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09-08 投稿



intensifying 发音

英:[ɪnˈtensɪfaɪɪŋ]  美:[ɪnˈtensɪfaɪɪŋ]

英:  美:

intensifying 中文意思翻译



intensifying 同义词

intensifying 短语词组

1、intensifying accumulator ─── [机] 增压蓄压器

2、field intensifying metal ─── 磁场强化金属

3、intensifying foil ─── 增强箔

4、intensifying pulse ─── [电] 增辉脉冲

5、intensifying screen ─── [化] 增感屏 ─── [医] 增感屏

6、intensifying factor ─── 强化因子;增感系数; ─── 强化因素;增感因子

7、intensifying ring ─── [电] 增辉环

intensifying 词性/词形变化,intensifying变形

动词第三人称单数: intensifies |动词过去分词: intensified |动词现在分词: intensifying |名词: intensification |动词过去式: intensified |

intensifying 反义词


intensifying 相似词语短语

1、intensifier ─── n.增强器;增强剂;使更激烈之物

2、unterrifying ─── 未校正

3、intensify ─── vi.增强,强化;变激烈;vt.使加强,使强化;使变激烈

4、intensifies ─── v.加剧;强化;使尖锐(intensify的第三人称单数形式)

5、intensating ─── 意图

6、identifying ─── v.确认,识别;找到,发现;显示,说明身份;与(某人)一致,和(某人)打成一片(identify的现在分词)

7、intensified ─── 加强的

8、indemnifying ─── 赔偿;保护;使免于受罚(indemnify的现在分词)

9、densifying ─── vi.使稠密,使增加密度;致密化(densify的现在分词)

intensifying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It works by defragmenting game directories, temporarily shutting down background processes, cleaning RAM, and intensifying processor performance. ─── 它的工作原理进行碎片的游戏目录,暂时关闭后台进程,清洁内存,并加强处理器的性能。

2、It says countries in the region are willing for reeling from a combination of a radic erratic weather patterns, the global enonomic economic crisis and intensifying conflict and insecurity. ─── 它说在这个区域内的国家正在这飘忽不定的天气境况和全球经济危机以及不断加剧的斗争和不安全中蹒跚而行。

3、Overall, 2008 is shaping to be one of the most challenging in recent memory for Asia Pacific aviation, as it copes with intensifying internal and external headwinds. ─── 总而言之,2008年是要为亚洲及太平洋地区的航空塑造一个最具挑战性的偶像,因为在人们最近的记忆中,它要应对巨大的来自内外部的逆境。

4、Nine years later Ebbesen and his colleagues concluded that surface plasmons on the film were intensifying the transmission of electromagnetic energy. ─── 九年后,艾布森和同事得到结论,认为金箔上的表面电浆子强化了穿透的电磁波能量。

5、The bureaucrat has obvious advantages as follows: improving the unification of applying to law, intensifying the supervisal to authority, making the jurisdiction withstand interference easily. ─── 司法官僚制具有明显的优点:它有助于提高法律适用的统一性;

6、The relationship between China and Kazakhstan is intensifying. ─── 中哈两国的友谊正在不断加强。

7、Establishing customer-oriented modernised integrated information system plays an important role in the work ofimproving railway passenger service quality and intensifying railway competitiveness. ─── 建设铁路旅客服务综合信息系统对提高铁路客运服务质量、增强铁路竞争力具有重要意义。

8、"About 94% of the available arable land is already cultivated, so...if we want to increase food production to feed all those people, we're going to have to do it by intensifying existing systems. ─── “大约有94%可耕的土地已经开发出来,所以...如果我们想要增加粮食产量来养活所有这些人的话,我们就需要强化现有的体系。”

9、It's a no brainer that this energy favors any relationship issues or for starting or intensifying the love & romance areas of your life. ─── 毫无疑问,这种星运适合解决人际关系问题,开始或改善你的爱情生活。

10、The system is designed to be quasi-monochromatic to maintain consistent image quality over the entire area of the intensifying screen. ─── 系统设计为准单色的,以在增感屏的整个区域上保持一致的图像质量。

11、Intensifying marine pollution control to protect the country's marine environment security. ─── 加强海洋污染防治工作,保护国家海洋环境安全;

12、In word processing, the process of intensifying the image of selected characters when displayed or printed. ─── 字(词)处理技术中,在显示或打印时增强所选字符影象的处理方法。

