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09-02 投稿



frivolity 发音

英:[frɪˈvɑːləti]  美:[frɪˈvɒləti]

英:  美:

frivolity 中文意思翻译



frivolity 短语词组

1、frivolity means ─── 轻浮意味着

2、indelible frivolity ─── 不可磨灭的轻浮

3、frivolity syn ─── 轻浮综合征

4、frivolity defined ─── 轻浮性定义

5、frivolity definition ─── 轻浮定义

6、frivolity define ─── 轻浮定义

7、frivolity font ─── 轻浮字体

frivolity 同义词

bagatelle | buffoonery | playfulness | gaiety | prank | fluff | superficiality | unimportance | clowning | foolishness | merriment |airiness | japery | harlequinade | giddiness | silliness | dizziness | frippery | triviality | frivolousness

frivolity 反义词


frivolity 词性/词形变化,frivolity变形


frivolity 相似词语短语

1、frivolities ─── n.轻浮;轻薄;轻率

2、finality ─── n.定局;终结;结尾;最后的事物;最后的言行

3、friability ─── n.易碎性;脆弱

4、triviality ─── n.浅薄,轻浮;琐事;平凡

5、civility ─── n.礼貌;礼仪;端庄

6、fidelity ─── n.保真度;忠诚;精确;尽责

7、frivolling ─── 轻浮

8、rivality ─── 竞争

9、frivoling ─── v.举止轻浮无聊

frivolity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There, the 60-year-old Clinton reminisced about her days at Yale, saying the law school was an "encampment for protests and frivolity" when she arrived in the fall of 1969. ─── 现年60岁的希拉里?克林顿回忆了自己在耶鲁大学的时光,称她在1969年秋季入学时,法学院“是抗议和轻率举动的营地”。

2、to frivol away one's time ─── 浪费某人的时光

3、A serious political speech shall not be full of frivolity ─── 一篇严肃的政治演讲不该充斥著轻薄无聊的话

4、Frivolity, inter many alia, is what fashion does. ─── 轻浮,埋葬了许多模糊不清的东西,这就是时尚。

5、I dislike her frivolity. ─── 我讨厌她轻浮的举止。

6、lightness of manner or speech,especially when inappropriate; frivolity ─── 轻浮,轻率举止或言谈不严肃,尤指在不适当的场合;轻佻

7、Given to frivolity; flighty. ─── 轻浮的;轻薄的

8、In his defense, if I spent an entire lifetime making objects of frivolity , I might be inclined to be introspective as well. ─── 出于他的自我保护,如果我花了整个一生来制作物体的轻薄无聊,我可能也会反省自己。

9、If I buy it today, will you accuse me of frivolity. ─── 如果我今天买它,你会不会谴责我轻浮?

10、Frivolity, inter many alia, is what fashion does.And what if it does? ─── 很多事情跟时尚一样轻浮,即使轻浮又如何呢?

11、As I shake my head, it stillfeels brimful of luscious frivolity, with not a trace of philosophy. ─── 尽管我摇头否认,可这仍然充满了甜美的轻浮,而没有些许哲理。

12、Given to frivolity or silliness. ─── 轻浮的或愚蠢的

13、In his defense, if I spent an entire lifetime making objects of frivolity, I might be inclined to be introspective as well. ─── 出于他的自我保护,如果我花了整个一生来制作物体的轻薄无聊,我可能也会反省自己。

14、frivol away ─── 愚蠢地浪费

15、You are not interested in fleeting excitement or frivolity now. ─── 现在你对于短暂的刺激或轻率举动并不感兴趣。

16、Male:"Good can't frivol a food." ─── 男:“好不能糟蹋粮食。”

17、A woman who was longing for love and relentlessly in pursuit of it--- but vanity and frivolity let her time and again to betray her heart. ─── 一个憧憬并执着追求爱情的女人——但虚荣与轻浮又一次次的让她被叛自己的内心。

18、For frivolity and jokes and spotted tights were an offense, when they intruded themselves upon a spirit that was exalted into the vague august realm of the romantic. ─── 试想一想在汤姆的潜意识中,他已隐隐约约来到了神圣而浪漫的国度,这哪能容得下小丑的那些打诨插科、花花绿绿的紧身衣之类的东西。

19、What about being overly serious and boring everyone around you to death?An element of frivolity keeps a soul from atrophying. ─── 当你周围的每个人都死气沉沉的对你,你会怎么想呢?

