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09-15 投稿



magnified 发音

英:[ˈmæɡnɪfaɪd]  美:[ˈmæɡnɪfaɪd]

英:  美:

magnified 中文意思翻译




magnified 同义词

sensational | sumptuous |grand | resplendent | imperial | stately | superlative | grandiose | terrific | marvelous | bravura | regal | gorgeous | majestic | exquisite | tremendous | brilliant | wealthy | elaborate | beautiful | outstanding | plush | costly | stunning | splendid | impressive | superb | great | marvellous | imposing | flashy | glorious | noble | wonderful

magnified 短语词组

1、magnified sweep ─── [电] 扩大扫描

magnified 反义词


magnified 词性/词形变化,magnified变形

名词复数: magnificoes |

magnified 相似词语短语

1、carnified ─── vt.使成肉质;使变成肉质;vi.变成肉质

2、magnifiers ─── n.[光]放大镜(magnifier的复数形式)

3、magnifier ─── n.[光]放大镜;[电子]放大器

4、damnified ─── v.损害;损伤

5、unmagnified ─── 不庄重的

6、dignified ─── adj.庄严的;有尊严的;高贵的;v.使高贵(dignify的过去式)

7、lignified ─── adj.木质化的;褐煤化的;v.使木质化(lignify的过去分词)

8、magnifies ─── vt.放大;赞美;夸大;vi.放大;有放大能力

9、ignified ─── 点燃

magnified 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I have heard the reproaching of Moab And the revilings of the children of Ammon, By which they have reproached My people And magnified themselves against their border. ─── 8我听见摩押人的辱骂,和亚扪人的毁谤,就是辱骂我的百姓,自夸自大,侵犯他们的境界。

2、And of the rest durst no man join himself to them: but the people magnified them. ─── 其馀的人,没有一个敢贴近他们。百姓却尊重他们。

3、But it actually was one of the commercial dispute shapes that magnified as well as one kind of unique way to solve the trading disputes under the specific historical background. ─── 它其实是一种扩大化的华洋商事纠纷形态,在特定历史背景下也成为华洋商事纠纷的一种独特解决路径。

4、Software Description: About ZOOM, Zoom allows you to view a magnified version of the extended area that is under your mouse cursor. ─── ZOOM该软件允许你放大、测量、抓取图像、汲取颜色、突出显示、打印以及在你的屏幕上写字。

5、At the same time, the benefits he stands to gain are colorfully magnified, while the bitter taste, which will remain after the act of penance, is played down as an illusion. ─── 同时,他着眼要得到的利益被渲染了,而痛苦的体验,在赎罪的行为之后将保留下来,被缩减成一种幻觉。

6、Minor advance was magnified into victory. ─── 小小的进步被夸大成胜利。

7、And none of the rest dared to join themselves to them, but the people magnified them. ─── 其余的人没有一个敢贴近他们,百姓却尊重他们;

8、ZahlA bewhiskered face, here magnified 15 times, belies the beauty of a nymphalid butterfly. ─── 头上那如角般的触须,是用于味觉、触觉、听觉与嗅觉的传感器。

9、The problems caused by motorized vehicles in the West are often magnified in developing nations. ─── 西方机动车辆造成的问题在发展中国家往往被放大。

10、For each thought is magnified and manifested through the whole of your existence. ─── 因你的每个思想被扩大,并通过你的整个生活表现出来。

11、Her status as inspector of schools magnified the gap between her limited abilities and her responsibilities. ─── 她任各校督学之职,扩大了她有限的能力和所负责任之间的差距。

12、If not, the texture must be magnified or minified. The result can be a chunky, aliased, or blurred image. ─── 但如果不是这样的话,得到的图像可能会有马赛克、锯齿或模糊不清。

13、If a glass of water were magnified to the size of the earththe molecules composing it would be about as big as a large orange. ─── 如果将一杯水放大到地球那么大,水分子将有大橘子那么大。

14、Personal benefits are magnified giving positive affects at regional, provincial and national levels. ─── 个人利益的正效应在地区、省份和国家水平上被扩大。

15、When a texture filter operation is performed, the texture being used is typically also being magnified or minified. ─── 在执行纹理过滤操作时,正在使用的纹理一般会被放大或缩小。

16、And the costs exacted by the Chinese dams will be magnified if the proposed mainstream dams below China are built. ─── 同时,如果中国下游拟建的干流水坝一旦建成,中国大坝所产生的成本也将会被放大。

17、The impact of foreclosures was magnified by "mortgage-backed securities. ─── 丧失抵押品赎回权的影响被按揭证券扩大了。

18、Few of them magnified the negative respect of humanity to ultimate. ─── 于是其中的一些人就说或做了一些不负责任的事情。

