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09-13 投稿



jocularity 发音

英:[ˌdʒɑːkjəˈlærəti]  美:[ˌdʒɒkjəˈlærəti]

英:  美:

jocularity 中文意思翻译



jocularity 网络释义

n. 滑稽;幽默;诙谐的言行

jocularity 词性/词形变化,jocularity变形


jocularity 相似词语短语

1、jocularly ─── adv.打趣地;滑稽地

2、modularity ─── n.[计]模块性

3、secularity ─── n.世俗主义;俗事;俗心

4、jocularities ─── n.滑稽;幽默;诙谐的言行

5、circularity ─── n.圆;[数]环状;圈状

6、popularity ─── n.普及,流行;名气;受大众欢迎

7、molecularity ─── n.分子性;分子状态;[化学]反应分子数

8、binocularity ─── 双筒望远镜

9、acicularity ─── 针状

jocularity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1.His brilliant speech, jocular talk and profound knowledge won our enthusiastic applause. ─── 他精彩的演讲,诙谐的语言,渊博的知识,赢得了同学们阵阵热烈的掌声。

2、She was incapable of elaborate artifice, and she restored to no jocular device ─── 她不善耍弄诡计,也不会用油滑的方式。

3、jocular formation ─── 诙谐语

4、joking, jokingly, humorous, funny, jocosely, jocular, jocose ─── 玩笑地。打趣地。不当真的。风趣的。

5、Halsey gave Victor Henry a jocular prod with two fingers. ─── 海尔赛打趣地用两个手指戳了维克多·亨利一下。

6、characteristic of or resembling a wag; jocular or witty ─── 有幽默特征的人或象幽默的人的;好笑的或机智的

7、It is a minor role in zaju1 of Yuan Dynasty, In the stage, chadan is mostly crafty, fierce, tough, shrewish and jocular; ─── 在元杂剧中为不司唱的次要角色,主要以科诨组场,其舞台表演主要表现出刁钻、凶悍、泼辣、诙谐、风趣的特征。

8、He paused for another puff from his cigarette and slipped into a more jocular tone again. ─── 他又停下来吸了一口烟,重新改用较轻松的口吻。

9、"But you are very beautiful yourself," he added with a politeness by no means crudely jocular ─── “但是你自己也非常美啊,”他的口气文雅有礼,毫不包含粗鲁调笑的意味。

10、Chinese Two-Part Allegorical Saying (Xiehouyu) is an idiom that is widely used, popular, jocular and vivid sentence. ─── 歇后语是熟语的一种,是广泛流行的、诙谐而形象的语句。

11、But, despite its seeming absurdity and nonsensicality, it brings to light the moral weaknesses of the English upper class and other problems in modern English society in a jocular manner. ─── 尽管剧中大量对话和情节表面上显得荒诞无稽,但却以轻松、戏谑的笔调暴露和讽刺了英国上流社会人士的种种弱点及现代英国社会的种种弊端。

12、In the process of unscrambling Rabelais in his unique perspective of folk jocular culture, Bakhtin puts forward a surviving mode which contains frenzied particularities. ─── 巴赫金在以独特的民间诙谐文化视角解读拉伯雷的过程中,提出了一种具有狂欢化特质的生存模式。

13、Yet he chronicles his travels with a wearying feather-light jocularity, prizing one-liners over lucid analysis. ─── 但他记录旅行的笔法却是乏味的、轻佻的滑稽,过多的俏皮话替代了清晰的分析。

14、Said Jackson: “They'll have a lot of fun. There will be a lot of jocularity, because that's what Shaq is about. ─── 杰克逊说:“科比和奥尼尔都很能搞,我们将会制造很多的欢乐和滑稽,因为这是奥尼尔擅长的。”

15、The "surface" of humor is not sraooth; it is relat-ed to as well as different from jocularity and irony. ─── 幽默的“表面”并不光滑,它同诙谐和讽刺既有联系又有区别。

