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09-06 投稿



incarnate 发音

英:[ɪnˈkɑːrnət]  美:[ɪnˈkɑːnət]

英:  美:

incarnate 中文意思翻译




incarnate 同义词

physical | corporal | embody |alive | substantiate | in person | in the flesh | body forth | fleshly | bodied | embodied | come to life | corporate

incarnate 短语词组

1、incarnate clover ─── 化身三叶草

incarnate 反义词


incarnate 词性/词形变化,incarnate变形


incarnate 相似词语短语

1、incoronate ─── 加冕

2、incarnated ─── adj.人体化的,化身的;拟人化的;极典型的;以极端形式体现的;v.体现,化身为,使具体化;使人格化,拟人化;(人)体现(某种品质)

3、incarnates ─── adj.人体化的,化身的;拟人化的;极典型的;以极端形式体现的;v.体现,化身为,使具体化;使人格化,拟人化;(人)体现(某种品质)

4、incatenate ─── 锁链

5、incardinate ─── vt.隶属于同一主教管区

6、discarnate ─── adj.无形的

7、inornate ─── adj.不加修饰的;朴素的

8、reincarnate ─── v.使转世,使再生;使转世化身;adj.转世化身的

9、excarnate ─── vi.剥除肉质;免去肉体

incarnate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An incarnate spirit. ─── 具人体的灵魂

2、So it also is for all species incarnate upon me, including those in human form that choose to ascend along with me. ─── 在我身上投生的所有物种也是如此,包括那些选择和我一起提升的人类。

3、When we incarnate, we forget that, so yeah, it can be extremely difficult to understand why horrible things happen to you and even more disconcerting to think you chose for it to happen! ─── 当我们化身为人,便不再记得这些,因此理所当然,当这些可怕的事情发生在你身上时就变得难以理解,你甚至会觉得,这一切竟然是你自己的选择,简直就是发疯的想法!

4、The core of human is the footstone of educational hannonious management which should incarnate the core of students, the core of education and the core of service. ─── 以人为本是教育和谐管理的基石,必须体现以学生为本,以教育为本,以服务为本,形成三个相互关联、互相促进的管理局面。

5、On the other side of the arrogance is the perception that one is powerless, knows nothing, and IS NOTHING, not even a part of the whole of Earth that one is incarnate into. ─── 在另一面,自大是你是无能的、丝毫不懂并且什么也不是的看法,你化身进入的甚至不是地球整体的一部份。

6、To some extents, the function features of city-regions can reflect the action, status, division of labor, incarnate the potence of radicalization and influence. ─── 区域的经济职能和特征在很大程度上反映了该区域在全国经济发展中所起的作用、地位和分工状况,体现着城市区域的辐射力和影响力。

7、The mugwumps of the Chinese politics would not swallow the bait certainly!Every eldership incarnate the noble character and the ethos of China and the civilization of the venerable east. ─── 中国政坛的领导们当然不会上当,每位长辈都展示了各自的大家风范,中华民族的古韵今风。

8、There is incessant originality seen from the products.Fine frosting finish processing technology on them, incarnate virgin sense. ─── 创意不断,精细的磨砂效果处理技术,尽量纯洁美感。

9、incarnate the courage of the whole race ─── 体现整个民族的勇敢精神

10、A kind of culture contain the disputed and incarnate value which come from classicality and echo the subject of this epoch. ─── 一种源于古典应和时代主题的文化理念略带一点被控制在媒体外的来自个人的争议则充分说明了它的含金量。

11、Its round corners, level lines of sun breakers and walls all incarnate the features of modern architectures, while series of geometric designs on part of walls show the style of decoration arts. ─── 墙面转角采圆角,强调遮阳板、女儿墙边等水平线条,现代建筑特色,而局部墙面的连续几何形图形又有装饰艺术风格的影子。

12、One can never truly be the MASTER CREATOR incarnate in a single form of even a fully conscious species. ─── 你永远无法在一个单个形体内真正地成为大师创造者化身,甚至是一个全意识物种的形体。

