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09-01 投稿



resolves 发音

英:[rɪˈzɒlvz]  美:[rɪˈzɑːlvz]

英:  美:

resolves 中文意思翻译




resolves 同义词

answer | undertake | determination | backbone | propose | break up | conclude | dissolve | get to the bottom of | make a decision | come to a decision | decipher | resolution | decision | settle | solve | will | unscramble |decide | determine | adjudicate | firmness | put an end to | declaration | purpose | resoluteness | stability | make up your mind | unravel | steadfastness | sort out | tenacity

resolves 常用词组

resolve into ─── 使分解为…;归结为

fail to resolve ─── 解决未果

resolves 词性/词形变化,resolves变形

动词现在分词: resolving |名词: resolvability |形容词: resolvable |动词过去分词: resolved |动词第三人称单数: resolves |副词: resolvedly |动词过去式: resolved |

resolves 反义词


resolves 相似词语短语

1、presolves ─── 解决

2、resolver ─── n.溶剂;[电子]分解器;下决心者

3、resolvents ─── adj.分解的;有溶解力的;消散的;n.溶剂;分解物;消肿药

4、resoles ─── v.给(靴、鞋等)换底

5、revolves ─── vi.旋转;循环出现;反复考虑;vt.使…旋转;使…循环;反复考虑;n.旋转;循环;旋转舞台

6、presolved ─── 预先解决

7、resolve ─── vt.决定;溶解;使……分解;决心要做……;[主化]解析;vi.解决;决心;分解;n.坚决;决定要做的事

8、resolders ─── 转售商

9、resolved ─── adj.下定决心的,坚决的;v.解决;决定;(立法机构等)表决;分解;使(病症)消退;使(不协和音)转向协和音;(当远处物体看得更清楚时)变成;(光学仪器等)分辨(resolve的过去式和过去分词)

resolves 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The spell you play as a result of the cascade ability resolves before the original spell. ─── 你由于倾曳异能而能够使用的牌,会比原本的咒语更早结算。

2、The amount of life the player loses is determined as the triggered ability resolves. ─── 于此触发式异能结算时,才决定该牌手会失去多少生命。

3、A method of temperature compensation for pressure sensor is introduced, and it resolves the problem which is about the temperature excursion of pressure sensor. ─── 介绍了一种压力传感器的温度补偿方法,这种方法解决了压力传感器温度漂移的问题.

4、In analysis the individual resolves difficult emotional conflicts. ─── 在心理分析治疗法中,个人可以化解严重的情感冲突。

5、D. Postpartum course. Hypertension due to preeclampsia resolves postpartum, often within a few days, but sometimes taking a few weeks. ─── 产后经过。先兆子痫引起的高血压通常在产后几天好转,但有时也要几周。

6、If a Hatchling has no -1/-1 counters on it when the triggered ability resolves, the ability does nothing. There is no penalty for not being able to remove a counter. ─── 如果某幼雏的触发式异能结算时,上面没有-1/-1指示物,则此异能便失效。无法移去指示物并不会带来什么负面影响。

7、The varying step-size CMA resolves the problem, and improve the performance of constringency. ─── 变步长恒模算法解决了固定步长恒模算法的问题,使算法的收敛性能有了很大提高。

8、If the product appear after wash, remediate the printing surface covered with a layer of thin-film or more a light pulp resolves the colour problem. ─── 如果产物呈现掉色,举动挽回的办法是在印品表背再包围一层薄膜或增涂一道光亮浆即可处置掉色题目。

9、The paper resolves the engineering geological problems of using red sandstones as the filler of speedway"s roadbed. ─── 初步解决了研究区域内高速公路建设中遇到的红砂岩路基填料的工程地质问题。

10、And more particularly because there was no fresh water near it, so I resolv'd to find a more healthy and more convenient spot of ground. ─── 二则附近没有淡水。我得找一个比较卫生,比较方便的地方建造自己的住所。

