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09-07 投稿



paganism 发音

[ 'pegən,ɪzəm]

英:  美:

paganism 中文意思翻译



paganism 短语词组

1、neo-paganism n. ─── 新异教主义; ─── 新异教信仰

2、hellenistic paganism ─── 希腊异教徒

paganism 相似词语短语

1、paeanism ─── n.赞美歌,欢乐歌(paean的变形)

2、Satanism ─── n.恶魔崇拜;恶魔般的行为或性格

3、paganiser ─── 异教徒

4、paganises ─── 行李

5、organism ─── n.有机体;生物体;微生物

6、paganist ─── 行李

7、paganise ─── 异教徒

8、paganised ─── 行李

9、paganish ─── adj.信奉异教的;异教的

paganism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A pagan, too, with his multiplicity of gods, would think it odd that the Christian and the Mohammedan should disagree. ─── 一个信奉多神的异教徒也会认为,基督徒和伊斯兰教徒意见不一是古怪的。

2、In 394 AD, the Christian Roman Emperor Theodosius abolished the games, as pagan festivals. ─── 公元394年,基督教罗马皇帝狄奥多西将其视为异教徒的节日予以废除。

3、It approved pagan religion, baby killing, sexual perversion, and other evils. ─── 它认可异教、杀婴、性邪僻,和其它邪恶。

4、Igor Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring, a ballet, is based on wild, pagan Russian rituals. ─── 伊戈尔达拉汶斯基是春之祭,芭蕾舞,是基于野生,异教徒俄罗斯仪式。

5、After several years there, however, they discovered that their children were learning Dutch instead of English;worse, they were learning the pagan ways of Dutch youth. ─── 但是几年后他们发现他们的孩子只说荷语不说英语,更遭的是这些孩子从荷兰青少年那儿学习异教行为。

6、The country swayed precariously between Christianity and paganism. ─── 这个国家在基督教和异教之间摇摆不定。

7、The word "Christmas" itself reveals who married paganism to Christianity. ─── “圣诞”这个词本身表明异教与基督教的结合。

8、Ancient Roman Empire after the invasion of Greece, as the Roman Emperor Theodosius Christian, pagan cut ban on all activities, the repeal of the Games, and the burning buildings. ─── 古罗马帝国入侵希腊后,由于罗马皇帝狄奥多西信奉基督教,禁止一切切异教活动,因此废止了运动会,并烧毁了建筑物。

9、Protestantism strives to reform the primitive Christianity, out of the pagan practice. ─── 基督教努力改革原始基督信仰,脱离异教传统.

10、"Paganism" describes religions that believe in the holiness of all things around them - rocks, trees, animals, clouds and so forth - rather than in specific concepts or beings. ─── "原始信仰"是古老的万物有灵论-崇拜岩石,树木,动物,云雾等等-而不是一种确定的信仰概念。

11、The unknown stranger is wandering pagan god. ─── 匿名的陌生人是流放的异教神只。

12、Easter was borrowed from the Pagan Festival celebrating the rebirth of the sun. ─── 复活节是借用了异教徒节庆祝太阳的复活.

13、Paganism, High Magic and other forms of Occultism are not Satanism. ─── 高级魔术和其它形式的神秘学不是恶魔崇拜。

14、Likewise, evergreen trees have always represented sex and fertility in pagan cultures. ─── 同样,常青树也一直在异教文化中代表性和生育。

15、The practice of dressing up in costume begging for food goes back to the pagan New Year' s feast. ─── 化妆并乞食的习俗可以追溯到异教徒新年的宴会。

16、In his notes, Philibert speaks of pagan sites of worship over which churches and chapels were built. ─── 他记载着,费尔伯特论及异教徒敬神的墟址就埋藏在整座教堂的下面。

17、Main sources: Gifts: from St Nicholas and the Magi (The three wise men from Orient), from pagan (Roman) Saturnalia custom. ─── 传说的主要来源:礼物:源自圣·尼古拉斯和麦琪(即东方三贤人),以及异教(古罗马)的狂欢习俗。

