decubitus 发音
英:[dɪˈkjʊbətəs] 美:[dɪˈkjuːbɪtəs]
英: 美:
decubitus 中文意思翻译
常见释义: 褥疮
decubitus 词性/词形变化,decubitus变形
decubitus 短语词组
1、decubitus position ─── [医]卧位
2、Andral's decubitus ─── [医] 昂德腊耳氏卧位(卧于健侧,为早期胸膜炎的一种卧位)
3、decubitus paralysis ─── [医] 久卧性麻痹
4、decubitus ulcer ─── 褥疮
5、angina decubitus ─── [医] 卧位心绞痛
6、dorsal decubitus ─── [医] 仰卧位
7、decubitus acutus ─── [医] 急性褥疮
8、decubitus chronicus ─── [医] 慢性褥疮
9、decubitus calculus ─── [医] 久卧结石
10、ventral decubitus ─── [医] 腹卧位, 伏卧位
decubitus 相似词语短语
1、cubitus ─── n.[昆]肘脉;[解剖]前臂,尺骨
2、decubital ─── adj.卧姿的;褥疮的
3、decurions ─── 什长
4、decumbitures ─── 平卧
5、deceits ─── n.欺骗;谎言;欺诈手段
6、decumbiture ─── n.疾运盘
7、cubits ─── n.腕尺(古时的长度单位)
8、decuries ─── n.十人团体,十人小组
9、decimus ─── adj.(Decimus)(美)得西穆(人名)
decubitus 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、3. Position client comfortably with area of decubitus ulcer and surrounding skin easily accessible. ─── 体位应便于溃疡及四周皮肤的清理。
2、Objective To study the effectiveness of assistant healing decubitus pillow series for nursing. ─── 目的探讨系列辅助康复卧位枕在临床护理中的应用效果。
3、Buddhism,Taoism,recumbency,position,right lateral decubitus,pregnancy ─── 佛教,道教,卧姿,姿势,右侧卧,怀孕
4、decubitus paralysis ─── 久卧性麻痹
5、prone decubitus view ─── 俯卧位观
6、hora decubitus ─── (拉)就寝时
7、Palpation is best accomplished using the fingertips, with the patient either supine or in the left lateral decubitus position. ─── 触诊时最好用指尖,病人处仰卧位或左侧卧位。
8、Design of Pressure Autocontrol System for Operation Decubitus Fixation Gasbag ─── 手术体位固定气囊的自动压控系统设计
9、Hemodynamic changes in patients with angina decubitus ─── 卧位型心绞痛的血液动力学变化
10、Serious decubitus ulcers ─── 严重压疮
11、Buddhism, Taoism, recumbency , position, right lateral decubitus, pregnancy. ─── 佛教,道教,卧姿,姿势,右侧卧,怀孕。
12、In fact,so-called "pressure ulcers" or "decubitus ulcers" can form on skin over bony prominences in persons who are bedridden for an extended time. ─── 实际生活中,长时间的卧床不起可引起突起骨骼表面的皮肤发生“压迫性溃疡”或褥疮。
13、The patient was found in lateral decubitus position and groaning. Tender over the epigastric especially the right upper quadrant. ─── 病人侧卧位并呻吟。特别是在右上腹有压痛。
14、Observation of the Therapeutic Effect of Badushengji Cream to Cure Decubitus Ulcer ─── 拔毒生肌膏治疗压疮效果观察
15、ventral decubitus ─── [医] 腹卧位, 伏卧位
16、Keywords Bupivacaine hypobaric Anesthesia Spinal/epidural Decubitus lateral; ─── 关键词轻比重;丁哌卡因;麻醉;脊麻;硬膜外;侧卧位;
17、AIM:To understand the relationship of the occurrence of decubitus with serum albumin level in paraplegia patients induced by spinal cord injury. ─── 目的:了解脊髓损伤后血白蛋白的变化与压疮发生的关系。
18、2.Method: We treated 88 cases who have been diagnosed CSU by integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine.Among them 61 Gangrene of finger or toe cases, 15 VULE cases and 12 Decubitus. ─── 方法:选择诊断明确的慢性体表溃疡患者88例:脱疽61例,臁疮15例,褥疮12例,采用中西医结合疗法治疗。
19、A clinical observation of correcting breech position with the decubitus ─── 卧位纠正臀位一次成功的临床观察
20、Keywords decubitus ulcer/nursing;collagen sponge; ─── 压疮/护理;胶原蛋白海绵;
21、Objective To study the effect of treatment of decubitus ulcers in sacrum region with fasciocutaneous flaps. ─── 目的分析研究腰骶筋膜皮瓣治疗骶部压疮的临床效果。
22、National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP), Pressure ulcers prevalence, cost and risk assessment. Decubitus, 2(2): 24-28, 1989. ─── 石崇良,“压疮盛行率与医疗照护品质相关性之实证研究”,行政院卫生署委讬研究计画报告,执行期间:93年1月1日至93年12月31日.
