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09-15 投稿



regenerative 发音

英:[rɪ'dʒen(ə)rətɪv]  美:[rə'dʒɛnəretɪv]

英:  美:

regenerative 中文意思翻译



regenerative 短语词组

1、regenerative cycle ─── [电] 再生周期

2、regenerative furnace pyrolysis ─── [化] 蓄热炉裂解

3、regenerative furace ─── [机] 蓄热炉

4、regenerative capacity ─── [医] 再生力

5、regenerative heat exchanger ─── [化] 蓄热式换热器

6、regenerative apparatus ─── [机] 蓄热装置, 回热装置

7、regenerative detector ─── [电] 再生检波器

8、regenerative action ─── [计] 再生作用

9、regenerative accumulator ─── [机] 回热储蓄器

10、regenerative feedback ─── [计] 再生反馈, 正反馈

11、regenerative divider ─── [计] 再生分频器

12、regenerative amplification ─── [电] 再生放大

13、regenerative braking ─── [电] 再生制动

14、regenerative circuit ─── [电] 再生电路

15、regenerative clipper ─── [电] 再生截波器

16、electric regenerative braking ─── [电] 再生制动

17、regenerative furnace ─── [化] 交流换热炉; 交流蓄热炉; 再生炉

18、regenerative amplifier ─── [电] 再生式放大器

19、compound regenerative oven ─── [建] 复合式再生炉

regenerative 同义词

renew | reclaim | restore | rekindle | reinforce | reform | stimulate | restart | refresh | revitalize | redevelop | rejuvenate | rectify | revive

regenerative 反义词


regenerative 词性/词形变化,regenerative变形

副词: regeneratively |

regenerative 相似词语短语

1、generative ─── adj.生殖的;生产的;有生殖力的;有生产力的

2、remunerative ─── adj.有利可图的;有报酬的;合算的

3、degenerative ─── adj.(疾病)恶化的,变性的;退化的,变坏的

4、regenerate ─── vt.使再生;革新;vi.再生;革新;adj.再生的;革新的

5、regenerating ─── v.再生(regenerate的ing形式);改革;使恢复原状

6、regeneration ─── n.[生物][化学][物]再生,重生;重建

7、degeneratively ─── 退化的

8、regeneratively ─── 再生地

9、nongenerative ─── 非生成的

regenerative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Upgrade Aura of Blight - Increases the regenerative effect of the Obsidian Statue's hit point regeneration. ─── 升级枯萎光环-增加黑曜石雕像的生命恢复的效果。

2、Abstract: [Objective] To evaluate the effects of Nerve growth factor (NGF) on angiogenesis in rat’ s regenerative sciaticnerves. ─── [ 目的 ] 证实神经生长因子(NGF) 具有促进大鼠再生坐骨神经中的血管生成作用。

3、Regen AfterCare is a liquid gel cream that for the skin. ─── 8小时内,在皮肤上呈现“液体绷带”状。

4、Overnight, the offspring grows monstrous enough in size and appetite to devour the good doctor whole, before slithering free on a regenerative rampage. ─── 小蛇一夜之间变成巨蟒,把医生整个人吞噬,狂蟒之灾再临。

5、In Europe an egg was hung on New Year trees and on St. John's trees in midsummer. Indeed, all meant egg as a symbol of the regenerative forces of nature. ─── 在欧洲,蛋被挂在庆祝新年的树上,也被悬挂在仲夏的圣.约翰的树上。实际上,都是因为觉得蛋是自然界再生力量的象征。

6、Against Zerg, they are better suited against those pesky armored Roaches with the fast regen. ─── 对虫族,他们更适合对付那些讨厌的装甲蟑螂的快速再生。

7、In general, the motor power rating, speed, torque, and details of the regenerative duty cycle need to be known. ─── 一般而言,我们应该清楚电机的额定功率,速度,力矩和具体的制动周期。

8、Regenerative biology does not die, it does not become ill, and it rejuvenates itself recurrently. ─── 可再生性的生物体不会死,不会变得有病,它会不断地再生自己。

