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09-16 投稿



haver 发音

英:[ˈheɪvər]  美:[ˈheɪvə(r)]

英:  美:

haver 中文意思翻译





haver 网络释义

vi. 胡说八道,说废话;消磨时间n. 废话,多嘴;同事n. (Haver)人名;(德、瑞典、英)哈弗

haver 词性/词形变化,haver变形

现在分词:havering 过去式:havered 名词复数形式:havers 第三人称单数:havers

haver 短语词组

1、tax haver ─── [经] 逃税乐园

haver 相似词语短语

1、aver ─── vt.断言,极力声明;主张;n.(Aver)人名;(法、俄、塞)阿韦尔

2、haler ─── n.赫勒(捷克货币);n.(Haler)人名;(英)哈勒;(德、塞)哈勒

3、haven ─── n.保护区,避难所;港口;v.为……提供避难所;n.(Haven)(美)黑文(人名)

4、Laver ─── n.紫菜;洗涤盆,水盆;n.(Laver)人名;(葡)拉韦尔;(匈)洛弗

5、hater ─── n.怀恨者

6、caver ─── n.探察洞穴的人,研究穴窟的人;n.(Caver)人名;(西)卡韦尔

7、have ─── vt.有;让;拿;从事;允许;aux.已经;n.(Have)人名;(芬)哈韦;(德)哈弗

8、haves ─── n.富人;富国;n.(Haves)人名;(德)哈弗斯

9、havers ─── n.(Havers)人名;(英、德)哈弗斯

haver 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、How-ld do citizens haver to be to vote for President? ─── 问:美国公民几岁以上可以投票选举总统?

2、Don`t be angry at me for long and don`t lock me up as punishment.You haver your work,your entertainment and your friends.I have only you. ─── 请别对我生气太久,也别把我关起来当作是惩罚。你有你的工作,你的娱乐,你的朋友......可我只有你。

3、But your company will haver parties. If you refuse to drink a lcohol,people will think you are too conservative. ─── 你的公司会有聚餐,如果不喝酒,别人会觉得你太保守。

4、Don't hear their haver,having that thing at all. ─── 别看别人不把她当回事,在家里她可是父母亲的掌上明珠。

5、Haver & Boecker is a family company of international scope, founded in Germany in 1887 and is today a diversified company found in 130 countries. ─── 哈佛&博克是一个家族企业的国际范围内,成立于1887年在德国和今天是一个多元化的公司发现在130个国家。

6、Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to,doesn't mean they don't love you with all they haver. ─── 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他没有全心全意地爱你。

7、the obesity figure does not apply to soldiers involved in operational action , " defense ministry spokesman nick van haver said" . ─── 国防部发言人哈维尔说,这显然对参与作战行动的士兵来说是不适宜的。

8、You haver your work,your entertainment and your friends.I have only you.Talk to me sometimes. ─── 我一直相信,只有用心去画的作品,才能感动更多的人。

9、Don't be angry at me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You haver your work, your entertainment and your friends. I have only you. ─── 请别对我生气太久,也别把我关起来当作是惩罚。你有你的工作,你的娱乐,你的朋友,可我只有你……

10、Don`t be angry at me for long and don`t lock me up as punishment.You haver your work , your entertainment and your friends.I have only you . ─── 请别对我生气太久,也别把我关起来当作是惩罚.你有你的工作,你的娱乐,你的朋友.可我只有你

11、Development and market testing were aided by the partnership with Haver & Boecker Latinoamericana, a supplier of equipment for sack filling and closing. ─── 发展和市场检验的帮助下与哈佛&博克拉丁美洲,一个供应商的设备袋灌装和闭幕式。

12、Don't haver there, go with me. ─── 别在那儿瞎扯啦,跟我走吧。

13、RS:In this case, I haver to a cancel this deal. ─── 这样,我不得不取消这笔交易。

14、You haver your work,your entertainment and your friends.I have only you.Talk to me sometimes.Ever if I don`t understand your words,I understand your voice when it`s speaking to me. ─── 我愤怒地想打死那条狗,太可恶了,但最可恶的还是那些把狗丢掉的人,是这些人让原本可爱的狗狗变得如此凶悍!