11、Otherwise, this method resolves the hyperlink, downloads the target document, and displays the document in the appropriate application. ─── 否则,此方法解析超链接,下载目标文档并在适当的应用程序中显示文档。

12、If anyone resolves to do His will, he will know concerning the teaching, whether it is of God or whether I speak from Myself. ─── 人若立志实行他的旨意,就必晓得这教训或是出于神,或是我从自己说的。

13、For example, if your life total is 20 and your library has thirty-two cards in it when Invincible Hymn resolves, Invincible Hymn will cause you to gain 12 life. ─── 举例来说,如果你的总生命是20,且不屈赞歌结算时你的牌库有三十二张牌,则不屈赞歌会让你获得12点生命。

14、After they quarrel, ask to live sexual life immediately, the hope resolves soulful conflict with carnal attentive. ─── 他们吵完架之后马上就要求过性生活,希望用肉体的温存来解决感情上的冲突。

15、You'll be amazed at how much faster suffering resolves itself when you cut out the suffering of suffering. ─── 你会发现当你去除了痛苦之痛苦后,痛苦多么快地能自我消除。

16、Convinced that Fran is in love with him, Bud resolves to tell Sheldrake that he will take the girl off his hand . ─── 在确信弗兰对自己的情意后,巴德打定主意要和希德瑞克摊牌,他要带走弗兰。

17、This update resolves an issue with Windows-based systems which may cause them to deplete their paged pool if the Volume Shadow Copy Service is placed under heavy load. ─── Windows系统中存在一个问题。当卷影复制服务过于繁忙时,该问题可能导致系统耗尽它们的页面缓冲池。本更新程序可以解决这一问题。

18、In this paper,an author developed application programming interface(API) is introduced,which resolves the problem satisfactorily. ─── 作者开发的API(应用编程接口)较好地解决了这一问题。

19、The biggest lesson of bringing the Balts in is that it resolves security problems that might otherwise fester. ─── 允许波罗的海人加入的最大好处是解决了他们可能溃烂的安全问题。

20、The algorithm which resolves general max-min problems is global convergent. ─── 同时证明了该算法的全局收敛性。

21、A beneficiaries meeting resolves to terminate the contract. ─── 五、受益人会议决议终止契约。

22、House resolves itself into a Committee. ─── 下院转入开全体议员委员会。

23、Once Elspeth's third ability resolves, it's continually in effect until the game ends, even if Elspeth has already left play or leaves play at some point afterwards. ─── 一旦艾紫培的第三个异能结算,便会持续到这盘游戏结束为止,就算艾紫培已经离场或在稍后的时段中离场也是一样。

24、You cut out the pI 5.6 band and subject it to SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The protein resolves as a single band. ─── 你把pI为5.6的带切下,进行SDS-PAGE.此一蛋白表现出一单带。

25、A player can't play spells once he or she resolves a spell with epic, but that player can still play abilities, as well as attack and block. ─── 一旦某玩家操控的历传咒语结算,他便不能使用咒语,但该玩家依旧可以使用异能、进行攻击与阻挡。

26、If this is the case, each entity resolves to a table. ─── 在这种情况下,每个实体都将解析为一个表。

27、The Additional reference search paths pane displays a list of additional paths to search when the compiler resolves assembly references. ─── “附加引用搜索路径”窗格显示编译器在解析程序集引用时要搜索的附加路径的列表。

28、The application of OWL to semantic integration in DMIS resolves the problems of unrealized function suffers from different descriptive criterion. ─── OWL在制造信息系统语义集成中的应用,解决了由单元属性描述差异造成的系统功能无法实现的问题。

29、The SafeHandle class resolves object lifetime issues by assigning and releasing handles without interruption. ─── SafeHandle类通过无中断地分配和释放句柄来解决对象生存期问题。

30、If a Hatchling has no -1/-1 counters on it when the triggered ability resolves, the ability does nothing. ─── 如果某幼雏的触发式异能结算时,上面没有-1/-1指示物,则此异能便失效。

