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porphyritic 发音

英:[ˌpɔːrfəˈrɪtɪk]  美:[ˌpɔːfɪˈrɪtɪk]

英:  美:

porphyritic 中文意思翻译



porphyritic 短语词组

1、porphyritic texture ─── 斑状结构

2、Porphyritic Granite ─── 斑状花岗岩

3、porphyritic crystal ─── 斑晶

4、porphyritic rock ─── 斑岩

porphyritic 词性/词形变化,porphyritic变形

异体字: porphyritical |

porphyritic 相似词语短语

1、porphyries ─── n.[岩]斑岩;n.(Porphyry)人名;(希)波菲利

2、porphyrites ─── n.[岩]玢岩;斜长斑岩,微闪长岩

3、oophoritic ─── 卵磷脂的

4、porphyrite ─── n.[岩]玢岩;斜长斑岩,微闪长岩

5、phosphoritic ─── 磷质

6、porphyrics ─── 斑岩

7、porphyria ─── n.[医]卟啉症;[医]紫质症

8、porphyric ─── 斑岩

9、porphyratin ─── n.卟啉的金属络合物

porphyritic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A conspicuous, usually large, crystal embedded in porphyritic igneous rock. ─── 斑晶嵌在斑状火成岩中的一种显眼的、通常很大的晶体

2、Keywords porphyritic Cu deposit;associated An-Ag;enrichment state;distributive pattern; ─── 斑岩铜矿床;伴生金.银;赋存状态;分布规律;

3、Metamorphic rock having porphyritic texture. ─── 残斑岩具斑岩状结构的变质岩

4、A conspicuous, usually large, crystal embedded in porphyritic igneous rock. ─── 斑晶嵌在斑状火成岩中的一种显眼的、通常很大的晶体

5、The fine - grained crystalline base of porphyritic rock in which larger crystals are embedded. ─── 基质斑岩中均匀的水晶质石基,其中嵌有大粒水晶

6、Origin Study on Porphyritic Crystals in Coarse Feldspar of Yishan Granites in Western Shandong ─── 鲁西峄山花岗岩中粗大钾长石斑晶成因探讨

7、Porphyritic Trachyte ─── n. 斑状粗面岩(岩浆岩)

8、The deposit is hosted in the porphyritic monzogranite and breccia unit of Heyu composite granitic pluton. ─── 该钼矿床产于合峪复式花岗岩体及隐爆角砾岩中。

9、porphyritic structure ─── 斑状结构

10、porphyritic copper ─── 斑岩铜矿

11、A-type quartz syenitic porphyritic dyke ─── A型石英正长斑岩

12、Porphyritic miarolitic alkali-granite; ─── 晶洞斑状碱性花岗岩;

13、Porphyritic Pitchstone ─── n. 斑状松脂岩(岩浆岩)

14、The rock is offwhite, light-flesh-colored, and it has porphyritic structure and gneissic structure. ─── 岩石为灰白色、浅肉红色,似斑状结构,片麻状构造。

15、Metamorphic rock having porphyritic texture. ─── 残斑岩具斑岩状结构的变质岩。

16、porphyritic deposit ─── 斑岩型矿床

17、Tongling quartz-vein type gold deposit lies in sourth-east Rushan,Shandong Province,within the Sanfushan porphyritic adamellite body. ─── 铜岭金矿位于山东省乳山市东南部,产在三佛山斑状二长花岗岩中,为含金石英脉型金矿。

18、crystalline porphyritic ─── 结晶斑状

19、massive coarse grained porphyritic granite ─── 块体粗粒斑状花岗岩

20、The large-porphyritic alkali-feldspar granite in Mordaga area is the product of the first magmatic activity of Ergun block. ─── 莫尔道嘎地区巨斑状碱长花岗岩是额尔古纳地块最早的岩浆活动的产物。

21、Later Cretaceous Granitic Porphyritic Cu-Mo Mineralization System in the Hong shan Area, Northwestern Yunnan and Its Significances for Tectonics ─── 滇西北红山晚白垩世花岗斑岩型Cu-Mo成矿系统及其大地构造学意义

22、The magma of porphyritic moyite-monzogranite series in the middle stage mainly originated from the lower crust, being the product of collision-orogeny. ─── 中期似斑状钾长花岗岩-二长花岗岩系列岩浆来源于下地壳,是碰撞造山作用的产物;

