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09-13 投稿



solidify 发音

英:[səˈlɪdɪfaɪ]  美:[səˈlɪdɪfaɪ]

英:  美:

solidify 中文意思翻译




solidify 网络释义

vt. 团结;凝固vi. 团结;凝固

solidify 反义词

hollow |liquid | fluid | gaseous

solidify 同义词

inseparable | resistant | pyramid | icosahedron | credible | block | item | dense | artefact | concrete | fixed | rigid | solid state | hearty | crowded | indivisible | firm | durable | satisfying | self-coloured | tetrahedron | beefy | figure | sphere | self-colored | unanimous | constant | physical | fast | sturdy | entire | changeless | single | object | artifact |thing | complete | cube | upstanding | massive | hard | muscular | substantial | unshaken | stocky | continuous | strong | whole | sound | solidness | square

solidify 词性/词形变化,solidify变形


solidify 短语词组

1、solidify meaning ─── 巩固意义

2、solidify definition ─── 巩固定义

3、solidify means ─── 固化方式

4、solidify ab ─── 固化ab

5、solidify escrow ─── 巩固托管

6、solidify 3d ─── 固化3d

7、solidify synonym ─── 固化同义词

8、solidify pea gravel ─── 固结豌豆砾石

solidify 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Formerly, people thinkhemorrhage is single phase process and quickly stop because of blood solidify andoppress from surrounding brain organization. ─── 以往人们认为脑出血是一单时相过程,由于血液凝固和周围脑组织的压迫,出血会很快停止。

2、Consequently, do not " " of the most numerous people coagulates solidify, namely caky go up in a few specific society estate. ─── 因而,切莫把"最广大人民"凝固化,即凝固在几个特定的社会阶层上。

3、The company is in the light of the business enterprise spirit of"earnest and sincere solidify, gram the exhausted job guard,self-renewal independence and expand a development". ─── 公司本着"精诚团结、克尽职守、自强自立、开拓发展"的企业精神。

4、In addition, mass culture has become an ideological instrument to deceive the mass, and to dominate the mass' consciousness and unconsciousness, so as to defend and solidify society. ─── 不仅如此,大众文化还成为欺骗大众、固化社会的工具;它不仅控制大众的精神意识,而且还操纵大众的深层心理。

5、Let tears and rum dissolve the snow of the Winterspring, but allow no crippled statue to solidify further an already broken heart.... ─── "让泪水和朗母酒一同融解冬泉谷的冰雪,别让残缺的雕像继续凝结破碎的心灵"......

6、It should include supporting examples and reasons that solidify your argument and convince the reader to think the way you to about a subject. ─── 它应该提出可以支持你的观点的例子和理由来强化你的论点并说服读者从你的角度来思考某一个观点。

7、Koch preceived that it would be far better if one could solidify a well-tried liquid medium with some clear substance. ─── koch设想,如果能用某种透明物质将经过多次试验的培养液固化可能更好。

8、Reinforce Basic Public Security Work and Solidify the Cornerstone of Building Harmonious Society ─── 加强公安基层基础工作筑牢和谐社会建设基石

9、But that's not to say that lie-detection won't eventually find a place in the courts, as the science and ethics of brain scanning solidify. ─── 但随着大脑扫描的科学与伦理基础的加强,也许某一天测谎技术会在法庭中找到自己的位置。

10、1.(of vapor or steam) to condense; to liquefy; 2.(of liquid) to solidify; to congeal3.to concentrated attention ─── 凝

11、Condition of solidify of damp and hot is used when using, solidify rate is rapidder, and volatilize without solvent, be helpful for labor safety and protection. ─── 使用时利用湿热固化条件 ,固化速度较快 ,且无溶剂挥发 ,有利于劳动安全和保护。

12、Large financial servicesinstitutions are using RIAs to solidify their brand with customers andspeed up internal business decision-making through better interactionwith mission-critical data. ─── 大型金融服务机构使用RIA在用户中巩固他们的品牌,通过更好的关键任务数据互动加速内部商业决策。

13、If, like other substances, water became more dense as it froze, the lakes, the rivers, and the seas would solidify from the bottom up entombing everything in ice! ─── 如果和其它物质一样,水在结冰时也变得更重,那么江河湖海都会从底部开始整个的固化,让所有的一切都葬身冰块之中。

14、Effective Analysis of Radio Frequency Solidify Knife for Diagnosis and Treatment of Uterine Hemorrhage ─── 射频凝固刀治疗子宫出血疗效分析

15、Not only did it solidify in response to changes in acidity, it also did so in response to changes in temperature, being liquid at room temperature and solid at body temperature. ─── 它不仅能在酸度变化中硬化,也能在温度变化中硬化,在室温下呈液态,而在体温下呈固态。

