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09-16 投稿



instrumentalist 发音

英:[ɪnstrə'ment(ə)lɪst]  美:[,ɪnstrə'mɛntəlɪst]

英:  美:

instrumentalist 中文意思翻译



instrumentalist 网络释义

n. 工具主义者;乐器演奏家adj. 工具主义的

instrumentalist 词性/词形变化,instrumentalist变形

副词: instrumentally |

instrumentalist 反义词


instrumentalist 同义词

helpful | active | subservient | music |contributory | influential | involved | implemental

instrumentalist 相似词语短语

1、instrumentality ─── n.手段;工具;机构

2、incrementalist ─── 渐进主义者

3、instrumentalities ─── n.手段;机构;工具(instrumentality的复数)

4、instrumental ─── adj.乐器的;有帮助的;仪器的,器械的;n.器乐曲;工具字,工具格

5、instrumentals ─── adj.乐器的;有帮助的;仪器的,器械的;n.器乐曲;工具字,工具格

6、instrumentally ─── adv.仪器地;有助益地;用乐器演奏地

7、instrumentalists ─── n.工具主义者;乐器演奏家;adj.工具主义的

8、instrumentation ─── n.使用仪器;乐器法;仪表化

9、instrumentalism ─── n.[劳经]工具主义

instrumentalist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She earned her initial acclaim as an instrumentalist, but soon it was her voice that captivated everyone's attention. ─── 克劳斯最初是以乐器演奏而赢得赞誉的,但很快她的嗓音引起了众人的关注。

2、An instrumentalist believes that ideas are instruments of actions. ─── 工具主义者认为思想是行为的工具。

3、instrumentalist logic ─── 工具主义的逻辑

4、She earned her initial acclaim as an instrumentalist, but soon it was her voice that captivated everyone's attention. ─── 克劳斯最初是以乐器演奏而赢得赞誉的,但很快她的嗓音引起了众人的关注。

5、A versatile instrumentalist who is adept at playing the organ, the big drum and the violin etc, he hopes Buddhist music can strike a chord in each and everyone's hearts. ─── 多才多艺的他也善于演奏电子琴,大鼓,小提琴等乐器,并坚信佛教音乐能引起共鸣,触动人心。

6、This opinion bears some resemblance to the instrumentalist ideas. ─── 这个看法有点像工具主义的思想。

7、Contemporary instrumentalist Chris Spheeris touches hearts and souls with inspired music and mystical poetic writings. ─── 当代演奏家克里斯.斯菲里斯触动心灵与灵感音乐和神秘诗意的作品。

8、WEI, Zhongle, a famous national musician, an instrumentalist and educator, is an important figure in Chinese modern art of hilarious history. ─── 卫仲乐是我国著名的民族音乐家,器乐演奏家和教育家,是中国近现代器乐演奏艺术史上的重要人物。

9、Occupation(s) Singer-songwriter, instrumentalist, record producer, actor, writer, poet, activist ─── 职业:歌曲作者兼歌手,吉他手,唱片制作,演员,作家,诗人,活动家

10、Regardless of all the hype on McCartney's musical prowess, he didn't have the heart and emotion as an instrumentalist that George conveyed. ─── 不管所有的炒作对麦卡特尼的音乐实力,他没有心脏病和情感作为一个演奏家乔治转达。

11、Dong Xiusen is an instrumentalist in Mentougou District. ─── 董秀森,现居门头沟区。

12、a recital (of an instrumentalist) ─── 独奏会

13、(5) The style tributary, instrumentalist and composer of Mongolian Hur and works analysis of Mongolian Hur instrumental solo performance; ─── (5)蒙古四胡的风格流派、演奏家、作曲家以及蒙古四胡独奏曲的作品分析;

14、The pragmatist or instrumentalist theory of knowledge ─── 实用主义或工具主义的知识理论

15、"that rarest of musical animals, an instrumentalist who is as comfortable on a podium with a stick as he is playing his instrument" (Lon Tuck) ─── “那个优秀的擅长音乐的人,他在指挥台上挥动指挥棒和他演奏乐器一样如醉如痴”(朗·塔克)