9、Therefore initiates will also confront their fear of death, and in the transcendence, master compassion in action along with a regenerative biological blueprint. ─── 因此,提升者也将战胜他们对死亡的恐惧,并在超越中,掌握行动中的同情及一个再生的生物蓝图。

10、It is a pretty major leap for regenerative surgery and medicine. ─── 这是再生外科和医学的一个重大飞跃。

11、This paper introduces the structure feature, technic function of the heating furnace and the regenerative combustion system is emphases. ─── 介绍了加热炉的结构特点、技术性能,重点介绍了蓄热式燃烧系统。

12、The regenerative detector centers around the use of a 6K7 tube that I had.It is a very nice looking glass version with the grid cap on the top. ─── 再生检波器是基于我所拥有的6K7的,这是一种非常漂亮的玻璃电子管,栅极从管顶引出。

13、As humans become crystalline, they will also strive to recycle as regenerative biology recycles itself in order to sustain its existence. ─── 当人类形体变为水晶,人类也会努力再循环,因为再生的生物体是为了维系自我生存而自我循环的。

14、It would be the dawn of a new era of regenerative medicine, one of the holy grails of modern biology. ─── 如果梦想能得以实现,重建医学的时代将迎来一个崭新的黎明,将成为现代生物学的圣杯。

15、As these drives are infinitely variable and fully regenerative, they can provide for maximum performance and control over the whole range of the motor. ─── 当这些驱动系统无限的变化全效生产时,他们能提供最大化的表现并控制整个发动机。

16、This body of work will be a valuable resource for professionals in the fields of cardiovascular surgery, regenerative medicine, and tissue engineering. ─── 工作的这主体部份将是在心血管的手术,更新医学和织物工程领域给专业人士的一种有价值的资源。

17、Add in regenerative braking capability (being able to recharge while decelerating) and that's some smart battery tech. ─── 其智能电池管理技术已经有了再生制动能力(即当车辆减速时,能为车辆充电)。

18、We do know that the driver will have three different drive modes to choose from, including "maximum fun," "maximum economy," and "maximum regenerative. ─── 我们不知道司机将有三个不同的驱动模式可供选择,其中包括“最大乐趣”,“最大的经济”和“最大的再生。”

19、The identification of gastric regenerative mucosal microstructure through magnifying endoscope would help in the diagnosis of the lesions. ─── 以期能提高对病变程度的认识及愈后做出正确的判断。

20、The isolation and differentiation of human ES cell lines can provide us a new insight into regenerative medicine. ─── 人ES细胞株的建立和分化研究是再生医学中一个全新且极具价值的领域。

21、The UMR Series Mini Regenerative Desiccant Dryer offers a total cleaning solution for many applications. ─── 在UMR再生干燥剂系列迷你机提供了许多应用的整体清洗解决方案。

22、Desiccant dryers, also referred to as regenerative dryers, use desiccant media to adsorb moisture and contaminants from compressed air. ─── 去湿烘干机也称作再生烘干机,利用去湿介质吸收压缩空气的水分和污染物。

23、In my response I was trying to say that we did nerf mana regen, but perhaps not enough. ─── 在我的回复中我想说的是我们已经削弱了法力恢复速度,但是也许削弱的还不够。

24、One of the things that I wanted to summarize for you then is what is a strategy that we're going for in regenerative medicine. ─── 我想给你们总结的一件事情是我们尝试向再生医学迈进所用的战略。

25、Multi-shot has a 10-second cooldown timer, and during this time you would have your hunter on autoshot only, allowing you two ticks of mana regen. ─── 多重射击有10秒的冷却时间,在这期间你只能进行自动射击,同时你会进行2次自动回复魔法值。

26、The firm's technique exploits the regenerative properties of what are known as dermal papilla cells. ─── 公司的这项技术利用毛乳头细胞的再生能力。

27、The braking course of a city bus with regenerative braking system is different from that of traditional bus. ─── 带有制动能量再生系统汽车的制动过程与传统汽车的制动过程有所不同.