31、The following command resolves policy against the current enterprise and machine policy, as well as against a custom user policy. ─── 以下命令根据当前企业和计算机策略以及根据自定义用户策略解析策略。

32、To determine which address the MX record resolves to, you can use the NSlookup command-line tool. ─── 可以使用NSlookup命令行工具来确定MX记录解析到的地址。

33、SBP is high-tech product which resolves the hard problem of spray granulation in hard metal industry. ─── SBP是高科技产品它解决了世界硬质合金行业喷雾制粒的难题。

34、A way of joint TOA and DOA for wireless location applied in TD SCDMA is introduced, which resolves the NLOS problem based on NLOS signal detection algorithm. ─── 为了克服NLOS信号对移动无线电定位的影响,对TD-SCDMA系统中联合DOA与TOA实现移动终端定位的方案进行了研究。

35、In such a case, shadowing is defeated and the compiler resolves any reference to the same element it would have if there had been no shadowing. ─── 在这种情况下,隐藏就会失败,并且如果以前没有隐藏,编译器就会将任何引用解析为它包含的同一个元素。

36、A.Preeclampsia-related hypertension usually resolves within a few weeks (average 16 days) and should always be gone by 12 weeks postpartum. ─── 先兆子痫相关的高血压通常在产后几周消退(平均16周)并应在产后12周消失。

37、Specifying the schema name for these objects ensures the name resolves to the same object regardless who the caller of the stored procedure is. ─── 为这些对象指定架构名称可确保名称解析为同一对象,而不管存储过程的调用方是谁。

38、He always had some resolves like this or something. ─── 他总是定出诸如此类的决心。

39、D. Postpartum course. Hypertension due to preeclampsia resolves postpartum, often within a few days, but sometimes taking a few weeks. ─── 产后经过。先兆子痫引起的高血压通常在产后几天好转,但有时也要几周。

40、His monotheistic solution resolves the old strict dualism. The dualist principle, however, reappears in an acute form in a later period, after Zoroaster. ─── 他的一神论解决方案解答了古老的严格二元论。然而,二元论的法则在琐罗亚斯德之后的随后时期以一种敏锐的方式出现。

41、Pyric Spellbomb comes into play for Kotchoff and it is instantly exploded for a card.Eternal Witness is summoned and returns the Arc-Slogger when resolves in play. ─── 但是下个回合他使用了黄铁蛋并牺牲抓牌,然后成功释放了见证人并拿回了匍行兽。

42、If the targeted creature becomes an illegal target before Call to Heel resolves, Call to Heel is countered. No one draws a card. ─── 如果在屈膝号令结算之前,该目标生物便已是不合法目标,则屈膝号令会被反击。没人能抓牌。

43、If the creature that caused Minion Reflector's ability to trigger has already left play by the time the ability resolves, you can still pay {2}. ─── 如果仆从映镜的异能结算时,触发此异能的生物已经离场,则你依旧可以支付{二}。

44、This routine resolves the syntax to be used for entry and then converts the entry passed into the name service representation. ─── 这个例程解析条目使用的语法,然后把传递的条目转换为名称服务表示。

45、Domain Name Server, a service that resolves symbolic host names into numeric IP addresses, and vice versa. ─── 域名服务,将符号形式的主机名与IP地址相互转换的服务。

46、Analyzes and resolves work problems, or assists workers in solving work problems. ─── 分析及解决工作中出现的问题,或帮助员工解决工作问题.

