真鲷会不会太辣?

2、She also alleged the snappers surrounded her as she attempted to enter the West Los Angeles gated community where she lives. ─── 及后,在她到达住所、开启大厦闸门时,亦被数名摄影师上前包围。

3、Tamed Drywallow Snappers now will know Bite 5 (instead of Claw 5. ─── 刀锋山的某种鸟现在可以抓捕。

4、The energy budget of Black snapper (Sabastodes fuscescens) was d etermined by continuous-flow simulating method in laboratory under different fe eding level and food species conditions. ─── 以玉筋鱼和鹰爪糙对虾为生物饵料,采用室内流水模拟实验法研究了摄食水平和饵料种类对黑癈能量收支各组分和能量收支模式的影响。

5、Red striped snapper (Lutjanus erythropterus) , the skin of this fish is bright red and with tasty flesh, and its value in the market is usually high. ─── 摘要:赤鳍笛鲷体色鲜红,肉质细致甜美及市场价值高。

6、Schoolmaster snappers hover near a support for the Aquarius underwater research station at the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. ─── 可耻的真鲷徘徊接近在一个为提供叫水瓶座水下实验室位于佛罗里达要害的国家海洋避难所。

7、A column of schoolmaster snappers hovers near a support beam for the Aquarius research station near Florida Conch Reef. ─── 佛罗里达州海螺大堡礁附近的水族研究工作站成立于1993年,在其水下支撑梁旁边,一排笛鲷靠着柱子游来游去。

8、I give you one free Sabah Red Snapper lah!! ─── 我给你一只免费的沙巴红曹啦!!

9、gold-flame snapper ─── n. 金焰笛鲷

10、Adult snappers have no natural predators other than humans, who capture them for their meat and shells, and to sell in the exotic animal trade. ─── 成年大鳄龟没有任何天敌,除了人类。人们捕获它们获取肉和甲,也作为异兽进行交易。

11、white spotted red snapper ─── n. 白斑笛鲷

12、At Starbuck Island, the expedition team encountered the "largest school of curious and voracious red snappers so far," Sala says. ─── 意译:现在海洋图片画廊。在斯塔巴克岛,探险队遇到“最大的古怪的鱼群和贪娈的红笛鲷迄今为止”,萨拉说。

13、With none of the tension and self-importance of the Premiership season, snappers could wander where they wanted, taking as many pictures as they needed. ─── 没有英超的那种紧张和妄自尊大,摄影记者可以到处乱走,想拍多少就拍多少。

14、I was really expecting some Uni, chu-toro, ikura and some better snappers. ─── 我期望有的海胆,中拖罗,三文鱼子或好一点的鲷鱼均欠奉。

15、PREVENTION AND CURE OF WHITE SPOT DISEASE IN RED SNAPPER, Lutjanus argentimaculatus ─── 紫红笛鲷白点病的防治试验

16、Adult snappers are hunted by humans for their meat. ─── 成年了的啮龟,会被人类吃掉。

17、John's snapper (Lutianus johni) ─── 约氏笛鲷

18、I jumped into the water and I was surrounded by reef sharks and red snappers . ─── 我跳入水中,四周环游着珊瑚礁鲨和红甲鱼。

19、Deep-fried snapper ─── 干炸多春鱼

20、Gray reef sharks and red snappers hover above a patch of table coral, waiting for prey fish to emerge. ─── 一片桌面珊瑚上方,灰礁鲨和红鲷鱼来回的游动,等待捕捉随时出现的小鱼。

21、Eating everything from giant clams to spiky sea urchins, red snappers (such as this one seen in 2007) are the second most abundant hunters on Kingman Reef, after sharks. ─── 从巨型蛤蜊到浑身长刺的海胆,红绸鱼(就像上面这条发现于2007年)是除鲨鱼之外,生活在金门礁数量最庞大的猎食者。

