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09-13 投稿



obliterating 发音

英:[əˈblɪtəreɪtɪŋ]  美:[əˈblɪtəreɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

obliterating 中文意思翻译



obliterating 短语词组

1、obliterating define ─── 抹杀定义

2、acute obliterating bronchiolitis ─── [医] 急性闭塞性细支气管炎

3、obliterating mean ─── 消灭平均数

4、obliterating meaning ─── 抹杀意义

5、obliterating phlebitis ─── [医] 闭塞性静脉炎

6、obliterating synonym ─── 消除同义词

7、obliterating dead ─── 抹杀死者

8、obliterating paint ─── 去泽漆

9、obliterating syn ─── 消除syn

obliterating 词性/词形变化,obliterating变形

动词现在分词: obliterating |形容词: obliterative |动词过去式: obliterated |动词过去分词: obliterated |名词: obliteration |动词第三人称单数: obliterates |

obliterating 相似词语短语

1、iterating ─── v.迭代(iterate的现在分词);重复;反复申说

2、obligating ─── v.(使)负有法律(或道义)责任;以(资产)为担保;(使)感激;adj.专性的;必需的;n.专性有机体

3、deliberating ─── adj.故意的;深思熟虑的;从容的;vt.仔细考虑;商议

4、liberating ─── 解放,释放(liberate的现在分词)

5、obliteration ─── n.闭塞;涂去,删除;消灭

6、obliterate ─── vt.消灭;涂去;冲刷;忘掉

7、obliterated ─── v.摧毁;抹除(想法、感情或记忆);(使)看不见;遮盖;盖销(尤指邮票)(obliterate的过去式和过去分词)

8、alliterating ─── v.押头韵;用头韵体作

9、obliterative ─── adj.闭塞的

obliterating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、acute obliterating bronchiolitis ─── 急性闭塞性细支气管炎

2、Instead of a design obliterating the individual character, it is the embodiment and extending of the self-value. ─── 通用设计不是抹杀个性的设计,是自我价值的体现和延伸。

3、Earth's population by obliterating its generative half. ─── / 藉由涂去它的生殖一半的地球人口。这些事物。。

4、Mrs Clinton said this week that, as president, she would have no qualms about “totally obliterating” Iran if it used nuclear weapons against Israel. ─── 克林顿夫人本周说,如果她当选总统,一旦伊朗胆敢对以色列动用核武,她将毫无疑惧的将其从这个星球“彻底抹去”。

5、I am amused. Look at the quivering coward. You try so hard to keep me from obliterating you. ─── 真有趣。看看你们这些怯懦的家伙,为了不让我除灭你们,可真是花了大力气来取悦我。

6、Orthogonal function spectrophotomery was used for obliterating the interferance of absorption RESULTS: Azone (1 %) had a significantly effect on percutaneous absorp-tion of bifonazole. ─── 结果:1%氮酮明显促进联苯苄唑经皮渗透作用,并可明显缩短时滞而增加贮库效应。

7、And last but not least, it makes up for the long, obliterating neglect in his own land of one of history's greatest scientific visionaries. ─── 最后,同时也是重要的一点,这项举动对于历史上最伟大的科学前瞻者之一,在其祖国所受到的长期忽视,有所弥补。

8、A roadside car to, we inspect vehicles down the right side only obliterating the end of a small piece of lacquer, her husband said he was particularly sedation, in quasi-distance, add the salt off on the throttle. ─── 车停到了路边,我们下来检查车,右边尾侧只是擦掉了一小块漆,老公说,当时他特别镇静,量准距离,加了油门就冲了出去。

9、A shallow subsurface nuclear explosion produces a large crater, obliterating facilities within its radius and any just beyond it where strong stresses rupture the earth. ─── 浅层地下核爆会造成庞大的弹坑,炸毁半径内所有的基地,强大的应力还会击碎土壤,一并毁去弹坑附近的基地。

10、obliterating pericarditis ─── 闭塞性心包炎

11、said the wine-shop keeper, crossing the road, and obliterating the jest with a handful of mud, picked up for the purpose and smeared over it.'Why do you write in the public streets? ─── 酒店老板走过街去,从地上抓一把烂泥涂在他的字上,把它抹掉了,说,“你干吗在大街上乱画?