23、Based on analysis of the geological characteristics and origin, the Jianbidong Cu-Pb-Zn deposit is regarded as a porphyritic type. Finally the criteria for prospecting are expounded. ─── 主要论述尖笔岽铜铅锌矿床地质特征,分析矿床成因,认为属斑岩型矿床,并总结出找矿标志。

24、porphyritic monzonitic granite ─── 似斑状二长花岗岩

25、The Anjiayingzi gold deposit is a middle size deposit occurring in North China plateform,hosted by porphyritic granite with Yenshenian age. ─── 安家营子金矿床是华北地台内的一个中型矿床,产在燕山期的斑状花岗岩之中。

26、Compared with Porphyritic copper deposit, the deposit has a certain difference and it is similar to wolframium or molybdenum deposits. ─── 与斑岩型(铜)矿床相比仍有一定的差异,而与钨、钼一类矿床相近。

27、Nanliang complex is mainly composed of porphyritic granite, granophyre, rhyolite - porphyry and rhyolitic agmatite-lava. ─── 梁岩体主要由斑状花岗岩、流纹斑岩、花斑岩及流纹质角砾熔岩组成。

28、porphyritic rock ─── 斑岩

29、hypocrystalline porphyritic ─── 半晶斑状

30、Porphyritic Andesite ─── n. 斑状安山岩(岩浆岩)

31、giant porphyritic granite ─── 巨斑状花岗岩

32、holocrystalline porphyritic ─── 全晶斑状的

33、porphyritic granite ─── 斑状花岗岩

34、Source material of the gold deposit has close connections with the ultrabasic rocks, albite porphyritic dikes, thick|layered dolomite and clastic sedimentary rocks. ─── 金矿的物质来源与矿区的超基性岩体、钠长斑岩脉、厚层状白云岩及各类碎屑沉积岩有密切的关系。

35、Porphyritic Basalt ─── n. 斑状玄武岩(岩浆岩)

36、The holocrystalline porphyritic olivine basalts and pyroclastic rocks are the components of Pleistocene to recent volcanic activities. ─── 的斑状斑状橄榄石玄武岩和火山碎屑岩是最近火山活动的更新世的组成部分。

37、Theearly stage comprises fine grain adamellite and medium coarse grained porphyritic adamel-lite,while the late stage, it consists of medium grain adamellite with huge phenocryst. ─── 早期由细粒二长花岗岩、含斑中粗粒二长花岗岩构成; 晚期由斑状中粗粒二长花岗岩、巨斑状中粒二长花岗岩构成。

38、porphyritic type ─── 斑岩型

39、Keywords Xiongcun copper-gold ore deposit clusters;Geochemical character;Stream sediment survey;Metallogenic prognosis;Porphyritic ore deposit; ─── 雄村铜金矿集区;地球化学特征;水系沉积物测量;找矿方向;斑岩型矿床;

40、porphyritic crystal ─── 斑晶

41、Porphyritic Microgranite ─── n. 斑状微花岗岩(岩浆岩)

42、The breakthrough advancement of exploration in recent years on granitic type, remelting porphyritic type and syntectic porphyritic type ore deposits was discussed in detail. ─── 并对近年来找矿勘探工作中有突破性进展的花岗岩型、重熔斑岩型和同熔斑岩型矿床进行了详细地论述.

43、Yanshanian acid is a mountain of granite, mostly granite and coarse-grained porphyritic granite. ─── 山地属燕山期酸性花岗岩,多为粗粒花岗岩和斑状花岗岩。

44、WANG Zhong,AN Chun-Jie,HAO Jun,et al.Geochemical characteristics of Neoproterozoic large porphyritic alkali-feldspar granite in Mordaga area[J].Geology and Resources,2005,14 (3):187-191. ─── [3]王忠,安春杰,邵军,等.大兴安岭莫尔道嘎地区新元古代巨斑状碱长花岗岩地球化学特征[J].地质与资源,2005,14(3):187-191.

45、4.Theearly stage comprises fine grain adamellite and medium coarse grained porphyritic adamel-lite,while the late stage, it consists of medium grain adamellite with huge phenocryst. ─── 早期由细粒二长花岗岩、含斑中粗粒二长花岗岩构成;晚期由斑状中粗粒二长花岗岩、巨斑状中粒二长花岗岩构成。

46、The ore body is located in the small structure which is in the porphyritic magmatite , the attitude of the ore body is strictly controlled by the fructure;4. ─── 3、矿体分布在斑状混合岩中的小构造内,矿体产状严格受构造控制。

47、3) Porphyritic miarolitic alkali-granite; ─── (3)晶洞斑状碱性花岗岩;

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