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08-27 投稿



gibbous 发音


英:  美:

gibbous 中文意思翻译



gibbous 短语词组

1、gibbous moon ─── 凸月(大于半月,小于满月)[天] ─── 凸月,隆月

2、waning gibbous ─── 亏凸月

3、waxing gibbous ─── 盈凸月

gibbous 词性/词形变化,gibbous变形

名词: gibbousness |副词: gibbously |

gibbous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the gibbous moon, its light reflecting whitely(bJohn Barth) ─── 近满月的月华,它的光苍白地反射过来(b约翰 巴思)

2、Carpels and follicles adaxially not gibbous. ─── 正面的心皮和蓇葖果不囊状。

3、The surface charge density of the infinite conductor and wedge-shaped conductor as well as the gibbous surface of the half-columniform conductor is calculated in detail. ─── 对无限大导体表面,楔形导体表面,半圆柱形凸起表面电荷面密度进行了具体的计算,结果表明在静电平衡的条件下导体表面虽曲率相同,但表面电荷面密度却可以不同

4、The planet Jupiter blazes near the waxing gibbous moon tonight.With the exception of the moon, Jupiter is the brightest heavenly object to bedeck tonight's evening sky. ─── 今晚木星将会出现在峨眉凸月附近,它将是今夜除了月亮之外最亮的星体。

5、gibbous moon ─── 凸月

6、The rise and sets of crescent and gibbous phase can be estimated in the same way ─── 蛾眉日和凸月的长落时刻,可以用同样的方法估计。

7、The rise and sets of crescent and gibbous phase can be estimated in the same way. ─── 蛾眉日和凸月的长落时刻,可以用同样的方法估计。

8、Our chart today shows the southern sky in early evening.That's where you'll find the waxing gibbous moon with a bright star some distance below it. ─── 今天我们的星图展现了入夜不久后南方天空的景色,逐渐转盈的月亮下方不远处有颗明亮的星星。

9、After the full moon and between the last quarter moon, the moon will be in its waning gibbous phase. ─── 满月以后与满月与下弦月之间,月亮将处在其渐亏的阶段。

10、Ovary obliquely gibbous; ─── 子房斜囊状;

11、Moments after this image was taken, the Moon, visible as the crescent on the right of the above image, eclipsed Venus, appearing in gibbous phase on the lower left. ─── 在拍摄这张影像后片刻,位于上面影像右方的新月就掩盖了影像左下方呈现凸月形的金星。

12、That's where you'll find the waxing gibbous moon with a bright star some distance below it. ─── 在那里你会找到上弦月和一颗在它下方不远的明星。

13、Explanation: Although the phase of this moon might appear familiar, the moon itself might not.In fact, this gibbous phase shows part of Jupiter's moon Europa. ─── 说明: 虽然这颗卫星的相位可能看来很眼熟,但这颗卫星我们却很眼生,因为呈现这个渐盈相的天体是木星的木卫二 。

14、The full-looking waning gibbous moon rises over your southeastern horizon at mid to late evening tonight. ─── 今傍晚的晚些时候,请注意观察那升至东南天宇中央那盏渐亏凹月。

15、The moon grew from crescent to gibbous, and suddenly the toads were gone. ─── 从新月到上弦月,月亮逐渐圆满起来,它们却忽然消失了。

16、tube funnelform, somewhat gibbous abaxially, longer than limb, 1-1.5 cm in diam.; ─── 漏斗状的筒部,有点囊状,长于肢解,1-1.5厘米直径;

17、moon has four major phases: crescent, half moon, gibbous and full moon. ─── 月亮有四种主要的相:新月、半月、凸月和满月。

18、The moon might look full to you tonight, but it's really a waxing gibbous moon. The full moon won't be until Friday, September 4. ─── 今晚的月亮看起来似乎很圆,但其实它是凸月。真正的满月要等到9月4号能看到。

19、Male flowers: perianth lobes (3 or)4, connate at middle, valvate, gibbous or mucronate below apex; ─── 雄花:花被裂片(3或者)4,合生的在中部,镊合状,突起的或短尖在先端下面;

20、Tonight's moon will actually be a waning gibbous moon, though it'll still be so big and bright that it'll erase most of the stars from the sky. ─── 今晚的月亮实际上是一个突起的月亮,虽然它仍然又大又亮,会减弱夜空中大多数星星的光芒。

21、Fruit is close globose, disrupt number smooth gibbous, long olivary divides fruit Pan. ─── 果近球形,分裂为数个平凸状。长卵形的分果爿。

22、In fact, this gibbous phase shows part of Jupiter's moon Europa. ─── 事实上,这颗突起的相位显示了部分木卫二。

23、Tonight, although it may look full to the eye, it is already in a waning gibbous phase. ─── 今晚,尽管,看上去仍是满月,但已经进入月亏阶段。

24、Light from the Moon, which is in a so-called gibbous phase, could interfere with observations this year. ─── 今年的月亮处于所谓的凸月期,来自它光芒可能干扰观察。

25、The moon has four major phases:crescent,half moon,gibbous and full moon. ─── 月亮有四种主要的相:新月、半月、凸月和满月。