12、obliterating power ─── 涂盖力

13、I dimly perceived that she was already obliterating hope from the new phase of existence which she destined me to enter; ─── 我依稀感到,她抹去了我对新生活所怀的希望,这种生活是她特意为我安排的。

14、and that others are forced to undergo hated "patriotic re-education" , which many see as aimed at obliterating their own culture. ─── 很多其他藏民被强迫进行“爱国主义再教育”,很多藏民认为这是为了消灭他们自己的文化。

15、With her persistence and greediness,she attained the statue of an obliterating legend in the history of American culture. ─── 她以不懈的奋斗和追求以及不为世俗所容的贪婪和残酷,谱写了十九世纪美国南方社会乃至整个美国文化史上一部永不磨灭的传奇。

16、obliterating endarteristis ─── 闭塞性动脉内膜炎

17、There was a significant difference between two groups.Conclusion "Maibi Decoction" is quite effective for obliterating old thrombus in deep lower veins. ─── 结论采用脉痹饮为主的中西医结合溶栓疗法可使血管再通。

18、Medical Examiner to certify in writing across the top of the photograph and form (without obliterating the image) that it is a true likeness of the examinee. ─── 体检医生须在相片上方和表格的连接处书面证明接受体检的人就是相片上的这个人(请不要写在脸上)。

19、IT'S unnerving to see "Lust, Caution" as the title of Ang Lee's provocative new film because these states, each capable of obliterating the other, exist at the opposite ends of the emotional spectrum. ─── 看到李安煽情的新片名“色.戒”二字就感到很黯然。色和戒是相互毁灭的,两者是站在完全对立的情感边缘。

20、Not denying or obliterating the distinctions of the second and third persons. ─── 我們並非否認三位一體的第二位(聖子)與第三位(聖靈)的區別。

21、and that others are forced to undergo hated “patriotic re-education”, which many see as aimed at obliterating their own culture. ─── 而其它的人们被迫地接受那可恨、意在抹杀他们自己文化的“爱国主义教育”。

22、obliterating oscillator ─── 抹迹振荡器

23、Result These 5 patients were finally cured by obliterating or isolating the fistulae. ─── 结果采用正确的治疗方法,5例病人全愈。

24、14 6 obliterating the bond against us, with its legal claims, which was opposed to us, he also removed it from our midst, nailing it to the cross; ─── 涂抹了那相反我们,告发我们对诫命负债的债卷,把它从中除去,将它钉在十字架上;

25、Germany's Paul Biedermann beat Michael Phelps in the men's 200m freestyle final to win gold - obliterating the American's world record in the process. ─── 德国比德尔曼在男子200米上自由泳决赛中打败菲尔普斯赢得金牌----从而抹去了美国人的世界纪录。

26、5. The distasteful nature of that event notwithstanding, it had the effect of obliterating the contrived, plastic, clean-cut image of Kobe that existed at the time. ─── 那件事让人很不爽,它也抹去了科比当时在人们心目中那种做作的,模仿的,轮廓鲜明的形象。收藏指正

27、obliterating phlebitis ─── [医] 闭塞性静脉炎

28、The thinner outer layers of the star cannot contain the nuclear reactions so tightly, and the star balloons, obliterating nearby planets. ─── 恒星较薄的外层难以维持这不间断的核子反应,并且它膨胀起来,在行星附近湮没了。

29、When Sanctuary was discovered by the Angiris Council, Tyrael was given the responsibility of leading the Heavenly Hosts in obliterating Sanctuary. ─── 在避难所被天使议会发现之后,泰瑞尔被赋予了率领众天使抹去避难所的任务。

30、Obliterating history in Georgia ─── 格鲁吉亚被摧毁的历史

31、This has turned a grave situation into a national disaster...hour by hour and day by day the actions of the British Government are indiscriminately obliterating Icelandic interests. ─── 难怪每周一群众都聚集在雷克雅未克市中心请愿请大卫敖德森童鞋下课。。

32、Heavy rains triggered landslides in the Philippines last month, obliterating a village of 1,800 people. ─── 上个月,大雨在菲律宾造成了滑坡,埋没了一个1,800人的村庄。