20、She obtained pleasure by contrasting different writers, getting emotions out of the gravity of one and the frivolity of the next. ─── 她以比较作家们的不同风格而取乐,她从一位作家的庄重中获得感动,又为另一位作家的轻浮而动情。

21、"Wilde was a man of great, intense feelings, who behind the lightness of his writing, behind a mask of frivolity or cynicism, hid a deep knowledge of the mysterious value of life," he said. ─── 他说:“王尔德把他极为强烈的情感藏在轻巧的文章里,戴着轻松戏谑或愤世嫉俗的面具,隐藏了自己对于不可思议的生命价值的深刻理解。”

22、The boy, who has an air of frivolity and disrespect, appears to be a hooligan at first glance. ─── 这个男孩一脸痞气,一看就是个小流氓。

23、Frivolity gets a bad rap.What about being overly serious and boring everyone around you to death? ─── 但要是你周围的人都一直板着脸你又会感觉如何呢?

24、He get hurriedly at and at that time go to dead, gold Yong old Sir can that more than ten novel about swordsmen, again frivol several bottom all over! ─── 他得赶紧在第一时间去死,金庸老先生可就那十几部武侠小说,再糟蹋几下就都完了!

25、Frivolity, inter many alias, is what fashion does. ─── 时尚界确实是浮华的,这个词掩盖了它的其它称谓。

26、It is a luxury, they say, a frivolity, something to indulge in only every so often. ─── 它是一种奢侈品,他们说,一个乐趣,一些沉迷于如此频繁。

27、A frivolity; a trifle ─── 无聊举动;琐事

28、It was just a piece of harmless frivolity. ─── 这仅是无恶意的愚蠢行为。

29、Because of the different materials and techniques are also different, the feeling of frivolity, but also the strong feeling, that sleek, but also feeling crude. ─── 由于材料的不同,质感也不同,有感觉轻薄的,也有感觉厚实的,有感觉光滑的,也有感觉粗糙的。

30、Alicia, who was never familiar with her servants, withdrew in disgust at my lady's frivolity. ─── 艾丽西亚从来不同她的仆人熟不拘礼,她对爵士夫人的轻浮无聊大为厌恶,退出房间去了。

31、How could she tolerate the men's frivolity? ─── 她怎能忍受得了那男人的轻浮?

32、She resembled Miss Hancock attempting by archness and by an assumption of frivolity to persuade her neighbours that she was juvenile. ─── 她象汉考克小姐一样使用巧计,伪装风流,来使她的邻人们相信她青春正茂。

33、just not enough fun and frivolity in culture today. ─── 当今文化中太缺少乐趣和轻松。

34、Somewhere in the course of all that frivolity, binge drinking may occur. ─── 轻浮无聊之处,饮酒狂欢之兴即起。

35、a serious message at the core of all this frivolity. ─── 所有这些轻松乐事的核心传递着一个严肃的讯息。

36、Hedonism and frivolity will diffuse hell through all our days ─── 享乐主义和轻薄浮佻会将地狱扩展到我们的整个日子之中。

37、It's frivol misuse of time, I confess . ─── 我承认,这有点无谓浪费时间。

38、But too often, no flirting, no frolicking, and no frivolity on the side means no fun to you. ─── 但通常来说,不调情、不嬉戏、不轻佻对你而言就是没趣。

39、This was a period of transition for French painting in both styles and subject matter, from the "frivolity" of Rococo to the seriousness of Neo-classicism. ─── 这一时期正是法国艺术在风格和主题上从洛可可的“浮华”向新古典主义的“严肃”过渡的阶段。

40、An element of frivolity keeps a soul from atrophying. ─── 轻浮的一个元素可以防止精神萎缩。

41、Characterized by frivolity; silly or trivial. ─── 轻浮的;傻的或平凡的

42、A serious political speech should not be full of frivolity. ─── 一次严肃的政治演讲不应该充满轻浮的言词。

43、It is a world of luxury and leisure, of idle talk and frivolity, of music and romance. ─── 这个是充满了奢侈閒情、放荡浮夸、以及音乐浪漫的世界。

44、The company's roadster will disappear from the lineup after 2009, and a planned successor has been cancelled - deemed an unnecessary frivolity as even Honda hunkers down to ride out the recession. ─── 该公司的车就会消失后,从2009年的阵容,并有计划的继任者已被取消-视为不必要frivolity作为本田hunkers甚至下降到渡过经济衰退中,我们会最终.

