heartrending 发音
英:[ˈhɑːrtˌrendɪŋ] 美:[ˈhɑːtˌrendɪŋ]
英: 美:
heartrending 中文意思翻译
heartrending 网络释义
adj. 悲惨的;令人心碎的
heartrending 相似词语短语
1、heart-rendingly ─── 心碎
2、heart-wrenching ─── 心痛
3、hearkening ─── vi.倾听;听给予注意;vt.留心;听明白
4、bartending ─── 当酒吧侍者;在酒吧掌柜(bartend的现在分词)
5、heart-rending ─── adj.悲惨的;令人心碎的
6、heartbreaking ─── adj.令人心碎的;让人心疼的
7、heartrendingly ─── 令人心碎的
8、heartening ─── adj.鼓舞人心的,令人振奋的
9、rear-ending ─── n.臀部;后部
heartrending 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A person who has not experienced much pains and heartrending love and hate , know how to owe ,how to enjoy her life, how to purser her dream ,never indulge youself. ─── 其实每个人在心底都有一个最隐蔽最柔软的地方,这个地方可以在受伤时独自舔食伤口,这个地方可以珍藏心底最脆弱最沉默的思想!
2、In this heartrending tale she presents the struggles of two lovers who are separated by unfortunate circumstances. ─── 在这个令人伤感的故事中,她讲述了因不幸遭遇而分开的两个情人所进行的抗争。
3、Heartrending people.Hopefully God bless them! ─── 现场真的令人们非常激动!
4、A person more drinks is drunk, a heart love more is more sad, who in the sentiment doesn't have to be wrong who to be right, is not careful heartrending actually. ─── 一个人越喝越醉,一颗心越爱越悲,感情里没有谁错谁对,不小心却让人心碎。
5、It is really heartrending to see his own child sentenced. ─── 看到自己的孩子被判刑真叫人伤心。
6、The most heartrending is nothing but someone you care about doesn’t care about you.You want him to be good, to do things right, which often makes him not feel good, even get bad-tempered. ─── 最后几次的班级聚会由于一些缘由我也没去,整个毕业也没见到传说中的班级同学喝的酩酊大醉,互相抱头痛哭的场景。
7、History can not be told with a few words, but the experiences of the junior, young and bright times can not be forgotten, and the result in contrast makes us heartrending. ─── 历史不能用一句话讲完,但那些曾经年少、年轻和灿烂的经历是无法忘记的,反衬的结果,使我们神伤。
8、"All I wanted was just a little fun, " Harry's voice began to crack and he dissenigrated into heartrending sobs again. ─── “我只是想找点乐子。”哈里的声音开始嘶哑,他整个人也再次陷入了悲痛的哭泣中。
9、Accordingly, Jesus' heartrending feelings were beyond description. ─── 因此,耶稣那椎心断肠之痛,是无法用笔墨形容的。
10、Remember happy memory, Forget heartrending something , restart new journey. ─── 留住快乐的记忆,丢掉不快的情绪,迎接新的旅程。
11、The Chinese Valentine's Day is on July 7th on the Lunar Calendar. The most well-known legend is the romantic yet heartrending story of the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid. ─── 中国情人节是农历七月七日。最广为人知的传说是牛郎与织女浪漫却悲伤的故事。
12、A professor of emergency medicine at a major university sent me a really heartrending letter. ─── 一所重点大学的急救医学教授曾给我来过一封令人伤心难过的信。
13、wretched; miserable; tragic; heartrending; heartbreaking; mournful; piteous ─── 凄惨
14、The coughing fits, which I had found heartrending whenever I heard her racked by them, had almost completely gone. ─── 这样的事她过去是从来未曾有过的。
15、If so, where does the feeling of heartrending come from? ─── 在乎,不是唇齿碰撞声带振动发出来的一个还算动听的词语。
16、In this heartrending tale she presents the struggles of two lovers who are separated by unfortunate circumstances. ─── 在这个令人伤感的故事中,她讲述了因不幸遭遇而分开的两个情人所进行的抗争。
17、a grievous loss; a grievous cry; her sigh was heartbreaking; the heartrending words of Rabin's granddaughter. ─── 一个使人悲痛的损失;痛哭;她的叹息令人心碎;罗宾的孙女令人心碎的话语。
18、, it is really a heartrending history for homosexual to strive for their human rights. ─── 同性恋者争取人权运动,是一段艰辛血泪奋斗史。
19、Don't you find it heartrending to see him get bullied like that? ─── 看着他这样被捉弄,你不觉得心痛吗?