23、it reviewed the methods of local treatment of patients with decubitus, including physical therapy, TCM therapy, western medicine therapy and comprehensive therapy. ─── 对褥疮局部治疗的方法进行了综述。主要介绍了褥疮的物理治疗、中药治疗、西药治疗、综合治疗。
24、Clinical Effect on Yousuo Mixed Solution to Treat Decubitus Ulcer ─── 攸锁混合液治疗褥疮临床疗效观察
25、Observation of Comfortable Decubitus Position of Patients after Upper Abdominal Operation ─── 对上腹部手术病人术后舒适卧位的观察
26、dorsal decubitus ─── 仰卧位
27、RESULTS: The serum albumin level were markedly correlated with occurring, scoring and healing of decubitus. ─── 结果:截瘫后血白蛋白水平与压疮发生的机会,压疮的评分,压疮的愈合间都存在明显的相关性。
28、Keywords Compound Burn Tincture;ShuangLiaoHouFengSan;Decubitus Ulcer;Nursing; ─── 复方烧伤酊;双料喉风散;压疮;护理;
29、Keywords Diabetes mellitus;rb-bFGF;Decubitus ulcer; ─── 关键词糖尿病;贝复济;褥疮;
31、It is loudest at the apex and may be accentuated by placing the patient in the left lateral decubitus position. ─── 心尖部位最响亮,病人处左侧卧位时听得最清楚。
32、1.In fact,so-called "pressure ulcers" or "decubitus ulcers" can form on skin over bony prominences in persons who are bedridden for an extended time. ─── 实际生活中,长时间的卧床不起可引起突起骨骼表面的皮肤发生“压迫性溃疡”或褥疮。收藏指正
33、Methods The therapeutic group was treated by high-vacuum discontinuous suction technique, and the control group was treated by noninvasive surgery for familiar decubitus ulcers. ─── 方法将治疗组采用高负压间断吸引技术治疗,对照组用常见压疮非手术治疗方法治疗。
34、decubitus chronicus ─── [医] 慢性褥疮
35、The patient was found in lateral decubitus position and groaning. Tender over the epigastric especially the right upper quadrant. ─── 病人侧卧位并呻吟。特别是在右上腹有压痛。
36、right lateral decubitus ─── 右侧卧位
37、6 Cases of Repair of IV Degree Decubitus with Resupinate Skin Flaps in Margin Cuticlar Removal ─── 用褥疮边缘去表皮的翻转皮瓣修复IV度褥疮6例报道
38、Dearticulation after RePlacement of Total Hop Treated by Lateral Decubitus Repositioning ─── 侧卧复位法治疗全髋关节置换术后脱位
39、dorsal decubitus position ─── 仰卧X线水平投照
40、lateral decubitus film ─── 侧卧水平摄影片
41、The Effect of Right Versus Left Lateral Decubitus Positions on Induction of Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery Alice C. S. Law, Kwok K. Lam, and Michael G. Irwin ─── 右和左侧卧位对剖宫产术腰麻诱导的影响
42、The patient's nondependent arm while in the lateral decubitus position should be positioned on an elevated armboard or pillow above and in front of the patient's face. ─── 侧卧位手术时,位于上方的的上肢,可以放在一个抬高的小桌面上,或者病人前方的一个枕头上。
43、Objective To investigate the value of high-vacuum discontinuous suction technique for treatment of decubitus ulcers. ─── 目的应用高负压间断吸引技术治疗严重压疮。
44、Use of Disassemble Bed to Prevent the Decubitus Ulcer ─── 分解床在预防褥疮中的应用
45、decubitus hora ─── (拉)就寝时, 临睡时
46、Keywords iodophors/therapeutic use;decubitus ulcer/drug therapy; ─── 碘伏/治疗应用;压疮/药物疗法;
47、The Primary Study of Decubitus Apical lordotic Position ─── 仰卧胸部前弓位投照初探
48、Assess and periodically reassess each resident's risk for developing a pressure ulcer (decubitus ulcer) and take action to address any identified risks. ─── 定期的评估每个病人产生压疮的风险,并对具有风险之病人进行处置。
49、angina decubitus ─── 卧位型心绞痛
50、Andral rs decubitus ─── 昂德腊尔氏卧位
51、Effect of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction on pathogenesis of angina decubitus ─── 左心室舒张功能不全在卧位型心绞痛发病中的作用
52、They have been used for the treatment of burn wound,decubitus,abscess and finger-tip injuries,and have been made in the form of artificial skin and bandage for application. ─── 目前已有将其用于烧伤创面、褥疮、脓肿、指端损伤等的治疗,并已有几丁质人工皮和绷带问世。
53、Effect of Trimetazidine in Patients with Angina Decubitus ─── 曲美他嗪治疗卧位心绞痛疗效观察
54、OBJECTIVE: Elderly patients often have impaired taste, nausea, anorexia and delayed healing of decubitus. ─── 目的:老年病人常有味觉减退、恶心、厌食症和褥疮延期愈合等病症。
55、Left lateral decubitus position ─── 左侧卧位
56、Nursing Care for the Deep Decubitus Ulcer After the Rotation of the Fascia Flap ─── 深度压疮病人局部深筋膜带蒂皮瓣转移术的护理
57、decubitus ulcer of mouth ─── 口腔褥疮
58、scalp decubitus ─── 头皮褥疮
59、Stroke victims with paralysis are very prone to decubitus ulcers. ─── 多见于长期卧床的病人,如中风患者。
60、Study Design. Retrospectie medical record and electronic database audit to ascertain the incidence and predictors of cerical collar-related decubitus ulceration (CRU). ─── 研究设计:回顾医学记录和电子数据库确定颈托所致压疮的发生率及预测因素.