16、If you leave it in a cool place, the jelly will solidify. ─── 如果你把果冻放在阴凉处,它就会凝结起来。

17、I pray that the next time you see an un-cracked nut, God will use that to solidify your understanding of forgiveness, just as He did for me. ─── 我祈祷,下次你看到一个完整核桃的时候,上帝能用核桃教你坚定对宽容的理解,就像他教导我一样。

18、Against such a background, it serves the fundamental interests of both sides to solidify political trust and intensify strategic cooperation. ─── “中阿合作论坛”的创立和发展,为双方加强集体对话与协作开辟了广阔前景。

19、Type should be used for marble, granite surface glazing, renovate posterior UV paint solidify. ─── 典型应用于大理石,花岗石表面上光,修补后的UV油漆固化。

20、The discharge line shall be heat traced when the PSV handles viscous materials or other materials that can solidify as they cool to ambient temperature. ─── 如果压力安全阀处理粘性介质或其它可能凝固的介质,因介质遇到环境温度会发生凝固,所以排放管线应安装伴热管。

21、Having a journal will help to solidify your thoughts. ─── 写日记可以让你理清思路。

22、The Energy Department plans to solidify the deadly waste in a high-tech billion-dollar factory. ─── 能源部计划在一家斥资10亿美元的高科技工厂里凝固这些致命的废物。

23、Some farmers even clear trees as a way to solidify land claims: fines from Brazil's environmental agency can create a paper trail that acts as proof of ownership. ─── 一些农民甚至为了牢固自己的土地产权而把树全部砍光了:因为巴西环保署开具的罚款单可以作为产权的证明。

24、It explores the notification from its application and degree,reiterates its clinical application principle from the key points in "reinforcing the essence to solidify the root". ─── 从补法的运用及程度的衡量;不可当补不补;"扶正固本"的治法要诀等方面阐述了中医补法临床运用原则。

25、Top Grade settings, whole lines are automatic, Two press and one Horizontal Double Layer Solidify line. ─── 两机一线(两台压机,一条双层卧式固化线)属于高级配置,整线全自动;

26、In order to solidify the Nazi regime, the purpose of the above mentioned exhibitions were mainly tools to control the collective consciousness of the German people. ─── 两者无不在使艺术成为铸造纳粹德国人民集体意识的政治工具。

27、LS liquid silicon rubber, printer ink : The liquid silicon can solidify into a plyable/flexible form under different conditions. ─── LS液体矽橡胶、油墨:液态矽橡胶可在不同的条件下硬化成弹性体.

28、Quick solidification:production areas usually require floor construction to be completed as soon as possible.Therefore,floor materials selected should be able to solidify quickly. ─── 固化快生产区域通常需要在最短的时间内完成地面的施工,因此选用的地板材料需要有快速固化的性能。

29、The mixture will solidify into toffee. ─── 这种混合物凝固后就成了太妃糖。

30、A steel ball slowly sinks down into a chrome tube and then rises back up like magic, then both objects solidify into a solid piece of metal! ─── 一个钢球慢慢地下沉至一支铭黄管,然后上升起来,之后两者变成一个金属固体。

31、Solidify and struggilng, practical and creative, heing of elite the industry, setting up model of quality. ─── 团结拼搏、求实创新、做行业精英、树品质代表。

32、Cold should solidify the jelly . ─── 冷冻可使果冻凝固。

33、Opinion on this question began to solidify. ─── 对这个问题的意见开始具体化了。

34、Development of Strippable Appressed Coating by Absorbing Moisture to Solidify for Corrosion Protection ─── 吸湿固化可剥离贴体防腐蚀封存膜的研制

35、Extreme cold will solidify water into ice. ─── 严寒会使水结成冰。

36、One theory is that sleep helps solidify memories by replaying information learned during the day. ─── 一种理论认为,睡眠期间,我们会温习白天获得的信息,进而巩固记忆;

37、The ROC's "All-Out Defense Mobilization Act," which was legislated in 2001, shows that the government attempts to solidify the national consensus of all citizens through spirit mobilization. ─── 中文摘要现代的战争与现代的国防,已不是单纯的军事行为,而是牵动整个国力、军力、民力与精神力的综合行为;

38、The force between a pair of helium atoms is so weak that helium does not solidify at all. ─── 一对氦原子之间的作用力微弱得使氦根本不能固化。

39、Planting some sand willows here can solidify the dyke. ─── 在这里种植一些沙柳可以起到巩固堤坝的作用。

40、Also, throughout the formative years temptations were kept out of the way of the young people, so that their honesty could have every chance to harden and solidify, and become a part of their very bone. ─── 另外,在整个发育期里,青年人要与一切诱惑彻底隔绝,这样,他们的诚实就能够利用一点一滴的机会变得坚定而牢固,成为他们的主心骨。