13、He wants to be free to throw himself into a new project at a moment's notice.If anyone blocks his path, he takes on the challenger by intensifying his efforts and ramming right through the obstacle. ─── 他只想投入当下所知道的新计划,只要有人阻碍他,他便会增强自己的能力并负起挑战者的角色,铲除障碍。

14、The increase in population density and new developments in industrial technology are constantly intensifying old problems. ─── 人口密度的增加以及工业技术的新发展,往往使老问题加剧。

15、Due to the intensifying crisis, the fashion of aestheticism began to decline after 1930s. ─── 20世纪30年代以后,由于危机加剧,唯美主义风潮在感应时代的节律中逐渐式微。

16、Maybe influenced by fluctuations in market price. The company shall reduce possible risks to minimum via intensifying internal controland management and reducing costs. ─── 可能受市场影响,价格会有所波动,企业应加强内部控制,强化管理,降低成本,努力将可能存在的风险降到最低化。

17、Intensifying his scepticism was a fear that, in the new cold war, any British and French bullying of Egypt would alienate Arabs, Asians and Africans and drive them towards the communist camp. ─── 加强了他的怀疑主义的一个令他担心的事情是,在新的冷战中,英国和法国的任何对埃及的恃强凌弱的行为将疏远阿拉伯人,亚洲人以及非洲人,并且将驱使他们倒向共产主义阵营。

18、The allies are intensifying their air campaign. ─── 盟军在加强他们的空中军事活动。

19、Meanwhile, AMD of another chip tycoon is intensifying the process of research and development of 4 nucleuses, the plan is in push in year next year to the market. ─── 与此同时,另一芯片巨头AMD正在加紧四核的研发进程,计划在明年年中推向市场。

20、Intensifying internal financial control system ─── 强化企业内部会计控制制度

21、On the other hand, China faces many restrictive factors, such as the ever-increasing pressure on resources and environment and the constant intensifying international competition. ─── 另一方面,面临的制约因素也不少。如资源、环境压力与日俱增,国际竞争日趋激烈。

22、Thrust requirements between 25,000 Ibs. and 75,000 Ibs. can be accommodated by boosting or intensifying field air pressure to a higher working pressure for the cylinder and stored locally in a high pressure air tank. ─── 在25,000磅至75,000磅之间的推理要求可以通过对现场气源进行增压或加强,使其具有更高的工作压力来满足缸体执行机构的要求,并储存在当地的高压气罐内。

23、On March 23, 2009, national provision medicines and chemical reagents supervises management board to express, the executive byelaw of food safety law also is intensifying making. ─── 2009年3月23日,国家食品药品监督管理局表示,食品安全法的实施条例也正在加紧制定。

24、It works by temporarily shutting down background processes, cleaning RAM, and intensifying processor performance. ─── 它的工作原理是暂时关闭后台进程,清洁内存,处理器的性能和加强。


26、Vibration force field was introduced into processing of plastics in tri-screw dynamic mixing extruders,so as to intensifying mixability and dispersion. ─── 三螺杆动态混炼挤出机将振动力场引入到物料的塑化混炼挤出过程,达到强化混炼和分散的目的。

27、IV. Intensifying construction of commercial forests ─── 四、大力加强商品林建设。

28、Rarely did he read more than a page of it before sleep came swiftly and peacefully, more like a mystic intensifying of perception than any changeful entrance into another world. ─── 他很少读下来一页书,睡意就迅速而平静地袭来了,好像是知觉的神秘的增强,而不像是任何变幻而转入另一世界。

29、Surprisingly, the change started 30 years ago has been intensifying, whereas, the deep essence is becoming difficult in identification. ─── 令人莫名的是,30年前开始的变化,越变越大,然而深深本质却变得更加难以辨认。

30、Reverie of a young woman, who in a gradually intensifying affectionate and destructive manner tries to provoke a sensual exchange with her despite all lifeless and persistent idol. ─── 一个年轻女人的白日梦,在她越来越强烈的爱与破坏的情绪中,不顾一切地试着与她的永无生命的偶像激起一个感官上的互换。

31、The paper describes how to enhance the coal quality by intensifying the site control and increasing the quality sense. ─── 就如何增强产品质量观念,强化煤质现场管理,确保煤炭质量进行了探讨。

32、I jump, intensifying the pain in all my muscles. ─── 我跳起来,浑身的肌肉更加疼痛了。

33、Rising nationalism is part of the process of globalization, and so too are intensifying geopolitical rivalries. ─── 国家主义的提升是全球化进程的一部分,激烈的地缘政治角逐同样也是。

34、Intensifying precipitation seeded in Bayer process with ultrasound[J].Acta Metall Sinica, 2002, 38(2): 171- 173. ─── Al(OH)3种分过程的超声强化[J].金属学报,2002,38(2):171-173.

