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individualistic 发音

英:[[ˌɪndɪˌvɪdʒʊə'lɪstɪk]]  美:[[ˌɪndɪˌvɪdʒʊr'lɪstɪk]]

英:  美:

individualistic 中文意思翻译



individualistic 同义词

selfishness | laissez faire | individuation | uniqueness | eccentricity | individuality | independence |egoism | distinctiveness

individualistic 词性/词形变化,individualistic变形

形容词: individualistic |副词: individualistically |

individualistic 反义词


individualistic 相似词语短语

1、individualising ─── v.使个性化;使因人(或因地等)而异(individualise的现在分词,等于individualize)

2、individualists ─── n.利己主义者,个人主义者

3、individualist ─── n.利己主义者,个人主义者

4、individualises ─── v.赋予个性;使表现出区别;使适应个别需要(等于individualize)

5、individualiser ─── 个人主义者

6、individualise ─── v.赋予个性;使表现出区别;使适应个别需要(等于individualize)

7、nonindividualistic ─── 非个人的

8、individualisation ─── 个性化

9、individualised ─── adj.针对个人的,个性化的;v.使个性化;使适应个别需要;使表现出区别(individualise的过去式及过去分词,individualise等于individualize)

individualistic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An individualist and ambitious hard worker, W. ─── 个人主义者和野心勃勃的认真工作的人,W.

2、The least faviorite characteristics include individualistic, introversion, arrogant, rebellious, implusive, stubborn, nonconforming, question norms, sensitive and emulative. ─── 中学教师对创造性学生的判断更看重认知能力,而轻视创造性人格的表现。

3、It can only be socialist democracy, people's democracy, and not bourgeois democracy, individualist democracy. ─── 中国人民今天所需要的民主,只能是社会主义民主或称人民民主,而不是资产阶级的个人主义的民主。

4、Progression of an art form created by various individualistic artistes categorized as professionals, moving away from the main theme crafted by the creator at his difficult time. ─── 一个连续的进程,通过艺术形式创造出各具独特个性的角色,并用演员进行专业细致的划分,在创造者既定的时间里往来穿梭于主题。

5、Most artists are very individualistic. ─── 大多数艺术家都非常我行我素。

6、Use an extended example to illustrate the contrast between the individualist point of view and the communitarian point of view on one specific social issue. ─── 举一个有相当长度的例子,说明某一具体社会问题上的个体主义与集体主义。(不要简单地说个体主义不好、集体主义好等!不要扣大帽子!要让事实说话。

7、Psy/ Actually, if you are going out with a girlfriend, unless she is also an individualist at the same period... ─── 其实,如果你和女生约会的话,除非她同时也是个个人主义者...

8、Each human is unique. There are many situations that reward multiple viewpoints, and there is nothing like a team of individualistic humans to provide this variety. ─── 人类每个个体都是独一无二的。很多情况下,观点的多样性是有益的,而由个体的人类所组成的团队,在提供这种多样性上是无与伦比的。

9、Individualistic learning ─── 单干学习

10、Under Chinese culture, Nanjing students represent more self-enhancement on the collectivistic traits or future events than the individualistic ones. 3. ─── 南京学生在重要、可控的特质或事件上的自我增强水平分别高于在不重要、不可控特质或事件上的自我增强水平。

11、3.They are the latest in clutch of individualistic homemakers who have burrowed underground in search of tranquillity. ─── 他们是最近那些在地下挖地洞寻找安静的个人主义的主妇的离合器。

12、This patterned method of painting correlates to the individualistic modes that were common in the late Ming dynasty. ─── 图案化的笔墨形式,与晚明变形主义颇有契合之处。

13、The northern spirit was free and individualistic; the southern made for great estates and a conscious gentility ruling over a dusky subject multitude. ─── 北方精神强调的是自由和个性,而南方精神则倾向于大庄园,它支持有觉悟的上层阶级统治忧郁、臣服的民众。

14、individualistic culture ─── 个人主义文化

15、This has fully manifested that the new liberalist economics has its own one-sidedness and individualistic value orientation. ─── 充分体现了新自由主义经济学的片面性和个人主义价值取向。

16、The individualistic countries tend to put rights and privacy first. ─── 个人主义国家往往将权利和隐私置于首位。