16、that rarest of musical animals,an instrumentalist who is as comfortable on a podium with a stick as he is playing his instrument(bLon Tuck) ─── 那个优秀的擅长音乐的人,他在指挥台上挥动指挥棒和他演奏乐器一样如醉如痴(b朗·塔克)

17、that rarest of musical animals,an instrumentalist who is as comfortable on a podium with a stick as he is playing his instrument(Lon Tuck) ─── 那个优秀的擅长音乐的人,他在指挥台上挥动指挥棒和他演奏乐器一样如醉如痴(朗·塔克)

18、Hailun native Wang Xuefeng, age 20, is an award-winning instrumentalist who is wheelchair-bound due to congenital osteomalacia. ─── 演奏乐器得奖的王雪峰是海伦人,今年20岁。他患有先天性骨软化症,必须依靠轮椅代步。愿他在救主里找到生命和健康。

19、Some professional singers and instrumentalist were performing and people found their seats free. ─── 一些专业歌手和乐器表演艺术家在表演,人们免费入座。

20、Fortunately, Wang met the strict entry requirements, for at the age of nine he was already an accomplished instrumentalist and had perfect pitch. ─── 幸运的是,王健达到了苛刻的入学要求,因为在九岁时他已经是一个有很高程度的熟练的演奏者了。

21、But 10 minutes later, my mother began to not tolerate such noise, so they hide in the kitchen of a person, left to enjoy solo instrumentalist of the small. ─── 但是10分钟以后,妈妈开始无法忍受这样的噪音,于是便一个人躲进厨房,任凭小器乐家尽情独奏了。

22、We are looking for an account of desire that, if plugged into the instrumentalist creed, would make that creed plausible. ─── 恩。哲学的东西本来就麻烦,这道题题目反反复复看了好多遍还不是很明白。。。

23、An instrumentalist believes that ideas are instruments of actions. ─── 工具主义者认为思想是行为的工具。

24、that rarest of musical animals, an instrumentalist who is as comfortable on a podium with a stick as he is playing his instrument(Lon Tuck) ─── 那个优秀的擅长音乐的人,他在指挥台上挥动指挥棒和他演奏乐器一样如醉如痴(朗 塔克)

25、Later she became a student of Buddhism and yoga as well as becoming a multi-instrumentalist, releasing her first album at the age of 18. ─── 之后,她学习佛教和瑜伽,也学习多种乐器,在18岁时发表了她的第一张专辑。

26、This opinion bears some resemblance to the instrumentalist ideas. ─── 这个看法有点像工具主义的思想。

27、From the viewpoint of an instrumentalist, any change of tuning is really crucial for performing. ─── 以演奏者的角度来看,空弦调音方式的改变对于演奏有著关键性的影响。


29、Ernst Horn, instrumentalist and composer, brings computers, rotary switches and the piano to life to create a clear, strong, groove sound. ─── ErnstHorn,演奏家、作曲家,带给电脑、转盘和钢琴以生命,创造出干净、强劲和充满律动的声音。

30、The others acknowledge him as their most talented instrumentalist as he can play all the reed instruments, piano and trumpet. ─── 其他人认为他就是他们中最有天分的乐器演奏家,因为他能够演奏所有的簧乐器、钢琴和喇叭。

31、Berkeley took a leaf out of Newton's book by going instrumentalist. ─── 柏克莱借鉴了牛顿的工具主义。

32、My younger brother wants to be an instrumentalist. ─── 我弟弟想当一个器乐演奏家。

33、This paper problematizes the prevailing instrumentalist conception of labor movement by bringing the labor question into the purview of empowerment politics. ─── 摘要劳工问题一定得陷在工具主义政治的条框中吗?我不以为然。为什废劳工不能也成为激进地改变这个世界的一个主角呢?

34、Back at the tourist center in Tysfjord I talked to the Dutchman “instrumentalist. ─── 回到提斯峡湾的旅游服务中心,我和那个荷兰的“乐手”聊了一会儿。

35、It contains the variable melody and abundant emotion of instrumentalist. ─── 它包含了多变的旋律和演奏者丰富的感情。

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