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arboretum 发音

英:[ˌɑːrbəˈriːtəm]  美:[ˌɑːbəˈriːtəm]

英:  美:

arboretum 中文意思翻译



arboretum 网络释义

n. 植物园;(供科研等的)树木园

arboretum 短语词组

1、arboretum florence oregon ─── 俄勒冈州佛罗伦萨植物园

2、terraces at arboretum ─── 植物园的梯田

3、arboretum minnesota ─── 明尼苏达植物园

4、arboretum botanical garden ─── 植物园

5、arboretum apartments ─── 植物园公寓

6、vintners arboretum ─── 葡萄园

7、arboretum los angeles ─── 洛杉矶植物园

8、arboretum deluxe ─── 豪华植物园

9、arboretum arcadia ─── 阿卡迪亚植物园

10、arboretum ventures ─── 植物园风险投资

11、arboretum christmas ─── 圣诞植物园

12、arboretum definition ─── 植物园定义

13、arboretum in ─── 北京植物园

14、arboretum dallas ─── 达拉斯植物园

arboretum 词性/词形变化,arboretum变形


arboretum 相似词语短语

1、arboreous ─── adj.树木的;树木繁茂的;树木状的

2、arboreta ─── (供观赏、科研的)树木园;植物园(arboretum的复数)

3、arborets ─── 乔木

4、arbored ─── 用树木装配的

5、arboreal ─── adj.树木的;栖息在树上的

6、arboret ─── n.灌木

7、arbores ─── 乔木;芯骨;边框(arbor的复数)

8、arborous ─── adj.树木茂盛的;树木的(等于arboreous)

9、arboretums ─── n.植物园;(供科研等的)树木园

arboretum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Visitors to Westonbirt Arboretum in Gloucestershire enjoy the autumn colours along the trails. ─── 前往韦斯顿比特植物园的游客们在小径间欣赏秋天的颜色。

2、It is difficult to locate a tree typical of a pure species in the arboretum and park collections of the United States and Europe. ─── 当你在美国和欧洲的树木园或公园采集时,很难找到一株典型的纯种树。

3、Gossypium arboretum L. ─── 亚洲棉

4、Holiday pass in Hangzhou Arboretum will be put into use and one-way east-west pass for motor vehicles is allowed. ─── 启用杭州植物园内假日通道,机动车东向西单向行驶。

5、The Arboretum distributed the seeds Rock collected to botanical and horticultural institutions in North America and in Europe. ─── 随后,植物园将洛克搜集的种子分配给北美和欧洲的植物学、园艺学机构。

6、The People's Park and the Youth Lake Park in the city own elegant environment and dense and thick trees in where set up zoo, arboretum and entertainment club and so on amusement sites. ─── 市内有人民公园和青年湖公园,园内环境幽雅,树木葱茏,设有动物园、植物园、娱乐园等游乐场所。

7、Simian Mountain arboretum ─── 四面山植物园

8、Inputted England 1648, kind in the arboretum in Ao Kesi Ford. ─── 1648年输入英国,种在奥克斯福特的植物园里。

9、The grounds have become an exceptional arboretum, which include excellent acers, rare Chinese junipers and almost every family in a grand nursery's catalogue. ─── 庭院变成了非同寻常的植物园,里面有槭属植物、罕见的圆柏,以及超大苗圃目录里的几乎所有科属。

10、A large central park called Stanley Park includes a zoo, gardens, arboretum, and aquarium! ─── 史坦利公园是座大型的中央公园,内有一座动物园,数座花园,一座植物园和一间水族馆。

11、The Xiongyue Arboretum which has been famous for long history of establishment and affluent germplasms,is regarded as a gem arboretum in northern China. ─── 熊岳树木园建园历史悠久,物种之丰富,堪称中国北方"袖珍树木园";

12、University of Tennessee Arboretum Society ─── 田纳西州大学树木园协会

13、It is difficult to locate a tree typical of a pure species in the arboretum and park collections of the United States and Europe. ─── 当你在美国和欧洲的树木园或公园采集时,很难找到一株典型的纯种树。

14、Holiday Inn Express Hotel &Suites Washington-National Arboretum : Book Direct. Click Here. ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

15、Students learn about plants at the arboretum of Island House ─── 学生于元洲仔园圃认识植物

16、Arnold Arboretum ─── 阿诺德树木园

17、Plan and design Scheme for Shanghai Chenshan Arboretum ─── 传统与现代、科学与艺术的完美融合上海辰山植物园规划设计方案


19、Dominion Arboretum and Botanic Garden, Central Experimental Farm ─── 渥太华中央试验农场自治领树木园和植物园

20、Visit Hainan Xing Long Tropical Arboretum. ─── 海南的兴隆热带花园看一看。

21、South China Agricultural University Arboretum ─── 华南农业大学树木园

22、Eco-geographical flora of pathogeny was discussed, and divided in to 3 forestation areas, such as sand forest center arboretum, 106 sand fixation areas and Wuhai sand-fixation forest. ─── 讨论了病原物的生态地理区系,并分为沙林中心植物园、106治沙工区、乌海治沙林场3个固沙造林区。

23、Moreover, AFCD have conducted active propagation and ex-situ conservation.A living specimen could be found in the Shing Mun Arboretum. ─── 此外,渔护署已进行人工繁殖及迁地保护,城门标本林内有栽培。

24、Kunming arboretum ─── 昆明树木园

25、Resource Conformity and Landscape Unfolded of Hunan Forest Arboretum ─── 湖南省森林植物园的资源整合和景观展现

26、How many golden larches are there in the arboretum? ─── 植物园里有几棵金钱松?