19、The problem is magnified in areas where rainfall during the growing season is intense, plants are shallow rooted and soils are sandy. ─── 作物的生长季节中,降雨强度大、植物根浅以及砂质土壤的地区,这种淋失问题会更加严重。

20、The rigidity of the 1970s economies, where union power and indexed contracts meant wages were unyielding, only magnified the adverse effects of oil shocks. ─── 1970年代的经济没有目前这么灵活,那时有工会力量,及那些与通胀相联系的合同,这意味着工资上缺少灵活性,而这些则增大了石油震荡的负面作用。

21、This means that if it was magnified to the size of the solar system, it would still appear spherical to within the width of a human hair. ─── 这意味着,如果将其尺寸放大到太阳系大小,它仍将是一个误差不超过头发丝粗细的圆。

22、And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. ─── 凡住在以弗所的,无论是犹太人,是希腊人,都知道这事,也都惧怕,主耶稣的名从此就尊大了。

23、Make ye him drunken: for he magnified himself against the LORD: Moab also shall wallow in his vomit, and he also shall be in derision. ─── 你们要使摩押沉醉,因她向耶和华夸大。她要在自己所吐之中打滚,又要被人嗤笑。

24、Their own failures and perceived failures are magnified. ─── 他们自己的失败和感知中的失败被扩大了。

25、Long wave earthquake has come to Nagoya. Maybe there is an magnified earthquake far from here. ─── 中午左右在名古屋感觉了长周期的地震波。有可能远方有大地震呢。

26、For Higuain, the unlimited potential behind it is more and more magnified the light. ─── 对于伊瓜因来说,无限潜力的背后,是越来越放大了的光明。

27、When magnified, even a ground, lapped surface appears irregular and rough. ─── 在放大的角度观察,即使是地面、丛叠的表面也显示出既不规则又很粗糙。

28、A further magnified mammography and a biopsy diagnosed that it was cancer at a very early stage. ─── 之后,进一步的放大X光检查以及组织切片化验诊断其乳癌处于初期阶段。

29、Mumbai is extreme India. In this booming metropolis all the wealth, inequalities, colors, flavors and passions of India are magnified to an almost unbearable degree. ─── 孟买是印度的极致展现。在这个繁荣发展的大都市,印度所有的财富、不平等、肤色、风味和激情都超乎了人们所能承受的范围。

30、The uncertainty has been magnified by the way that bad risks have become so hard to value. ─── 不利风险已经变得难以计量,由此不确定性也随之扩大。

31、Even when magnified, the two organisms are difficult to tell apart . ─── 即使放大之后,这两种有机体也难以区分。

32、But when both husband and wife choose to enrol in an EMBA programme at the same time the potential for disruption is magnified a thousand-fold. ─── 但当夫妻同时报名上EMBA时,扰乱家庭生活的潜在风险简直是被无限放大了。

33、From the point of view of piano technique we group scales and arpeggios together, since arpeggios are essentially magnified, amplified scales. ─── 从钢琴弹奏法这个观点来看,因为琶音从本质上来说是基础的放大,是放大了的音阶,所在我们将音阶与琶音放到了一起。

34、The worship magnified these powers, and led to media's offside and misplacement. ─── 崇拜是对这些权力的放大,会导致传媒运行过程中发生角色越位;

35、A simple mistake in judgment was often magnified to the proportions of a major crime. ─── 在审判时, 小过失常常被夸大成滔天大罪。

36、And your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, The LORD will be magnified from the border of Israel. ─── 你们必亲眼看见、也必说、愿耶和华在以色列境界之外、被尊为大。

37、When the mark of organic foods is used, it may be magnified or minified in equal proportion according to the needs, but its shape or color shall not be changed. ─── 使用有机食品标志时,可根据需要等比例放大或缩小,但不得变形、变色。

38、From whatever angle you looked at the poster, the muzzle of the gun, magnified by the foreshortening, seemed to be pointed straight at you. ─── 不管从哪个角度看,那枪口都像直冲着你,由于透视的关系,枪口给画得老大老大。

39、The application of financial derivatives for NSSF investment shall be limited to the risk management and be prohibited from any speculation or magnified transaction. ─── 全国社保基金投资衍生金融工具仅限于风险管理需要,严禁用于投机或放大交易。

40、An adult human magnified by the same amount would be over a mile(1.6 Kilometer) tall. ─── 一个成年人要是也被放大相同的倍数,那么它就有一英里(1.6千米)多高了。

41、The impact of foreclosures was magnified by "mortgage-backed securities." These are created by investment firms that buy up a group of mortgages from lenders. ─── 丧失抵押品赎回权的影响通过收回抵押证券的形式扩大化了。

