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09-10 投稿



genetically 发音

英:[dʒəˈnetɪkli]  美:[dʒəˈnetɪkli]

英:  美:

genetically 中文意思翻译



genetically 常用词组

genetically modified ─── 转基因的

genetically 短语词组

1、genetically modify ─── 转基因

2、genetically altered crops ─── 转基因作物

3、genetically modified organism ─── 转基因组织

4、genetically modified ─── 转基因的

5、genetically controlled ─── [医]遗传控制的

6、genetically modified rice ─── 转基因水稻

7、genetically modified creatures ─── 转基因生物

8、non-genetically ─── [网络] 非基因

9、genetically modified crop ─── 转基因作物

10、genetically modified crops ─── 转基因作物

11、genetically heterogeneous ─── 基因异质性

12、genetically engineered food ─── 遗传工程食物

13、genetically engineered ─── 基因工程

14、Genetically Modified Organisms ─── 转基因生物

15、genetically modified food ─── 转基因食品

16、genetically engineered foods ─── 基因改造食品

17、genetically engineered cell ─── [化] 基因工程细胞

18、genetically modified ingredients ─── 转基因成分

19、genetically modified skeptic ─── 转基因怀疑论者

genetically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hair color is genetically determined; or you can just buy some hair dye. ─── 发色是由基因决定的,但你可以买些染发剂改变发色。

2、It's funny, all this time I thought that feelings were genetically preprogrammed. ─── 好笑的是,我还一直以为人的这些感觉是天生的。

3、Monsanto expects to be ready in a few years to market its first corn seeds genetically engineered to resist drought. ─── 孟山都期望准备几年之内能够在市场上推广他们的第一个遗传工程的抗干旱玉米种子。

4、Sucre: The 'Ricans, we got genetically higher blood pressure, you know that?My cousin, he died from too much stress. ─── 做为波多黎各人,我们天生就有高血压,你知道吗?我堂兄死于压力过大.

5、Do you think that genetically modified food needs to be labelled? ─── 你认为基因改造食物有冇需要附上相关标签呢?

6、Opponents of genetically engineered crops say they worry about possible dangers to health and environment. ─── 基因改造农作物的反对者说,他们担心可能对健康和环境有危害。

7、The union of genetically identical gametes,resulting in the formation of a homozygote. ─── 同性接合性遗传上相同配子的结合导致纯合子的形成。

8、She's physically incapable, genetically incapable of being anything but nice to everybody. ─── 不论从身体上还是从遗传上她都不可能对每个人都那么好的。

9、Perhaps it's genetically predisposed or a result of gender-biased education. ─── 也许这是遗传基因预先决定好的,或者是后天带有性别偏见的教育造成的。

10、In contrast, two groups that are genetically similar to each other might be exposed to different selective forces. ─── 另一方面,两个遗传组成相似的人群,也许会暴露在不同的天择压力下。

11、One cell can split into two genetically identical cells. ─── 一个细胞可以分裂为两个携带相同基因的细胞。

12、In his experiment, the genetically altered mice approached cats, even snuggled up to them and played with them. ─── 在他的试验中,基因改变的老鼠会接近猫,甚至和猫依偎,玩耍在一起。

13、Chimera An individual or part of an individual in which the tissues are a mixture of two genetically different tissues. ─── 嵌合体:由两种不同的组织混合形成的个体或部分个体。

14、We do not have safety data for this genetically modifiedrice,says Paul Chan, a microbiologist and mr of the team. ─── 不过这项研究依然存在着一些问题,比如安全性。不论是病毒实验的安全性还是转基因大米的安全性都需要进一步研究,孙赛明说。

15、The author holds that the deposit is a hyllrothermalREE denosit genetically in direct connection with salt melt ri... ─── 作者认为该矿床是一个与富含挥发份盐熔体有直接成因联系的热液稀土矿床。

16、Selonians live together in genetically related dens in underground burrows. ─── 塞洛尼亚人居住在基因上相关的地洞巢穴里。

