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09-13 投稿



incubator 发音

英:[ˈɪŋkjubeɪtər]  美:[ˈɪŋkjubeɪtə(r)]

英:  美:

incubator 中文意思翻译



incubator 短语词组

1、compartment incubator ─── [建] 间格培育箱

2、electric incubator ─── [电] 电孵箱

3、Incubator (egg) ─── 孵化器(鸡蛋)

4、incubator cleaner ─── 培养箱清洁器

5、flat incubator ─── 平板培养箱

6、incubator bird ─── 孵化器鸟

7、incubator state ─── 培养箱状态

8、orbital shaker incubator ─── 轨道振动培养箱

9、incubator association nevada ─── 内华达州孵化器协会

10、incubator shaker ─── 恒温振荡培养箱;培养摇床

11、effigy incubator ─── 这样的孵化器

12、high-tech incubator ─── 高科技孵化器

incubator 词性/词形变化,incubator变形


incubator 相似词语短语

1、incubatory ─── adj.孵蛋的;潜伏的(等于incubative)

2、insulator ─── n.[物]绝缘体;从事绝缘工作的工人

3、incubation ─── n.孵化;[病毒][医]潜伏;抱蛋

4、incubators ─── n.育成中心;培养器;[禽]孵化员(incubator的复数)

5、incubate ─── vt.孵化;培养;温育;逐渐发展;vi.孵化;酝酿;n.孵育物

6、incubations ─── [动]孵化;[病毒][医]潜伏(期)(incubation的复数)

7、incubates ─── vt.孵化;培养;温育;逐渐发展;vi.孵化;酝酿;n.孵育物

8、inculcator ─── n.教诲者

9、incubated ─── vt.孵化;培养;温育;逐渐发展;vi.孵化;酝酿;n.孵育物

incubator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Another leading edge company, RSI, ID Technologies, began its success story in a much different way opening in an incubator space in Chula Vista in 1991. ─── 另一家国际级公司RSI,ID技术有限公司在1991年落户丘拉维斯塔市,并在当地一家孵化基地内设厂,开创了其传奇成功的兴业历史。

2、For example, business incubator lacks funds and the management level of incubate enterprises are low, but there are few projects which can be supported by venture capital. ─── 企业孵化器与风险投资存在互补性:企业孵化器资金不足,孵化企业的管理水平低; 而风险投资则可供的项目少。

3、In fact, the organizers of the event refer to it as "a weekend incubator on steroids . ─── 事实上,事件的组织者称之为“一个类固醇上的周末孵化器”。

4、Incubator ought to focus on cultivating entrepreneur spirit ─── 孵化器应着力培育企业家精神

5、high-tech business incubator ─── 创业园

6、But Spano managed to turn the orchestra into a world-class ensemble as well as an incubator for new American music. ─── 不过,斯帕诺把这个乐团改变成了一个世界级的团体,一个为新美国音乐培养人才的地方。

7、The incubator provides some interesting projects that might come to fruition in the near future. ─── 孵化器提供了一些有趣的项目,它们可能在不久的将来会走向成熟。

8、Beijing Biomedical Hi -Tech Incubator ─── 北京生物医药高科技孵化器

9、Think about it, for instance a good portion of humans will come from a test tube, nurtured in an incubator, does not have parents, no relatives. ─── 你想想看,假如一部分人士从试管,培养箱里造出来的,没有父母、没有亲戚。

10、A baby kangaroo named Tijana is seen in the incubator in Belgrade zoo. Her mother, after being scared by an emu, ran away and six-month-old Tijana fell from the pouch. ─── 塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德动物园,一头名叫狄佳娜的小袋鼠被放在孵化器里喂养。她的妈妈之前由于受到鸸鹋的惊吓而逃跑,途中六个月大的狄佳娜从育儿袋中跌落下来。

11、For the past year he has worked in the Emerging Technologies area overseeing a variety of incubator projects. ─── 去年他进入Emerging Technologies领域,主管了多个孵化器项目。

12、Survey the Incubator in India, Irish and Britain ─── 印度 爱尔兰 英国创业园孵化器调查

13、Probe into the Information Interchange of the Business Incubator Cluster ─── 从空间规划探讨企业孵化器集群的信息交流