28、Regenerative thought-form is a loving state of existence. ─── 再生的思想形态是一个爱的生存状态。

29、As portions of the genetics no longer were present, portions of the form ceased to be regenerative in future generations. ─── 当基因的一部分不再呈现,未来后代的形体的一部分就停止了再生性。

30、The other well-known regenerative process is citrate process. ─── 另一种广为人知的再生法是柠檬酸法。

31、FILBURN T,NALETTE T,GRAF J.The Design and Testing of a fully Redundant Regenerative CO2 Removal System (RCRS) for the Shuttle Orbiter[R].SAE,2001-01-2420. ─── 周抗寒,陆熙瑜,等.固态胺二氧化碳控制系统中的CO2浓缩技术研究[J].航天医学与医学工程,2000,13(3):179-182.

32、Micronodular cirrhosis is seen along with moderate fatty change. Note the regenerative nodule surrounded by fibrous connective tissue extending between portal regions. ─── 伴中度脂肪变性的小结节型肝硬化。注意再生的肝细胞小结节被汇管区之间的纤维结缔组织包围。

33、Humans shall also respond by recycling everything as this is a part of the holographic nature of regenerative biology. ─── 人类也将反应为再循环一切因为这是再生生物体全息性质的一部分。

34、It would be the dawn of a new era of regenerative medicine, one of the holy grails of modern biology . ─── 如果梦想能得以实现,重建医学的时代将迎来一个崭新的黎明,将成为现代生物学的圣杯。

35、The injured lung has an immense regenerative capacity after acute lung injury. ─── 受伤肺部在急性创伤后具有强大的再生能力。

36、This year the regenerative paradigm is to be anchored. ─── 今年再生的范式将被锚定。

37、A mathematical model of regenerative continuous heating furnace is established based on gray enclosure radiation theory. ─── 在封闭灰腔辐射理论的基础上,建立蓄热式连续加热炉数学模型。

38、The result, now a pale pink suspension containing millions of the stem and regenerative cells, is ready to go. ─── 最后,这种包含无数个再生干细胞的浅粉色悬浮液就可以用来修复了。

39、After 1870 the Siemens regenerative gas furnace replaced the coke-fired furnace. ─── 1870年后,西门子用蓄热式煤气炉代替焦炭炉。

40、Anyway, here's the max regen set currently, if anyone was wondering. ─── 但是不管怎样,下面列出目前回蓝量最高的套装,如果谁想知道的话。

41、One will also confront one's desire to die, for the ascent to Bodhisattva requires the transcendence of death and the emergence of a regenerative biology that does not age. ─── 你也将战胜死亡的渴望,因为提升到菩萨级别,需要超越死亡并出现一个不老化的再生生物体。

42、The modle of the irreversible regeneration cycle for the ferroelectric refrigeration with thermal resistance,heat leak and regenerative loss is established. ─── 建立了考虑热漏、热阻及回热损失等主要不可逆因素的铁电致冷不可逆回热循环模型。

43、There is great liberation in pod-tribe flow as it is harmonious and also better sustains a regenerative crystalline biology. ─── 在圆荚体-部落能量流中有巨大的自由,因为它是和谐的,也更好支持了重生的水晶生物体。

44、A centrifuge separates the fat cells from the stem and regenerative cells, concentrating them into a pellet, which is then extracted. ─── 将脂肪细胞从干细胞和再生细胞中分离出来,将它们浓缩成一个小球,再萃取出来。

45、The regenerative form of corneal endothelial cells of the adult, infant and fetal primate was amitosis under both physiologic and pathologic conditions. ─── 成年及幼年灵长目动物角膜内皮细胞在生理和病理条件下的再生方式均为无丝分裂。

46、Combine with albumin cell, then get the regenerative function, which helps to renew the elasticity of skin. ─── 与蛋白细胞结合,增加皮肤组织再生功能,有助恢复皮肤弹性。

47、MPS has a regenerative effect on a disturbed connective tissue metabolism. ─── 多磺酸粘多糖能改善受损结缔组织代谢从而促进组织再生。

48、The degeneration of regenerative gene is exaggrated. ─── 再生基因的退化(恶化)被夸大了。

49、The thermodynamic performance of a rotary regenerative air preheater depends greatly on the flow pattern of heating surface plates. ─── 回转式空气预热器的热力特性,主要取决于所用波纹钣型的热力特性。

