lias 发音
英: 美:
lias 中文意思翻译
lias 短语词组
1、blue lias lime ─── 蓝色水硬石灰
lias 词性/词形变化,lias变形
lias 相似词语短语
1、liras ─── n.里拉(意大利、土耳其基本货币单位)(lira的复数);n.(Liras)(美)利拉斯(人名)
2、liars ─── 说谎者;撒谎者(liar的复数)
3、Lias ─── n.蓝色石灰岩
4、-lias ─── n.(Lias)(侏罗系的)里阿斯统;n.(Lias)(美)利亚斯(人名)
5、Dias ─── n.二叠纪;迪亚斯(品牌)
6、litas ─── n.立特(立陶宛货币单位,等于lit)
7、glias ─── n.神经胶质(等于neuroglia)
8、Elias ─── n.伊莱亚斯(希伯来先知,等于Elijah)
9、alias ─── adv.(罪犯或演员等)别名,化名;又称,也叫做;n.(尤指罪犯所用的)化名;(文件、互联网地址等用的)别名;错误识别;n.(Alias)(马、美、英、印)阿利亚(人名)
lias 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、As an integral part of Lingang New City, the development of Lingang Industrial Area(LIA) is a crucial step for Shanghai's further optimization of industrial layout and upgrade of industrial level. ─── 作为临港新城的重要组成部分,临港产业区的开发建设将是上海进一步优化产业布局、提升产业能级的重要战略举措。
2、Social Contract" lias long been a classical paradigm in the field of political philosophy in the west, bul it contains an inherent contradiction. ─── “社会契约论”作为西方政治哲学的“范式”,包含着一个内在矛盾。
3、After pin's noise and equivalent circuit are discussed, this thesis introduces technology and methods of signal management, including pre-amplifier and differential-amplifier, BPF, LIA, etc. ─── 本文最后以实验样机为对象进行试验研究,包括光路损耗实验、气体浓度和输出信号的关系实验以及系统的重复性和稳定性等实验。
4、First,lock-in amplifier (LIA) is used for the detection of weak signal. ─── 利用锁相放大器进行弱信号探测。
5、Bracelets, CC Skye and Lia Sophia. ─── 手镯,斯凯和利亚#索菲亚。
6、CLIA,according to the labels,can be divided as Luminescent Immunoassay (LIA),Lumminescent Enzyme Immunoassay (LEIA) and Luminescent Cofactor Immunoassay (LCIA). ─── 化学发光免疫技术可根据抗原抗体标记物的不同而分为发光物免疫测定、发光酶免疫测定和发光辅助因子免疫测定三大类型。
7、Design and implementation of control system for 4 MeV LIA ─── 4 MeV直线感应加速器控制系统设计与实现
8、Lia Manoliu ─── 玛诺柳
9、The boy and the girl who came here yesterday. Le nammo at la moier quo arrivos lias kuenytum. ─── 女孩昨天来,男孩没有。
10、Lia propono estas, ke ni tuj ekiru. ─── 他的建议是:我们立刻就出发。
11、At the earlier stage of eutectic, the enveloped or nor- enveloped frame austenite shell lias formed. ─── 共晶前期石墨球局围形成封闭或不封闭的框架奥氏体壳;
12、The emphasis is on knowing why you are doing math before tackling calculations, says Lia Crawford, Hillsborough County Schools elementary math supervisor. ─── 为什么这么计算是新课标的重点,克劳佛督察?说道。
13、Registration with false information will be cancelled at the discretion of LIA Executive Committee. ─── 本协会执行委员会将核实会员信息。使用非真实信息的注册人将会被取消会员资格。
14、Methods of signal processing in LIA based on wavelet transform[J]. ─── 引用该论文 杨兴林,王华岑,徐铁铮,李劲.
