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09-12 投稿



slates 发音

英:[sleɪts]  美:[sleɪts]

英:  美:

slates 中文意思翻译




slates 词性/词形变化,slates变形

动词第三人称单数: slates |动词过去分词: slated |动词过去式: slated |动词现在分词: slating |

slates 常用词组

clean slate ─── n. 清白历史

wipe the slate clean ─── 勾销往事

on the slate ─── [英国口语]赊账,挂账

slates 相似词语短语

1、blates ─── v.含混不清地说;嘀里嘟噜地说;adj.害羞的,胆怯的;易受惊的;难为情的

2、slatey ─── adj.疯狂的;板岩的;板岩色的

3、sclates ─── 巩膜

4、plates ─── n.盘子(plate的复数);板材;[建]平板

5、solates ─── vi.溶胶化,液化凝胶

6、slater ─── n.石板瓦工;等足类甲壳动物

7、slated ─── slate的变形

8、slaters ─── n.石板瓦工;等足类甲壳动物

9、elates ─── vt.使…欢欣;使…兴高采烈;adj.得意的

slates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They wrote with diamond pencils on gold slates, and learnt their lessons so quickly and read so easily that every one might know they were princes. ─── 他们用钻石笔在金板上写字。他们能够把书从头背到尾,从尾背到头。人们一听就知道他们是王子。

2、PEKING NATURAL SLATE TRADE CO., LTD? ─── 北京耐特板石贸易有限责任公司?

3、The twelve jurors were all writing very busily on slates. ─── 十二位陪审员全都在纸板上忙着写什么。

4、The physico chemical property of MLC 500 catalyst can also be adjustable for different feedstocks to achieve ideal product slates. ─── 因此,对不同性质的原料油,可有效地调整MLC-500的物理化学性质,获得理想的产品分布。

5、Today, MRM will begin a blank slate!Let us all hope that MRM will have a successful future! ─── 从今天开始,江苏开德将揭开崭新的一页,让我们共同期待江苏开德的明天更加灿烂!

6、A swift rose soundlessly over the slate roof and the heat shimmered on the roughcast walls. ─── 一朵怒放的玫瑰在石板屋顶无声无息,亮光在粗糙的墙壁上闪烁。

7、He's out on active service, wiping something off a slate. ─── 他去服现役了,以了结义务。

8、After a long argument, they decided to wipe the slate clean and be friends again. ─── 他们经过长期争论,最后决定不计旧怨,言归于好。

9、Slate: A list of the candidates of a political party running for various offices. ─── 候选人名单某个政党内角逐各种职位的竞选人名单。

10、Now the boy began to draw something on the slate, hiding his work with his left hand. ─── 于是汤姆就用左手挡住写字板,开始在上面画着图画。

11、There is a black slate everyday in the English world. ─── 中译英:在世博英语世界里,每天都有一个新的开始。

12、They had given him a white slate with a stump of pencil tied to the corner. ─── 他们给他一块白纸板,上面系着一支铅笔。

13、He angrily Banged his slate upon the taBle. ─── 他愤怒地把他的石板在桌上使劲敲打。

14、You must have a slate loose this morning. ─── 今早你准是脑子出了问题。

15、Well, you are something of a clean slate, Roy. ─── 你只是个初出茅庐的新手罢了。

16、Manufactory lies in Xingzi county Jiangxi Province, have a black slate mountain. ─── 工厂位于江西省星子县,拥有一座黑色板岩矿山。

17、and out of the compassion forgiveness can then be born wiping the slates of karmic debt clean and clear between the ancestries . ─── 而在同情和宽恕里,随之在祖先们之间能诞生债务石板的抹去、清扫和清零。

18、A loose slate had fallen from the roof. ─── 一块松动的石板瓦从房顶上掉了下来。

19、Their cottage was roofed with green slate. ─── 他们的小房子盖的是绿瓦。

20、I should like to be,' said I, glancing at the slate as he held it: with a misgiving that the writing was rather hilly. ─── “要是我真成了个大学者就好了。”我望着他端在手上的石板,看到上面写的字好像画的一座座小山丘一样,不禁疑惑地说道。

