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08-28 投稿



hauteur 发音


英:  美:

hauteur 中文意思翻译



hauteur 网络释义

n. 傲慢;自大n. (Hauteur)人名;(法)奥特尔

hauteur 相似词语短语

1、auteurs ─── n.电影导演,(艺术表现力很强的)导演

2、haunter ─── 鬼斯通

3、cauter ─── 烙器;烧灼器

4、chauffeur ─── n.司机;vt.开车运送;vi.当汽车司机

5、hauler ─── n.搬运工;n.(Hauler)人名;(英、德、匈、罗)豪勒

6、Pasteur ─── n.巴斯德(法国化学家、细菌学家)

7、haute ─── adj.时髦的;高级的;n.(Haute)(比)奥特(人名)

8、tauter ─── 拉紧的;紧张的(taut的比较级)

9、auteur ─── n.电影导演

hauteur 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、she had been put off by his hauteur. ─── 她以前对他的傲慢很反感。

2、Even China's official numbers seem to call into question the Party's newfound hauteur. ─── 就连中国的官方数据似乎也在质疑共产党新近出现的自大。

3、It all seems at odds with the atmosphere of alien hauteur and ice-queen cool projected by her album sleeve and videos. ─── LaRoux似乎不认同在专辑封面和影像里表现出的外星人式傲慢和冰雪女王式冷酷的形象。

4、Shijiazhuang Hauteur Furniture Co., Ltd. is a professional marble meal tables and chairs, the production of marble furniture, marble handicrafts, as well as European classical furniture enterprises. ─── 石家庄豪特家具有限公司是专业大理石餐桌椅,生产大理石家具,大理石工艺品以及欧式古典家具的企业。

5、Her hauteur had disappeared ─── 她那副神气活现的样子早已消失了。

6、hauteur n. ─── 傲慢;

7、At present, Hauteur cleaner gasoline system in full compliance with the requirements of the above four. ─── 目前,豪特汽油系统清洗剂完全符合上述四种要求。

8、{0>A deeper shade of hauteur overspread his features, but he said not a word. ─── 一阵傲慢的阴影罩上了他的脸,可是他一句话也没有说。

9、Foreign indirect major customer: Italy's first trade, the United States Hauteur, Marubeni of Japan, Korea, etc. ─── 国外间接主要客户:意大利首创贸易、美国豪特、日本丸红、韩国可隆等。

10、She is of the generation and hauteur that would think all mail order items are a bit squalid. ─── 她那代人很自大,会认为所有邮购商品都有些肮脏。

11、A deeper shade of hauteur overspread his features, but he said not a word. ─── 一阵傲慢的阴影罩上了他的脸,可是他一句话也没有说。

12、Working in what had been the Rothschild mansion, chauffeured about in a limousine, always meticulously outfitted in full SS regalia, he carried himself with a conqueror's hauteur. ─── 他在罗斯切尔德,,译者注:欧洲著名豪族,,大楼里工作,有专门的司机开豪华大轿车,经常一丝不苟地把所有徽章都别满党卫队制服,全身上下洋溢着征服者的傲慢。

13、Until the moment the Parisian shop assistant eyed my English boarding school figure with that unique hauteur that only Parisian shop assistants can muster, and began an animated conversation. ─── 直到那个售货员带着巴黎店员特有的傲慢,打量着我在英格兰寄宿学校养成的身材,开始饶有兴味地问东问西。

14、Aziz liked soldiers-they either accepted you or swore at you, which was preferable to the civilian's hauteur ─── 阿济兹喜欢军人--他们要么跟你友好,要么骂你一顿,比起那种傲气凌人的文官好多了。

15、She was proud to think that the family was so well placed socially, and carried herself with an air and a hauteur which was sometimes amusing, sometimes irritating to Lester! ─── 她见自己的家门在社会上有这般地位,心里很得意,因而常要流露一种傲慢的神气,使雷斯脱见了有时觉得好玩,有时觉得讨厌。

16、The intense vitality that had been so remarkable in the garage was converted into impressive hauteur ─── 先前她在车行里的那种旺盛的活力,转眼间变成了一种明显的骄傲情绪。

17、...He dreams of a tall, elegant man who resembles an older version of himself, blond-haired and gray-eyed and sharp-featured, wearing hauteur like a cloak. ─── 他梦到一个高个儿男人,看起来很优雅,就好像上了年纪的他自己,金发灰眼,面容犹如刀刻,一身理所当然的傲气。

18、"A deeper shade of hauteur overspread his features, but he said not a word." ─── 一阵傲慢的阴影罩上了他的脸,可是他一句话也没有说。

19、But that's not really an apt description of Smith; he projects intensity, determination, a hint of Ivy League hauteur, and ambition. ─── 但这并不是死没死最恰当的描述,他为人性格激烈,意志坚定,因为有常春藤联盟的背景,他还很傲慢自大,并富有野心。

20、The intense vitality that had been so remarkable in the garage was converted into impressive hauteur. ─── 在车行里的那种旺盛的活力,转眼间变成了一种明显的骄傲情绪。

21、A deeper shade of hauteur over read his features, but he said not a word. ─── 一阵傲慢的阴影罩上了他的脸,可是他一句话也没有说。

22、shade of hauteur overspread his features, but he said not a word, and Elizabeth, though blaming herself for her own weakness, could not go on. ─── 傲慢的阴影罩上了他的脸,可是他一句话也没有说。伊丽莎白说不下去了,不过她心里却在埋怨自己软弱。

23、His expression gradually changed from one of contemptuous hauteur to one of gloomy indecision. Presently, the gloom gave way to a flush of excitement and he looked up abruptly. ─── 他的脸色渐渐由藐视一切的傲慢转成了没有把握的晦暗,然后又从晦暗中透出一点儿兴奋的紫色来; 他猛然抬头问道:

24、Foreign indirect major customer: Italy's first trade, the United States Hauteur, Marubeni of Japan, Korea, etc. ─── 国外间接主要客户:意大利首创贸易、美国豪特、日本丸红、韩国可隆等。

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