13、Many of the forms that you have chosen to incarnate within would look very foreign and be very frightening to you, yet this is how you have evolved your soul. ─── 你们已经选择其中化身的许多形态对你们而言看起来非常外来和非常的令人恐惧,然而这个就是如何使你们的精神进化。

14、The Dalai Lama who succeeded him pursued a sybaritic life, enjoying many mistresses, partying with friends, and acting in other ways deemed unfitting for an incarnate deity. ─── 他有很多情妇,与朋友们纵情享乐,还做过许多与转世活佛的身份不相符的事。由于这些不端的行为,他被属下的僧侣谋杀。

15、But, the refinement harmony and non-degradable complicated structure of life incarnate the characteristic of intelligent design for sure. ─── 但是,生命体的精巧、协同、不可降解的复杂结构,又确实体现着智能设计的特点。

16、But we must remember that Jesus set aside the privileges of divine glory to fulfill his mission as our incarnate Savior (see Philippians 2:6-8). ─── 不过,我们必须记著,耶稣已道成肉身成为我们的救主,为了要完成这个使命,祂已放下了自己的神能和荣耀(参看腓立比书2:6-8)。

17、Everyone started screaming and running for the front entrance, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away from evil incarnate. ─── 所有人都尖叫着跑向门口,疯狂地相互推挤践踏,想赶快逃离这个恶魔。

18、to embody; to incarnate; to reflect; to express; to represent; to give expression to ─── 体现

19、The leader seemed the devil incarnate. ─── 那个首领好像是魔鬼的化身。

20、Rites of birth for the old incarnate the traditional value of filial obedience and the funeral rites give expression to the optimistic and broad-minded attitude toward life and death. ─── 寿礼体现了土家族孝顺父母的传统美德; 葬礼体现了土家族乐观旷达的生死观。

21、MASTER: "Chaitanya was Divine Love incarnate. ─── 师父;“柴坦尼亚是神圣的爱的化身。

22、She incarnate the love perfectly. ─── 她很完满地体现了一个“爱”字。

23、But the Guru, who is God or the Self incarnate, works from within, helps the man to see his mistakes and guides him in the right path until he realizes the Self within. ─── 但是师父,他是神或者真我的化身,是由内在来运作的,师父帮助人看到他自己的错误并且给他正确指导,真到他领悟到他自己内在的真我。

24、"the doctrine that only a perfect male form can incarnate God fully and be salvific" (Rita N. Brock) ─── “只有男性形象才能完全转化为上帝并拯救灵魂的信条”(丽塔N.布罗克)

25、At the same time, by the appearance sculpt design, it can incarnate inherent choiceness capabilities of mechanism, and improve the market competitions. ─── 同时,通过外观造型设计,使其能体现出机械内在的优良胜能,提高市场竞争力。

26、Queen was happiness incarnate ─── 女王是幸福的化身。

27、The Chinese folk games: incarnate Cultural Diversity in leisure development ─── 当代传媒话语权下对女性体育文化的思考

28、Practice teaching is an important tache of higher vocational education. It is also an important tache to incarnate the characteristic of higher vocational education. ─── 实践教学是高职教育的一个重要环节,也是体现高职教育特色的重要环节,抓好实践教学方法的改进,是提高高职生素质的一个重要内容。

29、Human ancestors have amalgamated as a unified consciousness that expresses through those incarnate in the physical that intend it so. ─── 人类祖先们已合并为一个一体的意识,通过物质层中那些意愿来表达他们的化身来表达。

30、She was happiness incarnate. ─── 她是幸福的化身。

31、Many souls incarnate in human form upon Earth at this time in human history fall into this category, they come from another Great Central Sun and the related unconscious therein. ─── 人类历史上此时此刻投生为地球上人类形态的很多灵魂也是这个类型,它们来自于另一个大中枢太阳并和那里的无意识有关。