21、The contract specifies red tiles,not slates,for the roof. ─── 合同载明屋顶用红瓦,而非石板。

22、A metamorphic rock, intermediate between shale and slate, that does not possess true slaty cleavage. ─── 厚层泥岩一种变质岩,在页岩与板岩之间,不具备真正的板块解理

23、The blue may be silver blue, pigeon blue or slate blue, the tan deep and rich. ─── 兰色可以是银蓝、鸽子蓝或石板蓝,棕色深而丰富。

24、Large black markings, slate colour, or a rusty tinge either of the top or undercoat are highly undesirable. ─── 大块的黑色斑纹,外层或内层被毛是暗蓝灰色或锈色是极不受欢迎的。

25、The children leaded toward school, carrying slates and followed by their dogs. ─── 孩子们带着石板向学校走去,小狗跟在后面。

26、He sat down on the plank bed, his back against the wall and the slate on his knees, and set to work deliberately at the task of re-educating himself. ─── 他坐在床上,背靠着墙,膝上放着写字板,着意开始重新教育自己。

27、Porphyry, Luserna stone, sandstone, Brasilian quartzite, slate Crystalline granite, gneiss,... ─── 分类标题:屋顶石材|斑岩...

28、At the far end of the meadow there were two slates in the wall, which at this point replaced the hedge, indicated a stile. ─── 在草地的另一端,树篱围墙中有两块石板和树篱相连。看得出这是供人越过树篱的阶梯。

29、The product slate and product quality we... ─── 产品分布和产品质量也得到改善。

30、The roofs are covered with stone slates. ─── 屋顶用石板覆盖。

31、No bulky gimmicks or sleight-of-hand: You can borrow the piece of paper. . . no need for clipboards or slates, and no fake dust jackets. ─── 没有庞大的秘密装置或戏法:您不能借用纸…对剪贴板或板岩的没有需要,和假尘土夹克。

32、Our slates are radiation free with natural venations and low water absorption. ─── 在欧美国家,板岩被作为一种环保和节能建筑材料广泛用于屋顶、墙体和地板。

33、One of the slates on the roof is loose. ─── 屋顶上有一块石板瓦松了。

34、Exceeding a certain value of curvature, the natural convection heat-transfer of arc slates is better than inclined-plate slates with 45degree. ─── 对圆弧形叶片与曲率为零时的平板形叶片(倾斜角度为45度)比较发现,只有叶片的曲率大于一定数值时,弧形叶片的自然对流换热才优于平板形叶片。

35、The contract specifies red tiles, not slate, for the roof . ─── 合同中规定屋顶要用红瓦而不用石板瓦。

36、Whatever his past crimes, every criminal who has come out of prison should be allowed to start a new job with a clean slate. ─── 对每一个出狱的犯人,无论他过去犯了什么罪,都应既是往不咎,让他开始新的工作。

37、Hume thought the mind a blank slate (tabula rasa) on which experience could be written. ─── 休姆说思想就是白板,经验是可以写上去的。

38、A green, gray, or red metamorphic rock, similar to slate but often having a wavy surface and a distinctive micaceous luster. ─── 千枚岩,硬绿泥石一种绿色、灰色或红色变质岩,与页岩相似,只是表面通常起伏不平,有明显的云母光泽

39、For most people, a completely blank slate is a difficult starting point. It’s so much easier to begin where someone has already left off. ─── 对大多数人来说,完全空白的状态不是一个好的起点,更简单的是从人们上次离开时的状态开始。

40、Thieves had stolen the slates from the roof. ─── 窃贼偷走了屋顶的石板瓦。

41、The twelve jurors were all writing very busily on slates. ─── 十二位陪审员都忙着在石板上写些什么。

42、It's like her slate gets wiped clean every night while she sleeps. ─── 就是就好像一觉醒来,她的大脑记录被洗的干干净净的。

43、They roofed the house with slates . ─── 他们用石板瓦做屋顶。

44、In the meantime, the reversing principle of the magnetic slates used for screen display system is briefly discribed. ─── 作者还简述了研制的磁片用于屏幕显示系统的磁片翻转的基本原理。