61、Sitting up off decubitus, it is not allowed that you simultaneously lift both legs upward and sit down again with wielding down. ─── 从卧姿坐起来时,决不可同时把双腿向上一举然后向下一挥再坐起来。
62、3. Position client comfortably with area of decubitus ulcer and surrounding skin easily acce ible. ─── 体位应便于溃疡及周围皮肤的清理。
63、Abstract: To mornitor the hemodynamics of the surgical patients on flexed lateral decubitus position under epidural block or general anesthesia. ─── 为了使肾结石肾盂切开取石手术的患侧肾脏更加有效地暴露于术野,常采用健侧侧卧升桥位。
64、decubitus acutus ─── [医] 急性褥疮
65、Sitting up off decubitus, it is not allowed that you simultaneously lift both legs upward and sit down again with wielding down. ─── 从卧姿坐起来时,决不可同时把双腿向上一举然后向下一挥再坐起来。
66、To approach the clinic effect of correcting breech postition with knee chest decubitus. ─── 目的 :探讨膝胸卧位纠正臀位的临床效果。
67、Keywords decubitus fixation;pressure autocontrol system;ADC; ─── 体位固定;自动压控系统;单片机;
68、lateral decubitus ─── 侧卧位, 侧卧, 侧卧和平投照位
69、The hospital Hunan intestines request the patient to take the side decubitus on the bed to carry on steeply. ─── 医院湘肠要求患者峭在床上取侧卧位进行。
70、The traditional body positioning is lateral decubitus. ─── 传统的身体姿势是侧卧。
71、"It can occur in atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, or decubitus ulcer, and after severe Burns or frostbite." ─── 容易出现在患有动脉硬化、糖尿
72、decubitus position ─── 卧位
73、Application of Anisodamine and gentamicin injection to treat patients with decubitus ─── 山莨菪碱注射液和庆大霉素注射液在褥疮治疗中的应用
74、ante horam decubitus ─── 睡前
75、supine decubitus view ─── 仰卧位观
76、In fact, so-called "pressure ulcers" or "decubitus ulcers" can form on skin over bony prominences in persons who are bedridden for an extended time. ─── 事实上,我们所说的压疮或褥疮形成于骨较突出的皮肤部位,常见于长期卧床病人。
77、A clinical analysis of decubitus ulcers after caesarean section ─── 剖宫产术后发生褥疮的临床分析
78、Keywords decubitus;preventive intervention procedure;Norton scale;programmed nursing care; ─── 压疮;预警干预;诺顿评分;程序护理;
79、Study on the making of assistant healing decubitus pillow series and it's effectiveness evaluate of Clinical application ─── 系列辅助康复卧位枕的制作与临床应用效果评价
80、OBJECTIVE: Elderly patients often have impaired taste, nausea, anorexia and delayed healing of decubitus . ─── 目的:老年病人常有味觉减退、恶心、厌食症和褥疮延期愈合等病症。
81、Keywords unstable angina decubitus;left ventriular function;metoprolol; ─── 关键词不稳定型心绞痛;左室功能;美托洛尔;
82、These complications include shock, the nerve and vascular injury, the acute kidney failure, fat embolism, infection, deep venous thrombosis, decubitus ulcer and so on. ─── 其中并发症又分为早期和晚期并发症,包括休克、神经血管损伤、急性肾功能衰竭、脂肪栓塞、感染、深静脉血栓、压疮等。
83、decubitus calculus ─── 久卧结石
84、Keywords decubital necrosis;lateral decubitus;elderly patients;prevention; ─── 关键词压疮;侧卧;老年;预防;
85、lateral decubitus position ─── 侧卧位
86、left lateral decubitus ─── 左外侧褥疮
87、Objective To find out the practical measures to prevent the decubitus by analyzing the risk factors for Decubitus in Patients with Orthopaedic Diseases. ─── 目的分析骨科病人发生褥疮的原因及相关因素,探讨切实可行预防褥疮的措施。
88、Effect of Wet Burn Adhesive Plaster to Treat the Decubitus in Senile Diabetes ─── 湿润烧伤膏治疗老年糖尿病褥疮的效果观察
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