17、He was independent and strong, a stubborn individualist. ─── 他是个自立、坚强而又固执的人。

18、Block is a great poet of symbolism and a famous lyricist in the Silver Period of Russian literature.He enjoyed high reputation in the world because of his individualistic linguistic art in his poetry. ─── 勃洛克是俄国白银时代伟大的象征主义诗人和抒情诗大师,以其个性化的诗歌语言艺术和独特的语言魅力享誉世界。

19、"So over time, we're moving towards a much more individualistic society. ─── 因此,我们将步入更加利己主义的社会。”

20、Compared with the work of individualistic painters in Ming and Qing Dynasty, the paintings of Bada Shanren manifested more tragic consciousness and historical quality and style. ─── 与明清两代个性主义画家相比,八大山人的绘画最具悲剧意识和历史品格,他也是中国绘画史上最具象征主义风格的绘画大师。

21、Only the atomistic thinking of the dogmatic individualist could deny that a new, homogeneous whole rather than compromising patchwork may be the result. ─── 只有最固执己见的个体主义者才会认为结果只可能是妥协和拼贴的作品而非全新的整体。

22、" Everyone agrees that Mark Pauline's pranks are above average, even for an individualist's town like San Francisco. ─── 即便在旧金山这个人人个性十足的地方,大家也都承认他的恶作剧水平不一般。

23、Psy/ You are an individualist which 21st Century wants/desires. ─── 你是一个21世纪专有的个人主义者。

24、Because China's aristocracy was always weak, her concepts of liberty were always more socialistic than individualistic. ─── 中国的贵族阶层一向是软弱的,因此,中国人所理解的自由不是个人的,而是社会的。

25、noumenon theory of individualistic life ─── 个体生命本体论

26、individualistic government ─── [法] 个人主义的政府, 独裁政府

27、Contrastive Analysis in the Study of Individualistic Culture and Environmentalistic Culture Represented Respectively in English and Chinese ─── 个人主义文化与环境主义文化在英汉语中的对比研究

28、individualistic altruistic motivation ─── 利己性利他动机

29、You may have your own individualistic, exclusive belief - but it is not the light of clarity. ─── 你也许有你自己个人主义的独有的信念——但那不是清澈的光。

30、Communist Values and Individualist Values ─── 共产主义价值观与个人主义价值观

31、In general, western cultures tend to be “individualistic. ─── 一般来说,西方的文化倾向于“自由主义。”

32、individualist orientation ─── 个人主义取向

33、Making the M21 Volga individualistic was the high waisted style, even though many design elements from contemporary US cars seemed to be present. ─── 使m21伏尔加个人主义是高低腰的风格,即使许多设计元素,从当代美国车似乎在场。

34、analysis based on such assumptions could be valid for a highly competitive, individualistic society. ─── 基于这种假设的分析可能对一个高度竞争、个人主义的社会有效。

35、And the theoretical and practical values lie in how the transformation happens from an individualist to a holist. ─── 因此,从二者的同一性上研究从“个人主义者”向“整体主义者”转变,是有理论意义和现实意义的。

36、A Survey of Theory and Practice of Individualistic Writing Instruction ─── 个性化作文教学的理论思考和实践意义

37、He is an individualist while they are hidebound; ─── 他是一个个人主义者当他们墨守成规时候;

38、GAURI NOOLKAR: "Another surprising thing was even though it is a very individualistic society, there is a notion that Americans just live for themselves. ─── 另一个惊奇是,即使这是一个强调个性的社会,有一种观念,美国人为自己而活。

39、Individualistic heroism ─── 个人英雄主义

40、individualist school ─── 个人主义派

41、Next,it should be pointed out that the source of ultra-democracy consists in the petty bourgeoisie's individualistic aversion to discipline. ─── 其次,要指出极端民主化的来源,在于小资产阶级的自由散漫性。

42、Individualistic education has a deep influence on a country's development. ─── 个性化教育对提高一个国家的国际竞争力存在深远影响。

43、Relatedly, the individualist falls into the pitfalls of reification, whereas the holist puts an end to the agency through the model of “over-socialization” of the individual. ─── 其结果导致“个人”在个体主义那里“社会化不足”,而在整体主义那里则“社会化过度”。