18、The longer Savonarola remained in Florence, the more he was dismayed by the lightness of character and paganism he saw all around him. ─── 萨佛纳罗拉在佛罗伦萨待得越久,就越被周围性格的轻浮和异教信仰吓得惊愕不安。

19、Other pursuits include hording money from taxing the lands they liberate from the darkness of Paganism. ─── 同时亦需从异教徒手中夺取领土,守卫这些土地上徵收之财富。

20、He craftily gave Israel their own idolatrous religion of calf worship (like the Egyptians).He set up new religious centres, a new priesthood, and new pagan religious feasts. ─── 他奸诈的为以色列人作了一个金牛犊,陷他们于偶像的敬拜,又设立新的宗教中心,新的祭司制度、和新的宗教节日。

21、It was originally GetWord("originally"); a pagan GetWord("pagan"); holiday, honoring the dead. ─── 万圣节起初是一个异教徒的节日,纪念死去的人。

22、When Mohammed was a child, the Arabs were divided into warring tribes, a few of them Christian, but mainly pagan. ─── 在穆罕默德童年时期,阿拉伯被分成一个个作战的部落,其中有一些是基督徒,但主要是异教徒。

23、In 349 BC, a Roman Emperor who was a Christian, abolished the Games because of their pagan influences. ─── 在公元前349年,一个信仰基督教的罗马皇帝由于受到异教徒的影响,废除了运动会。

24、With the rule of Julian from 361 to 363, the empire reverted briefly to pagan rule, but with the succession of Theodosius I the argument was renewed. ─── 361年至363年间,在儒略的统治下,帝国恢复了异教统治,但是随着狄奥多西一世的继位,争论又重新开始。

25、A pagan, too, with his multiplictity of gods, would think it odd that the Christian and the Mohammedan should disagree. ─── 一个信奉多神的异教徒也会认为,基督徒和伊斯兰教徒意见不一是古怪的。

26、But if he does not listen to the Church, then regard such a one as a pagan or a publican. ─── 如果他连教会也不听从,你就将他看作外教人或税吏。

27、By the 1st century A.D., pagan traditions were being challenged as Christianity took hold throughout the empire. ─── 到公元一世纪时,随着基督教在整个帝国内占上风,异教徒传统受到质疑。

28、His notion of political religion is one of a great regression to paganism and idol worship. ─── “政治宗教”这个提法不过是异教信仰与偶像崇拜做法的回归。

29、Most people wrongly assume that Christmas has a complete Christian origin when it actually originated as a Pagan Holiday. ─── 大部分人错误地认为圣诞节完完全全来自于基督教,而它实际上却起源于一个非异教徒的节日。

30、City tip: There is a total of 15 rust mites in the City. Similarly, there are 15 pagan cornerstones. ─── 城市提示:城市里总共有15只腐蚀虫,同样,也有15块异教徒的墙角石。

31、As mentioned above,, Emperor Theodosius tried to permanently put an end to the games as pagan exercises, but they emerged again in 1896 after an interval of more than 1600 years. ─── 如上所述,狄奥多西皇帝试图终止这种被当作异教徒活动的运动会,但它们在中断了1600多年后的1896年又出现了。

32、In 168 B.C., Antiochus desecrated the temple in Jersualem with pagan altars and pigs' blood.That abomination fit Daniel's vision, but more would come. ─── 在公元前168年,安提阿哥用异教的祭坛和猪血玷污了耶路撒冷的圣殿,那可憎之物符合但以理的异象。

33、You will find religious groups ranging all the way from fundamentalist Christianity to paganism to Buddhism. ─── 你将会找到宗教性专题,范围很广,有基督教、异教信仰乃至佛教。

34、Christmas is an adaptation of the Pagan feast of Yule. ─── 圣诞节是按照非异教徒犹太人的盛宴改换过来的。

35、During the Satyr Narnia celebrations, holly and other greens were hung over doorways as part of the pagan ritual to ward off evil. ─── 在撒梯纳尼亚庆祝中,冬青或其他绿色植物作为驱赶邪恶的异教仪式的一部分被挂在门廊里。

36、The origin of Slavic vampire myths developed during 9th C as a result of conflict between pre-Christian paganism and Christianity. ─── 斯拉夫的吸血鬼传说起源于公元9世纪的一场基督教与其异教徒的冲突中。

37、Ahab's pagan consort Jezebel carefully planned and craftily executed, she got two scoundrels to bring false charges against Naboth. ─── 亚哈王的异教配偶耶洗别小心地计谋并狡猾地去执行,她叫两个匪徒作假见证控告拿伯.

