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09-13 投稿



interlink 发音

英:[ɪntə'lɪŋk]  美:['ɪntɚlɪŋk]

英:  美:

interlink 中文意思翻译



interlink 网络释义

vt. 连接;把……互相连结n. 连环

interlink 短语词组

1、interlink corporation interlink ─── 公司

interlink 词性/词形变化,interlink变形

动词第三人称单数: interlinks |动词过去式: interlinked |动词现在分词: interlinking |动词过去分词: interlinked |

interlink 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abstrcat>This paper analyses five rules of state assignment for designing sequential circuits comprehensively and assignment techniques for interlink states chains. ─── 本文全面分析了时序逻辑电路设计中的5个状态分配规则和相邻状态链分配技术。

2、You can contact us on line by interlink upon). ─── 此域名出售中,您可以点击右上在线联系我们( The domain name is selling.

3、Library Interlink Network and Application of Client/Server Technology ─── 图书馆联合作业网络及客户机/服务器技术的应用

4、This is how we interlink with one another to create global energy flow upon the continents. ─── 这就是我们在陆地上如何相互联接来创造全球能量流的。

5、since the company held water 1985 oneself, designed British supermarket to interlink the mark of business Asda early or late. ─── 公司自1985年成立以来,先后设计了英国超级市场连锁商Asda的标记。

6、Thus the realization of interlink the heterogeneous network and information network is the trend of the development and requirement of control system. ─── 因此,实现异构网络互联以及与信息网络的集成和数据共享成为了控制系统发展的趋势和要求。

7、Be in to so-called " net of Chinese lottery government " after website remit membership due, she discovers this is an interlink fraud.Yesterday, ms. ─── 在向一个号称“中国彩票官方网”的网站汇出会费之后,她发现这是一个连环骗局。

8、And domestic mainstream brand, associate, Founder also is do sth on a large scale, hit out in the light of student market interlink; ─── 而国内主流品牌,联想、方正也是大张旗鼓,针对学生市场连环出击;

9、This is a moive refer to an interlink killer who broke out of the prison. ─── 这是一部关于一名越狱逃跑的连环杀手电影。

10、An Interlink: Translation and the Culture of the Chinese Nation ─── 翻译与中华民族文化之建构

11、The interlink assurance system in ancient societies was very unfair to the common people. ─── 古代的连环保制度对百姓很不公平。

12、"They almost interlink [caps and goals] if I can stay fit and stay in the team and play well I might have a chance. ─── “如果我能保持健康一直呆在队中,我想这两个目标我都有机会去实现。”

13、On June 25, 2008, international wind casts fund YANGTZE to invest hairdressing to interlink an enterprise with ten million dollar only the United States spends a group. ─── 2008年6月25日,国际风投基金YANGTZE以千万美元投资美容连锁企业唯美度集团。

14、The enterprise ranks home 7 years to interlink pop chart of course of study continuously the first. ─── 企业连续7年位居国内连锁业排行榜第一。在过去的一年里,公司实现 Inc.

15、From last working procedure, step by step forward date from, plan a branch till raw material, make each manufacturing link interlink ground synchronism to move.. ─── 从最后一道工序,步步向前追溯,直到原材料预备部门,使得各个生产环节都连锁地同步运行...

16、Buy 2 million cheap domains, heavily interlink them, and wait until they go up in Google's ranking. Start using them to sell Viagra. ─── 购买200万个便宜的域名,互相连接他们.等待他们在GOOGLERANKING里升高后,就开始在上面出售伟哥吧。

17、Interlink Electronics China Company Limited, a newly founded company with headquarters Interlink Electronics in California, USA is welcoming the talents joining. ─── 亿达利电子(深圳)有限公司是一家新成立不久的公司,总部在美国加利弗尼亚州。

18、The governments in those regions with favorable conditions shall establish interlink and intercommunication mechanism to realize the interchange and sharing of public enterprise credit information and guarantee business information. ─── 有条件的地方要建立互联互通机制,实现可公开企业信用信息与担保业务信息的互联互通和资源共享。

19、The design examples show that the assignment techniques for multi states based on the interlink states chains is all effective. ─── 设计实例表明,基于相邻状态链的多重态分配技术是有效的。

20、Making Use of a DDN Node to Interlink Distance User ─── DDN节点的一种远端用户接入方式

21、The paper introduces the design of power grid interlink and EMS system between offshore platforms. ─── 本文介绍了南海某油田群海上石油平台电力组网及其EMS系统的设计。

22、This is how we interlink with one another to create global energy flow upon the continents. ─── 这就是我们在陆地上如何相互联接来创造全球能量流的。

23、The INTERLINK jaw crusher has a feature of big crushing ratio, uniform end product size, simple construction, reliable operation, easy maintenance, low operating cost. ─── 本系列产品,具有破碎比大,产品粒度均匀、结构简单、工作可靠、维修简便、运行费用经济等特点。