27、How interesting the tropical arboretum is. We have so much fun there that we are reluctant to leave. ─── 热带植物园太好玩了,我们在其中乐而忘返。

28、Chongqing Arboretum ─── 重庆植物园

29、Preliminary Exploration on Digitization Management of Research in Gannan Arboretum ─── 赣南树木园科研管理数字化建设初探

30、AFCD had conducted ex-situ conservation and living specimens are displayed in the Shing Mun Arboretum. ─── 此外,渔护署已进行迁地保护,城门标本林内有栽培。

31、Sand Arboretum ─── 沙地植物园

32、It was a rare opportunity to do an installation within an arboretum. ─── 把这样一个设施安置在植物园中的机会十分难得。

33、It is a great pleasure to be here today to help plant Lone Pine saplings in the new Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens. ─── 今天来到这里,这是一个非常高兴的心情,在新的堪培拉国际植物园和花园,以帮助栽种(植物界)独领风骚的松树树苗。

34、The arboretum is a world treasure trove of botanical resources. ─── 这个植物园是世界植物资源的宝库。

35、breeding arboretum ─── 育种标本园

36、“These carefully selected, interesting plants make the Capitol Grounds an arboretum ,” she says. ─── “这些精心挑选的有趣植物,让国会大厦庭园成为一个植物园区。”

37、AFCD have conducted ex-situ conservation.Living specimens are cultivated in the Shing Mun Arboretum. ─── 渔护署已进行迁地保护,城门标本林内有栽培。

38、The University of Wisconsin, where Leopold worked, had purchased an old farm, called the Curtis place, to make an arboretum out of it. ─── 利奥波德所在的威斯康星大学买了一个名为柯蒂斯的旧农场,打算在那里建立一个植物园。

39、Muscovite university has zoologic, anthropologic, ancient live thing geological 3 museum, 4 astronomy observatory, and arboretum and place of numerous scientific research. ─── 莫斯科大学有动物学、人类学、古生物地质学3个博物馆,4座天文观象台,以及植物园和众多科研所。

40、Analysis of the seed plant flora of Sand Arboretum in Duolun County, Inner Mongolia ─── 内蒙古多伦沙地植物园种子植物区系分析

41、National Urban Garden in the U.S. Arboretum, Washington D.C. (Lecturer: Professor Guy L. Rando,) ─── 美国国家植物园中的城市庭院设计(演讲者:戈尔。兰德教授)

42、Apply the logic of private equity, parcel up your arboretum and run it as part of your company. ─── 运用私人股本的逻辑,把你的植物园打包,当作你公司的一部分来经营。

43、Cantharidae on Magnolia grandiflora, National Arboretum, Washington, D.C. ─── 华盛顿国家植物园,荷花玉兰上的花萤

44、This paper gives a brief introduction to the intention and technique of the design in the program of "Arboretum in the Three Gorges ", and discusses some noticeable issues for students in contest. ─── 本文简要的介绍了“三峡植物园”方案的设计立意及手法,讨论了学生在设计竞赛中直注意的同题。

45、We returned safely and I realised I had seen the most extraordinary arboretum, created during a life in and out of politics over the past 30 years. ─── 我们安全返回,我意识到,我刚参观了最特别的植物园,这是他在过去30年从政和不从政期间一手培育的。

46、Today, the United States Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service operates the Arboretum. ─── 现在,美国农业部农业研究服务局管理该植物园。

47、The Arboretum is administered by the U.S.Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service. ─── 其主要任务就是进行研究、教育以及保护各种植物来改善环境建设。

48、Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University ─── 哈佛大学阿诺德植物园

49、The ability of natural enemies to control the pests in Arboretum which is in suburb and better management level are the strongest and can cut down the pests species amount effectively. ─── 捕食性天敌在时间上能有效跟随害虫并控制其危害。地处市郊、管护措施较好的植物园天敌昆虫对害虫的控制能力最强,能有效地减少害虫的种群数量。

50、We can go to the arboretum in the southern suburb. ─── 我们可以去南郊的植物园。

51、The rooms have a view over the hotels secluded gardens and the arboretum, to the city in the distance. ─── 酒店享有优越的地理位置和舒适住宿,价格物有所值,正是您游览林肯的最佳出发点。

