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splinter 发音

英:[ˈsplɪntər]  美:[ˈsplɪntə(r)]

英:  美:

splinter 中文意思翻译






splinter 网络释义

n. 碎片;微小的东西;极瘦的人vi. 分裂;裂成碎片vt. 使分裂;使裂成碎片n. (Splinter)人名;(瑞典)斯普林特

splinter 词性/词形变化,splinter变形


splinter 短语词组

1、splinter-groups (splinter-group ─── 的复数) 分裂出来 ─── 的小派别;从大集团里分出来 ─── 的小集团

2、splinter deck ─── 防弹甲板

3、splinter party ─── 分裂出来的小派别

4、splinter cam ─── 花键凸轮

5、splinter cell ─── 分裂细胞(游戏名)细胞 ─── 分裂系列

6、splinter netting ─── 防弹网

7、splinter bar ( ─── 马车等上的)横担

8、Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell ─── 汤姆·克兰西的分裂细胞

9、splinter group ( ─── 从大的团体分裂出来的)小派别(尤指政界)

10、splinter effect ─── 碎片效应

11、splinter bid Splitter ─── 出价

12、splinter-group ─── 分裂出来的小派别;从大集团里 ─── 分出来的小集团

13、fault splinter ─── 断层碎片

14、splinter groups ( ─── 从大的团体分裂出来的)小派别(尤指政界)( splinter group的名词复数 )

15、splinter hemorrhages ─── [医] 裂片形出血(亚急性心内膜炎的指甲下线状出血)

16、splinter forceps ─── [医] 碎钳

splinter 相似词语短语

1、splitter ─── n.劈(或切、割)的人;分类学家;(非正式)剧烈的头痛;快速指叉球

2、sprinter ─── n.短跑选手;短程赛选手;短跑运动员

3、slinter ─── n.耍阴谋

4、splinted ─── n.夹板;薄木条;薄金属片;vt.用夹板固定;n.(Splint)人名;(德)施普林特;(英)斯普林特

5、splintered ─── n.碎片;微小的东西;极瘦的人;vi.分裂;裂成碎片;vt.使分裂;使裂成碎片;n.(Splinter)人名;(瑞典)斯普林特

6、splinters ─── n.碎片;v.把…劈成碎片(splinter的单数第三人称)

7、splintery ─── adj.破片的;容易裂开的;裂片一般的

8、painter ─── n.画家;油漆匠;n.(Painter)人名;(英)佩因特

9、linter ─── n.轧毛机;剥绒机;棉绒;n.(Linter)人名;(英、德、匈)林特

splinter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、4.Drove she ducklings to the millpond, every morning just at nine. Stubbed her toe upon a splinter, fell into the foaming brine. ─── 她把鸭子赶入池中,每天早上在九点钟。她的小脚碰到木片,倾身落入水里。

2、By riverofchin i Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow ─── 分裂细胞:潘朵拉通关感受

3、splinter proof ─── adj. 防弹的(防弹片的, 防破片的)

4、But cannonballs shot at the lowest 19th century velocity (about 225 miles per hour or 100 meters per second) gave the wood enough time to bend, splinter, and burst, causing massive damage. ─── 但是炮弹射击最低19世纪的速度(大约225英里每小时或每秒100米)给予足够的时间来木材弯曲,分裂,并爆裂,造成大规模的破坏。

5、They disagree with the party's decision, so they forme a splinter group. ─── 他们不同意自己党的决议,於是组成了分裂出来的小派别。

6、Objects stuck in the mouth or throat - often dogs will find bit of bone or even sticks that splinter and cause choking. ─── 口腔或喉咙里被物体卡住——狗狗经常会咬骨头或树枝,碎片会残留在口腔里,导致窒息。

7、splinter hemorrhages ─── [医] 裂片形出血(亚急性心内膜炎的指甲下线状出血)

8、Splinter of the world tree ─── 世界之树碎片

9、Mt. 7:4 Or how can you say to your brother, Let me remove the splinter from your eye, and behold, the beam is in your eye? ─── 太七4或者,你怎能对你弟兄说,让我去掉你眼中的刺,而你自己眼中竟有梁木?