20、On the one hand are the heartrending emotional pleas of dying patients who are eager to try unproved experimental drugs. ─── 一方面,这是垂死病患锥心泣血的恳求,他们热切渴望尝试未经核准的试验中药物;
21、The heartrending story of the massacre in Nanjing, shortly after it fell to Japanese in late 1937, commonly known as "the rape of Nanking", is the subject of two movies, which premiere a week apart. ─── 相隔一周的时间,两部记载1937年日军占领南京后的悲惨大屠杀题材的电影先后公映。
22、Knowing this piece of heartrending news, we have been updating ourselves of the situation via the Internet and television. ─── 得知灾区人民的生命财产遭受重大损失后,我们一直通过网络、电视等媒体密切关注着事态的发展。
23、Tang Hua, a burly man in a vest, lost his 16-year-old son after several heartrending days of listening to the boy's voice grow ever weaker from inside the building where he was trapped. ─── 唐华(译音)一个穿着背心的结实汉子,他在数天心碎地听着儿子日渐微弱的呼救声后失去了他十六岁的儿子。
24、Jean Valjean directed upon her that heartrending smile to which he occasionally had recourse. ─── 冉阿让向她苦笑,有时他就这样笑着。
25、In this state of mind the thought that that man would, henceforth, come into any contact whatever with Cosette was a heartrending perplexity to Marius. ─── 在这种思想状态里,一想到这个人今后将和珂赛特会有某种接触时马吕斯感到惊惶失措。
26、Over the black tide , from an invisible ship, came the sound of a gramophone playing some popular heartrending tune . ─── 越过黑乎乎的潮水,从一条望不见的船上传来留声机放出的令人心酸的流行小调。
27、Please don't hurt me again,otherwise i'll undergo heartrending hurt. ─── 请你不要再来伤害我,我会难过,心象被撕碎一样。
28、Time dulls the most exquisite emotions and softens the most heartrending grief ─── 时间会缓和最激烈的情感,减轻最伤心的悲痛。
29、Over the black tide, from an invisible ship, came the sound of a gramophone playing some popular heartrending tune ─── 越过黑乎乎的潮水,从一条望不见的船上传来留声机放出的令人心酸的流行小调。
30、With Cosette, and behind her, there had entered a man with white hair who was grave yet smiling, though with a vague and heartrending smile. ─── 在珂赛特后面陪着她进来的是一位白发老人,态度庄重,但含着微笑,可这是一种捉摸不定和沉痛的微笑。
31、The heartrending lines word by word ─── 断肠字点点
32、It is much more heartrending for me to be informed that hundreds of soldiers and rescuers have met with disaster in Wenchuan area; ─── 但这一刻,一种愧疚感在啃噬着我:我们能做什么,我们的艺术能为此做些什么?
33、Don’t make our mother heartrending! ─── 并不是就母亲节这一天。
34、Thus the grandfather and the grandchild, though without blood relationship, lead a wandering life riddled with a series of witty but heartrending adventures. ─── 这一对年纪悬殊,又没有血缘关系的爷孙俩展开了一连串既有趣而又令人心酸的流浪。
35、really heartrending to see his own child sentenced. ─── 看到自己的孩子被判刑真叫人伤心。
36、The Georgia/ Russia hug at the women's wrestling on the weekend was heartrending. ─── 周末的比赛中,格鲁吉亚和俄罗斯运动员在女子摔跤场上的较量看着让人揪心。
37、I'm loving you silently ,but you don't know,I'm so heartrending and painful. ─── 我在默默地爱你,可是你不知道,我很伤很痛.
38、Cosette uttered a heartrending cry. ─── 珂赛特发出一声凄厉的叫声。
39、You need only read the heartrending Africa chapters of Dreams from My Father to realise that Barack Obama gets Africa. ─── 从积极的角度来考虑,加纳成功避免了灾难而且国内形势稳定、国家治理相当成功。
40、But the heartrending tears of star has filled with the bottle,he must be missing her mother! ─── 可星星伤心的眼泪把瓶子都装满了,他一定想妈妈了吧?
41、If love is a piece of heartrending scenery,I am one piece of lonely fallen leaf.And you ,can you be a light breeze to make me fly in the air? ─── 如果爱是一道令人心伤的风景,我则是林间飘零的一片落叶,而你,会是那让我飞舞的轻风吗?
