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09-15 投稿



ticking 发音

英:[ˈtɪkɪŋ]  美:[ˈtɪkɪŋ]

英:  美:

ticking 中文意思翻译




ticking 网络释义

n. 坚质条纹棉布或亚麻布;(指钟表发出的)滴答响声

ticking 词性/词形变化,ticking变形

现在分词:ticking 原型:tick

ticking 常用词组

tick off ─── 列举;用记号标出

in a tick ─── [口语]一会儿,一刹那间,一转眼间

ticking 短语词组

1、free ticking ─── 自由滴答声

2、twill ticking ─── 蓝白条子斜纹布

3、time is ticking ─── 时间一分一秒地过去

4、ticking timer ─── 计时 ─── 计时器

5、ticking bomb ─── [网络] 定时炸弹;字眼

6、ticking time ─── 滴答作响的时间

7、ticking time bomb ─── 定时炸弹

8、ticking clock ─── 时钟(电影,TickingClock)[电影] ─── 时钟滴答作响的 ─── 时钟

9、clock ticking ─── 时钟周期

10、ticking box n. ─── 复选框,多选框

11、blue ticking ─── 蓝色滴答声

12、ticking clock advertisement ─── 时钟滴答声广告

13、ticking clock overhead ─── 时钟在头顶上滴答作响

14、ticking off ─── 斥责, 责备

15、time is ticking away ─── 时间在流逝

ticking 相似词语短语

1、kicking ─── n.踢腿;反撞;adj.活泼热烈的;激动人心的;令人兴奋的;v.踢;反冲;加速;活跃(kick的现在分词)

2、tricking ─── n.欺骗;装饰;v.戏弄(trick的现在分词)

3、nicking ─── n.基因巧合;血管局部缩窄;v.刻痕于;轻伤;攻击(nick的现在分词)

4、sticking ─── adj.粘的;有粘性的;v.刺入;伸出;(非正式)使支付;粘住;坚持;(非正式)接受(stick的现在分词)

5、licking ─── v.舔尝,舔湿;(火舌)舔食;(波浪)轻卷;(微风)轻拂;轻松战胜;揍,打败(lick的现在分词);n.惨败;痛打

6、-icking ─── n.伊京(德国地名)

7、picking ─── n.采摘;掘,撬开;采得物;赃物;vt.采摘,挑选,挑剔(pick的ing形式)

8、ricking ─── n.干草堆;扭伤;柴垛;桶架;v.把……堆成垛;扭伤;n.(Rick)(英、美、德)里克(人名)

9、tickling ─── n.自旋挠痒法;反馈;v.使发痒(tickle的ing形式)

ticking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Please tick this box if receipt is required. ─── 如需收据,请在此框内打勾

2、Time is therefore always ticking in their inner ear. ─── 因此,时钟的滴嗒声总是回荡在他们的耳边。

3、"Tick" and "clatter", are both onomatopoeic words. ─── "滴答"、"哗啦", 这些词都是拟声词。

4、If I stay in the car with the engine ticking over, the police cannot charge me with unlawful parking. ─── 如果我呆在车里让发动机空挡慢转,警察就不能怪我违章停车。

5、He arrived on the tick of six. ─── 他准六点到的。

6、The night was quiet except for the tick of the clock. ─── 夜很静,只有钟摆滴答地响。

7、The "ticking " of the clock was the only sound that greeted him , for not a soul remained. ─── (单纯词)迎接他的只有“嘀嘀嗒嗒”的钟声,因为再也没有一个人留下了(重叠式词组)。

8、Your job is to tick the names of those present at the meeting. ─── 你的工作是在出席会议的人员的名字前面作记号。

9、What makes tick off Gorgon euryale? ─── 什麽叫勾芡?

10、Why did he tick little Peter off in such a way? ─── 他为什么这样训斥小彼得?