35、Amazon plans to release a tablet computer by October, people familiar with the matter said, intensifying its rivalry with Apple's iPad. ─── 据知情人士透露,亚马逊计划在10月前推出一款平板电脑,加强与苹果iPad的较量。

36、In the situation of aggravating national crises and intensifying class contradictions,they tolled the funeral bell for the Qing Dynasty by quickly pursuing the road to bourgeois democratic revolution. ─── 他们在民族危机日益加深和阶级矛盾逐渐激化的形势下,迅速走上资产阶级民主革命道路,敲响了埋葬清王朝封建统治的丧钟。

37、So the composites of the base of the grain intensifying aluminium are the displacing materials with the vast appliance prospect of the disk parts of the ash iron. ─── 因此,颗粒增强铝基复合材料是具有广阔应用前景的灰铸铁制动盘类零件的替代材料。

38、It is additionally attached with measuring apparatus and the intensifying device.The unit is of the reliable prefor - mance and high production efficiency. ─── 可选用锯片或行星切割形式,另可带计长及增厚装置,机组性能可靠、生产效率高。

39、The doctors who work in infra-structural hospitals need grasped rich professional knowledge and practical techniques while intensifying their own culture to make good communication with patients. ─── 基层医院口腔科要营造舒适的就医环境,合理收费,严格的消毒灭菌。

40、Farrell keeps track of her cavorting with men at all hours of the night, his loathing for her intensifying. ─── 法雷尔保持与男子跟踪她里嬉闹夜晚的所有时间,他对她的厌恶加剧。

41、Sun's exploration on building an honest and clean government is of great theoretical and practical significance to intensifying clean and honest government construction. ─── 孙中山的廉政探索,对于我们当今加强廉政建设具有重要的理论和现实意义。

42、We can build up student's physical training consciousness and ability by offering optional courses, cultivating students' physical training needs consciously and intensifying the ABCs of PE theory. ─── 可以通过开展选项教学、有意识地培养学生体育需要和加强体育理论基本知识等教学活动 ,来不断增强学生的体育意识和能力。

43、The voice of discoursing accounting information equitably and effectively is intensifying, criterion of information disclosure system is the urgent affairs. ─── 公正、透明、有效地披露上市公司会计信息的呼声越发的强烈,规范会计信息披露制度己成为当务之急。

44、This phenomenon has set off an intensifying discussion at hospitals and medical schools about a problem perhaps best described as "distracted doctoring". ─── 这种现象在医院和医学院引发了关于一个问题的激烈讨论,这个问题最恰当的描述可能是“分心的医疗”。

45、The WTO membership will lead China to further commit itself to intensifying such co operation and pushing for bilateral talks between developed and developing countries. ─── 中国成为世贸组织会员国后,将进一步强化这种合作,推动发展中国家和发达国家之间的对话。

46、It has implemented the three policies of making preventive measures a priority, assigning responsibility to those who created pollution to clearing it up and intensifying environmental control. ─── 实行预防为主、谁污染谁治理和强化环境管理三项政策。

47、Green-sensitive(orthochromatic) medical X-ray film combined with rare-earth elements intensifying screens can perform many superiorities,e. ─── 感绿(正色性)医用x线胶片与稀土元素增感屏配合可显示出极大的优越性:显著地减少x线剂量,提高影像质量,降低生产成本等等。

48、Making a right evaluation on the safety of GMF and intensifying the management of GMF have become important subjects for us. ─── 对转基因食品的安全性进行正确的评价,加强对转基因食品的管理是摆在我们面前的重要课题。

49、"While their sales grow, intensifying competition may push auto firms into price cuts later this year. That will erode their margins," said Qian Xiaoyu, an analyst at United Securities. ─── “虽然他们的销售在增长,但激烈的竞争可能迫使汽车公司在今年往后的时间减价。这将缩窄他们之间的差距。”联合证券的分析师钱小玉说。

50、WWF reminds leaders of the added impact of climate change which is already intensifying droughts and floods. ─── 世界自然基金会提醒各国领袖,随著气候转变,乾旱和泛滥的情况日趋严重。