44、For Americans, Hunt notes that "creative destruction" implies an individualistic and iconoclastic approach to innovation. ─── 亨特提到,对于美国人而言,创造性破坏意味着通过个人主义和颠覆权威打破旧习的方式来实现创新。

45、Political philosophy has been the subject of a strong, decidedly individualistic American influence since the second world war. ─── 第二次世界大战以来,坚定推崇个人主义的强大美国对政治哲学产生了强大的影响。

46、TYPE B You're a rugged individualist who's straightforward and likes to do things your own way. ─── 你是个坦率的且喜欢以自己方式做事的个人主义者。

47、Adherents of A Former Dynasty in the Eyes of An Individualist--ZHOU Zuo-ren and Chinese Culture of Adherents of A Former Dynasty ─── 个人主义者眼中的遗民--论周作人与中国遗民文化之一

48、He was idealized as an individualist by many poor or newly rich. ─── 不少穷人和新富起来的人都把他看成是个人奋斗的典范。

49、Specifically, members of collectivistic cultures expect greater verbal indirectness, politeness, and non-immediacy than members of individualistic cultures. ─── 具体来说,集体主义文化的成员期望口头交流采用间接方式、有礼貌、不亲密。

50、Once analyzing with familist approach, there would be tow important differences from individualist approach: (1) Familism regards life as being unlimited, while individualism regards life as limited; ─── 一旦以家庭主义视角分析问题,就会产生两个与个人主义视角的重要区别:(1)在个人主义看来生命是有限的,而在家庭主义看来生命是无限的;

51、Our society has become too individualistic, with too much rivalry and not enough common purpose. ─── 们的社会已变得过于个人主义,有着过多的争斗,但共同目标不足。

52、Not the best team players and are individualistic. ─── 不是最佳团队合作者,个人主义的。

53、Features of PR and advertising in Russia: are the individualistic values of western mentality are acceptable for Chinese producers? ─── 俄罗斯广告及公共关系的特点:中国供应商可否接受西方个人主义消费习惯?

54、individualist method ─── 个体主义方法

55、individualistic solution ─── 个性解决

56、As a result it was more individualistic, centering almost completely on personal conversion and safe passage to heaven. ─── 结果它是更加个人主义,几乎只是集中在个人的改变和安全通往天堂的路。

57、But they are still economists, with worldviews that are still excessively individualistic and rationalistic. ─── 不过,他们仍旧是经济学家,他们的世界观仍具有极端的个人主义和理性主义色彩。

58、P>You fit in with:SpiritualismYour ideals are mostly spiritual, but in an individualistic way. ─── 你的理想大概精神上,但是以个人主义的方式。

59、Southern white culture is very individualistic, says Merle Black, a professor of politics at Emory University. ─── 一位埃默里大学的政治学教授MerleBlack说,南方的白人文化是非常个人主义。

60、When Andrew Jackson became president in 1829, many who were poor or newly rich idealized him as an individualist in their own likeness because he had started life in a log cabin in frontier territory. ─── 1829年安德鲁 - 杰克逊就任总统时,许多穷人或刚刚脱离贫穷的人把地理想化了,称他为与他们一模一样的个人主义者,因为他是在边疆的一间小木屋里出生的。

61、From there you can branch out into a blue with a Glen plaid, a gray with pinstripes and perhaps some individualistic lighter tones. ─── 在此基础上你可以再买一套蓝色花格呢的、一套灰色细条纹的或者是更个性化的浅色调西装。

62、"Cassano is an individualist," he explained. ─── “卡萨诺是一个个人主义者,”他解释道。

63、individualistic economy ─── 个人主义经济

64、Individualist Reading: the Returning to Original purity of Reading ─── 个性化阅读:阅读主体的本真回归

65、His music is highly individualistic and may not appeal to everyone. ─── 他的音乐很独特,可能不是人人都喜欢的。

66、individualistic motive ─── 个人主义动机

67、Hisspiritual, expressionistic view of art was ultimately rejected by themore radical members of the Institute as too individualistic andbourgeois. ─── 他的精神,表现主义的艺术观点最终被驳回,更激进的成员的研究所过于个人主义和资产阶级的。