38、Some legends claim that the Christian "Christmas" celebration was invented to compete against the pagan celebrations of December. ─── “圣诞节”这个名称是“基督弥撒”的缩写。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。耶诞节是一个宗教节。

39、It tends to assume the form of a pagan religious ceremony, adapting itself to the forms and the ritual of the local church. ─── 它则趋向采取一种异教徒的宗教礼仪的方式,并且使自已适应于地方教堂的各种礼节和仪式。

40、But as Christianity spread they were alarmed by the continuing celebration of pagan customs and Saturnalia among their converts. ─── 他带着一本大书,书中描述了所有荷兰小孩在过去一年中的表现。

41、This means that we don't have a Witch-Pope.Our students are taught to honor their teachers.You will hear the word "Pagan Leader", but this term is used loosely. ─── 可我们并不需要女巫教皇,我们的学生被教育要求尊敬自己的老师,或者你会听见这种称呼“异教徒的领秀”但这只是一种尊敬,并不表示身份。

42、It has been suggested that it is linkedtopre-Christian celebrations of a fruitful harvest and that themalegoat or Puck was a pagan symbol of fertility, like the pagangodPan. ─── 卡尼介绍说:“这个节日可能与庆祝农作物丰收有关,而公山羊被认为是多产的象征。”

43、C Easter was borrowed from the Pagan Festival celebrating the rebirth of the sun. ─── 复活节是借用了异教徒节庆祝太阳的复活。

44、There are several views of mankind,the traditional Christian theological view,the Greek pagan view,and the Chinese Taoist-Confucianist view. ─── 世间有几种关于人类的观念: 传统的基督教的宗教观念,希腊的异教徒的观念,和中国人的道教和孔教的观念。

45、COBOL would be Ancient Paganism - There was once a time when it ruled over a vast region and was important, but nowadays it’s almost dead, for the good of us all. ─── COBOL 是 古老的异教 --一度非常重要,统治了大片领土,如今却几乎消逝,对我们大家都有益。

46、The Christmas tree is often explained as a Christianization of the ancient pagan idea that the evergreen tree represents a celebration of the renewal of life. ─── 圣诞树通常被解释成古时异教徒理念(即常青树表示对生命重生的庆祝)的基督教化。

47、On the day the king declared his changes, the religious police checked shops to ensure that none was selling Valentine's Day cards, those harbingers of paganism and Christianity. ─── 在国王宣布变革的那天,宗教警察检查了店铺以确保没有人出售情人节货卡,它们是异教徒和基督教的象征。

48、Your land will be measured and divided up, and you yourself will die in a pagan country. ─── 你的地必有人用绳子量了分取,你自己必死在污秽之地。

49、In 393 A. D. Emperor Theodosius I, who was a Christian, banned the Games as pagan shows. ─── 公元393年,皇帝狄奥多西一世,一个基督教徒,把奥运会当作异教徒的表演出明令加以禁止。

50、One of the Beltane rites, called “Hand Fasting,” is in fact the pagan version of the modern marriage ceremony. ─── 五朔节的一个被称为“束手”的仪式,其实就是现代婚礼的非基督教版本。

51、Does Paganism belong under the New Age umbrella ? ─── 在新时代,异教徒会受到保护吗?