15、Hirschman ,Albert O,1958,"The Strategy of Economis Development."New Haver:Yale University Press. ─── 张维迎,1997,博弈论与信息经济学,上海三联书店、上海人民出版社,1997。

16、Haver space ─── 骨腔隙

17、HAVER FILLING TECHNOLOGY Beijing is your Solution Provider regarding filling technology for powder, granules and liquids. ─── 哈沃包装技术公司是解决粉料,粒料以及液体物料填装问题的专家。

18、haver filling technology beijing is your solution provider regarding filling technology for powder , granules and liquids. ─── 哈沃包装技术公司是解决粉料,粒料以及液体物料填装问题的专家。

19、New haver "by not allocated by price," dual airbags as standard to be reflected with its ultra-high cost. ─── 新哈弗 “增配不增价”,以双气囊作为标配来体现其具有的超高性价比。

20、Germany HAVER CP companies and packaging machine company and the United States FULLE pneumatic conveying the import of technology. ─── 有德国HAVER及CP公司包装机和美国FULLE公司气力输送引进技术。

21、Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant,e should haver been as Sodom, and wehouldw have been like unto Gomorrah. ─── 9若不是万军之耶和华给我们稍留馀种,我们早以像所多玛,蛾摩拉的样子了。

22、Don't haver there, go with me. ─── 别在那儿瞎扯啦,跟我走吧。

23、All the nice, smart, highborn women who think we are smart haver many wooers. ─── 又好又聪明又出身高贵又觉得我们聪明的女人都有很多追求者。

24、As governments haver over the best ways to tackle global warming, private enterprise is forging ahead - and making money. ─── 正当各国政府七嘴八舌寻找最好的方法解决全球变暖问题,私营企业却大踏步向前,而且赚的还不少。

25、Traveler: I haver run out of oil. ─── 游客:我的车没油了。

26、May I haver blanket? Thank you very much! ─── 请您给我拿条毛毯。

27、RS: In this case, I haver to a cancel this deal. ─── 这样,我不得不取消这笔交易。

28、They all know that are known as " helicopter parents.They " ;they always seem to haver hover over their children. ─── 他们因为直升机父母而出名,他们总是被看见翱翔在孩子们的天空。

29、Most people dislike vanity in others, whatever share they haver of it themselves; ─── 多数人不喜欢虚荣别人, 不想分享他们的废话吧;

30、They are known as " helicopter parents.They " ;they always seen seem to haver hover over their children. ─── 他们被称作"直升机父母",他们似乎总在他们孩子的头上盘旋。

31、Xu: Don't haver! ─── 徐:别乱说!

32、tax haver ─── [经] 逃税乐园

33、But what we can do is not merely prays for them, but also haver the practical support with to assist. ─── 而我们能做的,不仅仅是祝福,还有切实的支持与扶助!!

34、The rotary cement packing machine was made according to the manufacturing technique that was introduced from Haver and Boecker Company, Germany. ─── 回转式水泥包装机是引进联邦德国哈弗,佰克公司制造技术生产的包装设备。

35、I haver a headache, a serious sore throat, and a cough. ─── 我头痛,嗓子也很痛,而且还咳嗽。

36、I haver a more lovely pencilbox. ─── 我有个更可爱的铅笔盒。

37、4.Don`t be angry at me for long and don`t lock me up as punishment.You haver your work,your entertainment and your friends.I have only you. ─── 请好好对我,因为世界上最珍惜最需要你的爱心的是我,别生气太久,也别把我关起来,因为,你有你的生活,你的朋友,你的工作和娱乐,而我,只有你。

38、Every gameforum they haver says to discuss DRM in their "hidden" forum.What canthe reason be? ─── 如果在此论坛发帖,互联网上的所有人都可以看到您的电子邮件地址。

39、What haver salary expectations? ─── 你希望取得几多薪水?

40、Don't be seriously, they are haver, there is no such a thing at all. ─── 别听他们胡说八道,根本就没那回事。

41、condition: both vases haver a 'hair-line ' from the rim, one vase has a repair to the lid. ─── 条件:两个花瓶哈弗一个头发线'的边缘,一个花瓶已修复的盖子。

42、Non-Americans haver a long way to go before they reach that level-and that would translate into booming business for the two giants. ─── 当然,如果没有美国人的话,他们将要需要更长的时间达到这样的地步——成为繁荣商业的两大巨人。

43、Leaders from around the glove haver globe have reached out to share fond memories and admiration of Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy. ─── 来自全球的领导人分享了民主党议员泰德肯尼迪的美好的回忆和崇高的敬佩。

44、Hercules in the test, haver a drag filled 18 of the concept of easy access to car traffic, a major driving force for most of the torque shown. ─── 在大力士测试中,哈弗拖拽一辆坐满18个人的观览车轻松行驶,动力的大扭矩淋漓尽致的表现出来。

45、Gold in Hong Kong's professional off-road market, haver artificial and arbitrary, the successful completion of the test. ─── 在金港专业的越野场上,哈弗恣意挥洒,顺利完成各项测试。

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