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09-13 投稿



immanence 发音

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immanence 中文意思翻译



immanence 网络释义

n. 内在;无所不在;固有;含蓄

immanence 相似词语短语

1、immanental ─── 内在的

2、immanent ─── adj.内在的;固有的

3、impermanence ─── n.无常;暂时性

4、immanently ─── 内在地;固有地

5、imminence ─── n.迫切;急迫,危急;迫近的危险或祸患

6、imminency ─── n.迫切;急迫

7、remanence ─── n.[电磁]剩磁;剩余;剩余物

8、immergence ─── n.浸水,吃水

9、immanency ─── n.内在;内在性(等于immanence)

immanence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the immanence of consciousness ─── 意识的内在性

2、In the modern literature, the fleeing discourses express the diversity, whose immanence taste is the resist of infirmness. ─── 摘要现代文学作品中涌现的“出走话语”,表达的是社会转型期中出现的现代性的差异与断裂,在审美内蕴上是弱者的反抗;

3、All these have been immanence, while reciprocal action occurs, and reach stronger washing ability. ─── 以上所有功能是相互作用的,以提升洗涤能力。

4、significance, immanence, depth, etc. ─── 越走越深。

5、Keywords Confucianism;Christianity;Heaven;man;same virtue of Heaven and man;God;Immanence and Transcendence; ─── 儒学;基督教;天;人;天人合德;神;内在与超越;

6、Starting(Having started) with “publicity”, the paper analyses (analysed)and discusses(discussed) the innotation(immanence) of civic plaza. ─── 本文从公共性入手,对市民广场内在的本质问题进行梳理和分析。

7、ISBN号: Immanence and transcendence; New hometown; Communistic cosmology; World as laboratory of salvation. ─── 出版年:内在者与超越者;新家乡;共产主义宇宙学;世界是拯救实验室

8、Pantheism either mutes or rejects the biblical teaching of the transcendence of God in favor of his radical immanence. ─── 泛神论要么静音或拒绝圣经教学的超越上帝,赞成他的激进的内在。

9、Although most liberals attempt to hold on to a core of Christian doctrine, some did carry immanence to its logical end, which is pantheism. ─── 虽然大部分民主派企图进行到一个核心的基督教教义,一些没有进行其内在的逻辑结束,这是泛神论。

10、Rather than quietness, mildness and immanence, the speech Liao Yu chooses in his creation are violence, conflict and disruption. ─── 廖羽在创作中选择语言的不是平静、温和、含蓄,而是激荡、冲突、分裂。

11、It is you that embrace us with an immanence and omnipotent power, and it is you that set a posthouse for all ants here. ─── 是你用内在而广博的力量拥抱我们,是你为我们提供了业余生活,是你木蚂蚁。

12、intensive prearranged fire delivered when the immanence of enemy attack is discovered ─── 固有的敌击被发现时的预先安排好的精密射击

13、Intentionality thus points reductively to the immanence of all exteriority. ─── 因此,意向性还原性的指向了所有外在性的内在。

14、And when he is seen in his immanence and transcendence, then the ties that have bound the heart are unloosened, the doubts of the mind vanish, and the law of Karma works no more. ─── 当他被人看到其固有和卓越,心中的结都被解开,所有的怀疑都被解决,所有的业都结出果实.

15、What is the immanence of believing? ─── 信的内涵究竟为啥?

16、...When one fears, this world frightens one, but when one clears one's heart of all fear, the whole world of illusion turns into one single vision of the sublime immanence of God. ─── ...当一个人害怕的时候,世界使人恐惧,但是当心灵清除了所有的恐惧,这个虚幻的世界就变成了神的庄严存在的唯一景象。

17、It's not a promise of infinite and lacerating repetitions: it's what makes moments caught up in the immanence of return suddenly appear as ends. ─── 它并不是许渃无限与令人懊恼的重复。它是使陷身于回归的内在性的时刻,突然出现充当目标。

18、she no longer seeks to drag him into the realms of immanence but to emerge, herself, into the light of transcendence. ─── 她不想再把他拖入内在性王国,而是她自己显露出超越性。