22、The snappers started nibbling at my ponytail, they had never seen humans. ─── 甲鱼开始啃我的马尾辫,之前他们从未见过人类。

23、Ben: That's not the garbage. That is Carol's snapper. ─── 本:那不是垃圾,是卡罗尔烧的红头鱼。

24、The mating rituals of the cubera snappers have nothing, though, on squid. ─── 古布拉金线鱼的交配仪式没有什么看头,但鱿鱼就不同。

25、Glasseye snapper ─── 斑鳍大眼鲷

26、frozen snapper ─── 冻笛鲷鱼

27、Schoolmaster snappers hover near a support for the Aquarius underwater research station at the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. ─── 水下风景图片美术馆。笛鲷鱼群校长徘徊接近一个支持为宝瓶座水下研究站位于佛罗里达州键国家海洋庇护所。

28、hump backed red snapper ─── n. 驼背笛鲷

29、72. highly esteemed reddish lean flesh of snapper from Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico. ─── 大西洋海岸和墨西哥海湾出产的极其珍贵的略带红色的瘦肉型笛鲷科鱼。

30、Add the red mullet, trout, snapper, seabass and squids and fry. ─── 加入红头、鲑鱼、加吉鱼、鲈鱼和鱿鱼轻微煸炒。

31、golden-banded snapper ─── n. 菊条笛鲷

32、Due to high levels of mercurio, the FDA/EPA is advising women not to eat tuna steaks, orange roughy, grouper, tilefish (golden snapper and golden bass), etc. ─── 由于其中含有高度的水银,食品药物管理局/环保署劝告女性不要吃金枪鱼排,新西兰红鱼,石斑鱼,瓦鱼(金鲷鱼或金鲈鱼)等等。

33、snapper sea bream ─── 真鲷

34、With the Mediterranean Sea so close, fish is a favorite main course. There is haddock, lobster, crab, eel, snapper, mullets, shrimp, and even squid. ─── 由于离地中海很近,鱼是希腊人很喜欢的主菜,有鳕鱼、龙虾、螃蟹、鳗鱼、笛鲷、鲱鲤、虾和鱿鱼。

35、The results postulated that carotenoids have not obvious effects on the weight gain and feed efficiency, but improve pigmentation by enhanced a and b values in the red striped snappers. ─── 由结果显示在赤鳍笛鲷的饲料中添加类胡萝卜素对成长及饲料效率没有影响,但是可有效加强体色表现,根据色差计测得数据证实红色和黄色程度有提升。

36、A Perfect Red Snapper Dish ─── 完美的红鲷鱼料理

37、The snappers started nibbling at my ponytail, they had never seen humans. ─── 甲鱼开始啃我的马尾辫,之前他们从未见过人类。

38、"Rough and ready, an alligator snapper feeds in the wild, as here in an aquarium, by wiggling a pink appendage in its mouth to lure fish." ─── 一只准备就绪的野蛮鳄鱼正在它的嘴里摇动一个粉红的东西来诱捕鱼儿。

39、Lane snapper ─── 暗色笛鲷

40、while water is expelled right back out through the gills. The dog snapper eggs aren't the only caviar these big mouths love to eat. ─── 同时水通过鳃排出。九带笛鲷卵不是这些大嘴唯一喜欢吃的鱼子酱。

41、You're watching the spawning ritual of the dog snapper. The dog snappers parade up the water. ─── 你现在看到的是九带笛鲷的产卵仪式。九带笛鲷在水中游行。

42、I was really expecting some Uni,chu-toro, ikura and some better snappers. ─── 我期望有的海胆,中拖罗,三文鱼子或好一点的鲷鱼均欠奉。

43、There I discovered red snapper, and placed my hand on ice for the first time and was shaken to discover that it was cold. ─── 在那里,我发现有红色的笛鲷,也是在那里,我第一次把手放在冰上,并且很震惊地发现那是凉的。