14、Technical Incubator Progremme of Israel ─── 以色列的技术孵化器计划

15、Indeed, the biggest dangers Russia poses to the West may be as an incubator of assorted diseases and of Islamist extremism. ─── 事实上,俄罗斯带给西方世界的最大威胁可能是其为许多疾病的温床和伊斯兰极端势力的据点。

16、To attract high-tech companies, a business incubator base has been established to industrialize high-tech research fruits. ─── 为吸引高科技企业投资,园区内专为高科技成果转化设立了基地。

17、Business Incubator and Government Act ─── 企业孵化器和政府行为

18、Research on Business Incubator Conjoined Venture Capital ─── 企业孵化器与风险投资的融合研究

19、carbon dioxide cell incubator ─── 二氧化碳细胞培养箱

20、We set up a lab in a tent with all the equipment and the chicks fully hatched out in an incubator. ─── 我们在帐篷里建起了实验室,里面有所有的设备,幼雏们在一个孵化器中被完好地孵化出来。

21、Beijing Jinghai Hi-tech Business Incubator Co., Ltd. ─── 北京京海科技企业孵化器有限公司。

22、Continuing Education Center Innovation Incubator ─── 创新育成中心

23、Caohejing Innovation Center is the first business incubator in China to have received the certificate of ISO9001 quality system. ─── 创业中心在全国创业中心范围内首家通过ISO9001国际质量体系的认证。

24、However, the irradiance did not correlate with the age of the incubator. ─── 相对地,光度与保温箱机龄之间并不具有相关性。

25、The Incubator ( Guangdong ) Base consists of entitative incubator and virtual incubator. ─── 国家“ 863 ” 软件专业孵化器广东基地由实体孵化器、虚拟孵化器构成。

26、Oriental Huachuang Enterprise Incubator Co., Ltd. ─── 东方华创企业孵化器有限公司。

27、In 1962 someone at the Genetics Institute in Pavia, Italy, turned up the temperature in an incubator holding fruit flies. ─── 1962年,在义大利巴维亚遗传学研究所里,有人调高了某个果蝇培养箱的温度。

28、In June 2006, "the working conference of Incubator Center Committee" was held by Innovation Center in Hi-Tech Incubation Park. ─── 2006年6月,由创新中心承办的"中高协创业中心专委会工作会议"在高新孵化园举行.

29、One day, a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a visit. When they came near the incubator, chick just got out of its egg shell. ─── 一天,老师带学生到养鸡场参观,当他们走近孵化器时,刚好一隻小鸡破壳而出。

30、The incubator is the cradle of breeding small and middle sci-tech firms,and is the critical part of high-tech industrialization and regional innovation system. ─── 孵化器是培育中小型科技企业的摇篮,是高新技术产业化和区域创新体系的重要组成部分。

31、Long before the territory became known as a world class financial centre, it was an incubator of entrepreneurship home-grown, local variety. ─── 在香港成为举世闻名的世界级金融中心前,它曾长期充当企业家精神的孵化器——特别是“孵化”了那些土生土长的本地“品种”。

32、Research on Non - Seeking Profit of Enterprise Incubator ─── 企业孵化器非营利性研究

33、The Thought on Chinese Enterprise Incubator's Contrary Theory ─── 中国企业孵化器悖论

34、A Discussion on the Development Pattern of University science park--Incubator or Industry? ─── 大学科技园发展模式探讨--立足孵化还是大搞产业?

35、The development of the incubator has a crucial effect on inducting the independent innovation of the enterprise. ─── 企业是自主创新的主体,而孵化器的发展对引导企业自主创新起决定性作用。

36、SIFE is an incubator, breeding a loving-heart, nourishing self-confidence and producing many a young group which can do well. ─── SIFE是孵化器,它抚育着善心催生着自信,必将造就出一个又一个有为的青年群体。

37、Accordingly, the lab is considered as an incubator of liquor scientific development in China. ─── “酿酒”重点实验室是中国白酒科学化的孵化器。

38、It was a cold night. The ornithologists, not having an incubator on hand, used their heads and came up with the next best thing. ─── 天气很冷,那些鸟类学家手头又没有孵化器,灵机一动就想到了那最佳选择。

39、Back in our kitchen, we constructed a primitive incubator from an empty fish aquarium, clamping a reflector light to its upper rim. ─── 回到厨房后,我们用空鱼缸做了个简陋的孵卵箱,上缘夹着一盏反射灯。

