dynastical 发音
英:[dɪˈnæstɪkəl] 美:[ˈdɪnæstɪkəl]
英: 美:
dynastical 中文意思翻译
dynastical 相似词语短语
1、fantastical ─── adj.奇异的,虚构的
2、monastical ─── adj.出家的,僧院的
3、dynasticism ─── n.王朝的统治
4、dynamical ─── adj.动力学的(等于dynamic);有生气的;有力的
5、gymnastical ─── adj.体操的;体育的;n.体操课;体操技巧(等于gymnastic)
6、synaptical ─── 突触的
7、donatistical ─── 慷慨的。
8、dynastically ─── 王朝的
9、dynastic ─── adj.王朝的;朝代的
dynastical 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、gentry stratum of the late Qing Dynast ─── 清末绅士阶层
2、On Flourishing Reasons of the T'ang Dynast's Landscape And Pastoral Poetry ─── 从文人心态看盛唐山水田园诗兴盛的原因
4、Studies on the Literary History of Tang and Song Dynast ─── 唐宋文学史研究
5、the Qing Dynast ─── 创作群体
6、Abstract: Annual in March, european Union the dynast of 25 members country or summit metropolis gather headquarters of Brussels European Union, hold annual spring summit to meet. ─── 正文:每年3月,欧洲联盟25个人员国的首领或者官方元首都可能会汇集布鲁塞尔欧洲联盟总部,进行一年几度的春天峰会。财经难题一直是春天峰会关心的中心主题。
7、Statues in Han Dynast play a transformable role the art world.Nowadays,there are more statues about the out-going coaches and horses among the Han tomb statues which has been discovered. ─── 据记载“天子不能醇驷,而将相只能乘牛车”由此可以看出,当时连天子的御用马车的四匹马都配不齐同一种颜色,而将军和相侯只能乘坐牛车。
8、The Reason that the Influence of Axiomatic Method not Great in the Late of Ming Dynast and in the Early of Qing Dynast ─── 明末清初公理化方法未能在我国广泛传播的原因
9、the Song Dynast poems ─── 宋诗
10、Since the late Qing Dynast, there has been an uneven transformation of humanities in Chinese academic from the traditional paradigm to modern one. ─── 清末以来,我国的人文学术经历了一个由传统向现代的曲折转型。
11、Wujigou, situated at about 10 miles from the southwest of Wushan county-seat in Chongqing city, is a medium size cemetery dated to Han dynast. ─── 摘要乌鸡沟墓地位于重庆市巫山县城西南约十余里的乌鸡沟一组,是一处汉代中小型墓地。
12、Genealogical tables are records in old days of the descent of a family from an ancestor generation by generation. They are important materials for the study of dynastical history and local history. ─── 族谱是旧时记载一姓世系和重要人物事迹的谱籍,是研究朝代历史和地方史的重要资料。
13、Objective:To study original source of a quotation,applied classification and dynastical route of recorded history with Regard to Siqi decoction. ─── 目的:分析四七汤的方名出处、主治的衍化分类和四七汤的流源路线。
14、Tao Yuanming's Perspective in Late Years and the Replacement of Jin Dynast by Song Dynast with Emperor Liu ─── 陶渊明的晚年心态与晋宋易革
15、"100 Da Feili " be very conservative with costly brand, get of each country dynast and politician look at in person and chase after hold in both hands. ─── “百达翡丽”是一个非常保守和昂贵的品牌,深受各国元首和政客的亲睐和追捧。
16、Maritime trade between Siam and China had existed since the Yuan Dynasty, but it was not until the Qing Dynast period that its potical, economic, and social implications were fully manifested. ─── 虽然中国与暹罗间的海上贸易至少自元代就已经出现,但直到清朝时期,它的政治、经济和社会意义才完全显现出来。
17、Prosperous City Economy and Public Recreation in Yuan Dynast ─── 元代繁荣的城市经济和大众娱乐
18、by the late Tang Dynast, the beauty in form is pursued and it is extensively comprehensive. ─── 晚唐追求审美的丰富多彩,具有广博的包容性;
19、A Preliminary Study of the Background on the Greenish white Wares Provenance on Song Dynast ─── 宋代青白瓷起源的背景初探
20、Jiuxinghu and Sports Culture of Tang Dynast ─── 九姓胡对唐代体育的影响
21、During the Eastern Han Dynast y, when Daoism was born, Daoist ascetics mostly lived in huts and even caves in remote mountains. ─── 东汉年间产生了道教,大多数修道者居住在遥远的山中的棚屋甚至洞穴里。