47、Even H1N1, or swine flu, for all the uproar, almost always resolves in a few days with no treatment. ─── 即便是喧嚣一时的甲型H1N1流感几乎也能在几天内自行退去,而无需任何治疗。

48、Therefore, she resolves to stay and to lead an Eskimo's simple and tranquil life in the calm of nature. ─── 她最终决定留在在荒野去过爱斯基摩人那素朴、宁静的生活,感受自然的生命脉搏,体验自然赐予人心灵上的那份祥和、充实。

49、Future history resolves itself, in their eyes, into the propaganda and the practical carrying out of their social plans. ─── 在他们看来,今后的世界历史不过是宣传和实施他们的社会计划。

50、However I resolv'd not to loose my corn, if possible, tho' I should watch it night and day. ─── 但我决心不能让我的庄稼白白损失,即使整天整夜守着也在所不惜。

51、Windows CE resolves a file name specified without path information as being in the root directory of the device, not in the application directory. ─── Windows CE将未指定路径信息的文件名解析为位于设备的根目录下,而不是在应用程序目录下。

52、The above entity-relationship model thus resolves the database base structure, below. ─── 因此,上面的实体关系模型将解析为下面的数据库基本结构。

53、Resolves marine and transportation issues that have cost impact such as tank suitability, vessel delays, port restrictions, committed volumes and product revisions. ─── 处理任何与运输成本相关的问题,如储罐的匹配,航班延误,港口限制等。

54、If you control a copy of a spell whose buyback cost was paid, the copy will be put into your hand as it resolves, then it will cease to exist. ─── 如果你操控了某咒语之复制品,并且此复制品的购回费用已支付,则此复制品结算时会置入你手上,然后便消失。

55、Thus the tension is relieved.The union resolves the tension, just as falling rain relieves the sultriness preceding a thunderstorm. ─── 因为冷静下来一看,发现并不是强盗,而是要和自己结婚的伴侣。

56、After Quenchable Fire resolves, the targeted player becomes able to perform a special action of paying {U}. ─── 在可熄之火结算后,该目标牌手可以执行支付{蓝}的特殊行动。

57、Beauty-slim Tea resolves fat, helps digestion and reduces weight. ─── 健美减肥茶:去脂肪,助消化,减体重。

58、Using Realtime Network resolves the interconnection of the computers and provides a hardware environment that supports the Realtime Distributed System. ─── 使用实时网络来解决计算机之间通信互连的问题,给实时分布系统提供硬件支撑环境;

59、Windows Embedded CE resolves a file name that is specified without path information as being in the root directory of the device, not in the application directory. ─── Windows Embedded CE将未指定路径信息的文件名解析为位于设备的根目录下,而不是位于应用程序目录下。

60、Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week. ─── 感冒时流鼻涕很常见,一般而言一周左右会自愈。

61、In analysis the individual resolves difficult emotional conflicts. ─── 在心理分析治疗法中,个人可以化解严重的情感冲突。

62、The create operation failed because the name contained at least one mount point which resolves to a volume to which the specified device object is not attached. ─── 创建操作失败,因为名称含有至少一个装入点,它引起生成的卷没有同指定的设备对象连接上。

63、Overcome by resolves, he broods like a miserable wretch. ─── 受意愿控制的人,修禅时像个不幸者;

64、Every time the code in your application refers to one of these variables, the reference resolves to a memory location contained in the allocated block of memory. ─── 你的应用程序中的代码每次引用其中的一个变量时,就要转换为已分配内存块中包含的一个内存位置。

65、Must not a sunbonnet, a walking stick set out, can face the difficulty that resolves hard in a lot of nature in that way. ─── 千万不要一顶太阳帽,一根拐棍就出发了,那样会面临许多大自然中难以解决的困难。

66、After you do this, messages sent to a contact are routed directly to the source forest, where the target address resolves to the actual mailbox and the message is delivered. ─── 之后,发送到联系人的邮件将直接路由到源林,由它负责将目标地址解析为实际的邮箱并传递邮件。

67、At run time, ASP.NET will modify the URL so that it resolves correctly in the context of the content page. ─── 在运行时,ASP.NET会修改URL以便其在内容页的上下文中正确解析。

68、Resolves an issue in which some USB printers may stop printing in Classic. ─── 一些在经典环境下使用的USB打印机可能停止打印的问题。

69、Designs the operational procedures for one or more instances of the Database Engine, and resolves exception conditions not covered by published procedures. ─── 为一个或多个数据库引擎实例设计操作过程,并解决已发布的过程中未涵盖的异常情况。