11、Which age bracket are you? (Please tick the box). ─── 你是哪个年龄段?(请在方格中打钩。)

12、Simply tick the folders you want archiving. ─── 仅仅给文件夹打上勾号你需要归档。

13、Ellen heard the loud ticking of the clock in the hall. ─── 埃伦听见大厅的钟滴答滴答地大声走着。

14、He always comes to tbe tick. ─── 他总是来得十分准时。

15、Ms McCrumb does not mind waitressing for a bit as she decides what to do with her life, but the clock is ticking. ─── 麦克拉姆并不介意当一段时间的服务员,这期间她可以决定自己想要什么样的生活,但是时间十分紧迫。

16、One could hear the news ticking out of the machine. ─── 人们可以听见机器滴答响的消息。

17、The continual tick of the clock in the kitchen got on my nerves. ─── 厨房里的钟不断地作响,令我心烦。

18、You just know what makes me tick! ─── 你很了解我的想法。

19、I heard her ticking off her girls when they were slacking. ─── 女孩们懈怠时,我听见她在斥责她们。

20、Tick and complete where applicable. ─── 在适当的空格处打勾

21、You can hear the tick of bell. ─── 你可以听到钟的滴答声。

22、Your heart's ticking away like a clock. ─── 你的心脏咚咚的跳着,就像钟表一样。

23、Making Puppets Tick: Step inside and tour the puppet workshop. ─── 制作木偶记:漫步浏览木偶工作室。

24、Put a tick in the box next to the settings you want to personatise. ─── 在你想要个性化项目旁边的方框中标入一个记号。

25、C. Tick can't say it in Chinese. ─── 三、对话理解:根据你所听到的内容和问句,选择正确的答案。每个句子和问句朗读两遍。

26、It would be like trying to make the hands of clock move backwards to its ticking. ─── 这无异是想使时钟的指针向后倒转。

27、What he heard was the ticking of his watch. ─── 他听见的是手表的滴答声。

28、A manager of a shop was ticking off one of his staffs . "l saw you were arguing with a customer . " ─── 一个商店的经理正在给他的一个员工训话,“我刚才看见你正在和一个顾客争吵。”

29、Listen to the clock. Tick tock. tick tock. ─── 听这个钟。滴答,滴答。

30、Tick the box marked 'r ' if you require a receipt. ─── 如果您要求开收据,请在标有R的方格中打个记号。

31、They want to know what makes you tick. ─── 他们想要知道的你做一件事情的原因。

32、Tick 'yes' or 'no' to each question. ─── 在每个问题的“是”或“否”旁打钩。

33、Don't worry. After the operation, he'll tick along fine. ─── 不用担心,手术后他会活得很好。

34、The next time he woke up the ticking had ceased. ─── 再醒来时,嘀嗒声已停。

35、They will make you rethink what makes the city tick. ─── 他们将让你重新估量这个城市的无限活力。

36、Time is, therefore, always ticking in our inner ear. ─── 因此,时间总是在我们心中的耳朵里滴答响。

37、That's what makes the world tick . ─── 使世界持续活动的动力,就在于此。

38、Listen to the clock. Tick tock, tick tock. ─── 听这个钟,滴答,滴答。

39、You can hear the clock ticking. ─── 你可以听到钟在滴答作响。

40、For some weeks that ship company has been just ticking over. ─── 几个星期以来,那家轮船公司的业务一直停滞不前。

41、You think your clock is ticking? ─── 你觉得时间紧迫了?

42、All right. It's a mighty small tick, anyway. ─── “那就算了。你瞧你这只扁虱,这么小哩。”

43、Could I have these things on tick? ─── 你能不能赊帐卖给我这些东西?

44、Mark the correct answer with a tick. ─── 在正确答案上划上一个勾。

45、What makes computer virus writers tick? ─── 促使计算机病毒作者编写病毒的动机是什么呢?

46、Tick your answers or write your own ideas in(d). ─── 勾出你的答案或写下你自己的想法.

47、The guests were to sleep on a tick. ─── 客人会睡在床垫上。

48、He arrived at six on the tick. ─── 他6点钟准时到达了。

49、Look, I know I'm just a sophomore, but I can feel the clock ticking away, and I don't want to leave high school with nothing to show for it. ─── 我知道,我只是个高二的学生。但我感觉时间在一分一秒流逝,我不想整个高中碌碌无为。

50、Then the clock's ticking for you. ─── 你会意识到严重性吗?

