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09-13 投稿



scapular 发音


英:  美:

scapular 中文意思翻译



scapular 网络释义

n. [解剖] 肩胛;修道士的肩衣adj. 肩胛的;肩胛骨的

scapular 词性/词形变化,scapular变形

名词复数: scapulas |

scapular 短语词组

1、scapular notch ─── [医] 肩胛切迹

2、dorsal scapular vein ─── 肩胛背静脉

3、scapular medal ( ─── 用以代替肩布的)肩衣徽章

4、scapular center ─── [医] 肩胛中枢(皮肤反射)

5、scapular bone ─── [医]肩胛骨

6、scapular bristle ─── [医]肩板鬃(双翅目)

7、scapular vein ( ─── 直翅目)径脉

8、scapular groove ─── [医] 肩胛切迹

9、scapular artery ─── 肩胛动脉

10、scapular piece ─── [医]前侧片,肩板

11、scapular region ─── 肩胛区

12、crest of scapular spine ─── [医] 肩胛岗嵴

13、scapular cartilage ─── 肩胛软骨

14、scapular points ─── [医] 肩胛点(臂神经痛点,在肩胛下角处)

15、scapular reflex ─── [医] 肩胛反射, 肩胛间肌反射

16、circumflex scapular artery ─── 旋肩胛动脉

17、scapular presentation ─── [医] 肩先露

18、scapular area ─── 肩域

19、scapular line ─── 肩胛线

scapular 相似词语短语

1、scapulae ─── n.肩胛骨(scapula的复数)

2、capsular ─── adj.蒴的;胶囊状的

3、scapula ─── n.肩胛;肩胛骨

4、scapulas ─── n.肩胛;肩胛骨

5、cupular ─── 有壳斗的;杯状的

6、scapulary ─── n.肩胛绷带(等于scapular);adj.肩胛的

7、canular ─── adj.套管状的(等于cannular)

8、scapulars ─── n.肩胛;修道士的肩衣;肩羽;adj.肩胛的;肩胛骨的

9、copular ─── adj.系动词的;连接的

scapular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Distribution in the body trunk: The three yang meridians of hand run through the scapular part. ─── ) 在躯干部的分布:手三阳经行于肩胛部。

2、Applied anatomy of scapular spine bone flap pedicled with supraspinous branch of suprascapular artery ─── 肩胛上血管冈上支肩胛冈骨瓣的应用解剖学研究

3、The recipient vessels were the thoracodorsal vessels and thoracodorsal vessels plus the circumflex scapular vessels in the patients who underwent immediate breast reconstruction. ─── 仅切取一侧腹壁下血管,与胸廓内动、静脉近心端行吻合者2例。

4、Clinical applications of variform free flaps of the scapular region for cervical burn contracture ─── 不同形状肩胛区游离皮瓣修复颈部瘢痕挛缩的临床应用

5、Objective To explore the method of transplant the scapular skin flap to repair the absence of skin and soft tissues. ─── 目的探讨应用肩胛皮瓣修复不同部位皮肤软组织缺损的方法。

6、April 14 this year, Yan Ming counsel's office is located in Xujiahui attacked by three assailants, the attack on the right shoulder caused by Yan Ming scapular fractures and multiple trauma. ─── 今年4月14日,严义明律师在位于徐家汇的办公室遭到三名歹徒袭击,此次袭击造成严义明右肩肩胛骨骨折,并有多处外伤。

7、left lower scapular border ─── 左下肩岬骨缘

8、As the name sounds, scapular retraction will help you open your chest and get the blood flowing to your shoulder and upper back muscles. ─── 拉扯肩胛骨能够帮着你打开胸腔,从而促进了肩膀和上背部肌肉的血液流动。

9、red heron scapular ─── 红丝毛

10、Evaluation of repair of tissue defect in the foot with free scapular flaps ─── 游离肩胛皮瓣修复足部皮肤软组织缺损疗效评价

11、left upper scapular border ─── 左肩岬上缘

12、Results:1. The SBP, DBP, BMI, BF%, WHR, skinfold thickness and the sum of waist, scapular, biceps skinfold thickness(SF) of obese subjects were higher than normal subjects. ─── 肥胖组的收缩压、舒张压、BMI、BF%、WHR、皮褶厚度及二头肌,腰部,肩胛下皮褶厚度之和(SF)均高于对照组(P