68、"The American culture was set up to be a more individualist culture and the British culture was more about the gentlemanly behaviour," Mr Savage says. ─── “美国文化是一种更加个人主义的文化而英国文化更加注重绅士的行为方式”,赛维哲先生指出,“你要知道那是一个绅士文化占社会主流的爱德华时期。”

69、Individual character development should accord with the fundamental human values, which doesn't mean to deviate from the collective nor to be an individualist. ─── 个性发展应符合人类基本价值准则,个性发展不等于背离集体,不等于个人主义。

70、They were Jeffersonian in their disdain for patricians, Jacksonian in their belief in individualistic, competitive enterprise. ─── 他们是鄙视贵族的杰弗逊主义者(Jeffersonian),信奉个人主义,崇尚企业自由竞争。

71、It is standard and hoggish spirit with me, it is the individualistic 2 heavy connotation of its spirit. ─── 以我为本位与利己之精神,是其精神之个人主义的二重内涵。

72、In stark contrast to the faceless anonymity of the stormtrooper ranks or the precision drilling of Imperial Academy training, Alliance troops were aggressively individualistic and much more rag-tag. ─── 和暴风骑兵的蒙面无名战士及帝国学会的精兵形成突出对比的是,同盟部队成员更具攻击性,个性更为鲜明,即便地位低下。

73、individualistic school ─── 个体论学派

74、Civic nationalism is usually individualistic, but it can be collectivistic. ─── 公民/国家民族主意通常是个人主义,但它也可以是集体主义。

75、Individulism and Collectivism are central to all the cultural values. China belongs to the collectivist culture while the United States belongs to the individualist culture. ─── 个人主义和团体主义是所有文化价值观的核心。中国属于团体主义价值观,美国属于个人主义价值观。

76、individualistic ideal ─── 个人主义的思想/理想

77、The fundamental difference between traditional Chinese society and modern Western society is that the former is a familist society while the latter is an individualist one. ─── 中国传统社会与现代西方社会的根本不同在于,前者是家庭主义社会,而后者是个人主义社会。

78、Individualistic writing ─── 个人化写作

79、He said oneself is "the individualist which cannot be taught", growsin the Kang bridge microwave, the exercise and even was fashionable for a time. ─── 他说自己是个“不可教训的个人主义者”,在康桥的微波中成长,锻炼乃至风靡一时。

80、an egoist; a self-seeker; an individualist ─── 利己主义者

81、Because the novel put stress on the society tragedy of Xiangzi instead of the character tragedy of Xiangzi , the character power of Xiangzi as individualist is not showed enough in the real prospect . ─── 但是,由于小说文本竭力强调祥子性格悲剧中的社会悲剧意味,因之,从文本中所呈示的现实图景来看,祥子作为市民个性主义者所应该具有的性格力量,并未被文本充分展示出来。

82、individualistic reward structure ─── 个别奖赏结构

83、A behavioural economist says data suggests Britons in that era were more inclined to be "gentlemanly" while Americans were more "individualist". ─── 一个行为经济学家声称,资料显示那个时候的英国人更倾向于绅士风度,而美国人则自我得多。

84、Her father, a yacht and airplane designer, and her mother, a portrait painter, were both free spirits and very individualistic. ─── 她的父亲是一名游艇和飞机设计师,母亲是肖像画家,两人都无拘无束且崇尚个人主义。

85、Jesus did not live with an individualistic ideology to find the value of his own individual life or with individualistic love. ─── 耶稣并不是藉著过一个自我意识形态的生活,来寻找他自己的个人生命或个人的爱的价值。

86、But extensive development can also cause conflicts, particularly in an individualist, competitive society. ─── 但高度的发展,特别是在个人主义的,竞争的社会中,却可能引起冲突。

87、Individualistic education ─── 个性化教育

88、His music is highly individualistic and may not appeal to everyone. ─── 他的音乐很独特,可能不是人人都喜欢的。

89、15 The truth is that many Westerners let the pursuit of more individualistic goals interfere with their family life, even at the cost of the happiness of their family members. ─── 15实际情况是,许多西方人为了追逐更多的个人目标,可以置家庭生活于不顾,即使这样做会牺牲自己家人的幸福也在所不惜.

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