22、This is the corner of the time that no dynast could find any way to get it better. ─── 这是任何一个统治者都无能为力的时代困境。
23、The special delegate that Wu Yi of Vice Prime Minister of Chinese the State Council and Baoersen of American finance minister regard two countries as dynast directs this conversation jointly. ─── 中国国务院副总理吴仪和美国财政部长保尔森作为两国元首的特别代表共同主持此次对话。
24、The Ming Dynast saw the all-round development of Chinese martial arts. ─── 明代是中国武术全面发展的时期。
25、” Said by a white Texan dynast in Ghana, an African country once ravaged by the slave trade, that unexceptionable insight might sound a shade patronising. ─── 一位德州白人主宰在加纳----一个曾经被奴隶贸易掠夺的非洲国家,曾经说过这句话。
26、The emperors in the Chinese history, especially the corruptive dynast in the modem history, became the main emperor image in the productions of film and TV of this period. ─── 中国历史上,特别是近代史上王朝腐朽阶段的帝王成为这一时期常规电影创作中主要的帝王形象。
27、Complete set quote of the hacker pays for 700 dynast, receive discharge and service to expend 700 yuan by the month at the same time, offer lifelong and free newer. ─── 黑客的全套报价为700元首付款,同时按月收流量和服务费700元,提供终身免费更新。
28、In relevant and fictitious election, american president Aobama beats the Robin Hood of British legend hero that harvests 10% vote with 25% vote and be elected " Utopia " dynast. ─── 相关虚拟选举中,美国总统奥巴马以25%选票击败收获10%选票的英国传奇英雄罗宾汉而当选“理想国”元首。
29、The former was accepted by plebs estate for a certain extent, and the latter was accepted by dynast estate by a certain meaning. ─── 后者在一定意义上为统治阶层所接受,他们不断为泰山玉女塑神像,修宫祠,赐额立碑,以祈求祛病消灾、延年益寿。
30、Textual research on Leng mountain in the Jin Dynast ─── 金代冷山考
31、Textual Research on Three Dramas of the Qing Dynast ─── 清人传奇三种考述
32、This household four-line poem named "stepping upon the stork tower" a masterpiece of renowned Tong Dynast poet WangZihuan has made the stork tower one of China four famous towers. ─── 享有盛名的杰出唐代诗人王之涣在他的四行诗“登鹳雀楼”使鹳雀楼成为中国四大名塔之一。
33、"Poetric Writing" does not first appear in Legends of the Tang Dynasty, but "poetic writing" is widely used in Legends of the Tang Dynast and achieves higher artistic achievements. ─── “诗笔”并非最早在唐传奇中出现,但在唐传奇中“诗笔”的运用是较为广泛的且取得较高的艺术成就。
34、The Pre-Qin Dynast Music and the Ideals of the Confucian Rites and Music ─── 先秦音乐与儒家的礼乐理想
35、Study about chivalrous poems of Tang Dynast. ─── 唐游侠诗研究;
36、As major burial objects, pre-historical jade cicadas, mainly found from the bottom of urn coffin of the Shijiahe culture in the middle Yangtze River range, are related to funeral ceremony and the concept of soul in the Han dynast. ─── 作为汉代主要葬玉之一的?蝉,在史前时期主要发现于长江中游的石家河文化中,并且主要出土于瓮棺葬的底部,应该与某种丧葬仪式或灵魂观有关。
37、the Ming Dynast ─── 明代
38、Wei and Jin Dynast ─── 魏晋
39、From general HUANG fuling in the East Han Dynast y to the famous writer,historian and doctor HUANG fumi in the Jin Dynasty,they bot h were people of Guyuan,though this is stiu in controversy. ─── 东汉将军皇甫棱至晋代著名文学、史学和医学家皇甫谧的籍贯 ,一直有争议 ,其实他们是今宁夏固原市人。
40、Compared the literature of Hunan in the Tang Dynast y with before,the quantity of native writers and from other parts increase and t he sphere of action is expanded. ─── 唐代的湖南文学与以前比较,本土作家和流寓的外籍作家增多,作家的活动范围和文学所反映的社会生活层面得到扩展。
41、Review the relationship of style and classified catalogue of Dian chronicles of Ming and Qing dynast with the social circumstance vicissitude of Yunnan ─── 明清滇志体例类目与云南社会环境变迁初探