40、Hi-tech Innovation Service Center is called business incubator in America,aiming at serving the science-based S &M enterprises. ─── “高新技术创业服务中心”在美国被称为“企业孵化器”,是为科技型中小企业服务的。

41、The theory of enterprise incubator and its enlightenment to China ─── 企业孵化器理论及其对我国的启示

42、Investigation Report on Enterprise Incubator in Beijing and Tianjin ─── 北京、天津地区企业孵化器考察报告

43、agricultural science and technology incubator ─── 农业科技企业孵化器

44、serve controlled infant incubator ─── 伺服控制婴儿保温箱

45、The college campus as an incubator of radical new sociological concepts. ─── 大学校园是产生激进的社会学新概念的温床。

46、When having entered into Fanghezhengyuan incubator, the pioneering business starts coming into incubation cultivation stage, which is a key stage for growth and development of incubated business. ─── 初创企业入驻方和正圆孵化器后,就开始进入孵化培育阶段,这是在孵企业成长和发展的关键阶段。

47、Organiztional Change of Business Incubator ─── 企业孵化器的组织变革

48、The business incubator promoting social shaping of technological innovation ─── 企业孵化器促进技术创新社会生成的研究

49、The key point for enterprise-like incubator to operate is to build up and enhance its creation service function, and enhance its incubation efficiency. ─── 孵化器企业化运营,关键还在于创业服务功能的培育和增强,提高孵化企业效率。

50、Encourage the entrepreneurs of tomorrow by starting a youth program at your incubator. ─── 在你的孵化器里鼓励明天的企业家建立青年的创业计划。

51、The Competitive Advantages of the Professional Technology Business Incubator ─── 专业技术型企业孵化器的竞争优势研究

52、Keep this in mind as you read about the incubator components in this section—they are very cool but incomplete. ─── 当你阅读这一节的孵化器组件时,要记住的一点是——它们很酷但不完整。

53、One day, a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a visit. When they came near the incubator, a chick just got out of its eggshell. ─── 一天,老师带着小学生们参观养鸡场,当他们走近孵化室的时候,一只小鸡正好从蛋壳中钻出来。

54、Outside Hollywood, California itself is an incubator of American slang, producing phrases such as bodacious, awesome and many more. ─── 出了好莱坞,加州本身就造就了美国俚语的普遍,创造了胆大包天的(棒的)引人敬畏的以及许多其他的词汇。

55、Beijing Biomedical Hi-Tech Incubator ─── 北京医孵

56、It's the “Incubator”of the effective organization. ─── 制度是形成有效组织的“孵化器”,而有效的经济组织是经济增长的关键 ;

57、In fungus culture test.fungus incubator may be contaminated,cause further contamination in the next experiment,may be cause staff infection too. ─── 在真菌培养检验中,真菌培养箱有可能被污染,造成下步实验的污染,也可能造成人员的感染。

58、Development and application of an incubator for premature infant ─── 一种早产婴儿培养箱的研制与应用

59、In 2005, Haidian Overseas Students Pioneer Park is awarded the Best Social Return Prize in an international incubator contest. ─── 2005年,北京市留学人员海淀创业园在国际孵化器评选中获得“最佳社会收益奖”。

60、Listen as five former RPI incubator managers share lessons learned from a quarter century of experience. ─── 5个孵化器的创始人将与大家分享4分之1个世纪的经验。

61、Conducting an effective fund-raising campaign helps ensure adequate resources for your incubator. ─── 保持一个有效的增长基金运作模式将保证对孵化器提供足够的资源。

62、In order to accelerate the development of Xiangfan,to develop incubator's assembly effects and to enhance the brand of Xiangfan high and new-tech business incubator,it involves conso... ─── 为了促进襄樊经济发展,发挥孵化器的聚集效应,提升襄樊高新技术企业孵化器的品牌,该孵化器需要进行内部资源整合、转变管理方式、加强网络化建设、强化个性化服务。

63、Developing strategic community partnerships, particularly with other entrepreneur assistance organizations, helps ensure an incubator's success. ─── 发展中的战略合作伙伴,特别是企业家协会,将帮助孵化器成功。

64、Learn practical ways to serve this market and find out about an incubator network being established as a gateway to federal and corporate contracts and grants. ─── 学习实用的方法服务于市场并找出一个正在建立中的孵化器网络,成为联邦和社会共同的必由之路。

65、lamp for incubator sterilizing, ultra violet ─── 婴儿培养箱消毒用紫外线灯


67、The nation-state, though he was well aware of its parochial and xenophobic limitations, seemed to be liberty's best incubator. ─── 国家似乎是自由的最佳孵化器,虽然他非常清楚其狭隘和排外的局限。

68、Will China's growth wipe out the rest of the world's efforts to curb global warming - or can the country be an incubator for positive solutions? ─── 中国因高速发展会抵消其它国家极力为全球变暖而作的努力吗?还是说这个国家将能酝酿和促成积极的解决方案?

