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09-14 投稿



endurable 发音

英:[ɪnˈdʊrəb(ə)l]  美:[ɪnˈdjʊərəbl]

英:  美:

endurable 中文意思翻译



endurable 网络释义

adj. 能忍耐的;可忍受的;能持久的

endurable 词性/词形变化,endurable变形

副词: endurably |

endurable 短语词组

1、endurable pressure ─── [化] 持久压力

endurable 相似词语短语

1、nondurable ─── adj.不耐用的,不持久的;n.非耐久品

2、perdurable ─── adj.永久的,持久的

3、renderable ─── adj.可渲染的

4、endurably ─── adv.可忍受地;能忍耐地;能持久地

5、tenderable ─── adj.可清偿的

6、unendurable ─── adj.无法忍受的;不能持久的

7、censurable ─── adj.该责备的;可非难的

8、mensurable ─── adj.定量的;定律的;可测量的

9、endorsable ─── adj.可背书的,可担保的;可批准的;可承认的

endurable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As far as mental improvement is concerned, harsh disciplines in the military forces enable women to be astonishingly patient, endurable and independent. ─── 就精神方面的提高而言,军队的严格纪律造就了女性出奇的忍耐力和独立能力。

2、His basic teachings about the guidance of life, presented in the fourfold remedy, include: the gods present no fears, death presents no worries, good is easy to attain and evil is readily endurable. ─── 他关于指导生活的基本学说,在于其提出的四重疗法,包括:神不足惧,死不足优;乐于行善,安于忍恶。

3、Citifying--The Endurable Power of Expanding the Domestic Demand ─── 城市化--扩大内需的持久动力

4、Think ever and innocently in spite of the distance of time and the space have much long how far,Affection would certainly endurable constant, because the love is to have no reason....... ─── 有一种爱,叫放手曾经天真的以为不管时间和空间的距离有多长多远,感情一定会恒久不变,因为爱是没有理由的.......

5、As our typewrites are made of light and hard alloy they are both portable and endurable . ─── 我司的打印机有中合金制成,携带轻便,经久耐用。

6、800 kilograms/M sew to lock the dint,and guarantee the floor endurable constant. ─── 800公斤/米的拼缝能力,保证地板的恒久不变。

7、Delun Fujin (The 7th Baly-Fujak's right wife ):" Your false attitude isn't endurable , why do you feel like leaving the palace full of feast ? ─── 德伦福晋(七贝勒福加克的嫡福晋):“妳那张虚伪的脸很恶心,妳为什么要离开享尽清福的皇宫?

8、endurable pain. ─── 忍得住的疼痛

9、Stainless boiler flue is hard and endurable. ─── 不锈钢炉胆,坚固耐久;

10、Construction Technology of Soluble Glass Typed Acid and Erosion Endurable Projects ─── 水玻璃类耐酸防腐工程施工技术

11、24.The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable. ─── 在坎坷的生活道路上,最细小的礼貌犹如在漫长的冬天为我们歌唱的小鸟,那歌声使冰天雪地的寒冷变得较易忍受。

12、It's pretty but not endurable. ─── 漂亮则漂亮, 只是不耐穿。

13、can stand wear and tear; be endurable ─── 耐穿

14、The endurable boneless screen wiper becomes standard on PASSAT New Lingyu.And through controlling the speed of wipers, the rainfall sensor on high-end models guarantees a clear view. ─── 经久耐用的无骨雨刮也成为了新领驭全系的标配,高端车型更是通过聪慧的雨量传感器来控制雨刮速度,确保为驾驶者提供清晰的视野。

15、PETRUCHIO. Worse and worse; she will not come! O vile, Intolerable, not to be endur'd! Sirrah Grumio, go to your mistress; Say I command her come to me.Exit GRUMIO ─── 彼特鲁乔:更糟了,更糟了!她不愿意出来!嘿,是可忍,孰不可忍!葛鲁米奥,到你奶奶那儿去,说,我命令她出来见我。(葛鲁米奥下。)

16、tolero -are [to carry , bear, endure, sustain; to support, keep up, maintain]. Hence pres. partic. tolerans -antis, [enduring, patient]; adv. toleranter; perf. partic. toleratus -a -um, [endurable]. ─── 在讲影片之前,我想先讲讲一个词:容忍(宽容)。这个字来自于拉丁文,字典上的解释是这样的:

17、1.Made from excellent thick acryl planks, bearing three times the pressure which ordinary acryl planks can bear.Excellent heat preservation, being solid and endurable. ─── 1.采用优质加厚压克力板材,可承受3倍于一般压克力板的压力,保温性能卓越,结实耐用.