51、Why did he tick little Peter off in such a way ? ─── 他为何这样训斥小彼得?

52、They arrived at six on the tick. ─── 他们六点正准时到达。

53、He put a tick by her name on the list. ─── 在名单上他在她的名字旁打了一个勾号。

54、Just try and keep things ticking over while I'm away. ─── 在我离开的期间,尽量使事情照常进行。

55、He was ticking off the names of the students. ─── 他正在给学生的名字作标记。

56、Listen and tick out the correct cards and photo. ─── 听读单词,找出正确的单词和照片。

57、The only sound was the soft tick of the clock. ─── 唯一的响声是钟表轻轻的滴答声。

58、The clock is ticking. ─── 台钟在滴答滴答地响。

59、Students ... would keep the place ticking over in the evening. ─── 学生们会让这地方在晚上也继续工作。

60、Meanwhile the minutes kept ticking away. ─── 其时,时间一分一分地过去。

61、He sits on his straw tick, staring at the wall. ─── 他坐在草垫子上呆望着墙壁。

62、Time is therefore always ticking in our inner ear. ─── 因此时间总是在我们内耳里面滴滴答答地走。

63、She ould hear the clock ticking away on the mantelpiece. ─── 她可以听见壁炉架上的时钟滴滴答答走过的声音。

64、Tick Tock Tick Tock Time . What time is it ? ─── 嘀嗒,时钟嘀嗒。几点了?

65、It was so quiet I could hear my wristwatch ticking away. ─── 周围静悄悄的,我能听到自己的手表滴答滴答地响着。

66、How would you recommend the applicant? (Please tick as appropriate. ─── 你如何推荐申请者?(请在适当的地方打勾)

67、There it was, ticking away, louder than ever. ─── 它就在那里,滴答地走着,比以前更大声。

68、In the silence we could hear the clock ticking. ─── 寂静中,我们能听到钟表滴答作响。

69、Just keep things ticking over while I'm away. ─── 在我外出期间,维持现状就行。

70、She always comes to the tick. ─── 她总是来得一分钟也不差。

71、He talks like a watch which tick away minute, but never strike the hour. ─── 他谈得像个滴滴答答地使时间一分分消逝而又决不报时的钟。

72、If you do that again you'll get a good ticking off. ─── 如果你再干那种事,你会受到责备的。

73、Buses and taxis tick over rather noisily. ─── 公共汽车和出租车空档慢转时噪音很大。

74、I will get a tick out of making friend with you ! ─── 如果能和你交个朋友真的很高心!

75、They could hear the regular tick of the clock. ─── 他们能听见时钟有规律的滴答声。

76、An organism, such as a mosquito or tick, that carries disease-causing microorganisms from one host to another. ─── 传病媒介把致病微生物从一个宿主传到另一宿主的生物,如蚊子或虱蝇等

77、If you want a receipt,put a tick in the box marked'R'. ─── 如果您想要收据,请在标有R的方格中打个记号。

78、Meanwhile the minutes kept tick ing away. ─── 其时,时间一分一分地过去.

79、The taxi's metre was ticking away. ─── 出租汽车的计程表在滴答滴答地走着。

80、Listen and tick the correct pictures. ─── 听一听,选择正确的图片

81、Tick the box next to your connection to enable it. ─── 勾选连接项后面的方框来启用该连接。

82、But he did not dare open his mouth, just sat there stiffly, listening to the unhurried ticking of the wall clock. ─── 可是他没有敢开口。他一直那么规矩地坐着不动,听着挂钟沉缓的响声。

83、He stood up and begin to tick off the events. ─── 他站起来,开始简单地描述这些事情。

84、"Oh, anybody can run a tick down that don't belong to them. ─── “哦,吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸。

85、Keep your brain ticking over. ─── 动动脑子。

86、Tick the box marked ' r ' if you require a receipt. ─── 如果需要收据,请在盒子上标注“r”。

87、Wasn't he in here this afternoon and as full as a tick? ─── 他今天下午不是在这儿吃得酒足饭饱吗?

88、If my son were to speak like that to me, I would have to tick him off. ─── 如果我儿子对我那样说话的话,我一定会训他一顿。

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