17、These results show good prospect of developing genetically engineered vaccine and diagnostic kit for IBDV. ─── 为研制IBDV变异株基因工程疫苗和开发诊断试剂盒奠定了基础。

18、Enter Friday, a genetically engineered woman who can outfight, outrun and outwit any normal human. ─── 1939年,第二次世界大战使美国经济陷入萧条,海因莱因被债务压得抬不起头来。

19、They're really trying to explore the idea that the clones may be genetically identical but not alike in any other way. ─── 他们的确在努力探索这样一个观点:克隆人也许在基因上是一样的,但在其他方面会不同。

20、A person's health is often genetically predetermined. ─── 人的体质通常是由遗传决定的。

21、One child can thus be genetically susceptible and his or her sibling not. ─── 双胞胎中的一个孩子将遗传易感性而他或她的同胞却不会。

22、Even more intriguing, the study revealed that people who were genetically predisposed to diabetes benefited most. ─── 令人更加感兴趣的是,这项研究揭示出那些由于基因易患上糖尿病的人们是最大的获益者。

23、Genetically ladinos may be Indians, mestizos, or persons of African descent. ─── 从遗传学上说,拉迪诺人可能是印第安人、梅斯蒂索(mestizo)或非洲人的后代。

24、Some people think that genetically modified plant may be harmful and should be banned? Your opinion? ─── 人们认为基因修改计划应当被制止?

25、Expression of F and HA in rFPV- F-HA confirmed by IFA suggested that it be genetically stable. ─── 1试验鸡接种rFPv一F一HA后抵抗H9亚型Alv感染的免疫保护作用

26、The author believes emotional energy is inherited and genetically determined. ─── 作者认为情感能量是遗传和基因决定的。

27、All the bees in the colony are genetically related. ─── 同一群体的蜜蜂都有亲缘关系。

28、Although monozygotic twins may not be perfectly genetically identical, they still are nearly so, Bruder emphasizes. ─── 不过布鲁德尔也强调,尽管同卵双胞胎的遗传组成并非完全相同,但也差不了多少。

29、It is feasible to apply genetically engineered technology to screening and breeding non-citrinin strains. ─── 将基因工程技术的成果,应用于不产桔霉素红曲菌的选育,应当是可行的。

30、Students in town feel that those from the country are genetically their inferiors. ─── 城里的学生觉得乡下来的学生天生就低自己一等。

31、In any genetically successful love match, one of the partners ought to hate a unisex perfume. ─── 在任何基因非常搭配的男女之间,其中一方应该厌恶中性香水。

32、If it says 89222, then do not buy!!!! It has been genetically modified (GMO). ─── 如果它的标签是89222,那就不要买!!它是经由转基因的(GMO)。

33、A study reported last week involved some mice genetically engineered to develop dementia. ─── 上周的研究报告涉及了一些老鼠遗传能改善痴呆。

34、To cross(a hybrid) with one of its parents, or with an individual genetically identical to one of its parents. ─── 反交,回交与(一混血儿)父母的一方或与其父母中在个体遗传方面完全一致的一方的杂交

35、The genetically modified beasts did better. ─── 其中通过基因改造的蚊子感染情况要好些。

36、But it also presents a major clinical obstacle, leading to rejection of genetically mismatched organ transplants. ─── 但是这也造成一个主要临床阻碍,导致遗传学上不匹配器官抑制的排斥。

37、Genetically engineered organisms or products. ─── 基因改造之有机体或其产物。

38、No Genetically Engineered Ingredients. ─── 不含转基因成分。

39、A wheat grain is a genetically modified grass seed, just as a pekinese is a genetically modified wolf. ─── 一粒麦子是转基因的草种,正如狮子狗是转基因的狼。

40、Mice ate the genetically changed rice seeds as a powder. ─── 小鼠吃了改变基因水稻种子为粉末。

41、Genetically modified food is a new subject to many people. ─── 对很多人来说,基因改造食物是新事物。

42、Have you ever had a taste of genetically modified food? ─── 你吃过转基因食品吗?