45、I was astonished by this, imagining that the Amahagger were much too gloomy a folk to indulge in any such frivolity ─── 这使我大为惊诧,我无法想象这些死气沉沉的阿马哈格人何以能爱好这种轻松愉快的活动。

46、He didn't marry her, because she was frivolous means roughly, “Her frivolity was his reason for not marrying her.” ─── 他不娶她,因为她很轻浮。粗略的意思是,“她的轻浮是他不娶她的原因。”你看看或许就知道该怎么翻译了。

47、"How can a leader of a great country behave lightheartedly and frivolously? In frivolity, the foundation is lost. In hasty action, self-mastery is lost." ─── 奈何万乘之主,而以身轻天下? 轻则失根,躁则失君

48、Frivolity is a necessity, not an indulgence. ─── 快乐是必须的,但不能放纵自己。

49、He did not like a mixture of frivolity with the serious business of the hunt. ─── 他不喜欢把嬉戏和打猎这件严肃认真的事情混为一谈。

50、Frivol one's life away in dissipation ─── 在放荡中虚度年华。

51、Undoubtedly he'd seen even less frivolity in his life than we had. ─── 不用说,他一生中所见的乐事比我们的还要少。

52、Lousy slice we see is not on the whole little either, but so frivol movie, we are disgusted. ─── 烂片我们看得也不算少了,但这样糟蹋电影的,我们恶心。

53、2. His frivolity annoys the other people in the office. ─── 他的轻浮使办公室里的其他人感到不快。

54、A frivolity;a trifle. ─── 无聊举动;琐事

55、Somewhere in the course of all that frivolity, binge drinking may occur. ─── 轻浮无聊之处,饮酒狂欢之兴即起。

56、The frivolity, frenzy and laughter soon turned into stilted postures and silence as the members of the audience tried to come to terms with what just took place. ─── 当观众还不知道要如何对应之下,原来的虚浮、欣狂及笑声很快地就变僵了、静默无语。

57、This window of fun and frivolity is also fabulous time for love affairs and romance. ─── 这个轻松娱乐的时刻也非常适合爱情和浪漫。

58、She resembled Miss Hancock attempting by archness and by an assumption of frivolity to persuade her neighbours that she was juvenile ─── 她象汉考克小姐一样使用巧计,伪装风流,来使她的邻人们相信她青春正茂。

59、talk, this man claiming to be the last name of the River, a few women's speech frivolity " invited press time " " " interviews in the past. ─── 谈话中,这名自称姓江的女子言语轻佻,数次“邀请”记者过去“面谈”。

60、Calculate to frivol me me also don't say! ─── 就算糟蹋我我也不说!

61、Her diary jottings rejoice at the socialising: card parties and balls, the kind of frivolity that later became the focus of daily life for many colonial wives in India. ─── 在她的日记中她兴奋地提到了一些社交活动,像打牌聚会和舞会,这些娱乐活动之后成为了在印度殖民者妻子每天的生活项目。

62、and she questions her step-daughter in that pretty, childlike manner which has such a bewitching air of innocent frivolity. ─── 她向她丈夫的前妻的女儿去打听了,用那种巧妙而又孩子气的方式,天真的轻浮之中自有一种迷人的神情。

63、I take on board some of the comments, but I would defend my trip against the accusation of frivolity . ─── 但是面对某些轻率的指责,我必须要捍卫我旅行的意义。

64、lacking seriousness; given to frivolity. ─── 不严肃;惯于轻浮的。

65、He felt leanings toward frivolity. ─── 他感觉到了轻浮的倾向。

66、Glancing around, I could see that even though the atmosphere in the room had turned away from frivolity, our esteemed guests were still showing plenty of disdain. ─── 这时,现场气氛虽然从嬉闹转为安静,但是他们脸上还是一副不屑的样子。

67、Frivolity gets a bad rap. ─── 否则它还能做什么?