45、Constructing a whole newspaper from a blank slate would be an unpleasant task for all but the closet journalists among us. ─── 对于我们这些几乎不懂新闻的人来说,在白板的基础上创建一份完整的报纸不是一个令人愉快的任务。

46、It is the love that wipes the slate of debt clean and clear in any karmic encounter. ─── 就是爱抹去在任一业力遭遇中的债务石板,清扫和清零。

47、Rudolf Muller Five Stars Riesling has ripe fruit flavors like peach and apricot and a mineral, slate character. ─── 商品描述:具有浓郁的成熟果实如桃、杏的芳香,矿物质和岩石的特性。

48、There is a loose slate in his house. ─── 他精神有点不对。

49、For Slate, gradually replaced by Zinc plate. ─── 后因石板重荷,忽然被锌板代替。

50、He applied his imitative powers to everything, and, like Giotto, when young, he drew on his slate sheep, houses, and trees. ─── 他的模仿能力本来就很强,象琪奥托小时候一样,他也在他的石板上画起羊呀,房屋呀,树林呀来。

51、Rudolf Muller Five Star Riesling has ripe fruit flavors like peach and apricot and a mineral, slate character. ─── 具有浓郁的成熟果实如桃,杏的芳香,矿物质和岩石的特性。

52、Yen, T. P. (1970) Structure analysis of the Slate formation of Taiwan: Geol. Surv. ─── 其在构造演化上的含义.国立台湾大学地质学研究所硕士论文.共113页.

53、We're being promised not only that we'll see the slates, but that they'll in fact be running the beautiful UI. ─── 我们得到的承诺是我们不仅仅会看到平板产品,事实上它们还应该在漂亮的用户界面上运行。

54、Lt's like her slate gets wiped clean every night while she sleeps. ─── 就好像那部分大脑每天晚上在她睡觉的时候被清洗干净了。

55、The sea was the colour of slate. ─── 大海的颜色像石板。

56、While they were with Dennis, they had to be tabulae rasae - blank slates. ─── 他们跟丹尼斯学习的时候--大脑必须是空白的。

57、A swift rose soundle ly over the slate roof and the heat shimmered on the roughcast walls. ─── 他们躺下来,递过水瓶,旅行包仍背在背后。

58、Kellerman agrees, and says when Scylla is delivered;all their slates will be wiped clean. ─── 凯勒曼同意了,并称,当“锡拉”被送来后,所有他们的不良纪录将被清除。

59、It is only through forgiveness that we and you may wipe the slates clean of the travesties of the past and create a new template for a new tomorrow. ─── 只有通过宽恕,我们与你们才可能擦除业力簿上的过去的悲剧,并为全新的明天创造一个全新的模板。

60、The jewelry there would have turned into golden slates and only powerful artifacts that could stand the dragon's breath would have kept their mould. ─── 但是在龙的呼吸下这些珠宝会变成黄金碎片,而此时还能保持原貌的物品即是那流传已久拥有强大力量的史前古器物!

61、The Save: Clean slates are hard to come by, but with a little professional help Gibbo could get a bit of a leg-up. ─── 拯救策略:将往事一笔勾销是很困难的,但若是借助一些专业帮助,吉普森就能重新站起来。

62、On the whole, CGP-C catalyst exhibited excellent product slates and good tolerance to metals contamination. ─── CGP-C催化剂具有很好的产品选择性和抗金属污染性能。

63、The property is of brick/concrete block construction with rendered and painted elevations under a pitched slate roof. ─── 不知道这种房子贷款可能还会有问题。但这个房子应该是砖房,如果上面那段话属实的话。

64、Blank slates intimidate most people, and users shouldn’t have to deal with one if they don’t want to. A gallery of basic designs is a fine solution. ─── 如果用户不想要模板,那么就不必那样做,提供基本设计库是个很好的解决方法。

65、Manufactory Profile: Manufactory lies in Xingzi county Jiangxi Province, have a black slate mountain. ─── 工厂简介:工厂位于江西省星子县,拥有一座黑色板岩矿山。

66、Once you have served your sentence you can wipe the slate clean and start a new life. ─── 你刑满以后,你就可对过去的事一笔勾销,重新做人。