44、The entry after the Qing Dynasty, is still in use in Ming Dynasty, palace of Heavenly Purity West snappers for the emperor's palace. ─── 清朝入关以后,仍沿用明朝的规定,乾清宫西暖阁为皇帝的寝宫。

45、Because of their abundance and the resulting competition for food, the sharks and snappers at Kingman Reef, Sala said, " ─── 由于它们的丰富和食物竞争的结果,鲨鱼群和笛鲷群在金曼暗礁,萨拉说:“总是接近于饥饿。”

46、crimson snapper Lutjanus erythopterus ─── 红鳍笛鲷

47、S. waters, while the smaller, more aggressive common snapper prowls lakes and streams from South America to Canada. ─── 但是个体小一些且胆大的鳄龟会顺着湖泊和河流从南美一直游到加拿大。


49、Caption :The creative snapper uses an old Soviet fisheye lens from Belarus to give these images a unique perspective. ─── 描述:这张照片利用的是老的苏联鱼眼镜头,来自白俄罗斯,给这些图像以独特视角。

50、alligator snapper ─── 大鳄龟(Macrochelys temminckii,产于美国东南部和密西西比河流域,体重可达200磅)

51、WHIPPER SNAPPER - Words can hurt sometimes, especially when the words are coming from an old man. ─── 女仆莉亚-即使是凯恩也喜欢在女士面前炫耀。

52、white blotched snapper ─── 石蚌

53、Locals still make a living off Bahamian lobster, snapper, and conch; ─── 岛上的居民靠捕捉巴哈马龙虾,笛鲷鱼,以及海螺为生;

54、I remember Snapper on the BBC Micro which was great and very, very similar to the original. ─── 我还记得微型BBC游戏里的斯内普玩具棒极了,而且与原型非常、非常像。

55、ruby snapper ─── n. 红钻笛鲷

56、Because of their abundance and the resulting competition for food, the sharks and snappers at Kingman Reef, Sala said, "are always on the verge of hunger. ─── 由于大量存在和由其而导致的食物竞争,金曼礁的鲨鱼和鲷鱼,萨拉说道,“总是濒临饥饿状态”。

57、Our main exporting products:pollock fillets,yellow fin sole fillets,cod fillets,red snapper fillets,salmon fillets ,scallop,etc. ─── 主要出口产品有:鳕鱼片、鲽鱼片、真鳕片、红鱼片、马哈鱼片、扇贝丁等其它类产品。

58、gray snapper ─── 紫红笛鲷

59、Any person caught using or carrying bean snappers or the like shall upon conviction, be fined. ─── 任何人若使用或携带吹豆器或类似东西被抓到,一定罪,就要被罚款。

60、mangrove snapper ─── n. 灰笛鲷

61、We want to buy Hake, Croaker, Scarp, Sabalo, Red Snapper, Within, Skate Wings, Sole Scrap ─── 我们要采购无须鳕,黄花鱼,陡坎,虱目鱼,红笛鲷,,滑冰翅膀,专用废料

62、Very often, of course, the rambling and disjointed humorous story finishes with a nub, point, snapper, or whatever you like to call it. ─── 当然,游离而松散的幽默故事结尾常常会有一个笑点、寓意、包袱,或者你叫它什么都行。

63、The moon also triggers the spawning of dog and cubera snappers. ─── 月亮也激发了狗啮鱼和古布拉金线鱼的繁殖。

64、“I jumped into the water and I was surrounded by reef sharks and red snappers. ─── “我跳入水中,四周环游着珊瑚礁鲨和红甲鱼。

65、The rush is on for silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) and yellowtail snappers (Ocyurus chrysurus) to get their share of food tossed out of a dive boat into Cuba's coastal waters. ─── 意译:水下动物:图片美术馆。急流中的似丝的鲨鱼和鲱鱼(黄狮鱼)笛鲷都变成鲨鱼的食物服务,来自于一艘潜水船在古巴的海岸水域。