19、And this garb was a perfectly transparent sheath, through which he recognized the glory of the Divine Immanence. ─── 这种装扮是完美的透明外壳,他透过这个外壳认识了神无处不在的荣耀。

20、It is you that embrace us with an immanence and omnipotent power, and it is you that set a posthouse for all ants here. ─── 是你用内在而广博的力量拥抱我们,是你为我们提供了业余生活,是你木蚂蚁。

21、immanence mechanism ─── 内在机理

22、And yet I apprehend the world in a perception that seems to concern the immanence of the I see myself seeing myself. ─── 可是我理解这个世界,是以一种感觉,这种感觉似乎关心到我看到我自己看到我自己这个命题的内在性。

23、This essay inquires questions by analyzing immanence and externalism of modern uniform.And researches on product designing development,management,and running style. ─── 通过对现代职业装的内涵、外延的分析,就产品的设计开发到管理运营模式等方面进行了探讨。

24、On Deleuzean Empiricism: Is Life Pure Immanence? ─── 主题论德勒兹经验主义:生命是否为全然内在性?

25、Therefore, understanding the immanence of Dai Zhen's philosophy in a merely intelligent way is something that needs to be reconsidered. ─── 因此,若集中由智识型态来理解戴震哲学的内涵,恐是可以再商榷的。

26、theory of immanence ─── 内在论

27、Only when it is put before the mirror of the West as Other, can the Chinese aesthetics obtain its own original immanence. ─── 只有在西方这个“他者”镜像的比照下,中国美学方能获得自身的最初的内在定性。

28、Only when it is put before the mirror of the West as Other, can the Chinese aesthetics obtain its own original immanence. ─── 只有在西方这个“他者”镜像的比照下,中国美学方能获得自身的最初的内在定性。

29、The Immanence of Emergence of Non - formal Finance in China and its Formalization ─── 我国非正规金融产生的内在性及其正规化

30、When the surpace of vibration tube appeared ice, the immanence frequency btings excursion, so according to detect the excursion quantity of immanence frequency can confirm the ice state. ─── 当振管表面出现结冰时,其轴向固有频率会产生偏移,通过检测轴向固有频率偏移量,即可确定结冰状态。

31、B.Music learning attitude is learners’ tendency of learning under the influences of cognizance and senses when learning music;its immanence includes learning motives and learning behaviors. ─── (二)音乐学习态度是学习者在学习音乐相关事物之认知与情绪感官 下所展现的一种学习倾向,其内涵包括学习动机与音乐学习行为表现。

32、His interpretations of the axiology of realism or the axiology of transcendental immanence of I Ching learning differ from I.Kant and L.Wittgensteins transcendental externalism of the moral world. ─── 他对易学的“实在论的价值论”或“超越的内在”的价值论的诠释,与康德、维特根斯坦关于道德世界的“超越的外在论”不同;

33、intensive prearranged fire delivered when the immanence of enemy attack is discovered. ─── 固有的敌击被发现时的预先安排好的精密射击。

34、If the former is my direct discuss object, the latter is the immanence principle when I study and make piont. ─── 若说前者是我论述的直接对象,后者则是我在论述时的内在依据。

35、Second, sort out the main maths methods of thinking in middle school.Set out the inter link between them and inquirty learning.Point out it is the immanence require of maths inquirty learnig. ─── 二是整理出中学数学重要的思想方法,阐述它们与数学研究性学习的内在联系,指出以数学思想方法为指导,是数学研究性学习的内在要求。

36、The reciprocity of civic education, civic diathesis, civic capability and civic activity constitutes the immanence development logic of civic culture cultivation. ─── 前者主要须注重公民教育、公民素质、公民能力、公民活动等四个方面的发展;

37、And the legal consciousness of the people, as a important immanence driving-strength, have turned into the key to boosting the proceeding of managing state affair according to the laws. ─── 而公民法律意识作为其重要的内在驱动力量,成为促进依法治国进程的关键。

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