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08-29 投稿



emphasizing 发音

英:['emfəsaɪzɪŋ]  美:['emfəsaɪzɪŋ]

英:  美:

emphasizing 中文意思翻译



emphasizing 词性/词形变化,emphasizing变形

动词过去式: emphasized |动词现在分词: emphasizing |动词第三人称单数: emphasizes |动词过去分词: emphasized |

emphasizing 短语词组

1、re-emphasizing (re-emphasize ─── 的现在分词) vt 再次强调

2、over-emphasizing (over-emphasize ─── 的现在分词) vt. 过分强调 vi. 过分强调 如何强调也不为过

3、de-emphasizing (de-emphasize ─── 的现在分词) [计] 不强调, 去加重, 去提高, 消除高频成分

emphasizing 相似词语短语

1、emphasize ─── vt.强调,着重

2、emperizing ─── 回火

3、overemphasizing ─── vt.过分强调;vi.过分强调;如何强调也不为过

4、empathizing ─── 移情;神会

5、ecstasizing ─── vt.使心醉神迷;使狂喜;vi.入迷;狂喜

6、misemphasizing ─── 错误强调

7、emphasising ─── vt.(英)强调;加强…的语气(等于emphasize)

8、re-emphasizing ─── 再强调

9、de-emphasizing ─── 去强调

emphasizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It shows a figure following a swan, emphasizing our need to be free. It also reflects on our relationship with nature and the way we live. ─── 作品简介:作品表现了一个人追随着一只天鹅,强调我们对自由的需求。该作品还思考我们和自然的关系以及我们的生活方式。

2、The introduction is mainly about the definition of eponym, and emphasizing its development and synchrony with language. ─── 前言主要是名祖名词的定义,阐述名祖名词的发展和存在现状,并强调了名祖名词始终与语言的发展共时。

3、Emphasizing the role of exercise and homework in the teaching of fluid mechanics. ─── 在流体力学教学中加强习题课与作业环节的体会。

4、What he was emphasizing, however, is the way reality can modify idealistic views. ─── 然而,他所强调的是现实改变理想主义观点的方式。

5、Analyzing concretely the safty design of acrylic ester tank farm from process angle, and emphasizing the problem noticed in design. ─── 从工艺设计的角度具体分析了丙烯酸酯罐区的安全设计,强调了设计中应该注意的问题。

6、Psychological and sociological studies were emphasizing the importance of the family. ─── 心理学和社会学研究都在强调家庭的重要性。

7、In the meantime critics outside the government were also emphasizing the dangers of the all-or-nothing policy. ─── 在此期间,政府外面的批评者也正在强调指出这种孤注一掷政策的危险性。

8、The pair designed for commemoration purpose is light and handy, emphasizing the decorative feature of the design. ─── 为了纪念目的打造的盔甲外形轻巧,强调设计的装饰性。

9、His classes are of a universally Integval practica emphasizing a meditative discenning mind health body and illumine spirit. ─── 他的课程是综合了多种元素,强调冥想和思辨的能力 健康的身体和开朗的精神。

10、The traditional criticism divides The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn into three units,emphasizing its moral and realistic significance. ─── 传统评论界将《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》分为三个单元,对其主题的理解也多限于作品的道德意义和现实批判意义。

11、Northern Kentucky University offers students a broad range of educational programs emphasizing traditional collegiate and liberal studies. ─── 北肯达基大学提供学生多元性课程,其课程著重传统大学及自由的研究。

12、In computer graphics, emphasizing a given display group by changing the attitudes of all the other display groups in the same display field. ─── 在计算机制图技术中,通过改变同一显示场中所有其它显示组的属性来加强给定显示组的显示效果。

13、Thus the sense of direction should not be lost when emphasizing starting from the reality. ─── 因此,当我们强调“从现实出发”时,千万不要失去方向感。

14、Sports Illustrated's app is another interesting one, emphasizing it's photography, with big and easy-to-navigate elements. ─── 运动商品图示应用是另一个有趣的例子,它注重了图像效果,应用了大的容易导向的因素。

15、In contrast, we could sharpen up the details in a slightly blurred photo by emphasizing its high-frequency components. ─── 反过来,我们也可以通过加强其高频分量的办法,来突出一张有些模糊的照片的细节。

16、It provides for continual improvement, emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain. ─── 它旨在持续改进加强,强调预防缺陷,减少在供应链中的变差及浪费.