66、black-striped snapper ─── 画眉笛鲷

67、Carol: Oh, no, my snapper scraggy. It's supposed to shrink a little when you cook it. ─── 卡罗尔:不,我的红头鱼。毫无疑问,烧过以后是是会缩小的。

68、You're watching the spawning ritual of the dog snapper. The dog snappers parade up the water. ─── 你现在看到的是九带笛鲷的产卵仪式。九带笛鲷在水中游行。

69、Techniques of Artificial Propagation of John's Snapper and Seed Rearing in Earth Pond ─── 约氏笛鲷人工繁殖及土池鱼苗培育技术

70、Meanwhile, place snapper fillets on a rimmed baking sheet. ─── 同时,将红鲷鱼肉放在一个有边的烤盘中。

71、Stewed Head of Red Snapper ─── 煮加吉鱼头

72、55 After SOT For a while, one corner of Germany has been turned into Little Tunis, and this red snapper has it all on film. ─── 一时间,德国的一角已经成为小突尼斯,狂热的球迷马诺比已经把这些全拍了下来。

73、Malabar red snapper ─── n. 马拉巴笛鲷

74、The "no camera" policy at most of these events is meant to discourage horny cellphone snappers and their ilk. ─── 在大多数这样的活动中“禁止拍照”政策阻挡了很多好色的手机拍照党和他们的同类。

75、Bycatch often includes the catch of juveniles of important commercial fish species (cod, rockfish, red snapper, croaker, king mackerel, Spanish mackerel and weakfish) as well as sea turtles. ─── 当生物资源被浪费,濒危和稀有物种受到威胁,已经被严重开发的鱼类资源进一步受到影响时,兼捕物可以成为一个严重的问题。

76、similar to and often marketed as "red snapper". ─── 与红笛鲷相似并经常被当作红笛鲷来卖。

77、Living in a hut is like staying in a goldfish tank and sitting quietly, you can see angelfish, parrotfish, barracuda, and snappers peeping through the window. ─── 住在小屋里就像你待在金鱼缸里一样,静静地坐着,你可以看到神仙鱼、鹦嘴鱼、梭鱼和鲷鱼透过窗户偷窥你哦。

78、emperor snapper L.sebae ─── 千年笛鲷

79、if you go boat fishing with us, you will find that catching kingfish is the same as you catching snappers. ─── 生活有时像被太监强*,反抗是痛苦,不反抗还是痛苦!

80、type genus of the Lutjanidae: snappers. ─── 笛鲷科一个模式属;甲鱼。

81、phiz snapper ─── [美俚]照相师

82、madras snapper ─── n. 黄笛鲷

83、He redid the computer system for his student paper, loved to cook and was writing his own cookbook.One of his specialties was snapper poached in tea and served with noodle cake. ─── 他为自己的学生论文而重新编写了计算机系统,热爱烹饪,正在写一本自己的食谱。

84、red snapper ─── ph. [鱼]红鲷

85、As park employees attempted to move Witherspoon and her kids to a safer area, the snapper allegedly assaulted two park employees, prompting security to call the police. ─── 于是迪士尼乐园的两名职员为瑞丝薇斯朋护驾,在护送他们前往一个较安全的地方期间,却遭到该名摄影师的袭击,为了安全起见,他们于是报警求助。

86、Gray Reef Shark, Kingman Reef Photograph by Brian Skerry This Month in Photo of the Day: Nature Gray reef sharks and red snappers hover above a patch of table coral, waiting for prey fish to emerge. ─── 意译:灰色的暗礁鲨鱼,金曼暗礁。灰色的暗礁鲨鱼群和红色的笛鲷群徘徊在一片的台子珊瑚之上,等待猎物鱼出现。

87、Alligator snappers spend most of their lives in water the exception being when females trudge about 160 feet (50 meters) inland to nest. ─── 大鳄龟大部分时间都在水里。只有雌龟在陆上跋涉50米返巢时除外。

88、sweet crispy snappers ─── 糖脆皮片

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