24、Interlink Technology of Serial Devices in the Transportation Information Collection and Issuance System ─── 串口联网技术在交通信息系统中的应用

25、Application of a router in the interlink of LAN with WAN ─── 路由器在局域网与广域网互联中的应用

26、InterLink Hawaii - Internet service provider. Offices in Kona and Hilo. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

27、The problems of interlink between heterogenous media and communication between wireless devices and cable LAN hosts are also solved. ─── 还提出了桥隧道封装方案和帧格式转换以解决异种媒质互连和移动终端同有线网上的主机互相通信的问题。

28、Bagua Interlink Palm with Swimmig Body is suitable for performance and competitions , for its movements are stretchy, firm but gentle. ─── 本片共分四段35个动作来讲解八卦游身连环掌的,它是基础八掌和八大掌的连环动作,其动作舒展大方,刚柔相济,可运用到表演、比赛中去。

29、On Association and Interlink of Language and Piano Teaching ─── 语言与钢琴教学的融通及交汇

30、If the home is in 3 years in land Nasidake, drive an economy to interlink the investment upsurge of the hotel. ─── 如家在3年之内登陆纳斯达克,带动起经济连锁酒店的投资热潮。


32、Satellite broad band interlink access ─── 卫星宽带互联接入

33、The Interlink For Sco Unix And Aix ─── SCO UNIX与AIX的互连

34、interlink two rings ─── 套接两个环

35、The crystal form of preheating pellets interlink well and the structure is well-proportioned and compact, fine magnetites are oxidized to form hematite which are connected with each other. ─── 采用微波加热,预热球团内部矿物结构较均匀、紧密,细粒磁铁矿氧化成赤铁矿,并在大颗粒之间连接成片,球团强度明显提高。

36、Reliability Evaluation Model for SMT Interlink Subassemblies in Thermal Cycle ─── SMT互连组件在热循环中的可靠性预计模型

37、Among them, expression of disease of most single gene is dominance heredity; Some is recessive heredity; Return some to show X sex to interlink heredity (be like hemophiliac) . ─── 其中,多数单基因病表现为显性遗传;有的为隐性遗传;还有的呈X性连锁遗传(如血友病)。

38、interlink module ─── 互连模块

39、The theorem of interlink of close interval ─── 闭区间套定理

40、The Use of VPN Technique in Long-distance LAN Interlink Age ─── VPN技术在远距离局域网互联中的使用

41、if I can stay fit and stay in the team and play well I might have a chance. ─── 如果我能保持健康一直呆在队中,我想这两个目标我都有机会去实现。

42、, very as far as apart of international cravat famous city.Put forward cravat to interlink monopolistic new-style management mode at the same time, with period disentomb larger cravat market space. ─── 同时提出了领带连锁专卖的新型经营模式 ,以期发掘更大的领带市场空间。

43、How to Logon Remotely in NT LAN or Interlink LAN by VPN ─── 用VPN远程接入NT局域网及局域网的互连实现

44、interlink one thing with another ─── 使一样东西与另一样东西连结

45、The interlink of the five Olympic rings symbolizes the closely unity and the friendly assembly of the athletes from the five continent. ─── 五环相连象征着五大洲的运动员紧密团结及在奥运会上友好相聚。

46、This action drew on industry to be signed especially interlink a hotel about to " fairness of card of the one cannot say for sure that carry Cheng is just " doubt. ─── 此举招来了业界尤其是签约连锁酒店对于“携程难保证公平公正”的质疑。

47、Strengthening plan management and ensuring normal interlink ─── 加强生产计划管理保证矿井正常接续

48、The pattern of interlink between domestic and international factors can serve as a guide for us to predict scenarios of future strategic adjustment of the United States. ─── 国内变量与国际变量互动的规律和模式,则为把握未来美国对外战略调整的可能走向提供了一种指南。

49、Receive visiting overseas business groups, arrange business groups to implement business inspection, hold conferences and interlink economic and trade cooperation projects etc. ─── 安排团组开展商务考察,举办会议,进行经贸合作项目对接等活动。


51、Because interlink the abidance of business deficit, beidasiman must decide finally to shut chain of 21 centuries books to be in the 36 doors inn in 18 cities of countrywide. ─── 由于连锁业务的持续亏损,贝塔斯曼最终不得不决定关闭二十一世纪图书连锁在全国18个城市中的36家门店。

52、Shanghai Interlink Roadbuilding &Bridgebuilding Machine Equipment Company, Ltd. is a special production enterprise gathering the design, manufacture and management of the breaking machines together. ─── 上海远通路桥工程机械有限公司是集设计、制造经营碎石机械为一体的专业企业。

53、Reporter: Did 7 days interlink the management circumstance of the hotel that last year how? ─── 记者:那去年7天连锁酒店的经营情况如何?