17、She says the men she interviews now have wishlists emphasizing personality and mothering skills. ─── 她说,她现在接待的男士在择偶意向中都强调女方的性格--以及相夫教子的能力。

18、You can do this by emphasizing the role of cooperation. ─── 你可以用强调合作来管理团队的内部冲突。

19、Since the very beginning of the reform we have been emphasizing the need for seeking common prosperity; That will surely be the central issue some day. ─── 共同致富,我们从改革一开始就讲,将来总有一天要成为中心课题。

20、Analyze a single episode of a contemporary situation comedy, emphasizing its visual style, its treatment of character, its strategies of comedy. ─── 分析某部当代情景喜剧中的一集,著重关注它的视觉类型、它的角色处理和它的喜剧策略。

21、Some research examples based on the theory combining with practice and emphasizing on applying accomplishments in practice are narrated. ─── 叙述了在坚持理论结合实际、注重科研成果的生产应用中几个研究工作事例。

22、The basic control functions of RH vacuum installation for bloom CCM in PANGANG Iron& Steel Group Co. are presented, emphasizing the vacuum pump control system. ─── 介绍攀钢方坯rh精炼装置真空系统基本控制功能,侧重介绍真空泵系统的功能和其相关系统控制。

23、In noisy systems, as Figure 22 shows, capacitively coupled noise will be differentiated, emphasizing the higher-frequency components. ─── 在图22的噪声环境下,电容耦合噪声将呈现差分特性,并且带有较强的高频成分。

24、Like Mao, the new leadership is emphasizing “democracy. ─── 像毛一样,新领导层也在强调“民主”。

25、The Renaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel has invested heavily in its Food and Beverage service, emphasizing in particular local gastronomic culture. ─── 上海扬子江万丽大酒店在餐饮方面投入了很大的心血,其中的餐厅非常强调本土的餐饮文化。

26、Thus Kohut links empathy and action while emphasizing their differences when he states that "introspection and empathy are informers of appropriate action" (1981, p. 529). ─── 因而,当科胡特提出“自省和神入是正确的行为的报告者”(1981,第529页)时,他一边强调他们的差异,一边把神入和行为联系了起来。

27、Former Senator Hart said a long period of emphasizing differences instead of common goals and interests will take time to repair. ─── 前参议员哈特说,由于双方在很长一段时间里强调的是分歧而不是共同目标和利益,因此修复关系需要时间。

28、It is worth emphasizing that the nuclear reactions occurring in the interior of the sun and stars are thermonuclear. ─── 值得强调指出,发生在太阳和恒星内部的核反应是热核反应。

29、Emphasizing on the research of knowledge representation, processing in ODSS, a new knowledge representation which makes DSS easier is formed. ─── 在理论研究的基础上,开发了一个初始的 ODSS系统,并用此系统实现了一个DSS系列的实例。

30、Character of Host: Emphasizing the emotion and personal design at the same time the professional DJ also bring the unimaginable effect. ─── 主持特点:注重情感、个性策划、配备专业DJ为婚礼带来意想不到的效果。

31、Analyze a single episode of a contemporary situation comedy , emphasizing its visual style, its treatment of character, its strategies of comedy . ─── 分析某部当代情景喜剧中的一集,著重关注它的视觉类型、的角色处理和它的喜剧策略。

32、The meat that resembles emphasizing mouthfeel too kind, often meet the collocation of oversight nutrition, this is unscientific. ─── 像太强调口感的肉食类,往往会忽略营养的搭配,这是不科学的。

33、The religious doctrines of John Calvin, emphasizing the omnipotence of God and the salvation of the elect by God's grace alone. ─── 卡尔文主义约翰 卡尔文的宗教教义,强调上帝是万能的,以及仁慈上帝对人的超度作用

34、It is better to see once than hear a hundred times. Emphasizing that what one sees by oneself is more convincible and impressive. ─── 听人说上一百次也不如亲眼看一次。强调亲眼看到了才更有信服或印象深。

35、Assignments include a design project, quantitative homework sets, and quizzes emphasizing engineering and systems aspects. ─── 作业包括一个设计专题,定量的家庭作业,测验重点在于工程和系统方面。

36、Laboratory tutoring is an important means of emphasizing quality cultivation. ─── 实验课教学是强化素质教育的一个重要手段。

37、An early 20th-century style emphasizing emotional expression, strong color and composition, and a distorted, theatrical treatment of image. ─── 20世纪的一种艺术风格,强调情绪的表现,以浓重的色彩、鲜明的构图,扭曲、夸张的形象处理为特点。

38、During the process, they kept emphasizing that dieting makes them feel really unhappy. ─── 她们在过程中也不断强调,减重令她们非常不快乐。

39、Sandman cautions against emphasizing the circumstances more than the misbehavior or implying that they justify what you did. ─── 山德曼警告不要强调当时的客观因素,而要强调自己当时确实做错了,也不要为自己做的事情过分辩护。

40、An official policy of the Soviet government emphasizing candor with regard to discussion of social problems and shortcomings. ─── 公开性,开放性苏联政府关于在对社会问题和弊端的讨论中强调公平的一个官方政策

41、Distributed operating systems and applications issues, emphasizing high-level protocols and distributed state sharing as the key technologies. ─── 分布式操作系统和应用问题,强调高阶协议和作为关键技术分布式状态分享。

42、It introduces the national and foreign situation of software quality management,emphasizing in particular a series of software standard of American DOD. ─── 介绍了国内外的软件质量管理概况及美国国防部制定的一系列软件规范。

43、Emphasizing both art localization and internationalization. ─── 四,落实艺术本土化与国际化.