18、Maximum Endurable Concentration ─── 最大限度持久集结

19、Keywords green heat hreatment;endurable development;environmental proteation; ─── 绿色热处理;可持续发展;环境保护;

20、be happy, and prove to me, by your indifference, that life is endurable to sufferers ─── 你应该快乐,你应该幸福,应该用你的谈笑自若的态度来证明:生命只有在这些受苦的人才是一个累赘。

21、Environmental, non-poison, non-flammable, endurable to aging, climate, chemicals. ─── 环保、无毒、不易燃、耐老化、耐气候、耐化学品。

22、The approximate values of endurable maximum force in tempus, parietalis, frons and occiput respectively were 6200N, 8100N, 8300N, and 11,000N. ─── 利用试验得到的数据,验证了作用于头部的钝物与头部组成的系统相当于带有强阻尼的弹簧振子。

23、Excellence:Transparent, cold endurable, Q and soft, good taste. ─── 优点:透明、耐冻、Q中带软、有咬感,印模清楚。

24、He found the boredom scarcely endurable. ─── 他觉得这种厌烦难以忍受。

25、Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as I parade through each day convinced that every task no matter how menial or boring, bring me steps closer to fulfilling my dreams. ─── 任何微小的工作,无论多么枯燥沉闷,都会使我更加接近最终的胜利,这样想着的时候,即使最单调的时常琐事,也变得可以忍受了!

26、Solitude can be endurable even sweet just for cherishing hope of love. ─── 由于怀着爱的希望,孤独才是可以忍受的,甚至是甜蜜的。

27、endurable pressure ─── 持久压力

28、As our typewriters are made of light and hard alloy they are both portable and endurable . ─── 我们的手提式打字机是用轻质硬合金制造的,故携带方便,经久耐用。

29、The tinyest courtesies by oneself the rough roads of life are not like the less birds those sing to us all winter long, and do those season of ice and snow abundance endurable. ─── 在坎坷的西方全国全国日常表达道路上,最细小的礼貌犹如在漫长的冬天为咱们歌唱的小鸟,那歌声使冰天雪地的寒冷变得较易忍受。

30、endurable development ─── 可持续发展

31、Endurable storage ─── 耐储藏

32、The vinylon canvas with flame-retardant in combination with water repellent is permeable and endurable in its both functions. ─── 结果表明,该阻燃防水维纶帆布有较好的阻燃拒水耐久性、透气性。

33、I found the woman scarcely endurable. ─── 我觉得这个女人难以忍受。

34、Well, this past month with you was endurable. Now, if you'll excuse me. ─── 过去有你在的这个月还算可以忍受。

35、Good whiteness,low COE,endurable in high pressure and steam,good effect in lab,and wide firing scope;Suitable for building with big thermal difference. ─── 白度佳,膨胀系数(COE)稍低,耐高压蒸煮,实验良好,且烧成范围宽,使用于北方气候温差大的建筑物。

36、The second group was endurable varieties, including Dainty cherry tomato % California No K Chuan-za No 10 and Oh-2-2-11; ─── 第二类为耐病材料:美味樱桃番茄、加州大红1号、川杂-10和Oh-2-2-11;

37、All he cared for was to have it endurable enough to allow for pretension and congratulation afterward. ─── 他关心的只是这演出能勉强过得去,这样他在演出结束后可以有个借口向嘉莉表示祝贺。

38、Capable of being tolerated;endurable. ─── 可忍受的能够被容忍的,忍受的:可容忍的

39、Objective: To study the dynamic characteristics of human head impacted with hammer and measure the value of endurable maximum force underwent by each part of human head. ─── 摘要目的:探讨人头部受主动冲击的钝力作用时的力响应特点,同时测试头部各部位承受最大冲击力的限度,从冲击动力学角度去探讨颅脑损伤的生物力学机理。

40、2、No need for maintenance, endurable, no noise. ─── 2、无需保养,耐用、无声、可靠。

41、Its handle and body is also made of high quality aiti-solvant PVC materials so that It can be endurable for using in any kind of extremely adverse(worst) environment. ─── 手柄与毛刷体也采用高档抗溶剂塑料注塑而成,使其在恶劣的环境下使用也能经得起考验。