67、Babies, in particular, are ultimate learning sponges because they start out with a clean slate. ─── 婴儿,尤其是学习的最终因为海绵清洁板岩出发。

68、My lord: I wipe the slate as far as the witchcraft goes. None the less, we must burn the woman. ─── 大人,那女人是不是妖妇,我不管,我们仍然得把她烧死。

69、It looks like her slate gets wiped clean. ─── 她好像全部都忘了。

70、So he put Joe's slate on the desk and drew a line down the middle of it from top to bottom. ─── 因此他把乔的写字板放到桌子上,在写字板正中间从上到下划了一条直线。

71、Only a skilled workman can split slate into layers . ─── 只有能工巧匠才能把板岩劈成石片。

72、Put the slates on the roof so that they lap over. ─── 将石板瓦鳞比地排放在屋顶上。

73、Nobody likes starting with a blank slate when trying to do something new. ─── 在尝试一件新事情时,没有人希望从一无所知的状态开始。

74、The children leaded toward school , carrying slates and followed by their dogs . ─── 孩子们带着石板向学校走去,小狗跟在后面。

75、JINGZHAO SLATE has specialized to develop china nature Slate industry for a long time, is one of the biggest professional manu factories. ─── 作为国内最大的板岩专业生产商之一,京兆石材长期致力于发展中国的天然板岩业。

76、Important Stone Material in Taiwan : Basalt, Andesite, Taiwan Jade, Argillite, Metabasite, Sandstone, Slate, Schist. ─── 台湾地区重要石材分布图:玄武岩、安山岩、台湾玉、硬页岩、变质基性岩、砂岩、板岩、片岩。

77、This year, they have ceded the high ground by presenting a non-competitive slate for the council elections. ─── 今年,他们放弃高姿态介入,取而代之的是为理事会选举提交一份非竞争性的篮板。

78、The innkeeper scored up the man's indebtedness on a slate. ─── 客栈老板把那个人欠的帐记在石板上。

79、Flews and gums are black or slate gray. ─── 上唇和牙龈为黑色或暗蓝灰色。

80、I find my own footprint in the ancient slates, however, they cannot hold the previous prosperous tracks. ─── 千古的石板,我拾到了自己的脚印,却留不住往日繁华的踪迹,掠过的,只有苍黄的回忆。

81、A list of candidates proposed or endorsed by a political party; a slate. ─── 候选人名单某个政党提出或认可的候选人名单;候选人名单

82、They were writing down little sums onto an old slate, using a piece of yellow chalk. ─── 他们正用一支黄色的粉笔在一块旧石板上写着算术题。

83、Very well, Claud, we'll clean the slate, and forget all the past. ─── 很好,克劳德,我们是会重新开始,把过去的一切都忘掉的。

84、Due to this point, we are proud to declare that we supply the best Chinese slates and the most competitive prices around the world. ─── 正是由于这一点,我们可以自豪的为每一个客户做到:中国最好的板岩,世界最具竞争力的价格!

85、The ri are slate grey, dappled on their upper sides, pearly on their bellies. ─── ri 是用石板瓦盖上灰色, 斑纹的在他们的上面边上, 西洋梨子在他们的腹上。

86、The host rocks of Zhaishang Au deposit are mainly argillic,calc and carbonaceous slates and silty sandstone. ─── 寨上金矿区赋矿岩石主要为泥质、钙质、碳质板岩、粉砂岩等。

87、and slates jutted off, here and there, beyond the right line of the roof, to be gradually worked off in coming autumn storms. ─── 屋顶右边的瓦片有好几块地方凸出来,等到秋天的风雨一来,就要渐渐地掉光了。

88、Even the slate grey stone ground is dry and cracked despite being in close proximity to the river Styx. ─── 就连灰色石板路面都是干燥破裂的,同冥河很接近。

89、Four almost contiguous Hotels, Jouy, Sens, Barbeau, the house of the Queen, mirrored their slate peaks, broken with slender turrets, in the Seine. ─── 儒伊公馆、桑斯公馆、巴尔博公馆和王后行宫这四座府第几乎紧连在一起,其石板屋顶和细长的角楼都倒映在塞纳河中。

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