52、Paganism and the Hermetic Occult Tradition : Part Two - M. A. Howard. ─── 开元和气密隐匿传统:部分双硕士学位霍华德;

53、At the age of fifty, he left the monastery to begin missionary work in Europe, where entire regions had lapsed into paganism. ─── 50岁的时候他离开了修道院,开始在陷入异教的欧洲大陆上传福音。

54、Perkunas, as the Pagan God of thunder and rain, draws especially strong worship from farmers and woodsmen. ─── 佩尔孔纳为立陶宛雷电之神,在农夫猎户中信徒众多。

55、He had a weak personality - always under the influence of his pagan wife, Jezebel. ─── 他有一个软弱的人格,常常受他异教的妻子耶洗别的影响。

56、He was converted to Christianity from paganism. ─── 他从一个崇拜偶像的异教徒变成基督徒.

57、The original forced conversion of pagan Livonia, what is now the Baltic states of Latvia and Estonia, was carried out by a military order known as the Brethren of the Sword. ─── 在一个被称为“剑之兄弟”的军事头领的领导之下,最初以武力使那些信奉异教的立沃尼亚人(分布在现在波罗的海沿岸的拉脱维亚和爱沙尼亚)皈依了基督教。

58、City tip: The Keepers leave glyph markings outside Hammer and Pagan territory. ─── 城市提示:守卫者在圣锤教和异教徒的领地外留了象形文字记号。

59、Germany fought World War II under the banner of revived paganism. ─── 二次世界大战时,德国便在复苏的异教旗帜下战斗了。

60、Frankincense was associated with prayers and burned on pagan altars in Rome, Persia, Babylon, and Assyria. It was also used in purification ceremonies. Nero burned it by the ton. ─── 乳香与祷告者联合在一起,在罗马,波斯,巴比伦和亚述的异教祭坛上都燃烧。它也用于净化仪式。尼禄大量地燃烧乳香。

61、THERE are several views of mankind, the traditional Christian theological view, the Greek pagan view, and the Chinese Taoist-Confu-cianist view. ─── 世间有几种关于人类的观念:传统的基督教的宗教观念,希腊的异教徒的观念,和中国人的道教和孔教的观念。

62、Many times they were enticed by the fleshly forms of pagan temple worship. ─── 他们多次被异教庙宇崇拜的那些耽于声色的仪式所引诱。

63、In Germany, people honored the pagan god Oden during the mid-winter holiday. ─── 在德国,中冬时节人们尊崇非基督教神奥登。

64、Recognized and protected early in the fourth century under the Emperor Constantine, the new sect as it gained influence waged war upon the schools of ancient pagan philosophies. ─── 在第四世纪康斯坦丁君主的统治下是公认和受到保护的,新教派影响日益加大引发了战争,凌驾于古老异教徒哲学体系教育之上。

65、Narrow-waisted and long-limbed, they seem to hark back more to the Kouros figures of classical Greece: abstract, rhythmic and ready for some pagan dance. ─── 具有瘦的腰部和长的四肢,她们似乎更多地回溯到希腊古典的青年男子雕像形象:抽象、有节奏感,并为某些非宗教的舞蹈做了准备。

66、Beginning in the20 th century, many neopagans began reconstructing the old traditions and celebrating May Day as a pagan religious festival once more. ─── 从二十世纪开始,许多新异教开始重建旧的传统,再次将五一节作为一个异教的宗教节日来庆祝。

67、Pagan king of Israel and husband of Jezebel who, according to the Old Testament, was overthrown by Jehu. ─── 亚哈以色列异教徒国王,耶洗别的丈夫。据《旧约》记载被耶和推翻

68、His drinking of liquor deeply offended Kunta, and yet had not a pagan the right to be a pagan? ─── 他喝酒使昆塔很厌恶,但是,话又说回来,既然是异教徒,难道就不能有异教徒的权利吗?