10、Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent. ─── 分裂细胞,双。

11、Like these other splinter states, your country Romalia's already on the path to statehood. ─── 如这些已经独立的国家一样,你的国家罗姆利亚已经踏上建国之路。

12、It was the unavoidable splinter in life, as he used to call it. ─── 就像是一些生命中无法避免地小小碎片,他经常对她这样说。

13、They left the party and formed a splinter group. ─── 他们离开了该党,另外组织了一个小派别。

14、Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent? ─── 分裂细胞双重间谍?

15、They noticed that the Elephant was limping, and then they saw the long blackwood splinter sticking out of his swollen foot. ─── 木匠们先是注意到大象一瘸一拐地,然后发现它肿了的脚上穿透出来的长长的黑檀木片。

16、The mirror cracked but did not splinter. ─── 镜子裂了,但没碎。

17、An incision was made into his hand to take out the splinter. ─── 他手上切开了一个口子以便取出那根刺。

18、A shell splinter embedded itself in the wall. ─── 一块弹片嵌进墙壁里。

19、to extract a splinter from one's finger ─── 从手指里取出一根刺

20、Stubbed her toe upon a splinter, ─── 她残断的脚趾踩在碎片上,

21、Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora ─── 分裂细胞:明日潘多拉

22、Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory? ─── 分裂细胞混沌理论?

23、Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow PAL ─── 分裂细胞:潘多拉明天

24、splinter faction ─── 分裂出来的小派别

25、Brunner's bone splinter forceps ─── 布伦内(氏)骨裂片钳

26、The doctor extracted a splinter from his finger. ─── 医生从他的手指里取出一根刺。

27、A shell splinter embedded itself in the wall above his head ─── 在他头上方的墙壁上嵌有一块小小的贝壳片。

28、But let a splinter swerve, ─── 但是让一个小碎片转了方向,

29、Another small linear splinter hemorrhage is seen here subungually on the left thumb of a patient with infective endocarditis and blood culture positive for Staphylococcus aureus. ─── 感染性心内膜炎患者左手大拇指的指甲下可见小线型灶状出血,血培养呈金黄*色葡萄球菌阳性。

30、The Splinter concept was developed by Joe Harmon for his graduate project at the Industrial Design Course - North Carolina State University. ─── 在分裂的概念是由乔哈蒙的研究生项目,工业设计课程-北卡罗莱纳州立大学。

31、It is a mahogany splinter, "said the other. ─── 这是红木木片。”另一个说。

32、splinter bar ─── n. 马车之横木

33、In San Francisco, warring splinter groups hit and ran in the streets. ─── 在旧金山,好战分裂组织在大街上打游击。

34、I pulled a splinter out of my finger. ─── 我从手指中取出一根刺。

35、"As for Splinter Cell, the issue is caused by the launcher for Splinter Cell." ─── 就像分裂细胞,这个问题是由分裂细胞的启动器引起的。

36、Hypocrite, first remove the beam from your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the splinter which is in your brother's eye. ─── 你这假冒为善的人,先从你的眼中去掉梁木,然后你才看得清楚,去掉你弟兄眼中的刺。

37、There's a splinter deep in and I can't get it out. ─── 碎片刺得很深我取不出来。

38、Only a renegade xXx agent like Stone has the Xtreme skills to stop Deckert's dangerous military splinter group from taking over the government in America's capital. ─── 总统的性命岌岌可危,拯救行动刻不容缓,到底他们能否成功?