42、When he entered the room, his regal aura, luminous eyes, and simple eloquence seemed magnified by his physical decline. ─── 当他走进房间时,其帝王气概、炯炯的眼神以及简洁流利的言词因为身体的衰弱反而显得更伟大了。

43、But in the last 200 years, human activity that requires burning oil, natural gas, and coal for energy has magnified the greenhouse effect. ─── 但在过去的200年里,通过燃烧油、天然气、煤来获取能量的人类活动加剧了温室效应。

44、If the bet is placed on the right side of the table,the reward will be similarly magnified. ─── 如果赌注下对了,那么回报也将是成倍增长。

45、If you are tired, you may feel overwhelmed, and tiny problems will be magnified. ─── 如果你太累了,你会觉得超载,小问题也会被扩大。

46、Fullback is not a glamour position, as offensive opportunities are rare and defensive mistakes get magnified. ─── 后卫不是一个光彩夺目的位置,因为在这个位置上进攻的机会很少,而一旦防守失误,就备受他人的责怪。

47、Existing distortions in wage differentials will be magnified. ─── 工资差别上存在的扭曲现象将被加剧。

48、And your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, Jehovah be magnified beyond the border of Israel. ─── 以色列人民将亲眼看见这事;他们会说:“上主在以色列境外也被尊崇!”

49、In that day the Lord magnified Josue in the sight of all Israel, that they should fear him, as they had feared Moses, while he lived. ─── 在他有生之日,百姓敬重他如敬重梅瑟一样。

50、At first it was a giant column, which soon took the shape of a supramundane mushroom.For a feeling instant it took the form of the Statue of Liberty magnified many times. ─── 它起初是个巨大的圆柱,很快形成了凌云驾空的大蘑菇,一瞬间又变成了一座扩大了许多倍的自由女神像。

51、You have magnified the peril. ─── 你把危险夸大了。

52、On the screen her beauty was magnified spiritualized. ─── 在银幕上,她的漂亮被放大了,精神化了。

53、Switches between a full-page view of a sheet and a magnified view. ─── 在全页视图和放大视图之间切换。

54、You have grossly magnified a trivial situation. ─── 你过分地夸大了一件鸡毛蒜皮的小事。

55、O LORD, behold my affliction: for the enemy hath magnified himself. ─── 他说:耶和华啊,求你看我的苦难,因为仇敌夸大。

56、On Tuesday, Wednesday and early Thursday, you'll get back into your groove and all your best qualities -- especially your persistence and wise practicality -- will be magnified. ─── 在周二,周三和周四的早期,你将会回到你的最佳状态---特别是你的持之以恒已经英明神武将得到扩大。

57、Elihu magnified the Almighty God who is truly righteous, just, and all-knowing (36:5). ─── 以利户夸赞全能的上帝,因为祂是公义的、公正的,也是无所不知的(36:5)。

58、The output voltage signal of sensor was magnified, and sampling holding and A/D conversion was made. ─── 再放大传感器输出的电压信号、采样保持并A/D转换。

59、The impact of output fluctuation is often magnified. Furthermore, the globalization of supply chain accelerates this reaction. ─── 产出的波动对贸易的影响总是被放大的,而且供应链的全球化加速了这种反应。

60、And her neighbors and her kinsfolk heard that the Lord had magnified his mercy towards her; and they rejoiced with her. ─── 她的邻居和亲戚听见了主赐给她这样大的恩慈,都跟她一同欢喜。

61、Its lens, no bigger than a small raindrop, magnified objects hundreds of times. ─── 它的镜头大不过小雨滴,却能使物体放大数百倍。

62、On the screen her beauty was magnified, spiritualized. ─── 在银幕上,她的美丽被放大了,精神化了。

63、Comparison with China has become a distorting mirror in which Indians see their country's shortcomings grotesquely magnified. ─── 与中国的比较已经成为印度人民荒诞般放大自己国家缺点的一面哈哈镜。

64、He said their disagreements were magnified and he wants 'vigorous debate' in his administration. ─── 奥巴马表示,他们之间的分歧被放大了,他希望政府内部进行“有活力的辩论”。

65、And the LORD magnified Solomon exceedingly in the sight of all Israel, and bestowed upon him such royal majesty as had not been on any king before him in Israel. ─── 使所罗门在以色列众人眼前甚为尊大,极其威严,胜过在他以前的以色列王。

66、His name even went into immortal print, for the village paper magnified him. ─── 他的名字见了报,获得了永生,镇上的报纸大肆宣扬了他的事迹。

67、At the heart of it, magnified by the curved surface, there was a strange, pink, convoluted object that recalled a rose or a sea anemone . ─── 在中央,由于弧形的缘故,看上去像放大了一样,有一个奇怪的粉红色的蟠曲的东西,使人觉得像朵玫瑰花,又像海葵。

68、Bertha's quick invention magnified the coming anguish till, for thinking of it, she could hardly sleep at night. ─── 伯莎敏锐的虚构,扩大了正在到来的痛苦,仍然一想到这点她晚上就不能睡觉。

69、That intensity is strangely magnified when the building is empty, as if trembling in anticipation of a mass event. ─── 当建筑是空的时候这种感觉就被奇异的放大,就好像人们在大事来临前的焦虑一样。

70、Could the benefit (received by the deceased) be magnified by the copies of the burned Zhou? ─── 亡者所获得的利益真的可以随所烧的咒的张数而扩大吗?