70、Resolves; fixes conclusively or authoritatively. ─── 决定;最终地或权威性地决定。

71、The DICOM/HL7 gateway resolves the problem of the system integration between HIS and PACS. ─── DICOM/HL7网关的实现很好地解决了PACS与HIS系统集成的瓶颈问题。

72、Your mind resolves this conundrum by deciding that actually the study was pretty interesting after all. ─── 你的大脑决定认为这个研究实际上比较有趣,以此来解决这个难题。

73、The pulse-width modulated micro-stepping of fixed freque ncy is presented, which resolves the technical question of low efficiency. ─── 从理论上阐明步进电机细分驱动是提高步进电机分辨 率和消除低频振荡的有效办法,作者提出的定频脉宽调制细分驱动很好解决了效率低的技术 问题。

74、This transient rash resolves spontaneously without sequelae over the course of a week. ─── 这短暂皮疹解决无后遗症自发的过程中一个星期。

75、Until the Army resolves all that, it's going to be some time before smartphones are as much a part of the Army as the M4 rifle. ─── 直到军方解决了所有问题,智能手机才可能成为部队的必要装备,就像M4来复枪,但这需要时间。

76、He resolves to put some kind of order into this jumble of beliefs so that justification of one proposition may follow from another. ─── 他希望可以理顺这些混杂的信念,以便可以做到证实一个,便能随之推导出另外一个。

77、He will sacrifice all to his long-famed resolves. ─── 他会牺牲一切来实行他的酝酿已久的决定。

78、When called on a server control, this method resolves all data-binding expressions in the server control and in any of its child controls. ─── 在服务器控件上调用该方法时,它会解析服务器控件及其所有子控件中的所有数据绑定表达式。

79、If this method resolves the problem, contact the third-party antivirus vendor for more information about an update to the antivirus program. ─── 如果此方法解决问题,请与第三方防病毒供应商联系,了解有关更新防病毒程序的更多信息。

80、The innovatory pattern of repricing resolves the puzzling problem in practice. ─── 再定价的创新模式解决了现实中令人困扰的问题。

81、For example, after Cerulean Wisps resolves, the affected creature will just be blue. ─── 举例来说,在蔚蓝鬼火结算后,受其影响的生物就只会是蓝色。

82、To the packin as a soft, white wine packaging to ensure airproof, resolves the bottled liquor than smaller volume capacity. ─── 以复合软包装袋作为白酒包装,在保证密封性的前提下,解决了瓶装白酒容量体积比小的问题。

83、A diligent mind meets the problem as it arises, observes the nature of it and resolves it immediately. ─── 一个勤奋的心灵在这个问题出现时,会面对它,观察它的本质,立刻解决它。

84、So I resolv'd to sow just the same quantity every year, that I sow'd the last, in hopes that such a quantity would fully provide me with bread, etc. ─── 因此我决定每年播种同样数量的种子,并希望收获的粮食足够供应我做面包和其他用途。

85、Analyzes and resolves or assists tool and die makers in solving progressive metal stamping tooling issues. ─── 分析、解决或协助模具工解决冲模问题。

86、Responsibility: 1) Setups new PC and user account based on SOP. 2) Resolves hardware issues, printing issues and...... ... ─── 公司名称:森萨塔科技(常州)有限公司工作地点:江苏省常州市发布时间:2009-6-11

87、link step resolves interfile dependencies. ─── 链接步骤可解决文件间依赖关系。

88、If you splice a targeted card onto an untargeted spell, the entire spell will be countered if the target isn't legal when the spell resolves. ─── 如果你将需指定目标的牌通联在不需指定目标的咒语上,且该咒语结算时此目标不合法,则整个咒语都会被反击。

89、If the targeted card is removed from the graveyard before the ability resolves, the ability is countered. You won't get a Saproling token. ─── 如果此异能结算前,该目标牌已被移出坟墓场,则整个异能都会被反击。你不会得到腐生物衍生物。

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