41、Saturn will urge you to solidify your union. ─── 土星将促进巩固你的想法。

42、If your soup cooled to solidify This proves that your soup Aodao home. ─── 如果冷却后你的汤能凝固,这证明你的汤熬到家了。

43、Pit and fissure sealant of light solidify ─── 光固化窝沟封闭

44、Don't grasp at it, feed it, or indulge it, don't cling to it, and don't try to solidify it. ─── 不要执著、强、溺、抓着它;也不要让它具体化。

45、Unswervingly Solidify the instructive leading position of Marxism in the realm of ideology and theory ─── 始终不渝地巩固马克思主义在思想理论领域的指导地位

46、Only would make the athlete of the dissimilarity nation got together mutually peaceably, let me feel the comity, solidify, power. ─── 只有和平才会使不同国家的运动员相聚在一起,让我感到了友谊、团结、力量。

47、McCallum: In most of these cases, management is simply trying to solidify the fan base, providing the perception that Hey, we're doing something! ─── 在这些情况下,管理动作其实只是简单地稳定下球迷的情绪,告诉他们,你看,我们还是在做事的。

48、Palin was elected governor on a populist platform, and her conservative principles helped to solidify support within the Republican Party for McCain's presidential run. ─── 佩林以高票当选阿拉斯加州州长。在和麦凯恩参议员搭档竞选总统时,她的保守立场加强了共和党内对他们的支持。

49、In order to solidify the relationship, they may opt for indirect interactions without regard for the time involved in getting to know the other negotiator. ─── 为了强化这种关系,他们会选择间接的互动方式,而对了解对方谈判员所花费时间忽略不计。

50、SETA will solidify all the members and do better coordination among government, elevator industry and association members. ─── 团结全体会员单位,做好政府和行业之间、会员与会员之间的桥梁和纽带作用。

51、From the glue combination effect among soil grain to change the native hydrotropism to solidify the soil. ─── 固化土材料是通过在土壤颗粒间的胶联作用改变土壤原有的亲水性能,使土壤得到固化。

52、The brothers sister solidify together! ─── 兄弟姐妹团结在一起!

53、To cause to solidify or coagulate or to undergo a process likened to solidification or coagulation. ─── 使凝结使固化或凝结或使经历类似于固化或凝结的过程

54、After her husband's death, Hatshepsut famously portrayed herself as a man in a bid to solidify her claim to the throne over that of her young stepson. ─── 在她的丈夫亡故后,哈特谢普苏特将自己打扮成男人的样子,从她年幼的过继儿子手中夺走了王位。

55、Paradoxically, the very decline in the economic role of agriculture has tended to solidify its political power. ─── 似乎有悖常理的是,农业的经济地位的下降越发增强了农业的政治势力。

56、Therefore, enterprise should be able to enhance its own constitution as well as solidify the ability of self-management. ─── 因此,如何让企业能建全自身管理能力,强化企业体质,也是企业所必需追求的。

57、Peace solidify of world, great strong motherland, I lovely of Peking-will at 2008 hold the 29th Olympic game this prosperous matter in the world. ─── 和平团结的世界、伟大强盛的祖国、我可爱的北京--将在2008年举办第29届奥运会这一世界盛事。

58、Here the task is to examine an aspect of a topic critically, to solidify vague but provocative notions, or to use the paper to strengthen your own interest in a special area. ─── 在此,是对论点的某一方面进行批判性的检验,使模糊的更坚固但可激发想法,或者用报告在特定的领域来延伸自己的兴趣。

59、Why does Bulgarian Rose Otto solidify at times? ─── 为何保加利亚玫瑰油经常凝固?

60、At the Reward, one Survivor works diligently to solidify an alliance. ─── 在奖励赛,为了巩固联盟,一个幸存者作出不懈的努力。

61、Keeping this kind of character sketch can help you solidify your character's personality, so that it remains consistent throughout your story. ─── 保持这种人物草图能帮你巩固你角色的性格,以在你整个故事中保持一致性。

62、Therefore, to create the basic condition of social harmony, we must first of all solidify the moral base for fair play and justice. ─── 因此,为了创设社会和谐的基本条件,首先要夯实公平正义的道德基础。

63、Keywords semi-solid;aluminum silicon alloy;solidify;rare eath; ─── 半固态;铝硅合金;凝固;稀土;

64、Don't grasp at it,feed it,or indulge it,don't cling to it,and do not try to solidify it. ─── 不要执著、增强、沉溺、紧抓着它;也不要让它具体化。

65、To solidify his recommendation, the arguer should give more concrete information to show that the experiment is strictly controlled. ─── 不过第二段太长了,“没有提供两个实验组中的病人情况”和“两个医师的不同经验也会影响实验的结果”可以分两段来写。