44、In just a few weeks, members will be back out on the campaign trail, emphasizing the differences between the two parties. ─── 在仅仅几个星期内,议员们将退出竞选跟踪活动,不再着重于两党的差别。

45、It is an important work to attract the attention from all circles by emphasizing business attraction with the core of propaganda. ─── 以招商为重点,以宣传为核心,吸引各界关注是一项重要工作。

46、It almost looked like the outline of a player's body had been given a type of shading, emphasizing the differences between shapes. ─── 看起来好像球员身体轮廓加入阴影,更强调了不同体型。

47、The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals. 3. ─── 2.坚信独立自主才是符合本国真正利益的,强调本国利益为先而不是各国间的共同利益;

48、The BSM approach is based on the premise that specific strategies are needed for weight loss maintenance, emphasizing self-regulation behaviors and relapse-prevention strategies. ─── BSM方法基于一种前提,即体重减轻的保持需要具体策略,它着重于自我调节的行为和预防体重重新增加的策略。

49、Emphasizing Humanism and Emotion in the Teaching of P.E. ─── 体育教学中应加强人文精神与情感教育。

50、It advocated innovation, pursuing modality, emphasizing individuality and industrial arts. ─── 它主张创新,追求形式感,强调个性,重视工艺美术。

51、A cropped[5] jacket diverts attention from a busty upper body by emphasizing the waist. ─── 一件剪裁和体的夹克可以把注意力从你过于丰满的胸部转移到腰部。

52、In China, G.M. has spent years emphasizing fuel economy and affordability. ─── 在中国,通用花了数年强调燃料经济和可购性。

53、China's government is now trying to improve the quality of growth, while de-emphasizing the rate of growth. ─── 中国政府现正致力改善增长的质素,而非一味追求增长的速度。

54、The article makes an introduction on the application of DRI in metallurgy,emphasizing the applied effect in electric furnace steelmaking and BF ironmaking. ─── 介绍直接还原铁(包括DRI、HBI、Fe3C)在冶金中的使用情况,主要论述在电炉炼钢中及在高炉炼铁中的使用效果。

55、He said students from many other countries are outperforming the United States, emphasizing his goal is to put America back on top within a decade. ─── 他说,许多其他国家的学生的表现超过了美国。他强调,他的目标是让美国在十年之内再次处于优势地位。

56、Since market economy emphasizing the individual interests, are there meanings to serve the people? and is collectivism still possible? ─── 市场经济强调个人利益,为人民服务还有意义吗?集体主义还行得通吗?

57、IMO Secretary-General Efthimios Mitropoulos welcomed Mexico's ratification by emphasizing that for the first time the precautionary principle will be applied to marine pollution. ─── 国际海事组织秘书长米特罗普洛斯对墨西哥批准协约一事表示欢迎,强调预警原则将首次应用于海洋污染。

58、"Function" Represents the mainstream thinking of the architectural design, emphasizing building facade shape, faithfully reflect the inside Functional. ─── “功能”:代表主流建筑设计思想,强调建筑立面形态,忠实地反映其内在功能。

59、He made clear the United States does not have a say in the choice of Iran's leaders, emphasizing that decision lies with the Iranian people. ─── 他明确表示,美国无权选择伊朗的领导人。他强调,作这一决定的应该是伊朗民众。

60、By emphasizing the importance of deconstructive Postmodernism alone, postmodern education is trapped in a difficult situation. ─── 后现代教育对解构性后现代主义内容的片面撷取,致使后现代教育走入了无法回头的困境当中;

61、A political philosophy or attitude emphasizing respect for traditional institutions, distrust of government activism, and opposition to sudden change in the established order. ─── 保守主义一种强调尊重传统制度、不信任政治激进主义并反对在已确定秩序中的突然变化的政治主张或态度

62、Therefore either highly stressing the absolutecertainty of law or emphasizing the absolute uncertainty of law are all partialprofundity. ─── 因此,不论是强调法律的绝对确定性还是强调法律的绝对不确定性都只能是片面的深刻。

63、The main points included enhancing nursing profession training, emphasizing the health education of patients and their dependents. ─── 主要包括加强护士业务培训,做好患者和家属健康教育,护士掌握正确的搬运、制动方法;

64、Compared with the Legalist School, Confucianism seems emphasizing softness of Yin, for the legalist school purely uphold solidness of Yang. ─── 如果与法家比较,儒家又显得注重阴柔了,因为法家是纯任刚阳。