32、Bodhisattva Children born in2006 will be inner directed, perhaps more so than any children currently incarnate planet- wide. ─── 出生于2006年的菩萨级孩子将从内在被引导,也许比已在全行星所投生的任何当前孩童还更要如此。

33、Concrete paths incarnate themselves in some economic policies on macro, meso and micro levels. ─── 具体路径体现在宏观、中观与微观三个层面上。

34、Therefore the developing mode of county insurance is not likely to be uniform in our country, instead, it should incarnate the difference in different areas. ─── 基于此,我国县域保险的发展模式不可能全国统一,而应体现出地区差异性。

35、The goodness and love of God became incarnate at Bethlehem. ─── 上帝良善及慈爱的化身,降临在伯利恒。

36、DNA's nucleotides list decide list of RNA's nucleotides and amine acid in the call, accordingly incarnate bilogical active life's life phenomenon. ─── DNA的核苷酸序列决定所有细胞内的RNA核苷酸和氨基酸序列,从而体现生物的生命活动的生命现象。

37、the doctrine that only a perfect male form can incarnate God fully and be salvific(bRita N. Brock) ─── 只有男性形象才能完全转化为上帝并拯救灵魂的信条(b丽塔N.布罗克)

38、Some of you incarnate together for that very reason, and where Earth families are concerned they can be very powerful. ─── 你们一些人因为那个非常的原因而一起化身到了地球,这便是家族血系了,它能够变得非常的有力量。

39、Islam rejects that God rested on the seventh day of the creation, that He wrestled with one of His angels, that He is an envious plotter against mankind, or that He is incarnate in any human Being. ─── 伊斯兰教不主张真主在出生后第七天休息、他与其一位天使博斗、他是对抗人类的忌妒阴谋者,或他是任何人类的化身。

40、Analysis of these elements can help us to dispark files better and also incarnate its value better. ─── 对这些因素的分析可以使档案获得更好的开放,使档案的价值得到更好的体现。

41、She is Wisdom Incarnate, the Goddess of all those who are wise. ─── 她是智慧的化身,是所有一切智慧的女神。

42、Lemuria was a large continent in her time period and just under the equator with vast tropical resources to feed the many incarnate within this region over time. ─── 利莫里亚在她的那个时代是一块巨大的大陆,并正位于赤道之下,带着浩瀚的热带资源来养育随时间投生到这个地区的许多人们。

43、It seems to be a widespread problem even with those incarnate from higher realms, doing what is RIGHT. ─── 这似乎是一个普遍的问题,甚至是那些从高层界域化身而来的人,去做正确的事。

44、They wanted to command all species upon Earth while incarnate in a single human form. ─── 当化身在一个单个人类形体内时,他们想去指令地球上所有物种。

45、Nick model according to lay out the micromodule in the best, it aims to accelerate horticulture vendition, and utmostly incarnate nice visual effect of the building, view and space. ─── 尼克模型本着展示微缩空间的最佳效果为己任,以促进房产销售为目的,极力体现建筑、景观及空间的美好视觉效果。

46、She was happiness incarnate ─── 她是幸福的化身

47、You are under a delusion if you believe that you always incarnate as human beings. ─── 如果你们以为你们永远化身为人,你们处于错觉中。

48、e. of mortality in the six gati, or ways of incarnate existence. ─── 大苦海 The great bitter sea, or great sea of suffering i.