26、waxing gibbous ─── 盈凸月

27、The rise and sets of crescent and gibbous phase can be estimated in the same way. ─── 蛾眉日和凸月的长落时刻,可以用同样的方法估计。

28、"the gibbous moon, its light reflecting whitely" (John Barth) ─── “近满月的月华,它的光苍白地反射过来”(约翰·巴思)

29、The condition of being gibbous. ─── 突起,凸状突起或凸状的状态

30、Tonight, the bright waxing gibbous moon erases Uranus from the blackboard of night. ─── 今晚,明亮的新月会让天王星在漆黑的夜空中出现。

31、A moon that's more than half lighted and is on its way to becoming full is called a waxing gibbous moon. ─── 当月亮超过其一半亮度,正在向完全发光时,我们叫它盈凸月,即渐进饱和之月亮。


33、Tonight, the tiny constellation Aries the Ram can be found ascending in the east around 9 to 10 p.m. tonight, just above the waning gibbous moon. ─── 今晚,在约9到10点时一个微小的白羊星座可被发现在东方缓缓的上升。

34、waning gibbous ─── 亏凸月

35、In the afternoon, burdens on his back made him gibbous In the afternoon, wrinkles were carved on his face. With the sack, he carried on. ─── 从中午走到下午,他终于被沉重的负荷压弯了腰。一道道深深的皱纹被刻在脸上。负着背囊,驼着背,他仍在追赶太阳。

36、As determined by the ice crystal geometry, a bright gibbous Moon illuminates the scene from beyond the picture's right edge, 22 degrees from the lovely paraselene. ─── 冰晶的几何结构起到决定性作用,明亮的凸月照亮了影像右侧边缘外,大约与幻月成22度夹角的地方。

37、valves membranous or thin papery, obscurely veined, glabrous or puberulent, rounded, smooth, apically gibbous and cristate; ─── 裂爿膜质或薄纸质,不明显,无毛或具微柔毛,圆形,平滑,顶部囊状和;

38、Keywords thin wall tubular;gibbous part;assembly die; ─── 薄壁长筒;凸台状零件;组合模具;

39、The waxing gibbous Moon on May 6 will set in time to still leave most of the best-visible interval viable for visual watchers well south of the equator, at least. ─── 5月6号的凸月会很早落下并避开大部分最佳观测期,这对目视观测者来说是好消息,至少在赤道以南。

40、Carpels erect, equaling or slightly shorter than petals, adaxially gibbous, base connate for ca. 2 mm.Follicles stellately horizontal. ─── 心皮直立,等长或稍短于花瓣,囊状,星状水平的约2毫米蓇葖果基部合生个。

41、The planet Jupiter blazes near the waxing gibbous moon tonight. ─── 今晚光辉四溢的木星和月亮拉近了距离。

42、Tonight, although it may look full to the eye, it is already in a waning gibbous phase. ─── 今晚,尽管,看上去仍是满月,但已经进入月亏阶段。

43、As the ratio of rural land transfer area to total rural land area increases,the ratio of rural land use change area to total rural land area increases in a gibbous manner rather than a linear. ─── 随着农地流转率的增加,农地利用变化率虽然在各地均表现出“凸”型非线性增加态势,但是在增加幅度上也表现出区域差异。

44、The paper describes the design of an assembly die for producing P/M thin wall tubular and gibbous parts.It can assure density equably and take off die easy.It has practical value. ─── 阐述了粉末冶金薄壁长筒凸台状零件压制模具的设计,此设计不仅保证了零件的密度均匀,而且易于脱模,具有实用价值.

45、Explanation: The rock formation in the foreground of this night view was recorded on August 10, illuminated by light from a waning gibbous Moon. ─── 说明:8月10日夜晚拍摄的这张照片前景的岩石被一轮渐渐升起的月亮照亮。

46、Follicles erect or apically slightly divergent, not or only very slightly adaxially gibbous. ─── 蓇葖果直立或顶部分叉的稍,或正面囊状的略的只的不。

47、There's a bright star right next to tonight's waxing gibbous moon. ─── 有一颗明亮的星昨天在今晚峨眉凸月的右边.

48、Jupiter is that blazing point of light near tonight's waxing gibbous moon. ─── 在上弦月附近那颗眨眼睛的就是木星。

49、Fruit is close globose, disrupt number smooth gibbous, long olivary divides fruit Pan. ─── 果近球形,分裂为数个平凸状.长卵形的分果爿。

50、She appeared to be thin with a fairly poor nutritional status. There was a gibbous deformity at the level of the first lumbar vertebra with local tenderness and limitation of the lumbar movement ─── 营养状态差,消瘦,第一腰椎处脊椎后突畸形,局部有压疼,腰部活动受限。

51、Our sky chart shows the bright waxing gibbous moon and the planet Jupiter for around mid-evening tonight. ─── 星象图显示今晚午夜时分我们将会看到娥眉月和木星。

52、the gibbous moon, its light reflecting whitely(John Barth) ─── 近满月的月华,它的光苍白地反射过来(约翰 巴思)

53、If you took the time machine into the past last night with the bright star Spica, you noticed the waxing gibbous moon was to the west (or right) of Spica. ─── 如果你昨晚乘时间机器返回到过去,你注视到近满月的月儿在天门星西部(或右部)。

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