69、transferring eastern enterprise incubator to western China ─── 东孵西移

70、The Tianjin University Science and Technology Park is the largest incubator in TEDA. ─── 天津大学科技园是天津开发区最大的高新技术产业化基地。

71、SMF will become the regional technical center and talent incubator, providing people development and career opportunities. ─── SMF亦将成为区域性的技术中心及人才培养和发展的基地。

72、To further facilitate research, NCU invested in a science and technology park which is now an incubator of 108 enterprises and research institutions on the premises. ─── 2004年,教育部和江西省人民政府签署共建南昌大学协议;

73、A Study on Business Incubator ─── 企业孵化器研究

74、It would be neither a venture capital fund nor a start-up incubator such as Bill Gross's IdeaLab in Pasadena, but a bit of both. ─── 它既不是风险投资基金,也不是像比尔•格罗斯(BillGross)在加州帕萨迪纳创立的IdeaLab那样的初创企业孵化器,而是两者兼而有之。

75、To participate in egg match, the evolution of new types of eggs, and eventually jump out of the incubator Piribebuy Pula. ─── 介绍:参加蛋的匹配,演变出新种类的蛋,并最终孵化出跳跃的皮里普拉。

76、Beijing Microelectronic Enterprise Design Incubator Established ─── 北京微电子设计企业孵化器成立

77、an incubator; a brooder; a hatcher ─── 孵卵器

78、Sacrifice Myr Incubator: Search your library for any number of artifact cards, remove them from the game, then put that many 1/1 Myr artifact creature tokens into play. ─── {六},{横置},牺牲秘耳抚育器:从你的牌库中搜寻任意数量的神器牌,将它们移出游戏,然后放置相同数量之1/1秘耳神器生物衍生物进场。

79、The incubator just gets you through the door and may coach you on what to say as you walk through. ─── 培育中心只是把你领进门,也许还会叫你怎样通过初试。

80、At this NBIA Forum discussion, gain information that will help you tap into growing demand for security technology and services that could mean additional revenue streams for your incubator and its clients. ─── 在本次年会论坛中,将获得有关安全技术和服务的信息将帮助你的孵化器获得稳定的收入。

81、The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Incubator Program, an industry pioneer, is marking 25 years in operation. ─── ROI研究所孵化器项目,是本行最早的先锋,已经操作了25年。

82、Are you a new incubator manager interested in expanding your community's resources for entrepreneurs? ─── 作为一个新孵化器的经理,你有兴趣为企业家们扩展你的社会资源?

83、All the parameters of incubator are agreement, just the different volume of the workroom about the model. ─── 培养箱的各项性能参数均一致,型号只是工作室容积大小的区别。

84、Muenster's zoo director Joerg Adler, left, and zoo vet Sandra Silinski, right, check up on Mary Zwo as she rests in an incubator, July 1, 2007. ─── 七月一日,敏斯特动物园的主任荣尔格.阿德勒(左)与园内兽医珊卓拉.西琳斯基(右)为躺在保温箱里的玛莉苏进行检查。

85、Keywords incubator;temperature control;yawp;fan;humidity; ─── 婴儿培养箱;温度控制;噪声;风机;湿度;

86、Effects of the goose eggs positions in incubator on the birth rate ─── 在孵化器中,鹅种蛋不同摆放方式对出雏率的影响

87、carbon dioxide gas incubator ─── 二氧化碳气体培养箱

88、As an important part of industrial park incubator center project has been in Baoding High-tech Zone Science and Technology Industrial Park first started. ─── 作为产业园重要组成部分的孵化中心项目已经在保定高新区科技产业园先行启动。

89、As an intermediary service organization,business incubator has it's own law of development. ─── 企业孵化器作为一种中介服务机构,也有其自身发展规律。

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