42、At laest I was blubber for you pacific silent as the grave and heartrending in year incapble touch corner that rose intention filter always. ─── 至少我为你哭泣过,安静的,无声的,伤心的,在岁月无法触摸的角落里,玫瑰花心渐渐老去。
43、actually I want write a heartrending story, but it is rather like a droll story! ─── 本想写成伤心的故事,但最后变成了搞笑的故事。
44、Other students can,t endure the frustration,they take their own life because of a bit of frustration.It is heartrending that the flower faded when the bud will not open. ─── 也有一些学生耐挫折能力特别弱 ,因为一点小小的挫折就走上绝路 ,花朵凋零在含苞欲放之时 ,实在令人痛心不已。
45、And, heartrending to say, there, behind the pile of stones, in front of the tree with the sheet of zinc, was freshly turned earth, a pick-axe, abandoned or forgotten, and a hole. ─── 而最使人痛心的是,在那堆石块后面,钉有锌牌的树脚下,有刚刚翻动过的泥土,留下的是一把被遗忘或被抛弃了的十字镐,还有一个土穴。
46、utter a heartrending cry ─── 惨叫一声
47、As Ricky roams the room looking for the happy couple, he spies Lucy and moves on.Then he does a heartrending double take, glides to his knees and asks, voice cracking, whether it's true. ─── 当李奇在房中找寻快乐的妻子时,他发现了露西且趋前之,接著,他做出令人心碎的悔悟,他跪下并用破碎的嗓音哀求著露西,这也是真实写照的一幕!
48、The Chinese Valentine s Day is comparably more romantic yet heartrending, because this is the only time of year when the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet each other cross the Milky Way. ─── 相较之下,中国七夕情人节则更加浪漫外带令人心痛,因为这是一年中唯一一次的牛郎和织女越过银河相会。
49、The fox was very dejected. So he turned his body heartrending. The tiger was looking at him. ─── 狐狸十分懊丧,伤心地转过身,老虎正凶狠地瞪着它呢。
50、the heartrending words ─── 令人心碎的话语
51、The windows of his house without any whole, it appeared such a heartrending scene. ─── 他的房子窗户无一完好,一派令人心酸的景象。
52、Jason Creswell leaves behind a young daughter, who wrote him a heartrending letter only last month. ─── 詹森.克里斯维尔则留下一位年幼的女儿,就在上周她还给爸爸写了一封令人伤心的信。
53、What is the Olympic spirit? is it only to win a medal?Heartrending people. ─── 奥运的精神是什么?仅仅是赢得一枚奖牌吗?真的令人心碎和不幸的人们。
54、Should I really bid adieu to this summer? Notwithstanding how heartrending the sorrow of parting is. ─── 真的该和夏说再见了么?无论如何地,离愁依依?
55、Like sunflower seeds with their large heads and small tails, they are only half the size of a grain of wheat, the whole of them an adorable, heartrending green. ─── 只有半粒小麦那么大,遍身的颜色苍翠得可爱,可怜。
56、A professor of emergency medicine at a major university sent me a really heartrending letter ─── 一所主要大学的一位急救医学教授曾给我写过一封令人伤心的信。
57、Heartrending ice disaster, earthquake, Peking the Olympics, absolute being of excited public seven fly a day, all make the person hard to forget. ─── 令人心碎的冰灾、地震,激动人心的北京奥运、神七飞天,全都让人难以忘怀。
58、Open your eyes 'cos another day is dawning, heartrending of the cry, can you hear them hollering? ─── 我自己抽烟。。。觉得抽烟不好。。准备戒了。虽然每天都在喊戒烟。。。
59、It is really heartrending to see his own child be sentenced. ─── 到自己的孩子被判刑真叫人伤心。
您好,使某人伤心 可以用break someone's heart hurt someone upset someone 或者你用make/leave+形容词make/leave someone grieved 悲伤的heart-struck adj.心痛的;伤心的 heartrending adj. 令人心碎的.伤心的.悲惨的 broken-hearted adj.悲哀的;极度伤心的;绝望的 sorrowful adj.悲伤的,伤心的 distressing adj.使痛苦的;悲伤的;使烦恼的 woeful adj.悲哀的;悲惨的;遗憾的;不幸的 mirthless [ 'mə:θlis ] adj.不快乐的;悲伤的;阴郁的希望能帮到你
心伤 英文怎么写?
“心伤”指“心情悲伤”可以翻译为 sad。如果指心里非常痛苦,则用“伤心”,英文是 heart-struck 或 heartrending。
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