42、and nothing less than a dance on Tuesday, could have made such a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday endurable to Kitty and Lydia. ─── 总算下星期二有个跳舞会,这才使吉蒂和丽迪雅熬过了星期五,星期六,星期日和星期一。

43、It can be used to print notes like production date on industries.The words printed is clear and endurable against wear. ─── 可适用于食品、医院等行业在塑料袋和纸低度上打印生产日期、重量、批号等,印字清晰牢固,永不脱落。

44、The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life make that season of ice and snow more endurable. ─── 在坎坷的生活道路上,那歌声使冰天雪地的寒冬变得较容易忍受。

45、Analyzing and Researching Endurable Quality of the Plateau Area Students'Heart and Lungs Quality ─── 对高原地区大学生心肺功能的分析研究

46、Wickham; and nothing less than a dance on Tuesday, could have made such a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday endurable to Kitty and Lydia. ─── 一想到韦翰可能真的受到这些亏待,她就不禁起了怜惜之心;因此她只得认为他们两位先生都是好人,替他们双方辨白,把一切无法解释的事都解释做意外和误会。

47、I am no child, no babe.Your betters have endur'd me say my mind, And if you cannot, best you stop your ears.My tongue will tell the anger of my heart, Or else my heart, concealing it, will break; ─── 我不是三岁小孩,比你尊长的人,也不能禁止我自由发言,你要是不愿意听,还是请你把耳朵塞住吧。


49、The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter along, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable. ─── 在坎坷的生活道路上,最细小的礼貌犹如在漫长的冬天为我们歌唱的小鸟,那各声使冰天雪地的寒冬变得较易忍受。

50、Beautiful outlook, smooth surface, endurable in erosion, long in life, low weight, superior heating output, easy cleaning, easy install, design of over-thin and saving your room. ─── “铜铝复合柱翼型散热器”美观洁净、散热性能好、耐腐蚀、寿命长、超薄设计,节约您的室内空间。

51、high - temperature endurable insulating material ─── 耐高温绝缘材料

52、On the Citizen Burden of Debt Financing and Endurable Scale of Governmental Debt ─── 债务融资的国民负担与可承受国债规模分析

53、The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are the little birds that sing to us all writer long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable. ─── 在坎坷的生活道路上,即便是最细小的礼貌,也如同漫漫严冬中为我们欢唱的小鸟,让这冰雪覆盖的季节变得极易忍受。

54、Passed UL, CSA and TUV certificate. It is flame retardant, cold and heat endurable, using on demagnetization coil. ─── CSA和TUV认证,阻燃,耐寒,耐候型绝缘胶带,适用于消磁线圈

55、The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long,make that season of icesnow more endurable. ─── 在坎坷的生活道路上,最细小的礼貌犹如在漫长的冬天为歌唱的小鸟,那歌声使冰天雪地的寒冬变得较易忍受。

56、Anti-grating spring latch defends to be stirred or pried,endurable and withou noise. ─── 无摩擦斜舌,具备防插拨能力,锁舌耐用,关门无嘈声;

57、Capable of being tolerated; endurable. ─── 可忍受的能够被容忍的,忍受的:可容忍的

58、A survey by cheshi.com shows that consumers' favorite cars are those of German brands, which are widely recognized as firm and endurable. ─── 网上车市调查显示,消费者最欣赏的车系是德系车,德系车最早进驻中国,是结实、耐用的代名词,在消费者中有着极高的美誉度。

59、Keywords Heat exchanger coating;EIS;Endurable hightemperature;Epoxy-polyslioxane-phenolic;Three-component resin;Underfilm corrosion; ─── 换热器涂料;电化学阻抗谱;耐温;环氧-有机硅-酚醛三元树脂;膜下腐蚀;

60、We are always talking human and comfort as the most important consideration,Besides,delicate surface,endur ablestuructre and perfect functions are slso concerned. ─── 我们的设计总是将人,以及人的舒适性放在考虑的第一位,其次才是外观的精致,结构的耐用,功能的完美。

61、's pretty but not endurable. ─── 漂亮则漂亮,只是不耐穿。

62、Endurable Consideration of Our National Continuous Development Strategy ─── 我国持续发展战略的可承受性思考

63、Endurable and economical bikes with different designs give gentlemen and ladies great convenience in commuting or shopping. ─── 耐用的车身及男女款的基本车型选择,不论上课或是购物都能提供稳定、耐用且经济的选择。

64、The subtle factor that makes life endurable is “gradualness”. ─── 使人生圆滑进行的微妙的要素,莫如“渐”;