42、Trial Discussion on the Causes of Ink Technique Boom in Calligraphy during Ming and Qing Dynast ─── 论书法墨法在明清时期兴盛之成因
43、After this, dynast is in 5 countries every year by turns each country meets, 5 countries dynast meets the mechanism is born from this. ─── 此后,五国元首每年轮流在各国会晤,五国元首会晤机制由此诞生。
44、“DEVELOPMENT depends on good governance.” Said by a white Texan dynast in Ghana, an African country once ravaged by the slave trade, that unexceptionable insight might sound a shade patronising. ─── 来自德州的白人总统在加纳(一个曾遭受奴隶贸易所蹂躏的非洲国家)称“发展取决于良政”,那个无懈可击的见识也许听起来高人一等。
45、At Tang Dynast, it was renamed Zhaoyi, belong to Haozhou Prefecture, then, at Song Dynasty, it was named Zhaoxin County.At Yuan Dynasty, it merged into Xuyi;at Ming Dynasty, it belonged to Fengyang; ─── 唐朝时复名招义,属濠州,宋朝改为招信县,元朝并招信县入盱眙,明朝属凤阳府,清朝直隶泗州。
46、Jiangxi Ci-Poetry Community is one of most famous Ci-Poetry Communities between the beginning of Yuan Dynasty and the ending of Song Dynast. ─── 宋末元初江西词人群体是一个非常著名的词人群体。
47、portrayed stone tombs door of the Eastern Han dynast ─── 东汉画像石墓墓门部位
48、historiography of Ming Dynast ─── 明代史学
49、In this article,the ancient Chinese history in marine an imal research is divided into three periods: pre-Qin, Qin-Han-Wei-Jin dynast y, and Sui-Tang till Ming-Qing dynasty. ─── 我国古代海洋动物史分为先秦、秦汉魏晋、隋唐至明清等三个时期。
50、The Liao Dynastical Human Skulls from Yeluyuzhi Cemetery in Aluke'erqin Banner, Inner Mongolia ─── 内蒙古阿鲁科尔沁旗辽代耶律羽之墓地人骨研究
51、capital city of the Yin dynast ─── 殷都
52、2. The Ming Dynast saw the all-round development of Chinese martial arts. Many high-ranking officers and wushu masters wrote treatises and books on wushu. ─── 明代是中国武术全面发展的时期。许多高官和武术大师就武术撰书立说。
53、pre Qin dynast ─── 先秦
54、Said by a white Texan dynast in Ghana, an African country once ravaged by the slave trade, that unexceptionable insight might sound a shade patronising. ─── 这个非洲国家曾一度为奴隶贩卖蹂躏,因此布什看似完美的见解略胜一筹。
55、late Qing Dynast ─── 清代末期
56、During Santiago APEC peak was met last year, dynast of Sino-US two countries agrees consistently to strengthen Sino-US strategy dialog. ─── 报导还称,中国和美国策略谈话是由中方积极提起来的,企图是为了经过谈话增信解疑,去除老美对我国复兴的顾虑。
57、Like the country of the British Commonwealth such as Australia, although be symbolistic, its nation is top dynast still is British empress. ─── 与澳大利亚等英联邦国家一样,虽然是象征性的,其国家最高元首仍是英国女皇。
58、Empero WuDi of Han dynast ─── 汉武帝
59、An Analysis of the New Change of Salt Policy in the Late Qing Dynast ─── 晚清盐政的新变化分析
60、“Beijing Clay Figure Zhang” has already near 160 years history so far, dating back to the period of Daoguang emperor in late Qing Dynast. ─── “北京泥人张”始于清末道光年间,至今已有近160年的历史。
61、Before take an examination of, dynast people doing scrip tensely. ─── 在考前,元首们紧张的做著纸条。
62、Local Low-rank Officials, Local Governments and Bureaucratic Policy of Qing Dynast ─── 清代的地方吏役、地方政府与官僚政治
63、An In fluence of Silk Road Sports on the Polo of Tang Dynast ─── 浅析丝绸之路体育对唐代马球运动的影响
64、As a famous poet in the early of Qing Dynasty, Wu Weiye made a great success in literary creation.Being his dishonesty to Ming dynast, discussing of his character and morals has never stopped. ─── 清初著名诗人吴伟业在诗歌艺术方面取得的成就前人多有定论,但由于他屈节仕清,关于他人品高下的问题历来争论不休。
65、On the Attribution of the Han Dynastical Culture ─── 汉赋文化属性探议
66、On the Relations between the Shanshan traders and the Xiejia of Qinghai in the Ming and Qing Dynast ─── 明清时期山陕商人与青海歇家关系探微
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