66、The public opinion may solidify. ─── 公众舆论也许会一致起来。

67、If you had a defect in the bone, you could inject it into the defect.It would solidify immediately to fill the defect and release bone morphogenic proteins to enhance healing. ─── 如果你需要修复骨缺损,你可以将其注射到缺损部位,它将迅速凝固填补缺损并能释放骨形态形成蛋白促进组织修复。”

68、Produce and use of MOX fuel make the imposition of American taxpayer pay possibly still far outclass the imposition solidify of the plutonium in trash. ─── MOX燃料的生产和使用还可能使美国纳税人缴纳的税款远远高于将废物中钚固化的税款。

69、A country should solidify the security infrastructure to make the nation safer. ─── 一个国家应该加强安全基础设施来让国家更安全。

70、In either case, it is a good idea first to solidify your thoughts in a wireframe format before you begin the design phase. ─── 在任何情况下,这是一个好主意第一,巩固您的想法在一个线框格式,然后再开始设计阶段。

71、Planting sea buckthorn on sandy soil can solidify sand. ─── 在沙地里种植沙棘, 可以起到固沙的作用。

72、Keywords oilysludge;solidify;strength;lixivium; ─── 含油污泥;固化;强度;浸出液;

73、However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. ─── 但是,冷水将变硬您消耗了的油腻的材料。

74、consolidate; strengthen; solidify ─── 巩固

75、In industrial coating, the coating of cent of coating of escalate ability in swimming, will tall solid, coating, proportion that holds without solvent coating and place of radiation solidify coating. ─── 在工业涂料中,将逐步扩大水性涂料、高固体分涂料、粉末涂料、无溶剂涂料和辐射固化涂料所占的比例。

76、DRH Series precision blowing oven is main used to solidify the silver pulpu, carbon pulpy and thermosetting ink . ─── DRH系列精密热风烘箱主要用于银浆、碳浆、热固油墨等的固化;

77、Development of New Solidify Reagent for Medical Polyurethane and Studies on it's Application as Substitute for MOCA ─── 医用聚氨酯新型室温固化剂的研制及其作为MOCA替代物的研究

78、In order to solidify the relationship, they may opt for indirect infractions without regard for the time involved in getting to know the other negotiator. ─── 为了巩固这种联系,他们会选择非直接的交流而不计较投入用于了解对方的时间。

79、His mandate was to enrich the imperial treasury by exacting tribute from leaders of other countries bordering the Indian Ocean, and to solidify their allegiance to China. ─── 他的任务就是向印度洋沿岸的其它国家索求贡品、充实国库,并巩固他们对中国的忠诚。

80、If you can take some of the pressure off of us, we might be able to solidify our position. ─── 如果你能帮忙减轻点压力,我们就能巩固现在的战果。

81、The author believes that we need to use the keyword-cognitional path to solidify our consciousness of protecting intangible culture heritage as it is an imported concept. ─── 对于舶来的非物质文化遗产概念,我们需要用“认识路径”这样的关键词来固化保护意识。

82、In March 2004, belgian UCB company rolled out UV but solidify coating. ─── 2004年3月,比利时UCB公司推出了UV可固化粉末涂料。

83、Two corresponding principles of preferred orientation in technological conditions of orieted solidify and gradient temperature has been deduced depended on ultramicra particle physic's. ─── 并应用超微颗粒物理得出了定向凝固和梯温升温条件下的两种相应的择优取向原理。

84、His political philosophy, known as Jacksonian democracy, helped solidify a strong executive branch and expand the electorate. ─── 其政治哲学被称为杰克逊式民主,它帮助巩固了一个强大的行政部门,扩展了选民范围。

85、Preliminary study on hydrofibroin of filled - bed reactor in solidify papaw enzyme ─── 固定化木瓜蛋白酶填充床反应器水解丝素的初步应用研究

86、The force between a pair of helium atoms is so weak that helium does not solidify at all. ─── 一对氦原子之间的作用力微弱得使氦根本不能固化。

87、Application of soil solidify agent in rainfall collection project in WeizhouIsland ─── 土壤固化剂在涠洲岛雨水集蓄利用工程中的应用

88、Clinton desperately needs a win to stay in the race, while Obama hopes a good showing will solidify his status as the frontrunner for the Democratic Party nomination. ─── 克林顿迫切需要赢得这场初选从而可以继续竞选。而奥巴马则希望表现出色,从而可以巩固他的地位,并且继续在民主党提名的竞争中领先对手。

89、The result shows that the thickness of the solidified material and frock plater in heating and solidify process affect the product quality. ─── 分析结果表明:制定固化过程中升温和固化时间不但要考虑复合材料本身的厚度,还应考虑工装的厚度,才能保证复合材料产品的质量。

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