15、YANG Sheng-guanga; b; LI Lia; XU Yia; ZHANG Yu-anga; LOU Xiao-xianga; GAO Ming-luna; b(a.Institute of VLSI Design; b.Key Laboratory of Advanced Photonic &Electronic Materials; Nanjing 210093; China); ─── 南京大学微电子设计研究所;南京大学江苏省光电信息功能材料重点实验室;
16、is pointed that the skeletal age standard lias to be revised every 10 years. ─── 龄标准每隔10年修订一次是必要的。
17、luminescent immunoassay(LIA) ─── 发光免疫测定
18、LIA Low Speed Input Adapter ─── 低速输入适配器
19、Abstract: For online imaging systems,the lock-in amplifier (LIA)with the low pass filter (LPF)is the main obstacle for faster performance. ─── 文章摘要: 对于实时成像系统,锁相放大器的低通滤波环节是影响系统响应速度的关键因素。
20、That I consider a supremely beautiful gesture, and it is a pity that this custom lias gone out of vogue. ─── 我觉得这是非常优雅的姿态:现在这种风尚已经消灭,真是可惜。
21、Blood group antibody Lia ─── Lia血型抗体
22、Painted wood pagoda for the ashes of seven Buddists (Lia Dynasty) ─── 木雕彩绘七佛舍利塔(辽)
23、Well-concerned appeals will be adopted into LIA lobby agenda. ─── 有代表性的意见将被采纳。
24、Alexis Hamilton and her then 18-month-old daughter Lia were playing in the Junior Museum and Zoo some years ago when a little girl walked up. ─── 几年前,艾历克西斯?汉密尔顿和她当时十八个月大的女儿莉尔正在少年美术馆、动物园玩。这时一个女孩走上前来。
25、lebeled immunoassay (LIA) ─── 标记免疫分析
26、Fossils of the Middle Lias; ─── 早侏罗世中期化石;
27、Vi estas lia karno, lia sango. ─── 你是他的亲骨肉(亲生儿子)。
28、Little Ice Age (LIA) ─── 中国西北干旱区
29、Scattering effects of residual gas and RMS emittance growth in Dragon-I LIA ─── 残余气体对LIA束流发射度的影响
30、Lia Xiaofeng ─── 李晓枫,中国演员
31、We utilized rapid thermal annealing (RTA) and laser induced annealing (LIA) processes to form nickel silicide and discussed the role of amorphous silicon in annealing process. ─── 我们分别利用快速热退火与雷射引致退火形成矽化镍并讨论非晶矽在退火制程中所扮演的角色。
32、The writer lias discussed the structure of horizontal and vertical on the seasonal rainforest. ─── 依立木高度、树冠形态、各层植物叶之解剖结构划分层次;
33、Abstract: High current linear induction accelerator(LIA) is a complicated experimental physics device.It is difficult to evaluate and predict its performance. ─── 摘 要: 用于流体动力学诊断的强流LIA是庞大而复杂的系统,其性能预测和评估是十分困难的。
34、In the petition, the LIA describes itself as "a leading organization of legal immigrants mainly comprised of people from China." ─── 在请愿书后,利亚自己描述为"领导组织的合法移民为主组成的人,来自中国"。
35、That I consider a supremely beautiful gesture, and it is a pity that this custom lias gone out of vogue. ─── 我觉得这是非常优雅的姿态:现在这种风尚已经消灭,真是可惜。
36、2) Access to LIA private data from USCIS, DOS, and Congress Immigration Subcommittee, e.g.I-140 processing report and I-485 pending case data. ─── 二、得到移民局、国务院、及国会移民委员会给LIA提供的非公开数据,如I-140进度数据,I-485 未处理数据等。
37、China lias made universally acknowledged remarkable effects since the positive financial policy implemented in 1998. ─── 我国自1998年实施积极财政政策以来,取得了举世公认的显著成效。
38、Abstract: Accurate mechanical axis alignment is a basic requirement for assembling a linear induction accelerator (LIA). ─── 摘 要: 介绍了大型直线感应加速器机械轴精密对中安装方法和工艺。
39、These are the sons of Zelpha, whom Laban gave to Lia his daughter. And these she bore to Jacob, sixteen souls. ─── 以上是拉班给他的女儿肋阿的婢女齐耳帕,给雅各伯生的子孙,共计十六人。
40、Scattering effects of residual gas and RMS emittance growth in Dragon-I LIA[J]. ─── 引用该论文 代志勇,高峰,章林文,邓建军,丁伯南.