52、Xi an arboretum ─── 西安

53、Frankly speaking, the arboretum was so spacious that most students were not able to find their ways without the guidance, but it is enjoyable for us to immerse somehow into this wonderland. ─── 坦白的说,庞大的植物温室园让大部分同学失去了方向,不过能沉浸在这片充满生气的世界里也是非常之享受的。

54、Brooklyn Botanic Garden and Arboretum ─── 布鲁克林植物园

55、The Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania ─── 宾州大学莫瑞斯植物园

56、The first phase of the project to be completed in 2002 includes: Phoenix Arboretum, Forestry Park, Ecological and Agricultural Sightseeing Park and Ecological Tourism and Vacation Zone. ─── 一期工程项目有:凤凰岛植物园、森林公园、生态农业观光园、生态旅游度假区,至2002年完成一期工程。

57、At those full of pain days, once I loitered around the desolate arboretum, when I walked a long time and felt tired, I sat on a big stone. ─── 在那些最痛苦的日子里,我曾经一个人踯躅在荒凉的植物园里。走累了便找到一块石头坐下。

58、When he reintroduced fire into the synthetic plots of the Wisconsin field grass arboretum, the prairie flourished like it had not for centuries. ─── 当他重新在威斯康星这块人造草地引入放火之后,草原仿佛迎来了几个世纪都没有过的茂盛生长。

59、It manages the Thenford Arboretum as a business showpiece and a trial ground, which has the added advantage of impressing and teaching its horticultural business clients. ─── 它管理着Thenford植物园,作为业务展品和试验庭院,这就增加了打动并教导其园艺商业客户的优势。


61、Problems and Measures in Managing Local Arboretum ─── 地方性树木园经营的问题与对策

62、A Study on Design for the Plantation of Taiji Medicine Arboretum ─── 太极药圃的景观绿化

63、The Arboretum is only a short drive from the center of the city. But visitors often feel like they are far from the busy American capital. ─── (其实)该植物园距离市区很近,然而,游客经常会认为它们距离繁忙的美国首都很远。

64、Key words: Landscape Architecture; Arnold Arboretum; Study; Metasequoia glyptostroboides; Bussey Institution ─── 关键词:风景园林;阿诺德树木园;研究;水杉;伯西研究所

65、Rare and Endangered Plants and National Key Protected Plants for ex situ Conservation in South China Agricultural University Arboretum ─── 华南农业大学树木园稀有濒危植物和国家重点保护植物的迁地保护

66、Tony Kirkham, the head of Kew's Arboretum, says visitors will be able to see a variety of wildlife while high above the ground. ─── 克哈姆是植物园的主管他表示,当游客在高处时,也能看到不同的野生动物。

67、The project will result in a large ecological arboretum combining leisure, entertainment and humanistic landscape together. ─── 建成集休闲、娱乐、人文景观于一体的大型生态植物园。

68、Hanrim Park nearby, provides interesting tour sites such as a subtropical arboretum, Hyeopjaegul Cave, and Ssangyonggul Cave. ─── 附近的翰林公园内有亚热带植物园、挟才洞、双龙洞,观光的内容十分丰富。

69、The arboretum is full of exotic flowers and rare herbs. ─── 植物园里长满了各种奇花异草。

70、Turtle Bay - Complex that includes the Redding Arboretum, Museum of Art and History, and the Carter House Natural Science Museum. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

71、What is and arboretum? ─── 什么是植物园?

72、A Survey on Natural Regeneration by Seed Shedding of the Exotic Trees in Arboretum in Guangxi ─── 广西林科院树木园引种树种自然下种繁殖调查

73、Using tim and chloe'sfirst film as inspiration, we'll recreate a jungle settingat the rego park arboretum. ─── 灵感来自Tim和Chloe的第一部电影。我们将在Rego植物园重建丛林的场景。

74、Churchyard has advanced plant 2000 a variety of, wild animal 1000 a variety of, have " natural arboretum " and eat vegetable " shelter " good name. ─── 境内有高等植物2000多种,野生动物1000多种,有“天然植物园”和动植物的“避难所”的美称。

75、National Urban Garden in the U.S. Arboretum, Washington D.C. (Lecturer: Professor Guy L. Rando, ─── 主题:美国国家植物园中的城市庭院设计(演讲者:戈尔.兰德教授)

76、Ex-situ conservation has also been adopted and living specimens are displayed in the Shing Mun Arboretum. ─── 此外,渔护署已进行迁地保护,采种育苗,城门标本林内有栽培。

77、Arnold Arboretum in Harvard University is an important institution in the United States for collecting and studying Chinese plants. ─── 哈佛大学阿诺德树木园是美国收集和研究中国植物的一个重要机构。

78、The University of Wisconsin, where Leopold worked, had purchased an old farm, called the Curtis place, to make an arboretum out of it. ─── 利奥波德所在的威斯康星大学买了一个名为柯蒂斯的旧农场,打算在那里建立一个植物园。

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