33、Michael smoked the competition, obliterating the field in most of his events. ─── 迈克尔让比赛放光,几乎淹没了他所参加的大多数项目。

34、United made a merciless start to the defence of the Manchester Senior Cup, obliterating Bury with a five-star show at Moss Lane. ─── 曼联在卫冕曼彻斯特高级杯的道路上开了个好头,在莫斯巷他们5-0大败巴里。

35、Initialization happens when a variable is created and gives that variable its initial value.Assignment involves obliterating an object's current value and replacing that value with a new one. ─── 初始化指创建变量并给它赋初始值,而赋值则是擦除对象的当前值并用新值代替。

36、This massive Bombard fires a stone ball weighing well over half a ton, obliterating any but the most massive walls in one shot. ─── 这种巨炮能发射超过半吨的石弹,除史诗巨墙外,任何防御设施都无法抵御一次猛轰。

37、Assignment involves obliterating the existing object.If there is no existing object, then the actions in the assignment operator can have disastrous effects. ─── 赋值涉及删除现存对象,如果没有现存对象,赋值操作符中的动作就会有灾难性效果。

38、But obliterating the previous record by nearly four seconds was not the story, as five of the eight teams were below the previous mark (3:12.23). ─── 但是以将近4秒的成绩打破原来的纪录并不是报道的重点,因为参赛的8个队当中有5个游出了低于原先纪录3分12秒23的速度。

39、Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of thrombus-dissolving therapy for obliterating old thrombus in deep lower veins. ─── 目的观察中西医结合溶栓疗法治疗闭塞型陈旧性下肢深静脉血栓的疗效。

40、9.The distasteful nature of that event notwithstanding, it had the effect of obliterating the contrived, plastic, clean-cut image of Kobe that existed at the time. ─── 那件事让人很不爽,它也抹去了科比当时在人们心目中那种做作的,模仿的,轮廓鲜明的形象。

41、Because some paintings were made directly over others, obliterating them, it is probable that a painting's value ended with the migration it pictured. ─── 因为有些画是直接在其他被擦掉的画上面创作的,所以一幅画的价值很可能会随着它所描绘的迁移过程的结束而消失。

42、And where American atomic bombs levelled Hiroshima and Nagasaki, rather than Japanese bombs obliterating Chicago and New York? ─── 而又为什么是美国率先在广岛和长崎投下原子弹,却不是日本率先摧毁芝加哥和纽约?

43、Fireballs rain down, obliterating cars and killing hundreds of fleeing pedestrians.It's the end of the world.And then things get worse. ─── 怪物在没有受到控制之前,会袭击所有人类,所以在游戏中就存在三方战斗的场景,正义组织、**组织和古代怪物。

44、But, at the same time, Complex of Prosperity also has the disadvantages such as aggrandizing, shading, obliterating the abuses of feudal tradition without modem more enlightened standpoint. ─── 但是,“盛世情结”也在一定程度上夸大、遮蔽、抹杀了封建历史文化弊端,未能站在现代文明立场反思传统历史。

45、The thinner outer layers of the star cannot contain the nuclear reactions so tightly, and the star balloons, obliterating nearby planets. ─── 恒星较薄弱的表层无法完全隔离内部的核反应,因而恒星会逐渐吞没附近的行星。

46、And last but not least, it makes up for the long, obliterating neglect in his own land of one of history's greatest scientific visionaries. ─── 最后,同时也是重要的一点,这项举动对于历史上最伟大的科学前瞻者之一,在其祖国所受到的长期忽视,有所弥补。

47、obliterating mists; an obscurant bank of clouds. ─── 模糊了一切的雾;模糊的云层。

48、obliterating bronchiolitis ─── 闭塞性细支气管炎

49、said the wine-shop keeper, crossing the road, and obliterating the jest with a handful of mud, picked up for the purpose and smeared over it. 'Why do you write in the public streets? ─── 酒店老板走过街去,从地上抓一把烂泥涂在他的字上,把它抹掉了,说,“你干吗在大街上乱画?

50、In his design for the CCTV headquarters, Mr. Koolhaas begins by obliterating any trace of the human scale from the exteriors. ─── 在他中央电视台总部的设计里,库哈斯先生开始在外部上抹去任何人们活动的痕迹。

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