13、Objective: To research the clinical effects of the treatment for nerve compression syndrome of cervical vertebra and scapular with massage on different point and different region. ─── 目的:探讨分区分点推拿法治疗颈-肩胛上神经嵌压综合征临床疗效。

14、Vascular Pedicle Scapular Crest Graft Intercalating Devitalized Humerus Tumor One Segment for Reconstruction of Shoulder Joint ─── 带血管蒂肩胛骨瓣植入灭活肱骨瘤段重建肩关节

15、Results The blood supply of superior trapezius and scapular ridge are superficial of transverse cervical artery cervical artery ascending ramus and spina scapulae branch. ─── 结果上斜方肌和肩胛冈是由颈横动脉分出的颈浅动脉升支和肩胛冈支营养。

16、Three-dimensional surface shaded display and volume rendering techniques of CT in diagnosis of scapular fractures ─── CT三维重建技术对肩胛骨骨折的诊断价值

17、Objective To investigate the mechanism, diagnosis and treatment of the combination compression of dorsal scapular nerve and long thoracic nerve. ─── 目的研究肩胛背神经合并胸长神经卡压的机理及其诊断和治疗。

18、inner scapular line ─── 肩胛内线

19、Keywords ilateral foramen;Circumflex scapular artery and vein;Subscapular nerve;Bony skin flap of scapula; ─── 三边孔;旋肩胛动、静脉;肩胛下神经;肩胛骨骨皮瓣;

20、On the day of admission he experienced increasingly severe pain with radiation to the right scapular area and shoulders. ─── 住院那天,他感到疼痛加剧,并且放射到右肩胛和肩部。

21、superior transverse scapular ligament ─── 肩胛上横韧带

22、Keywords Midline;Scapular flap;Radiography; ─── 中线;肩胛皮瓣;动脉造影;

23、Objective To evaluate multi-slice helical CT postprocessing technique in displaying scapular fracture. ─── 目的探讨多螺旋CT后处理技术在肩胛骨折中的应用价值。

24、scapular points ─── [医] 肩胛点(臂神经痛点, 在肩胛下角处)

25、circumflex scapular vein ─── 旋肩胛静脉

26、Objective To evaluate multi-slice helical CT postprocessing technique in displaying scapular fracture. ─── 目的探讨多螺旋CT后处理技术在肩胛骨折中的应用价值。

27、Observations on the efficacy of horizontal needling with sticking of needle and flicking for treating 102 patients with scapular, dorsal and lumbar myofascitis ─── 平刺滞针弹拨法治疗肩背腰部肌筋膜炎102例疗效观察

28、Methods Multi-slice Helical CT scanning was performed in 46 patients with scapular fracture.scapular 3D image reconstruction was carried out. ─── 方法对46例肩胛骨折患者进行多螺旋CT扫描,重建肩胛骨表面遮盖法(SSD)图像。

29、scapular presentation ─── [医] 肩先露

30、Methods One case of small cell variant ALCL involving bone and soft on the bilateral scapular region was observed by light microscopy, immunohistochemical staining and PCR technique. ─── 方法:对1例发生于双侧肩胛区、累及骨和周围软组织的小细胞型ALCL进行了光镜、免疫组织化学观察和PCR基因分析。

31、The distinct mantle and upper scapular lines are absent from both photos. ─── 亚成鸟上背和肩羽处会有明显的白线,照片中没有。

32、The clinical research of devitalized bone and scapular vascular pedicle graft composite in treatment of malignant bone tumor ─── 带血管蒂自体骨植入灭活瘤段骨在肢体恶性骨肿瘤中的应用

33、Physical examination revealed scapular asymmetry and winging.Active range of left shoulder abduction and flexion was reduced due to weakness. ─── 理学检查发现其左右两肩的外观不对称,左肩有翼状现象,主动外展运动无力但被动运动正常。

34、scapular groove ─── [医] 肩胛切迹

35、bundled bustard outer scapular ─── 埔扣毛扎把

36、right scapular border ─── 右肩胛缘

37、Design: Retrospective review of scapular or glenoid fractures. ─── 设计:肩胛体或肩胛盂骨折病例的回顾性研究。