16、humorous; jocular ─── 诙谐

17、They passed jocular rumors. ─── 他们谈论着一些诙谐的流言。

18、He rejoined the subject with sober jocularity ─── 他以很有分寸的诙谐重新返回这个话题。

19、But such entrenous jocularity can cause real problems if it reaches a wider audience. ─── 不过这种仅限你知我知的幽默一旦传播开来会造成真正的麻烦。

20、This, and my being esteemed a jocular verbal satirist, supported my consequence in the society ─── 这一点,加上我被看成是一个妙趣横生,善于词令的讽刺家,使我在这儿成了举足轻重的人。

21、Avoid scrapbook-type photos or jocular poses by officers on the scene. ─── 避免的签名簿型照片或jocular构成人员在现场。

22、In the stage, chadan is mostly crafty, fierce, tough, shrewish and jocular; ─── 搽旦脚色主要以科诨组场,其舞台表演主要表现出刁钻、凶悍、泼辣、诙谐、风趣的特征。

23、Certainly the sense of this word makes it particularly susceptible to jocular treatment. ─── 当然,此词的这层含义尤令人怀疑对方是否在打趣。

24、He sensible, intelligent, steady and showing nothing, brief strong language, jocular humor and targeted. ─── 其次,房子的品质也在不断上升,价格也会随着品质上升而上升;

25、a jocular comment ─── 诙谐的评论

26、"All such professors of the several branches of jocularity would have been sternly repressed, not only by the rigid discipline of law, but by the general sentiment which gives law its vitality. ─── 从事这种种滑稽职业的艺人们,不仅为严格的法律条文所严厉禁止,也遭到使法律得以生效的人们感情上的厌恶。

27、Exquisite British printings convey relaxing and jocular leisure senses with the conventional living tastes. ─── 精致的印花图案带着欧洲贵族惯有的生活品位和情致,慢慢展开一湾轻松、诙谐的休闲感觉。

28、The notoriously jocular goalkeeper was less serious when asked about his predictions for this season, as he burst out laughing when declaring the Scudetto and Champions League would be won by Inter. ─── 在谈到本赛季冠军头衔的归属时,尤文门神显得不那么严肃,因为当他表示国米会成为联赛和欧冠双冠王时,忍不住哈哈大笑。

29、Jason: Do you think it's easy walking around with a rear end like this? From this jocularity a good time will grow. ─── 杰森:你看我这么健美,能不引人注目吗?好了,幽默小姐,轻松愉快点吧。

30、She is shy at school, not responding to the jocular teasing of the boys in front of her. ─── 原来高中时代的榆野卯月一直暗恋着比自己大一届的同学山崎,正是由于山崎去年到武藏野大学上学,卯月才追随而来的。

31、The unaccountable depression that possessed Philpot deprived him of all his usual jocularity and filled him with melancholy thoughts ─── 一种难以形容的沮丧心情使菲尔波特失去了平时那种诙谐乐观的性格,他心中愁绪万端。

32、"Omoo" reinforced the public's view of Melville as a writer of jocular and lively reminiscence ─── 《欧穆》进一步使读者认识到梅尔维尔是个长于描写愉快而生动的回忆的作家。

33、This, and my being esteemed a pretty good riggite, that is, a jocular verbal satirist, supported my consequence in the society. ─── 这件事使我在这社会上收到效果,他们非常地尊敬我,而我又是个绝妙的讽刺家。

34、He was full of jocularity and savoir-faire. ─── 他幽默又机敏。

35、But such entrenous jocularity can cause real problems if it reaches a wider audience. ─── 不过这种仅限你知我知的幽默一旦传播开来会造成真正的麻烦。

36、They drove comfortably to Hagaru-ri with Smith in a rare burst of jocularity promising Harris a station wagon of his own in exchange for continued close air support. ─── 他们舒舒服服地到达了下碣隅里,在路上史密斯开玩笑说,如果哈里斯能保证他的空中支援,他就自己掏钱送一辆旅行车给哈里斯。

37、call foreigner (foreigners now call themselves “laowai”, therefore [the word] no longer contains a disdainful connotation, but has rather become a kind of jocular usage. ─── 称外国人(现在外国人自己也称自己为“老外”,所以已经不含轻蔑意,而是一种诙谐的用法了