43、Sucre: The 'Ricans, we got genetically higher blood pressure, you know that? My cousin, he died from too much stress. ─── 做为波多黎各人,我们天生就有高血压,你知道吗?我堂兄死于压力过大。

44、Genetically and microbiologically classification on laboratory animal. ─── 实验动物的遗传学和微生物学的等级分类。

45、In summary, he said, he wanted clinicians to remember that "alcohol use disorders are genetically influenced. " ─── 在摘要中,他表示,他希望临床医生记住“酒精使用障碍是受遗传影响的。”

46、The 'Ricans, we got genetically higher blood pressure, you know that? ─── 家族,我们有遗传性的高血压,你知道吗?

47、Cloning the genetically engineered mice used in medical studies should also be cheaper than current breeding methods. ─── 克隆在医学研究中应用基因工程控制的老鼠,比目前采用的繁殖方法所需要的成本要低。

48、But many foods contain genetically modified soy lecithin, corn syrup and other products. ─── 但是很多食品都含有转基因的大豆卵磷脂,玉米糖浆以及其他产物。

49、Should people produce genetically modified food? ─── 人类应不应该制造基因改造食物呢?

50、L-Proline is a neutral, genetically coded amino acid. It is a common constituent of many proteins. ─── 丝氨酸是一种中性氨基酸,是许多蛋白质的常见成分。

51、In 1996, two groups did field tests of genetically modified mites and worms. ─── 1996年有两组科学家对转基因的螨虫和蠕虫做了野外试验。

52、Genetically modified vines worry French winemakers. ─── 基因改变的松树使法国制酒者担忧。

53、LR is a genetically influenced characteristic, known as an endophenotype, that involves multiplegenes. ─── LR是遗传上易感特征,称为内表型,涉及到多基因。

54、C. fairylakea was stable, but the genet population was in declining. ─── 图显示,仙湖苏铁无性系种群为稳定种群,基株种群为衰退种群;

55、The overwhelming majority of gay people are completely normal genetically. ─── 压倒的多数同性恋者在基因方面是完全正常的。

56、An environmentally induced,nonhereditary variation in an organism,closely resembling a genetically determined trait. ─── 似表型有机体内由环境引起的、非遗传性的变化,与由遗传决定的特征很相似。

57、The safety of the genetically modified food caused a heated debate in the meeting. ─── 在会上,转基因食品的安全性引起了激烈的讨论。

58、True, it is a bit of a mutant Pigeon, and has been genetically modified with high-tech accoutrements. ─── 实际上,这辆飞鸽有些变种,它经过了基因改良,我用一些高科技手段改装了它。

59、After being bitten by a genetically altered dragonfly, high school loser Rick Riker (Drake Bell) ... ─── Drake Bell superhero movie 超低能特攻队 名副其实...超低能搞笑烂片...

60、Some populations were genetically differentiated from each other. ─── 一些人口从基因上区别开来。

61、Human beings are genetically programmed to learn certain kinds of language. ─── 人类生来有学习某几种语言的遗传因素。

62、Reshaping Our World Explores the implications of genetically modified organisms and cloning. ─── 剖析基因改造和复制生物所牵涉的问题。

63、"Genetically and physiologically, it should be impossible" for all U. ─── “从基因和生理上讲,这个应该不会发生。”

64、Top supermarkets are to ban many genetically modified foods. ─── 顶级的超市将禁止销售许多转基因的食品。

65、Susceptibility to heat damage is influenced by genetically controlled factors. ─── 对热害的敏感性则受遗传所控制的因素的影响。

66、Autopolyploids are genetically isolated from their parental diploids. ─── 同源多倍体与其亲本二倍体在遗传上相隔离。

67、In order to have you believe they were Gods with a big G, they rearranged you genetically. ─── 为了让你们相信他们是大写的G的神,他们重新排列你们的基因。

68、The union of genetically identical gametes, resulting in the formation of a homozygote. ─── 同性接合性遗传上相同配子的结合导致纯合子的形成

69、An environmentally induced, nonhereditary variation in an organism, closely resembling a genetically determined trait. ─── 似表型有机体内由环境引起的、非遗传性的变化,与由遗传决定的特征很相似

70、In Europe and America, herds of pigs are being specially bred and genetically engineered for organ donation. ─── 在欧洲以及美国,以特别的饲养方法喂养着成群经遗传工程处理的猪以便提供器官。

71、If you ask if their dogs are genetically tested with OFA and CERF and they answer "Huh? ─── 如果你要求给OFA和CERF给狗做基因测试,他们就会问:哼,谁?