65、I wish that my works would be able to make senses to different nations and people. And their influences would be endurable. ─── 希望我的作品能在不同的国家、民族中产生共鸣,并且要经得起时间的考验。

66、Stainless steel screen made of high-grade and solid stainless steel wire, has many advantages, such as high intensity, acid and alkali endurable, high temperature endurable, pressing endurable, and so on. ─── 不锈钢筛用优质、坚固的不锈钢丝制成,具有强度高、耐酸碱、耐高温、耐压磨等优点。

67、His insults were not endurable ─── 他的侮辱真叫人难以忍受。

68、" Good hundred years" Chinese implied meaning is peaceful, wishes the wish, satisfactory and endurable, body now the humanities concern of the business enterprise, have the deep cultural content. ─── “好百年”中文寓意祥和、祝愿、完满、恒久,体现了企业的人文关怀,具有深厚的文化内涵。

69、This hybrid has the character of high resistance to diseases and lodging,endurable to drought and barren resistance. ─── 属中熟品种抗病、抗倒伏,抗旱、耐瘠薄能力较强。

70、have excellent filament endurable for abrading and low fuzz. ─── 具有良好的耐磨性,毛丝少。

71、The shrubs of White Tephrosia, Cajan and Pallid Rattle-box are drought resistance, endurable to lean soil, developed root system, exuberant growth of branches and leaves and quick growth variety. ─── 摘要山毛豆、木豆、猪屎豆这三种灌木耐旱耐瘠、抗逆性强、根系发达、枝叶繁茂、生长迅速,可涵养水土,提高地力。

72、The shrubs of White Tephrosia,Cajan and Pallid Rattle-box are drought resistance,endurable to lean soil,developed root system,exuberant growth of branches and leaves and quick growth variety. ─── 山毛豆、木豆、猪屎豆这三种灌木耐旱耐瘠、抗逆性强、根系发达、枝叶繁茂、生长迅速,可涵养水土,提高地力。

73、They belonged to the class that sit on the park benches during the endurable days and sleep upon them during the summer nights. ─── 他们属于那种在天气还可以忍受的白天坐在公园的长椅上,而在夏天的夜晚就睡在上面的人。

74、Keywords cell fusion high temperature endurable yeast flocculating yeast separation; ─── 细胞融合;耐高温酵母;絮凝酵母;分离;

75、Keywords extremozymes;endurable mechanisms;applications in food industry; ─── 极端酶;耐受机制;食品应用;

76、A study of high temperature endurable and electromagnetic wave transmissive material ─── 增强双马来酰亚胺树脂基复合材料研究

77、You thus take a positive view of life and find it endurable. ─── 于是人生就被确实肯定,而圆滑进行了。

78、The bed should be practical, endurable, comfortable and safe. ─── 答:病床符合实用、耐用、合适、安全的原则。

79、To me, this is endurable. ─── 人们都想要有持久的和平。

80、The government said in a report that in June the orders for endurable materials decreased 3.8% from the previous month, the biggest slump since last November. ─── 政府在一项报告中说,今年六月高价位耐久材的订单较前一个月减少百分之三点八,这是去年十一月以来最大幅度的下降。

81、endurable quality ─── 耐力素质

82、The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and ow more endurable. ─── 在坎坷的生活道路上,最细小的礼貌犹如在漫长的冬天为我们歌唱的小鸟,那歌声使冰天雪地的寒冬变得较易忍受。

83、As our type writers are made of light and hard alloy they are both portable and endurable. ─── 我们的印表机由轻质的硬质合金制成,携带方便,经久耐用。

84、Endurable W-Ir chemical modifier ─── 持久化学改进剂钨-铱

85、I felt that life was no longer endurable. ─── 我感到生活再也无法忍受。

86、Results:The symptom of cough was caused mostly by ACEI,but a aittle was caused by other reasons.Conclusion:ACEI can cause difficulty endurable cough,but there is no certainly connection between them. ─── 结果:咳嗽症状的出现并非全部由ACEI类降压药引起,部分是由其它原因引起。

87、I am a man who would live an heroic life and make the world more endurable in his own sight. ─── 我是一个矢志要做一番英雄业绩、使这个世界在自己眼里变得更加易于接受的男子汉。

88、Analysis and Application of Fire and Time Endurable Steel to Architecture Structure ─── 耐火耐候钢在建筑结构中的分析研究及应用

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