38、jocular tone ─── 开玩笑的口吻

39、All such professors of the several branches of jocularity would have been sternly repressed, not only by the rigid discipline of law, but by the general sentiment which gives law its vitality. ─── 然而,普通百姓那一本正经和老成持重的面孔上依然微笑着,虽说可能有点不自然,却也很开心。

40、Halsey gave Victor Henry a jocular prod with two fingers ─── 海尔赛打趣地用两个手指戳了维克多?亨利一下。

41、She sounded in a jocular mood. ─── 她听起来好像是在开玩笑。

42、Characteristic of or resembling a wag; jocular or witty. ─── 诙谐的有幽默特征的人或象幽默的人的;好笑的或机智的

43、Inappropriate jocularity ─── 不恰当的诙谐

44、jocular a. ─── 滑稽的;

45、Watching him on cell phone conversations, how he will pretend that it is one type of conversation with a big smile, while his eyes remain completely focused and serious, meanwhile the tone of his voice being jocular. ─── 留意一下他讲手机的时候(与韩琛),他是如何用笑容来伪装谈话性质的,他的目光全神贯注,与此同时他的口气却很轻松。

46、No, it ' s not jocularity Money in it. ─── 不滑稽里边装的是钱

47、jocular and sentimental ─── 诙谐悲情

48、All such professors of the several branches of jocularity would have been sternly repressed, not only by the rigid discipline of law, but by the general sentiment, which give law its vitality. ─── 从事这种种滑稽职业的艺人们,不仅为严格的法律条文所严厉禁止,也遭到使法律得以生效的人们感情上的厌恶。

49、Omoo reinforced the public's view of Melville as a writer of jocular and lively reminiscence ─── 《欧穆》进一步使读者认识到梅尔维尔是个长于描写愉快而生动的回忆的作者。

50、The bizarre convolutions of the plots, and jocular talks, reflect contemporary daily life of French people from different aspects, has a strong satirical. ─── 离奇的情节、诙谐的语言,从不同侧面反映了当代法国人的日常生活,具有很强的讽刺性。

51、He is a jocular man, especially around women. ─── 他是个诙谐的人,特别当著女人的面时。

52、"But you're very beautiful yourself," he added with a politeness by no means crudely jocular. ─── “但是你自己也非常美啊,”他的口气文雅有礼,毫不包含粗鲁调笑的意味。

53、The unaccountable depression that possessed Philpot deprived him of all his usual jocularity and filled him with melancholy thoughts. ─── 一种难以形容的沮丧心情使菲尔波特失去了平时那种诙谐乐观的性格,他心中愁绪万端。

54、- Letterman's relationship with Moonves has improved;a segment titled "More with Les" features jocular phone calls between Letterman and Moonves. ─── + 莱特曼和Moonves的关系有所改善,一个新板块" 多的与少的"(More with Les)放的就是莱特曼和Moonves的通话录音.

55、Adding a tone of contempt or jocularity to a participial adjective. ─── 加于分词形容词之前,有“轻视或诙谐”之意。

56、Glanders, the atrocious Captain of Dragoons, when informed of the occurrence by Mrs. Glanders, whistled and made jocular allusions to it at dinner time. ─── 格兰德太太把这件事告诉了格兰德上尉,这个没羞没臊的龙骑兵军官却吹着口哨,在吃饭时拿它当谈笑的资料。

57、His jocular, conversational tone will keep you interested as he describes mutual funds, bonds, and treasury bills. ─── 在描述共有财产、债券、以及国债的同时,他诙谐会话式的文风会一直吸引着你。

58、William's jocular personality makes him a very popular person. ─── 威廉风趣的个性使他成为广受欢迎的人。

59、He is a shining example of moral leprosy, a mixture of ferocity and jocularity that betrays supreme misery. ─── 他是道德沦丧的光辉典范,残暴和滑稽的混合,背叛了极度的痛苦。

60、Jason: Carol, do I seem to be in a jocular mood to you? ─── 杰森:卡罗尔,你看我有逗乐的心情吗?

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