54、Moreover, decisions about exchange rate policy should take into account the interlink between FDI and the real exchange rate. ─── 此外也告诉我们,汇率政策的决定也应考虑到二者之间的相互联系。

55、Can interlink with the other systems through web net and date-base system conveniently, can not only realize data sharing function, but also ensure the independent ability and security of the system. ─── 通过网络和数据库系统能方便地同其他系统互连,既能实现数据共享,又能保证系统的独立性、安全性。

56、Beijing Jiacheng Interlink Technology Co. ─── 北京嘉成互连科技公司。

57、Interlink as much as possible to spread the word. You can link the petition site back to Facebook and your blog to give it more heft. ─── 你可以链接请愿网站到Facebook和你的博客给它更多的分量。

58、Its main rival is Google, which offers its own range of such services, and continues to launch new ones and interlink them more closely. ─── 它的主要竞争对手谷歌也有类似的服务。谷歌在不断地推出新产品,而且其内部链接也越来越紧密。

59、If the client organization already has an institution with more or less the same functions as an architecture office, then you should interlink with this existing structure. ─── 如果客户端组织已经有了和体系结构办公室类似的制度,那么您应该结合这个现有的组织结构。

60、Theorem of Interlink of Closed Interval ─── 关于闭区间套定理

61、This paper from two aspects of theory and clinic discusses the theory of the interlink between the Gallbladder and Heart. ─── 从理论与临床两个方面,对胆心相关进行了探讨。

62、The Interlink Constructive and its Realization of Shared Management of the STC-Ada Multi-System ─── STC-Ada多机系统的互连结构及共存管理的实现

63、It has programs covering most required programs to document, organize, record, picture, account and interlink each and every aspect of your life. ─── 该软件拥有满足绝大多数需要的用于文档、组织、记录、图片、账户以及你的生活的每个方面的程序。

64、Interlink with other fire fighting systems to prevent electric fire effectively. ─── 与消防其他系统联动,有效预防电气火灾的发生。

65、Additional, beijing east the store does not have too much requirement in gain respect, the reason that the price that this is us can interlink under traditional home appliance. ─── 另外,京东商城在赢利方面没有太多的要求,这都是我们的价格会低于传统家电连锁的原因。

66、A Theoretical Model of Semantic Interlink in the Chinese Language Teaching for Foreigners ─── 对外汉语教学中的语义链接模式

67、This disk contains four part and 35 movemants on Bagua(Eight Diagrams) Interlink Palm with Swimming Body in which the movements are the interlink of Basic Eight Palm and Eigth Palm. ─── 演示讲解:刘敬儒八卦掌监察委员会副主任,北京武术协会委员。

68、In this paper, the concept and assignment techniques for interlink states chains are given. ─── 在分析一个例子的基础上,提出了相邻状态链的概念和分配技术。

69、Death Clock Statisticians analyze the data and interlink it with your genetic results giving your almost accurate life span. ─── 死亡时钟的统计学家分析数据,然后把它和你的基因结果联系在一起,最终得出你的生命长度。

70、In July 2006, beidasiman shuts many 10 books of Beijing to interlink inn, hangzhou still closed before this 3 inn. ─── 2006年7月,贝塔斯曼关闭北京10多家图书连锁店,此前还关了杭州3家店。

71、Home appliance sells busy season advent, interlink an enterprise as home appliance, encountered however a group without leader, allow popular feeling concern. ─── 家电销售旺季来临,作为家电连锁企业,却遭遇了群龙无首,让人心忧。

72、The matrix model of switch system was built and interlink algorithm for much more switches connecting was presented,and the validity of algorithm was proved by an example. ─── 在付新华肖明清袁大勇陈伟明此基础上,建立了开关系统的矩阵模型,并给出了开关资源级联的算法,实例证明算法是有效的;

73、Interlink Equipment Inc. is an international distributor of USED earthmoving-roadbuilding and construction equipment. ─── 我们是二手重土筑路和工程设备行业的世界代理商。

74、The interaction and interlink of the above three theories together speed up the formation of public-private partnership system. ─── 治理理论、公共选择理论、合作国家理论三者相互影响,相互作用,共同催生了公私合作制度。

75、Actually, "Long Bo " it is a mobile phone substance that having 20 many postal service hall interlink inn. ─── 实际上,“龙波”是一家有着20多个营业厅的手机实体连锁店。

76、Eight elements interlink knife is base on the Shape and impression eight element, practice this a lot can improve the nimble of the body, the strength of lower limbs. ─── 八卦连环刀以形意八卦为基础,常练此刀法对身形的轻捷、灵活和下肢的力量都能有很大提高。

77、Interlink of an Effective Shopping Center Management ─── 有效购物中心管理的核心环节

78、power grid interlink ─── 电力组网

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