65、Emphasizing the personal as well as the academic development of the students, so that children become adaptable, moral, thoughtful and cooperative individuals. ─── 关注幼儿在学习和个性上全面发展,使他们成为适应力强、道德高尚、关心他人、乐于合作的人。

66、Therefore, emphasizing love towards your father is the way of serving your mother and emphasizing respect is the way of serving your superior. ─── 事奉母亲,是取其爱心;事奉君王,是取其敬心;而爱心、敬心二者兼有的,则是事奉父亲的道理。

67、Carry on the quality education centering on moral education and emphasizing creativity and practice. ─── 全面实施以德育为核心、以创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育。

68、The religious doctrines of John Calvin,emphasizing the omnipotence of God and the salvation of the elect by God's grace alone. ─── 卡尔文主义约翰·卡尔文的宗教教义,强调上帝是万能的,以及仁慈上帝对人的超度作用

69、One point worth emphasizing is that there is a potential danger of overgeneralization on learning style. ─── 值得强调的是,对学习风格的过度泛化存在着危险性。

70、The U.S. takes the opposite approach by emphasizing the specialist rather than the primary care physician. ─── 美国采取相反的方法,强调专科医生而不是初级保健医生。

71、It revises the understanding of English spread during the colonial period, emphasizing the agency of non-mother-tongue English speakers. ─── 它修正了理解英文散布在殖民时期,并强调该机构的非母语英语。

72、The standard core of function lies in emphasizing the function unity, compatibility and permmision. ─── 功能标准的核心在于强调功能的统一性、互换性和兼容性。

73、It replaces ethic judgement with aesthetic judgement, emphasizing pluralism and otherness, while denying the basic value of human existence. ─── 它以美学判断代替伦理判断,强调多元化、差异性,却否弃了人类生存所仰赖的基本价值。

74、Sticking to the editor's originality and emphasizing the ethics of justice and candidness. ─── 坚持编辑的独立性,强调公正坦率的报道态度;

75、This paper introduces the system framework and database structure, emphasizing on the synthetic analyses subsystem. ─── 介绍了系统总体框架、数据库结构等,重点介绍了综合分析系统。

76、The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals. ─── 国家主义国家将从独立发展中受益而不是和其他国家共同发展中受益的信仰,强调国家内部的自标而不是国家间的

77、"No. I came here to save her," John said pointedly, emphasizing that Cameron was not an "it." At that moment, Cameron opened her eyes and smiled as she saw John. ─── “不,我是在救她。”约翰尖锐地说道,特别强调卡梅隆不是“它”。这一刻,卡梅隆慢慢地睁开她那美丽有如星辰般明亮的棕色眼睛,当她看见了约翰,她露出了微笑。

78、Mayor Zhou acknowledged and responded to the concerns by emphasizing the need to give opportunities to young leaders. ─── 周森锋承认这些担忧有其道理,也作出了回应,强调有必要给年轻干部机会。

79、Working in an all-round way while emphasizing key points. ─── 全面展开,突出重点。

80、They have unique personalities and don't want to fall into convention.What they are emphasizing is larruping. ─── 他们拥有独立的个性,唯恐自己落入俗套,强调的就是与众不同。

81、Law is taken as a process for research,emphasizing the importance of process. ─── 他还把法律作为一个过程来研究,特别强调过程的重要性。

82、There were no, and I keep emphasizing, nobody's going to take care of somebody else's property as well as they'll take care of his own. ─── 正如我一直在强调的,没有人会像在意自己的财产那样照看他人的财产。

83、After weeks of emphasizing the economic morass he was inheriting, the president segued sharply to declarative statements of optimism. ─── 几周以来,奥巴马一直强调他所接手的经济所面临的严峻困难,但现在,他开始高调发表乐观言论。

84、A point worth emphasizing is that hydrostatic equilibrium is fulfilled with great accuracy in stellar atmosphere. ─── 值得强调指出,在恒星大气中,流体静力平衡是非常精确地成立的。

85、Yes!Emphasizing ths satisfaction of spirit is not harmful to health,a good idea. ─── 对头!着重精神满足而不太伤身,不失为一法。赫赫!

86、Fatalism is a philosophical doctrine emphasizing the subjugation of all events or actions to fate or inevitable predetermination. ─── 宿命论定义:所谓宿命论是认为人的命运是由必然因素造成,是可预测,可预知而又是注定的、不可改变的一种命观。

87、He is crazy about emphasizing his opinion. ─── 他极力强调他的意见。

88、Otherwise the final result of make-up will only be that of emphasizing lines and flaws. ─── 否则最后的结果的化妆只会强调线条和性格上的缺陷。

89、A general comment on testing is worth emphasizing. ─── 关于测试,这里有必要强调一下一般性的注意事项。

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