68、I take on board some of the comments, but I would defend my trip against the accusation of frivolity. ─── 但是面对某些轻率的指责,我必须要捍卫我旅行的意义。

69、If I buy it today, will you accuse me of frivolity. ─── 假如我今天买它,你会不会谴责我轻浮?”

70、Finally, prove the frivolity of the point given in this book by examples that make the assay be more scenically and guiding experience. ─── 最后,针对文中提出的论点,以实证研究证明其可行性,使论文更具有科学性和实践指导性。

71、Only those people who can understand living has relation with death, can feel deeply that life is short.And we can't frivol, we should spend every day wealthy and happily. ─── 只有那些知道生死必然的人,才能意识到生命短暂,生命不能虚度,我们的每一天都该浓烈、丰盛而快乐的活。活,活出自我!

72、Given to frivolity; silly. ─── 轻率的;愚蠢的

73、It was just a piece of harmless frivolity. ─── 这仅是无恶意的愚蠢行为。

74、In fact I know, any writing that I frivol probably because usually have a head to have no tail, the person, who see, be always few, still less write on the examination paper? ─── 其实我是知道的,凡我糟蹋的文字大概因为往往有头无尾吧,看的人一向不多,更何况是在考卷上写呢?

75、A serious political speech shall not be full of frivolity. ─── 一篇严肃的政治演讲不该充斥著轻薄无聊的话。

76、As I shake my head, it still feels brimful of luscious frivolity, with not a trace of philosophy. ─── 我们需要估计一下那些盲目、贪婪、但却客观的鉴定家(改为:蒙着眼睛拉磨的批评家)能从你身上榨出多少油水。”

77、A frivolity; a trifle. ─── 无聊举动; 琐事

78、For frivolity and jokes and spotted tights were an offense, ─── 这时他容不下小丑的那些打诨插科、花花绿绿的紧身衣之类的东西,

79、Lightness of manner or speech, especially when inappropriate; frivolity. ─── 轻浮,轻率举止或言谈不严肃,尤指在不适当的场合; 轻佻

80、The Nest is the honour in China since 2008, so we couldn't frivol it.Being a view spot is enough. ─── 自2008年奥运会以来鸟巢便是中国人的骄傲,我们应该敬仰他而不是去糟蹋他。

81、He didn't marry her because she was frivolous means roughly, "His reason for marrying her was independent of her frivolity. ─── 他不娶她不是因为她轻薄,粗略的意思是,“他和她结婚的原因与她的轻薄无关。

82、to, towards) He's always had a tendency to /towards frivolity. ─── 他向来表现出轻浮的倾向。

83、With rich, sumptuous sets and a witty, intelligent script, Marquise is a colorful period piece that captures the lusty spirit of the17 th century with its fire, frivolity and passion. ─── 豪华、张的场景,凝练、慧的剧本,《路易十四的情妇》无疑是一部多彩的历史巨制,以其率性和激情抓住了17世纪的奢糜之精髓。

84、In spite of Miss Alicia's undisguised contempt for her step-mother's childishness and frivolity, Lucy was better loved and more admired than the baronet's daughter. ─── 尽管艾丽西亚小姐毫不掩饰地鄙视她继母的那种稚气和轻桃,露西还是比从男爵的女儿更受人爱慕和赞美。

85、“ And so there is life beyond the grave,” I thought with the strange frivolity one has in dreams. ─── 我深信自己不会害怕,而且一想到不会害怕时,我便兴奋不已。

86、Lightness of manner or speech,especially when inappropriate;frivolity. ─── 轻浮,轻率举止或言谈不严肃,尤指在不适当的场合;轻佻

87、Fragonard's scenes of frivolity and gallantry are considered the embodiment of the Rococo spirit. ─── 弗拉戈那尔笔下轻佻与风流的场景,被认为十足体现了洛可可艺术的精神。

88、Only those people who can understand living has relation with death, can feel deeply that life is short. And we can't frivol, we should spend every day wealthy and happily. ─── 只有那些知道生死必然的人,才能意识到生命短暂,生命不能虚度,我们的每一天都该浓烈、盛而快乐的活。活,活出自我!

89、Why should he come to me? I don't have to have him come. Yet that he should have stopped coming pains me and proves his frivolity. ─── 我本无须乎要他来,但他真的不来了却又更令我伤心,更证实他以前的轻

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