49、A superior being from the kingdom of Love, is Love incarnate, and does not know the nature of taking because giving Love is part of his her inborn nature. ─── 一位来自爱的国度的高等众生,本身即是爱,给予爱是她的天性,她从不知道索求是何意。

50、His followers saw him as the first incarnate manifestation of the superbeings whose evolution he prophesied, and apparently he did not discourage this belief. ─── 他的追随者发展了对他的预言,把他看成是庄严相的首个具体表现,但是很显然地他并不鼓励这种信仰。

51、She is the central pivot of creation and represents the feminine aspect in all things. She is Wisdom Incarnate, the Goddess of all those who are wise. ─── 她是创造的中心枢轴,表现出万物的女性面貌。她是智慧的化身,是所有一切智慧的女神。

52、And the author thinks that it is because of his idealistic contradictions to incarnate his ideas" complicacy and stereoscopicness. ─── 并认为正是其思想所显现出的诸多矛盾性,才体现了李梦阳文学思想的复杂性和立体性。

53、When the people incarnate the autarchy and wildness, he would not has a great mien, but a droll mien, not has a strong power , but a narrow power. ─── 当一个人野蛮独裁的时候,他的形象是可笑了,而不是高大了,他的气势是狭隘了,而不是雄壮了。

54、You are a collection of an incredible wealth of personalities who incarnate in many different systems of reality. ─── 你们是一个令人难于置信的化身在诸多不同的实相系统的个性财富集合。

55、At that time they shall incarnate ─── 在那时间他们将会肉身显现

56、You needed to experience Earth and to prepare yourself for the time when the frequency alteration would begin to occur and you would all incarnate in large numbers to bring the plan into action. ─── 你们需要感受地球并为这个时候准备好你们自己,当频率就开始出现而你们全都化身为人将把大规模的计划付诸行动。

57、The MASTER CREATOR commands all other souls incarnate and dancing within the consensus. ─── 大师创造者指令所有其它灵魂化身和在一致实相内舞蹈。

58、The process of brand creation need incarnate in each project construction process. ─── 品牌创建的过程,需要在项目建设的各个过程体现。

59、Also we could then correct the irreverent idea that Jesus the Saviour is there to be used, by stressing that as God incarnate he must be worshiped both by words of praise and by works of service. ─── 再者,我们可以修正那不虔不敬的观念,不再以耶稣为可供我们利用的一位救主,改为强调耶稣是道成肉身的上帝,我们必须以赞美和事奉来敬拜祂。

60、If this is true of prayer in general, it is true in a more specific way of the Jesus Prayer, since this is an invocation addressed precisely to God Incarnate, to the Word made flesh. ─── 如果对一般的祈祷是这样的话,那?对于耶稣祷文更是如此,因?在耶稣祷文特别呼求那降生成人的上帝,那成了血肉的圣言。

61、Library should construct the service mode according to itself condition in order to incarnate library's social function adequately. ─── 图书馆应根据自身情况构建服务模式,以充分体现图书馆的社会功能。

62、For Oa this equated to a choice to live or die and whether or not he would die for the big gurus currently incarnate. ─── 对Oa来说,这就等同于是选择生存还是死亡,以及他是否会为当前投生的大古鲁而死去。

63、You do not incarnate in only one species; you are travelers. ─── 你们不仅仅化身在一个种类上,你们是旅行者。

64、A small group of souls, specially different, has chosen to incarnate collectively in this time. ─── 一小组灵魂,特别地不同,在这时刻集体选择化身。

65、to incarnate one's vision in a statue ─── 将某人的理想体现在雕塑中

66、Around the turn of the century, and out of a need to understand what had happened to our human brothers and sisters, many dolphin and whale souls chose to incarnate into human form. ─── 围绕着世纪的轮转,在对我们的人类兄弟姐妹发生了什么的了解之需要里,许多海豚鲸鱼灵魂们选择化身入人类形体。

67、You incarnate to experience creation, to gather information about creation, and to comprehend it collectively. ─── 你们化身为人经验造物,聚集有关造物信息,而集体理解它。

68、Chinese and western cate,famous wine,Chinese North and South cate,rare foods,ethereally environment and warmly service,it's incarnate of the bite and supculture which in the hotel. ─── 中西美食、名酒佳肴、南北美点、珍馐百味,幽雅的环境,热情的服务,集中体现了酒店的饮食文化。