50、By replacing expensive grain feed with regenerative management practices, grass-fed farmers are insulated from jumps in the price of feed. ─── 通过用可再生的管理方式取代昂贵的谷物喂养,那些用草料喂养动物的农民可以免受饲料价格上涨的影响。

51、There is indeed a change in 2.4 intended to offset some of the mana regen from drinking away from the very beginning of the duration. ─── 在2.4中,我们做出了一项修改,将“坐下喝水”后最初几秒钟的法力回复完全取消。

52、April 14, 2007, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Jinan University to form "joint laboratory regenerative medicine. ─── 2007年4月14日,香港中文大学与暨南大学共同组建“再生医学联合实验室”。

53、To complete the cycle development of the steam cycle, the inclusion of regenerative feedheating must be discussed. ─── 为了使蒸汽循环的发展更加完整,蓄热式的给水加热系统必须加以讨论。

54、Infection inhibits the regenerative power of the bone marrow . ─── 感染抑制骨髓的再生能力。

55、That allows the body to go through its natural regenerative process," he explains. ─── 允许身体经历它的自然再生的过程,”他解释说。

56、The application of regenerative combustion technology on the steel container heating, using effect, technologyical characteristic and the case of energy_saving are introduced. ─── 介绍蓄热式燃烧技术在炼钢厂钢包烘烤器上的应用、使用效果、技术特点和节能效益情况。

57、The FSR is there to reward casters who can occasionally take a break to allow for regen. ─── 五秒规则一直存在并且奖励那些懂得适时打断法术的人使他们能够回蓝。

58、Their vehicle will use regenerative braking to also help keep the batteries charged. ─── 他们的车辆将采用再生制动,也有助于保持电池的费用。

59、In the experiment of pulse tube refrigeration with He-H2 mixtures, it is found that Er3Ni, the regenerative material, is able to absorb H2 and produce Er3NiHx. ─── 在采用He-H2混合工质脉管制冷实验中发现回热材料Er3Ni具有吸收(附) H2的性质,初步估算表明吸氢后形成的氢化物Er3NiHx具有比Er3Ni更大的体积比热容, 回热性能更加优越。

60、This paper introduces the characteristics of heat-pipe GGH and regenerative GGH. ─── 分析了带伴热管的寒区埋地管道的几何特性,建立了数学模型。

61、Du bleibst bei uns, bis der Regen aufh?rt. ─── 你留在我们这里,等到雨停吧!

62、It is confined by height and width when the little heating furance regenerative alteration. ─── 小型加热炉由于受到旧炉体高度和宽度的限制,进行蓄热式改造时常遇到一些问题。

63、Anthony Atala, the director at the Wake Forest Health Sciences Institute for Regenerative Medicine, explains the process. ─── 我们培植这些器官的方法是我们先造一个膀胱的支架,一个模型,它是立体的模型。

64、Regenerative biology leads to a new type of relations in the human dance. ─── 再生生物体会让人类舞蹈出现一个新型的关系。

65、People are treating regenerative direction of city with a forward insight, they are looking for and pursuing the new investment center. ─── 人们以前瞻的眼光看待都市更新的方向,寻找并追逐新的投资中心。

66、In a physical sense, humans have declined into a biology that is far from regenerative or self-sustaining. ─── 从身体角度而言,人类已经跌落成一个不再再生或自我维生的生物体中。

67、The corrosion problem is less in regenerative plants since the heating surface is provided by stones. ─── 在蓄冷器工厂中,因为加热表面是石头提供的,所以腐蚀问题较少。

68、As one releases karma for one's ancestor's participation in this system, one can withdraw altogether from the dance and set up a regenerative etheric body in its place. ─── 当你释放祖先参与该系统的业力之时,你可以整个退出舞蹈,并取而代之重建一个再生的以太体。

69、This provides a helpful reference for working out the rule of distribution between regenerative and mechanical braking forces of the vehicle. ─── 制动力分配算法对车辆再生制动和机械制动的分配规律的制定具有较好的参考作用。

70、Upgrade Aura of Blight- Increases the regenerative effect of the Obsidian Statue's hit point regeneration. ─── 升级枯萎光环-增加黑曜石雕像的生命恢复的效果.