39、splinter group ─── 从大集团里分出来的小集团

40、The Monpac Straight Batons are another innovation from Monadnock to provide a cost effective baton that won't bend, warp or splinter. ─── 乙酸乙酯系列单体防暴棍是莫纳德诺克公司的另一款高性能的新品,不会弯曲、凹陷和碎裂。

41、But, Master Splinter, I messed up big tonight. ─── 但是,师父,我今晚闯了大祸。

42、splinter rorceps ─── 取裂片镊

43、The handle of the dagger was ash wood, a material still used for handles today because it does not splinter easily. ─── 小刀的柄是?q木做的,这种木头不容易裂开,直到今天还用来做刀柄。

44、Experimental Calibration of Mechanics Parameters of Headlamp Splinter Motion Law ─── 大灯碎片运动力学参数的试验研究

45、The remaining three posts go to an MDC splinter led by Arthur Mutambara, who also becomes a deputy prime minister. ─── 其余三个职位都是MDC的小派别人士担当:副总理亚瑟穆坦巴拉;

46、Hypocrite, first take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to remove the splinter from your brothers eye. ─── 你这假冒伪善的人!先去掉自己眼中的梁木,然后才能看得清楚,去掉你弟兄眼中的刺。

47、Manufacture of Cylindrical Straight Tooth Involute Splinter ─── 圆柱直齿渐开线花键的搓制

48、Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow ─── 分裂细胞:明日的潘多拉

49、Next, he made himself a knife.The blue flint did chip.From a foot-long splinter of it, he fashioned himself a crude but lethal weapon. ─── 他又砸碎那块蓝色的打火石,用其中一块一英尺长的碎片做成一把小刀,这是一把原始但却致命的武器。

50、splinter bone ─── n. (=splint bone) [解]腓骨, (马等的)掌骨

51、One of the best of modem bidding tools which expresses a fit is the splinter bid. ─── 在揭示配合的现代叫牌工具中,斯普林特是其中最好的之一。

52、safety glass( glass that does not shatter or splinter when broken) ─── 安全玻璃(不易破碎或破碎时不易散落的).

53、The fourth game in the Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell series thrusts players into a new breed of gameplay that promises to innovate and revolutionize the Splinter Cell franchise. ─── 作为“汤姆克兰西的细胞分裂”系列第四作,给该系列填入了一丝新鲜血液,让玩家体会到与前不同的创新。

54、splinter party ─── n. 分裂出来的小派别

55、She got a splinter in her foot. ─── 她脚上扎了一根刺。

56、Below is a list of current day alternative treatment suggestions to everything from stuffed noses to achy muscles to splinter removals. ─── 下面是目前流行的一般家庭疾病的可替代治疗方法,从治疗鼻塞到肌肉疼痛,以至到如何拔刺等等。

57、double action bone splinter forceps ─── 双关节骨裂片钳

58、Yugoslavia began to splinter after the death of its premier Josip Broz Tito, which led to war and genocide. ─── 在其铁托总理逝世之后,南斯拉夫开始分裂,导致了战争与屠杀。

59、Or how can you say to your brother, Let me remove the splinter from your eye, and behold, the beam is in your eye? ─── 4或者,你怎能对你弟兄说,让我去掉你眼中的刺,而你自己眼中竟有梁木?

60、Liston's bone splinter forceps ─── 利斯顿(氏)骨裂片钳

61、She ran her stocking on a splinter. ─── 在裂片上划了袜子而使之脱丝

62、Although the blade was laden with a curse, Arthas swore he would pay any price for victory. The ice around Frostmourne broke and a stray ice splinter killed Muradin. ─── 尽管这把剑已经被诅咒了,但是阿尔萨斯却发誓他要为了胜利不择手段。冰封破了,混乱的冰块四溅,其中一块射中并杀死了穆拉丁。

63、Clever licensing terms are supposed to ensure that this standard does not splinter and that the firm still makes money. ─── 精明的许可证发放条款应保证这一标准不被像切蛋糕似的分成碎块,保证公司仍有钱可赚。

64、Struggling to keep them together, their rat mentor, Master Splinter, becomes worried when strange things begin to appear in New York City. ─── 他们的老鼠师父“斯普林特大师”尽力把他们聚在一起,当奇怪的事开始在纽约市出现后,他开始担心。