38、We report a case of glomangiosarcoma occurring on the skin over the left scapular area of a 71-year-old man.The tumor was a dull-red, raised and tender nodule with a maximum diameter of 1 cm. ─── 本篇论文报告一例在左侧肩胛骨区域发崩皮肤丝球肉瘤的71岁男性病患,该肿瘤为一暗红色突起的压痛性结节,最大直径达一公分。

39、Surgery for scapular neck displaced fracture ─── 移位肩胛颈骨折的手术方法研究

40、bundled duck scapular with stiff brown edge ─── 家鸭硬火烧边扎把

41、On the day of admission he experienced increasingly severe pain with radiation to the right scapular area and shoulders. ─── 住院那天,他感到疼痛加剧,并且放射到右肩胛和肩部。

42、Anatomic Study on Repairing Skin Defects in Hand and Foot with Bilobed Circumflex Scapular Artery Flap ─── 旋肩胛动脉双叶皮瓣修复手足皮肤软组织缺损的解剖学研究

43、grey heron scapular ─── 灰苍鹭羽毛

44、serratus anterior is an important scapular stabilizer. ─── 锯肌是重要的肩胛骨稳定肌。

45、scapular piece ─── 前侧片, 肩板

46、scapular reflex ─── [医] 肩胛反射, 肩胛间肌反射

47、Objective To discuss the surgical treatment of unstable scapular fracture. ─── 目的探讨肩胛骨不稳定骨折的手术治疗。

48、right lower scapular border ─── 右肩胛下缘

49、Result:The blood supply of the trapezius muscle was based on both the transversal cervical artery and the dorsal scapular artery,and the r homboideus muscle was based on the dorsal scapular artery. ─── 结果:斜方肌接受颈横动脉和肩胛背动脉的双重血供,菱形肌接受肩胛背动脉的血供。

50、scapular center ─── [医] 肩胛中枢(皮肤反射)

51、bundled duck scapular with soft brown edge ─── 家鸭软火烧边扎把

52、Osteochondroma is the most benign tumor of the scapula.Increased scapular prominence caused by a subscapular osteochondorma may be mistaken for a classical winged scapula. ─── 摘要骨性软骨瘤是肩胛骨最常见的良性肿瘤,由肩胛骨下之骨性软骨瘤所引起肩胛骨外形凸形,常会被误认为一典型翼状肩胛骨。

53、Internal rotation is accompanied by scapular retraction and associated clavicular movements. ─── 内旋转会伴有肩胛骨回缩及相关的锁骨运动。

54、Transplantation of free scapular flap to repair soft tissue defects in hand and wrist ─── 游离肩胛皮瓣修复手腕部软组织缺损

55、Right scapular line tenth interspace ─── 右肩胛下角线

56、Methods Using the free flap of scapular region to repair all kinds defect of face in 12 cases. ─── 方法:根据面部缺损的范围、性质,应用肩胛游离皮瓣修复各类不同性质的面部皮肤软组织缺损12例。

57、bundled pintail stiff black scapular ─── 硬小湾扎把

58、Conclusion: The distribution of tenderness points in soft tissue injury at shoulder region was extensive.The most incident and serious tenderness points were at anterior deltoid and scapular region. ─── 结论: 肩部压痛点分布广泛,以三角肌区前部和肩胛区的压痛点最多且压痛最明显。

59、Keywords scapular neck fractures;clavicle fractures;fracture fixation;internal;conservative treatment; ─── 关键词肩胛颈骨折;锁骨骨折;骨折固定术;内;非手术治疗;

60、Clinical exploration about measuring body temperature through back and between scapular area for neonate ─── 新生儿背部肩胛间测温的临床探讨

61、scapular vein ─── 径脉

62、Keywords Circumflex scapular artery;Bilobed skin flap;Anatomy; ─── 关键词旋肩胛动脉;双叶皮瓣;解剖;

63、inferior transverse scapular ligament ─── 肩胛下横韧带


65、When a scapular fracture was present both drivers and passengers had a greater incidence of head injuries. ─── 当乘客和司机的肩胛骨损伤时候,头部损伤的可能性比较大。