71、Mouse antihuman type 19 keratin monoclona l antibody (McAb) was used to detect epidermal regenerative stem cells. ─── 以小鼠抗人角蛋白19的单克隆抗体检测表皮再生干细胞。

72、Amount of collagenous fiber among the regenerative nerve fibers in the experimental group is less than the one in the control group. ─── 实验侧桥接段再生神经纤维间的胶原纤维比对照侧的少。结论;

73、Researchers in Germany have identified a potential source of reprogrammable cells in adults that could be used for regenerative therapy. ─── 德国的研究人员找到了成年人体内可变(?)细胞的潜在来源,这些细胞可被用于再生疗法。

74、The UMR Series Mini Regenerative Desiccant Dryer offers a total cleaning solution for many applications more... ─── 在UMR再生干燥剂系列迷你机提供了一个更清洁许多应用整体解决方案...

75、Restores 75 mana, increases damage by 7% and increases hp regen by .15 for 30 seconds. ─── 同时增加7%的攻击力和0.15点/秒的生命回复速度,持续30秒。

76、The irreversibly injured fibers may have more regenerative potency than partially injured optic nerves. ─── 在不全损伤时,不可逆损伤纤维可能有更强的再生能力。

77、And the succeed shows that the regenerative furnace with separate switcher has more benefit on energy saving and improvement of furnace status. ─── 加热炉的成功使用表明:分侧分散换向蓄热式加热炉更有利于节能和改善炉况。

78、Generally, a dynamic brake can be used whenever regenerative energy is dissipated on an occasional or periodic basis. ─── 当系统偶尔或周期性的产生回馈能量,我们通常会选择制动单元。

79、When the concentration of NaCl was increased from 0.3% to 0.8%, the callus on the regenerative culture medium containing 0.8% NaCl gradually turned to brown and died at last. ─── 当NaCl浓度由0 .3%增加到 0 .8%时 ,在含有 0 .8%NaCl继代培养基上的愈组逐渐变成褐色 ,最终枯死 ;

80、Examples would be drinking potions, but not natural regen, or the Shaman& apos; s mana spring totem. ─── 喝药水等都算,但是人物的自然回复的那部分以及撒满图腾提供的回复都无仇恨。

81、Outside the regenerative and ennobling pale of matrimony , he used her body. ─── 他在有传宗接代意义的庄严的婚姻关系以外,蹂躏了她。

82、The objective for the study was to develop candidate bone regenerative therapies. ─── 为书房的目的是开发候选人骨头更生的治疗。

83、Introduces the construction, transform on regenerative walking-beam furnace of the rolling mill of Laigang, and it's application effect. ─── 介绍了莱钢轧钢厂蓄热式步进梁加热炉的施工改造情况和应用效果及特点。

84、Upon a biological level, Alum Root assists in the dismantling of old systems and the movement into new systems that support the form in entering the regenerative paradigm. ─── 在一个生物性水平上,珊瑚草协助旧系统的解散,并进入支持身体进入再生范式的新系统运动。

85、The dying mogul, Murdoch, hires a doctor to harvest a fresh supply of blood orchids and experiment with the regenerative nectar on a baby snake. ─── 垂死的梅铎聘请一位医生采集新鲜血兰花,连同再生花蜜,在小蛇身上进行实验。

86、Solar energy sourcei s regenerative source,reasonable use of it is an effective way to solve the problem of exiguousness of the traditional energy. ─── 太阳能资源是可再生资源,对此的合理利用是解决世界常规能源日趋紧张的有效途径。

87、The crystalline form is a regenerative cellular structure that does not know disease, does not age, and does not die. ─── 水晶形态是再生的细胞结构,不知道疾病,不知道老化,不知道死亡。

88、As your biology evolves into the regenerative paradigm, so will your dream and the dream for human civilization follow suit. ─── 当你的生物体进化到再生范式中时,你的梦想及人类文明的梦想也都将如此跟随。

89、Thermoelastic model for deformation of the redial plate in rotary regenerative air heater [J].Proceedings of the CSEE, 2001, 21(11): 96-99. ─── VN型回转式空气预热器转子径向隔板热弹性变形模型[J].中国电机工程学报,2001,21(11):96-99.

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