72、Allowing a man to have genetically altered children through normal sex remains a pretty far - out scenario. ─── 使男性通过正常的性途径生育改变基因的后代还是非常遥远的设想。

73、So the top curve shows the body weight of a genetically obese mouse that eats nonstop, until it turns fat like this furry tennis ball. ─── 上面的曲线显示体重是一个有肥胖基因的老鼠不停的吃,直至它变得象这个毛茸茸的网球一样胖。

74、Could an athlete sporting genetically inflated musculature exert enough force to snap his or her own bones or tendons? ─── 利用基因疗法来增加肌肉的运动员,可能会因使力过大而拉伤自己的骨骼或肌腱吗?

75、The agency said the genetically engineered sugar beets do not harm the environment or increase threats by pests. ─── 该部门表示,这种转基因甜菜不会对环境造成影响,也不会增加害虫蔓延的威胁。

76、His success strongly retorts the rumor that Chinese are genetically weak in the track and fields. ─── 他的成功雄辩地反驳了认为中国人在体质上不善于田径运动的说法。

77、They're really trying to explore the idea that the clones may be genetically identical but not alike in any other way. ─── 他们的确在努力探索这样一个观点:克隆人也许在基因上是一样的,但在其他方面会不同。

78、It has started a study on the introduction of legislation of labelling on genetically modified food. ─── 已著手研究规定基因改造食物要用标签注明。

79、Beagles are genetically wired to be opportunistic eaters. ─── 小猎犬狗天生是一位机会主义进食者。

80、Genetically speaking, there are advantages to avoiding substantial height. ─── 从遗传学上讲,避免身高过高有很多好处。

81、Obtained by way of ancient distillation methods from genetically im proved fresh fruits and flowers. ─── 以古老的蒸馏法由品种改良的鲜果及花朵中萃取而得。

82、The two vole species are more than 99% alike genetically. ─── 如就基因而言,这两个物种超过99%的部分绝无二致。

83、He adds that the commercialisation of genetically modified (GM) crops requires this law. ─── 他还说,转基因作物的商业化需要这部法律。

84、Consequentially,progradational,aggradational and offlapping reef petroliferous systems could be genetically determined. ─── 南盘江地区长兴期并进礁属并进型;

85、True, it is a bit of a mutant Pigeon, and has been genetically modified with high-tech accoutrements . ─── 实际上,这辆飞鸽有些变种,它经过了基因改良,我用一些高科技手段改装了它。

86、It may also begin testing the safety of genetically modified plants for biotech clients. ─── 他们也可能会替生技公司测试基因改造植物的安全性。

87、This area on the back and sides of the head contain healthy follicles, which are genetically programmed not to shed. ─── 双方就这一领域的背部和头部含有卵泡健康所必需的基因程控没有。

88、If you know that the food is genetically modified, will you buy it? ─── 如果你知道食物系基因改造,咁你会唔会买呢?

89、Their work could enable extra information to be added to a genetically modified crop in the form of a "bio barcode" , Chan said. ─── 陈汀峰教授认为他们的工作可以使额外的信息可以以“生物条形码”的形式添加进转基因作物。



genetically modified:转基因的


1.Top supermarkets are to ban many genetically modified foods.


2.have genetically modified cotton to make its seeds which are full of high-quality protein fit for human consumption.


3.In2001, another group of Chinese researchers developed genetically modified salt-tolerant rice, which is currently undergoing field trials.


4.Disadvantages and proposal of standards for detecting genetically modified products.


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