41、China lias made universally acknowledged remarkable effects since the positive financial policy implemented in 1998. ─── 我国自1998年实施积极财政政策以来,取得了举世公认的显著成效。
42、The surgical treatments and curative effects evaluation of Arnold-Chiari malformation complicated with syringomye- lia: a study of 125 patients ─── Arnold-Chiari畸形并脊髓空洞症125例手术治疗疗效评价
43、Because of the gradual temperature drop and the increase in size of the cold area from the “Medieval Warm Period” to the LIA, the growth rate also decreased concomitantly. ─── 从“中世纪暖期”到小冰期,由于温度逐渐下降,而且寒冷地区的范围扩大,人口增长率也随之降低。
44、Beam diagnostic devices including beam position, beam magnitude and beam radius diagnostic devices is widely used in Linear Induction Accelerator(LIA). ─── 在直线感应加速器中,使用的有束流位置、大小、半径等参数的诊断装置。
45、Through three years of development, the Heavy Equipment Zone and the International Logistics Park at LIA have begun to take shape, with its high starting point planning, high standards and quality. ─── 三年多来,临港产业区坚持以高起点、高标准、高质量进行开发建设,目前装备产业区和国际物流园区已初具规模。
46、A type of fixing agent for crude oil samples ashing, more reliable for sample treating and with less loss in samples lias been chosen based on a great deal of experiments for screening fixing agents for dry ashing crude oil samples. ─── 本文对干法灰化原油样品的固定剂行进了大量选择实验,终于找到一种样品处理较为简单可靠、损失又少的原油灰化固定剂。
47、Prefilter Design Method for Weak Signal Detection with LIA ─── 基于锁相放大的微弱信号检测电路前置滤波器设计
48、Lia centra intereso estas Boneco, au virto. ─── 他的中心兴趣是善,或曰美德。
49、Mechanism and Control Methods of Emittance Growth for LIA Injector ─── LIA注入器发射度增长机理研究及其抑制措施
50、Blood group antigen Lia ─── Lia血型抗原
51、Design and implementation of control system for 4 MeV LIA[J]. ─── 引用该论文 杨兴林,潘建,王远,蒋薇,赖青贵.
52、The function of pulse power system of LIA (Linear Induction Accelerator) is generating accelerative pulse and providing it toaccelerate electronic beam synchronously. ─── 在直线感应加速器中,脉冲功率系统的作用是向加速器提供与被加速电子束同步的加速脉冲。
53、Por tio lia instruisto nomis lin "Malgranda Pafisto. ─── 引号用完整或完全不用引号。
54、lia opinio estas, ke ni devas trinki. ─── 他的意见是我们应喝水。
55、Beam centroid trajectory control for a high current LIA ─── 强流电子束束心横向运动调谐技术研究
56、Jurassic From approx. 185 to 140 million years before present; lower (Lias), middle (Dogger), upper (Malm). ─── 侏罗纪从接近一亿八千五百万到一亿四千万年以前;早侏罗纪,中侏罗纪,晚侏罗纪。
57、High current linear induction accelerator(LIA) is a complicated experimental physics device.It is difficult to evaluate and predict its performance. ─── 摘要用于流体动力学诊断的强流LIA是庞大而复杂的系统,其性能预测和评估是十分困难的。
58、The relation between the heating process and the phase structure , phase transformation and superconductivity of Bi0.92Pb0. 1 7SrCaCu1 .5Oy lias been studied in this paper. ─── 水文研究了Bi_(0.92)Pb_(0.17)Sr Ca Cu_(1.5)O_y样品的物相结构、物相转变和超导电性与热处理过程的关系。
59、Xu Shangp ing, Tao Shu, Xu Fuliu et al. Spatial distribution pattern of trace elem ents contents in the so il in Inner M ongo lia [J ]. ─── [徐尚平,陶澍,徐福留等.内蒙土壤微量元素含量的空间结构特征[J].地
60、So we want to apply Diamagnetic loop in LIA, it will be significative.In this paper, we have studied the feasibility for Diamagnetic loop to be used in LIA. ─── 本文研究了反磁回路诊断装置应用于强流直线感应加速器(LIA)的可行性,在理论研究的基础上设计并建立了反磁回路诊断装置。
61、Lia Yutang ─── 林语堂
62、A model of the beam centroid motion in a linear induction accelerator (LIA) was developed.It calculates the track of the beam centroid under the condition of cell magnet misalignment. ─── 摘要给出了直线感应加速器在磁体失准情况下电子束质心运动轨迹的计算机模型。
63、Authors: HUANG Xin-wen, WU Xiao-ping, LIA Xian-ying, CHEN Xiao-fang, LUO Hong, ─── 作者:黄新文,吴晓萍,廖贤英,陈肖芳,罗红