51、In the latest sign of China's intensifying relationship with Africa, the fifth-largest export market for South Africa a year ago is now the most important destination for the country's goods. ─── 作为中国与非洲关系日益深化的最新信号,一年前还只是南非第五大出口市场的中国,如今已成为该国商品最重要的出口目的地。

52、By investigating regional boat industry, making laws, subsidizing shipping, intensifying management of shipping company and protection etc. ─── 伴随着这一发展过程,形成由前运输化阶段向运输化阶段转化的“初步运输化阶段”。

53、VI. Intensifying Forestry Legislation and Ruling Forestry According to Law. ─── 六、加强林业法制,实行依法治林。

54、A phosphor screen for intensifying image ─── 一种像增强屏特性的研究

55、The initiative follows intensifying competition between Reuters and Bloomberg, which last year moved into foreign exchange trading traditionally a Reuters stronghold to launch "conversational direct dealing". ─── 在推出这项计划前,路透社与彭博的竞争日趋激烈。彭博去年进军外汇交易这个路透社的传统据点,推出了“对话式直接交易”。

56、All along the frontier, German preparations for invasion were intensifying, but Soviet forces had not yet even begun to mobilise. ─── 沿着整个边境,德国人一直在加强武装入侵的准备工作,而苏联军队甚至于还没有开始进行动员。

57、It says countries in the region are reeling from a combination of erratic weather patterns, the global economic crisis and intensifying conflict and insecurity. ─── 儿童基金会说,索马里沿海地区的海盗和劫持船只事件也使得该地区儿童的境况更加紧急。

58、"About 94% of the available arable land is already cultivated, so if we want to increase food production to feed all those people, we're going to have to do it by intensifying existing systems. ─── “大约94%可利用的耕地都已经耕种,因此,如果我们希望通过增加粮食产量以满足不断增长的人口需要,我们就必须强化现有的系统。”

59、But squabbling between its factions is intensifying in the run-up to the local elections. ─── 但是它内部各派系之间的争论随着地方选举的开始加剧了。

60、Intensifying establishment of family planning associations in line with principles of being broader-based, regular, exemplary and active. ─── 54、按照健全组织、经常活动、带头示范、积极服务的要求,加强计划生育协会建设。

61、CHINESE hackers have attacked the Melbourne International Film Festival website in an intensifying campaign against the screening of a documentary about exiled Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer. ─── 中国黑客黑了澳大利亚墨尔本电影节的网站,这是反对播放关于流亡维吾尔领袖热比娅的纪录片活动的升级。

62、But while most of Asia is far from recession territory, its economic troubles appear to be intensifying, in part because of the deteriorating global situation as the U.S. financial crisis escalates. ─── 尽管亚洲大部分地区都远未到衰退的地步,但亚洲的经济问题看起来却在加剧,原因之一是随着美国金融危机的升级,全球经济形势不断恶化。

63、A disturbance north of Guam has been intensifying rapidly last night and attained severe tropical storm strength today, which was named KAJIKI by the JMA. ─── 在关岛以北的一个热带扰动由昨晚开始急速增强,并于今天增强为一强烈热带风暴,被日本气象厅命名为剑鱼。

64、The finals are going to begin soon and the players are intensifying their training. ─── 决赛马上就要开始了,队员们正在加紧练习。

65、Intensifying mutually beneficial cooperation in energy exploration and utilization. ─── 在能源开发利用方面加强互利合作。

66、Intensifying cooperation with international organizations, regional bodies, foreign governments and non-governmental organizations and expanding areas and ways of cooperation with them. ─── 加强与国际组织、地区组织以及各国政府和民间团体的合作,拓宽合作领域,扩大合作形式。

67、The result of practice indicated that its servicelife after intensifying with oxyacetylene spray welding was more than double of the new one intensifying with plasma spraying. ─── 实际使用结果表明:排粉风机叶轮经修复和氧乙炔喷焊强化后,其使用寿命比原等离子喷涂强化的新叶轮提高1倍以上。

68、A series of technical improvements of widening sintering pallets and intensifying granulation process was introduced. ─── 介绍了台车加宽及混合料制粒系统系列改造,及在生产中的应用效果,指出了存在的问题并提出了改进意见。

69、Even though the weather systems are intensifying and governments do involve themselves with trying to control weather, still dear ones everything is enhanced and in Divine Order. ─── 即使天气系统强化和政府它们自己试图努力控制天气,但是亲爱的朋友一切是提高的并且在神性的秩序里。