66、Theoretically, free scapular skin flap is the optimum way for defects after subtotal or extended resection of temporal bone. ─── 组织缺损多,血运欠佳时考虑应用胸大肌大肌带蒂岛状皮瓣。多次修复失败者应采用游离植皮覆盖创面。

67、Chondroitin Sulfate for the treatment of neuralgia, nerve migraine, joint pain, arthritis and scapular joint pain, and abdominal pain after the operation. 3. ─── 2.硫酸软骨素用于治疗神经痛、神经性偏头痛、关节痛、关节炎以及肩胛关节痛 ,腹腔手术后疼痛等。

68、Keywords free flap;scapular flaps;foot; ─── 关键词游离皮瓣;肩胛皮瓣;足;

69、scapular area ─── 肩域, 径域(直翅目)

70、stiff brown edged mallard scapular ─── 硬火烧边毛

71、Method:The transversal cervical artery and the dorsal scapular artery in the trapezius muscle and the rhomboideus muscle were observed and measured on30 cadavers(adult males). ─── 方法:解剖成年男尸30具(60侧),观察和测量斜方肌、菱形肌的血供情况。

72、scapular elevation operation ─── n. 肩胛骨上升术

73、Fracture of scapular body ─── 肩胛体骨折

74、Methods Island skin flaps of scapular region have been elevated based on ascending or descending branches of circumflex scapular artery and transferred to resurface the axillary wounds. ─── 方法以旋肩胛动脉升支或降支血管为蒂形成肩胛区岛状皮瓣,转移修复腋窝瘢痕切除后遗留创面。

75、Methods 12 patients between DEC, 2001 and SEP, 2004 of flout shoulder underwent inter-fixer in both scapular and clavicle were evaluated. ─── 方法自2001年12月至2004年9月通过手术对锁骨和肩胛骨均行切复内固定治疗飘浮肩患者12例。

76、We present the case of a skeletally mature adult with a scapular fracture that penetrated the thoracic cage without causing a pneumothorax. ─── 我们现在这例骨骼发育成熟的成人患者,肩胛骨骨折刺入胸腔且没有导致气胸。

77、Results: The scapular free flap is based on the subscapular essel system.It can be designed as skin flap, osseous flap or compound flap, and the oerall success rate is 100%. ─── 结果肩胛区游离瓣以肩胛下血管为蒂,可设计为单纯皮瓣、骨瓣或复合瓣;

78、Conclusions In treatment with flout shoulder injury,we should use inter-fixer in both scapular and clavicle,which ca... ─── 结论对浮肩患者锁骨和肩胛骨均行内固定,有利于早期康复,防止关节僵硬。

79、circumflex scapular artery ─── 旋肩胛动脉

80、Applied anatomy of the spine of scapular flap pedicled with the acromial branch of suprascapular artery ─── 肩胛上血管肩峰支肩胛冈骨瓣的应用解剖学研究

81、Results: The 5-flap and island scapular flap had a good result and the application of split-thickness skin graft was likely to recur contracture of armpit in case of lacking continuous exer... ─── 结论:轻度瘢痕挛缩宜采用五瓣法矫正,中、重度的瘢痕挛缩,如果肩胛部局部条件许可宜采用肩胛皮瓣岛状转移修复。

82、The lateral thoracic flap or combined with the scapular flap were applied to reconstruct the defect of soft tissue and/or bone tissue. ─── 所有患者均制作单纯侧胸皮瓣或侧胸皮瓣复合肩骨肌瓣,游离后进行小血管吻合术,最后修复缺损的术区。

83、left scapular border ─── 左肩岬缘

84、scapular bristle ─── 肩板鬃(双翅目)

85、crest of scapular spine ─── [医] 肩胛岗嵴

86、We present the case of a skeletally mature adult with a scapular fracture that penetrated the thoracic cage without causing a pneumothorax. ─── 我们现在这例骨骼发育成熟的成人患者,肩胛骨骨折刺入胸腔且没有导致气胸。

87、left scapular line ─── 左肩胛线

88、bundled small teal scapular ─── 八鸭桃扎把

89、The primary goal of rehabilitation is strengthening of the dynamic stabilizers, including the rotator cuff and scapular stabilizers. ─── 在康复的主要目标是加强动态稳定剂,包括肩袖和肩胛稳定。

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