65、Small soft bones (such as pork chop or chicken bones) should never be given to dogs, as they may splinter and lodge in its mouth or throat. ─── 小块的软骨(例如猪排或鸡骨头)应该永远也不要给狗狗吃,因为碎块容易卡在狗狗的嘴里或者喉咙里。

66、And up under your skin like a splinter ─── 在你内心深处的像是一个碎片

67、beam splinter ─── 分光仪

68、9.Remove splinters by applying a drop of Elmer’s Glue-All on the splinter and then peeling the dried glue off the skin. ─── 9.将埃尔默胶液涂敷于扎刺的皮肤处,待胶水干后,将干胶剥离皮肤。

69、Splinter of the Mind's Eye ─── 心灵之眼的碎片

70、For years, the pope's officials have been mulling over what to do about Anglican splinter groups which sought to join the Catholic church as a body. ─── 多年以来,教皇的官员们都在仔细考虑怎样处置圣公会分离出来那些的一心想加入天主教的组织。


72、How can you say to your brother, Brother, let me remove the splinter which is in your eye, you yourself not seeing the beam which is in your eye? ─── 42你看不见自己眼中的梁木,怎能对你弟兄说,弟兄,让我去掉你眼中的刺?

73、you'll have both hands free to thrad a needle, remove a splinter , fill in the squares in your crossword puzzle and othervise do what need doing ... when you use this unique and convenient device . ─── 当你使用这个独特而方便的工具时,你不用你的双手就可以穿针,移走碎片,填写纵横拼字谜和其他的需要做的事情。

74、Splinter Cell: Double Agent Review -- eNet ─── 分裂细胞:双重间谍评测

75、(cause sth to)break into slivers or break off as a sliver;splinter ─── (使某物)破碎或断裂成碎片

76、Above three bodies of militants from Komal, an Ansar al Islam splinter group, are laid out on display following the assassination. ─── 上图是三具激进分子的尸体,他们来自马尔----一只伊斯兰辅助组织的分裂派别,他们被拖出来展示追踪刺杀行动

77、His gun burst while out on the hills by himself; a splinter cut his arm, and he lost a good deal of blood before he could reach home. ─── 当他独自在山上的时候,他的枪走火了;碎片伤了他的胳膊,在他能够到家之前已经流了好多血。

78、The party began to splinter. ─── 那个党开始分裂。

79、"If those eyes of yours were bed-winches," returned Miss Pross, "and I was an English four-poster , they shouldn't loose a splinter of me. ─── “就算你那眼睛骨碌碌转得像辘轳,”普洛丝小姐回答,“我可是张四根柱子的英国床,任你眼睛怎么转,也别想动我一分一毫。

80、took the splinter out. ─── 取出木屑

81、The land of Sanctuary begins to literally splinter, as the continent experiences dramatic geographic shifts. ─── 庇护所的大地开始分裂,大陆产生的戏剧性的地质变化。

82、Hunter's splinter forceps ─── 亨特(氏)裂片镊

83、But, Hezbollah says it had nothing to do with the attack and the general view now is that it was an isolated incident, likely the work of a splinter Palestinian group in Lebanon. ─── 但是,真主党表示,他们与有关袭击无关。人们一般认为,这是一次个别事件,很可能是在黎巴嫩的一小股巴勒斯坦集团势力所采取的行动。

84、knee high to a splinter ─── n. 身材不高

85、Seen here in the finger at the right are small splinter hemorrhages in a patient with infective endocarditis. ─── 图示所见的是患有感染性心内膜炎患者的右侧手指可见有小的裂片状出血。

86、You dont know what it is, but its there like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. ─── 你不知道它具体是什么,但它就像你头脑中的一块碎片一样使你难受。

87、Upon investigating, it seemed as if there was something like a splinter under the welt. ─── 在详细观查后发现到伤口下似乎有个细长的东西。

88、But I'm not gonna stand here and debate Splinter's orders with you. ─── 但我决不会跟你在师父的指令上废一句话。

89、They disagree with the party's decision,so they form a splinter group. ─── 他们不同意自己党的决议,于是组成了分裂出来的小派别。

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