71、This became known to all, both Jews and Greeks, who lived in Ephesus; and fear fell upon them all and the name of the Lord Jesus was being magnified. ─── 凡住在以弗所的、无论是犹太人、是希利尼人、都知道这事、也都惧伯、主耶稣的名从此就尊大了。

72、The need for that predated the crisis but is now magnified by it. ─── 在危机到来之前,刺激消费的需要已经浮现,只不过现在的危机把这一需要放大了。

73、On the dome screen the turmoil of puberty becomes completely open to you and the exciting moment of bringing a new life is magnified to the great extent. ─── 巨大的球型屏幕,使青春期的困惑不再羞涩,把对生命诞生的感动放大到了极点。

74、Amid the financial market crisis, many jittering investors who fell into an unsuitable investment strategy appear to have suffered magnified investment losses. ─── 在金融市场危机中,不恰当的投资策略使那些紧张的投资者们遭受的损失更为惨重。

75、And this became known to all, both Jews and Greeks, dwelling in Ephesus; and fear fell upon them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. ─── 凡住在以弗所的,无论是犹太人,是希利尼人,都知道这事,众人都惧怕,主耶稣的名也就尊大了。

76、At first it was a giant column, which soon took the shape of a supramundane mushroom. For a fleeting instant it took the (from) of the Statue of Liberty magnified many times. ─── 它起初是个巨大的圆柱,很快形成了凌云驾空的大蘑菇,一瞬间又变成了一座扩大了许多倍的自由神象。

77、Magnified Adaptive Genetic Algorithm(MAGA) was adopted to make a multiobjective optimum design for single-enveloping TI worm gearing. ─── 以螺旋角、法向模数及蜗轮齿宽为优化变量,采用改进的自适应遗传算法(MAGA)对一次包络TI蜗杆传动进行多目标优化设计。

78、LORD, behold my affliction: for the enemy hath magnified himself. ─── 他说、耶和华阿、求你看我的苦难、因为仇敌夸大。

79、At each additional booster, the chakras and the channels to the hands are magnified and empowered. ─── 在每一个额外的援助者,查克拉和通道到这个手和扩大及赋予更强大力量。

80、If a relief sculpture is made, the height of the various parts may be magnified or lessened to the scale of the sectional drawing. ─── 四、如制作浮雕,其各部位之高低,可根据断面图之比例放大或缩小。

81、Nostalgia, as always, had wiped away bad memories and magnified the good ones. No one was safe from its onslaught. ─── 乡愁总能抹去不好的记忆,放大好的记忆。谁都躲不过它的横扫。

82、Departmentalism is magnified individualism. ─── 本位主义是放大了的个人主义。

83、This error was particulary magnified by the fact that by the time of Yalta we already had japan beaten. ─── 到雅尔莲协定时,我们算是已经把日本打败了,由这事实看来,那错误尤为显著。

84、Plus, with such a big audience, the laughter, the tension...all the emotions in the movie were magnified. ─── 和这么多观众一起欣赏,所有的欢笑、悬疑、所有电影里的情绪一起扩大渲染好多倍。

85、If observers see a quasar brighten and then dim in a particular way, they can infer that a star passed in front and briefly magnified its image. ─── 其他用来定测哈伯常数的方法有赖一长串距离测量,但是利用重力透镜,只消一步就可获得答案。

86、What you think, affects where your life goes. For each thought is magnified and manifested through the whole of your existence. ─── 你的思考影响着你的生活去向。因你的每个思想被扩大并显现在你的整个生活里。

87、Still, many of the small green smudges (see magnified inset) are identified as dwarf galaxies, roughly comparable to the Small Magellanic Cloud. ─── 同时,还有许多小的绿色晕斑(请看扩大的插图)被确认为矮星系,大小与小麦哲伦星云相当。

88、These weaknesses were all magnified during the last two years of the war. ─── 战争后期两年中,这些弱项均被放大凸显出来。

89、At first it was a giant column, which soon took the shape of a supramundane mushroom.For a fleeting instant it took the form of the Statue of Liberty magnified many times. ─── 它起初是个巨大的圆柱,很快形成了凌云驾空的大蘑菇,一瞬间又变成了一座扩大了许多倍的自由神像。

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