69、Many kinds of religions coexist, the number of people that believe in different religions is different, and it is free to select belief and paganism . ─── 多种宗教共存,信仰不同宗教的人数多少不同,也有信教与不信教的自由选择。

70、African religion is not a world religion; it's just a certain different kind of paganism, they thought. ─── 非洲宗教不是世界宗教;,他们认为那只是几个异教。

71、When David arrived at the battlefield, he found thousands of young men cowering on the side of the battlefield because a pagan giant was taunting the God of Israel. ─── 他看到数千名年青人在战场的一旁发抖,因为有一个外邦的巨人,在那儿辱骂以色列的神。

72、In an effort to do away with the pagan festival.Pope Gelasius ordered a slight change in the lottery.Instead of the names of young women,the box would contain the names of saints. ─── 为了废除这个异教的节日,罗马教皇盖拉西厄斯命令抽签活动必须稍作改动:盒子里面装的不再是年轻女孩的名字,而是圣徒的名字。

73、More than a Hallmark holiday, Valentine's Day, like Halloween, is rooted in pagan partying. ─── 不仅仅是一个美国商业化的节日,情人节和万圣节一样,都起源于异教徒。

74、Saturnalia was considered a festive time for Romans, but Christians believed it an abomination to honor such a pagan god. ─── 农神节本来是罗马人狂欢的日子,但是基督教不喜欢人们祭拜一个异教神。

75、When you have a complaint against a brother, how dare you bring it before pagan judges instead of bringing it before God's people? ─── 你们中间有人与另一人有了争讼,怎麽竟敢在不义的人面前起诉,而不在圣者面前呢?

76、She took Muhammad to see her cousin, Waraqah ibn Nawfal, an old and devout Christian man, who had left paganism for Christianity. ─── 她带穆罕默德去拜访她的堂兄,沃拉格·本·诺法勒,一位年长的虔诚基督徒,他抛弃了异教信仰基督教。

77、In marked contrast to the Arch of Titus, this one symbolizes the transition of Rome from pagan stronghold to center of Christianity. ─── 作为和泰特斯建筑成对比的标志,这一建筑象征着罗马从无宗教信仰进入基督教的过度。

78、Hurd Jr.Marek Matousek Jayson Matthews Tony Napoli Ruben Navarro Jackeline Olivier Walter Pagan Art Parga Anthony Pecos M.J. ─── 主演: 郑丹瑞 Keion Adams Arnita Champion Jennifer Day Ish Durham Edward Gusts Jerome Anthony Hawkins Joanna Hernandez James E.

79、Despite the difficulties of definition, paganism has slowly been winning recognition from the authorities. ─── 尽管在异教的定义上存在困难,但异教已经慢慢得到机构的认可。

80、Trick-or-treating, for example, came from the pagan belief that ghosts made trouble for the living on their annual trip to earth. ─── 例如,“不给糖就捣蛋”这个习俗,来源于异教徒相信鬼魂会在每年降临人间的时候给活着的人制造麻烦。

81、The pagan Egyptian priests, as a result of the invasion of the Greek language, found themselves at a disadvantage. ─── 作为希腊语言入侵的结果,异教的埃及祭司,发现自己处于一种劣势。

82、She abandoned paganism for Christianity. ─── 她放弃异教而改信基督教。

83、He was a pagan ... who worshiped idols. ─── 他以前是个拜偶像的异教徒,

84、But do we embrace our freedom and leave this pagan empire to embrace our destiny? ─── 但我们有没有离开这个异教徒的帝国 去寻找我们的命运?

85、Every important decision, such as who would be king, was decided upon without consulting the Lord.Rather, they consulted the unhearing idols and used pagan means of divination. ─── 他们每一重要的决定,非但不去问上帝,还问那不能听的偶像,甚至用异教占卜的方式。

86、The characteristics can be divided roughly into three groups: Those with traditional religious significance, those with trad but pagan origin and those needed for the plot only. ─── 它的特点可粗略概括为三种:带有传统的宗教意味的;源自传统却与异教相联的;单纯为传说中的故事情节而庆祝的节日。

87、A woman who presides over especially pagan rites. ─── 女祭司指专门主持,基督教以外宗教仪式的女人

88、Rather, sports during the early colonial times were seen as pagan and devilish things to do. ─── 在殖民时代的早期,体育运动被看作为异教徒的邪恶活动。

89、But they had no food in storage, as it was the seventh year and because the Israelites who came to Judea from the pagan lands had consumed the last of their reserves. ─── 只是仓中没有粮食,因为这年正是安息年,又因为从外方被救回犹太地的人民,将存粮都吃光了,

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