70、It could advance the aging of new pits by activatin g the beneficial microbial groups in pits and intensifying the over-whelming mi crobial groups in pits. ─── 可促进新窖老熟,激活窖内有益菌群,扩大窖内优势菌群;

71、There arise more and more problems on ideology so that the Communist Youth League's examplary group has insubstutible function on intensifying and improving the university students' ideology eduction. ─── 在当前加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作中,共青团示范群体起到了不可替代的作用。

72、The study introduces the application of reverse approach,transition of data format and figure vector technique of CT image in process of edge intensifying. ─── 介绍CT图像的反求步骤、数据格式转换、图形矢量化技术在边缘强化过程中的应用。

73、They looked fresh, their glow intensifying when they spotted Jun staring at them through the window. ─── 他们被看起来新鲜, 他们的赤热增强他们何时看见了六月经过窗户盯著他们看。

74、Intensifying efforts to restructure industries, conserve resources and protect the environment. ─── 加大产业结构调整、资源节约和环保力度。

75、Intensifying course study of population and development. ─── 加强人口与发展学科建设。

76、The newly revised Criminal Law has added the stipulation on the "crime of undermining environmental and resources protection", providing an effective legal base for intensifying law enforcement and punishing crimes related to environment. ─── 在新修订的《刑法》中,增加了“破坏环境资源保护罪”的规定,为强化环境监督执法、制裁环境犯罪行为,提供了强有力的法律依据。

77、The 16V240ZJE type diesel engine has been developed through technical cooperation with Ricardo Consulting Engineers Co. Ltd. This type engine is a high intensifying and large power diesel engine whose power reaches 3680kW. ─── 16V240ZJE型柴油机是与英国里卡多公司进行技术合作,研制开发的高强化、大功率柴油机,标定功率将达到3680kW。

78、To reduce new cases further, health Institutions should continue intensifying educations on HFMD, particularly for immigrating Population, live up to close observation and timely treatment. ─── 为进一步减少新发病例,各级卫生机构应继续加强手足口病健康教育,尤其是对外来人口,密切监测,发现疫情及时处理。

79、We will expedite the construction of projects currently under construction, while properly intensifying the technological renovation of enterprises. ─── 我们将加快在建工程的建设速度,同时适当加大企业技术改造的力度。

80、Intensifying supervision over Olympic construction projects? ─── 加强对奥运工程建设项目监督。

81、But as the population grows, there remains a strong and growing niche for an intensifying urban core as well. ─── 但是随着人口的不断增长,不断密集的城市中心仍然具有无可限量的发展空间。

82、Sitting in a cubicle is stupefying and isolating, only intensifying a social need. ─── 在工位上坐着令人麻木、与世隔绝,只会让人更加渴望社交。

83、Intensifying internal and external supervision and improving legal system is an efficient means to enhance accounting supervision function and its effect. ─── 强化内外监督,完善法律体系,是提高会计监督职能、增强会计监督效果的有效途径。

84、In the21 st century, BF ironmaking process is still the main process of ironmaking, and intensifying BF smelting is still the main content of technical policy of BF ironmaking. ─── 兰

85、As a result of Chinese demand, iron ore prices are rising and mining companies are increasing production and intensifying their ties with Chinese steelmakers. ─── 中国需求的增长正带动铁矿价格上扬,矿业公司也因此提高了产量,与中国钢铁生产商之间的联系日益密切。

86、Based on plastic intensifying theory, dual-linearity material model is used to calculate stress and strain on the cross section of a torsion bar spring by FE method. ─── 在塑性硬化强扭理论的基础上,利用双线性材料模型计算了扭杆弹簧第一次强扭过程横截面的应力和应变。

87、Persisting in implementing the sustainable development strategy, intensifying environmental protection, and expediting the development of education and the training of talents. ─── 坚持实施可持续发展战略,加大环境保护力度,加快发展教育事业和人才培养工作。

88、Shoushan stone shape GuZhuo chapter, honest, dangerous, intensifying the spiritual YuBo incision. "Do WenHou seal after the" side wall syringaresinol.it. Zhuan law rules, carved neat fluent. ─── 寿山石随形章,古拙淳朴、苍劲郁勃,刀法爽利遒劲。印文“矣文侯后作本”边壁行草款。篆法规矩,刻工规整流畅。

89、Intensifying Publicity and Education ─── 加强宣传教育。

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