64、Time-resolved measurement system for electron beam profile of high current LIA ─── 具有时间分辨能力的强流电子束束剖面测量系统
65、White Lias ─── 白里阿斯层
66、It is well suit for real-time implementation, combining DDS, LIA and VFC, a new real-time impedance spectroscopy instrument is developed. ─── 最后,结合直接数字频率综合器(DDS)、锁定放大器(LIA)和压频转换器(VFC)设计了一种具有更好实时性的新型阻抗谱测量系统。
67、The paper is base on reference and gives theory method for estimating vertical drag, and for example of one helicopter, lias computed,Obtains a good agree of computing result with main rotor/fuselag wind tunnel lest result. ─── 本文根据参考文献,给出估算垂向阻力的理论方法,并以某机为例进行了计算,计算结果与该机的旋翼/机身组合风洞试验结果相比,获得了很好的一致。
68、3) Access to LIA Executive Committee to request certain lobby target(s). ─── 三、要求LIA执委会修正或增加游说目标。
69、Hamilton, who was taken aback for a minute, responded by explaining that Lia had been adopted from China. ─── 汉密尔顿吃惊地愣了一会儿,解释到:莉尔是从中国收养的。
70、Keywords human immunodeficiency virus (HIV);immunodominant region(IDR);line immunoassay(LIA); ─── 关键词免疫缺陷病毒;免疫优势区;蛋白免疫印迹测定;
71、Beam centroid motion estimate for a high current LIA ─── 强流直线感应加速器中束流质心横向运动初步计算
72、Both in HIA and LIA, significant difference occurred between poorly to moderate and well differentiated SCC ( P
73、Abstract: An intelligent tuning system for the high current LIA is being designed at Laboratory of Accelerator Physics and Application, Institute of Fluid Physics. ─── 摘 要: 介绍了正在研究设计的调谐强流电子束束心轨迹的计算机智能系统。
74、It had been founded in 1993, and lias been paid great attention in fields of military and social-life application. ─── 该系统于1993年正式建成并投入使用,在军事和社会生活诸多领域的功效受到广泛重视。
75、Although the SH had no obvious LIA, the temperature anomaly for the SH was used for comparative purposes in the correlation analysis by examining the temperature and war frequency relationship. ─── 因为南半球未曾发生过明显的小冰期,在我们关于温度与战争的相关关系分析研究中,对于南半球而言,把温度异常作为比较的标的。
76、Beam Bugs and Botare used quite widely in Linear Induction Accelerator (LIA) , either for beamcurrent or for beam centroid position measurements . ─── 在直线感应加速器中,壁电流探测器、磁探针应用得尤为广泛,两者都可以测量束流及束心位置。
77、When I got home, I received a call from Lia, my young daughter. ─── 一到家,我就接到我的小女儿丽雅的一个电话。
78、That I consider a supremely beautiful gesture,and it is a pity that this custom lias gone out of vogue. ─── 我觉得这是非常优雅的姿态,现在这种风尚已经消灭,真是可惜。
79、When I look back on that awful week, what I remember most clearly is Lia crying on the telephone. ─── 我回忆可怕的那一周的情景时,最清楚地重映脑海的就是丽雅在电话中哭泣。
80、root apex of lower central incisor, LIA ─── 下中切牙根尖点
81、Zhang Sisu Lia Guangzhen Yu Meiyan wang Zaixu Sun Junfu Peanut Research Institute Of Shandong Province; Gao Zhanfeng Agrophysics; Physi. and Biochem. Ins.; Hebei Acad. Agricul. Sci.; ─── 山东省花生研究所;河北省农业科学院农业物理生理生化研究所;
82、As a numeral, the usage of Er is not simple.There are both differences and similarities, in the usages of "Er", "Liang", "Lia" and "Zai" in Chinese. ─── 摘要作为数字的“二”,用法并不单纯,“二”与“两”、“俩”以及“再”的用法有同有异。
83、In the petition, the LIA describes itself as "a leading organization of legal immigrants mainly comprised of people from China. ─── " 在请愿书后,利亚自己描述为"领导组织的合法移民为主组成的人,来自中国" 。
84、33 Study on the ultrasonic irradiation of coal water slurry 理科 Yong-Xin Lia Bao-Qing Lib Chemistry Department,Ningxia University,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750021,People's Republic of China 2003-03-16 ─── 34基因型和环境互作对宁夏稻米整精米率的影响农科殷延勃,朱美静,马洪文,王昕,钱前,王磊宁夏农科院农作物研究所,中国农业科学院水稻研究所2003-03-16
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