69、The advanced nature should incarnate in the action ─── 先进性要体现在行动上

70、to incarnate the frontier spirit ─── 代表开拓精神

71、It mimics human thought-form as humans being a conscious species are designed to direct thought-form upon whatever planet or star that they are incarnate upon. ─── 它模仿人类思想形态,因为人类作为一个有意识的物种就是被设计来引导他们所投生地方的思想形态的,不管是行星还是恒星。

72、When you played with a bamboo cane as a child, and swished it through the air, it felt like energy incarnate. ─── 当你在孩童时代,手里玩着一根竹条,在空中嗖嗖地挥舞着它的时候,感觉它就是能量的化身。

73、Many in current human form incarnate this lifetime with dolphin-whale or nature souls. ─── 在当前人类中,有很多人在此生是携带海豚鲸鱼或大自然的灵魂而投生的。

74、Contemplate your incarnate Delirium Tremens! ─── 好好看一看你们这个具体化的酒疯子!

75、This paper analyses how to incarnate the unconstraint principle of contracts in the concluding, effectiveness, rights of contracts and in solving disputes, etc. ─── 对合同的订立、合同的效力、合同权利的行使及合同纠纷的解决等方面如何体现合同自愿原则进行了分析。

76、She is evil incarnate. ─── 她是邪恶的化身。

77、At the time of this final judgement, before light and life, only souls of a higher nature incarnate into a planet. ─── 在进入光与生命的阶段之前的这个最后审判时期,只有那些有着更高本性的灵魂投生到这个星球。

78、The different factors incarnate the respective aboriginality and the different cultural origin. ─── 其不同特征,体现了各自的土著性,彼此文化来源不同。

79、For any dragon in human form, one is surrounded by thousands of snakes also incarnate in human form. ─── 任何投生为人体的龙身边,都被数千蛇所包围。

80、It may be lucidity, transparency, fitness incarnate, matching the whole system of other things, when it has once befallen, in an unimaginably perfect way. ─── 当它以超乎想象的完美方式降临时,它可能清澈、透明,是健康的化身,与整个系统中的其他事物相匹配。

81、It was a moment when a woman's soul is more incarnate than at any other time; when the most spiritual beauty bespeaks itself flesh. ─── 就在这种时候,一个女人的灵魂,才更具有色声香味,空灵的美才显出肉的意味。

82、the doctrine that only a perfect male form can incarnate God fully and be salvific(Rita N. Brock) ─── 只有男性形象才能完全转化为上帝并拯救灵魂的信条(丽塔N.布罗克)

83、Why should God become incarnate as a male? ─── 为什么上帝显身为男性呢?

84、The Original Planners began to call on the Family of Light to go in and infiltrate the project, to incarnate one-by-one and bring the light-as information via creative cosmic rays-into the place where it was lost. ─── 原计划者开始呼吁光家族进来和渗透该计划,一个一个化身为人而把光带来-如同资讯通过创造性宇宙射线那样-进入失去的地方。

85、Besides, it refers that the reform direction of PE teaching mode should be based on theories and incarnate reasonableness, feasibility and practicality. ─── 同时,指出了必须以理论为指导,体现合理性、可行性和可操作性的体育教学模式的改革方向。

86、His strong left-wing views make him the devil incarnate to more extreme Conservatives. ─── 他的极左观点使得他在极端保守党人眼中成了魔鬼的化身。

87、On June 25, 1992, the central government confirmed the incarnate soul boy of the 16th Living Buddha Garmaba. ─── 1992年6月25日,中央政府批准了第十六世噶玛巴活佛的转世灵童。

88、All these incarnate the preciseness of the political college, the democracy in Chinese Academy of Sciences and the elegance of the Central Conservatory of Music. ─── 体现了政治学院的严谨、中科院的民主精神、中央音乐学院的风雅和书香世家的古韵今风。

89、As an important reflection of politeness, expressing thanks can no doubt incarnate how Chinese treasure politeness. ─── 作为一种重要的体现礼貌的形式,致谢无疑可以体现中国人对礼貌的重视。

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