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09-15 投稿



helpmate 发音

英:[ˈhelpmeɪt]  美:[ˈhelpmeɪt]

英:  美:

helpmate 中文意思翻译



helpmate 词性/词形变化,helpmate变形


helpmate 相似词语短语

1、coelomate ─── adj.有体腔的;n.体腔动物

2、helpmeets ─── n.合作者;伙伴;配偶

3、helpmates ─── n.助手;配偶;伙伴

4、cell-mate ─── n.同牢难友,同屋狱友

5、checkmate ─── v.把……将死;(使)彻底失败;n.(“王”的)将死;败局;最终战胜;僵局

6、despumate ─── v.除去杂质以澄清(液体)

7、Helpmann ─── n.赫尔普曼(人名)

8、self-mate ─── n.自将死

9、cellmate ─── n.同牢难友,同屋狱友

helpmate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It turns out, though, that he was a conscientious helpmate. ─── 尽管人们证明他是一个认真尽责的帮手。

2、spouse and helpmate of Adam Kadmon: Heva, naked Eve ─── 始祖亚当的配偶兼伴侣,赫娃,赤身露体的夏娃。

3、and that as to a rational companion or useful helpmate, he could not do worse. ─── 在寻找有理性的伴侣和有用的帮手方面,他也不会找到比她更糟的对象了。

4、She had now the right to be his helpmate in his all kind deeds ─── 现在,她已成了他一切仁慈行为当仁不让的助手。

5、5 He created of him a helpmate like to himself: he gave them counsel, and a tongue, and eyes, and ears, and a heart to devise: and he filled them with the knowledge of understanding. ─── 天主又从他,造了一个与他相似的伴侣,赐给他们理智、唇舌、眼目、耳朵和能思想的心,使他们充满知识与理解力。

6、Nursing helpmate robot is a kind of autonomous indoor mobile robot, operating in hospitals, can be applied to promote hospital automation, protect medical care personnel from cross contamination. ─── 护士助手机器人是一种在医院环境中工作、自主导航的室内移动机器人。

7、For God saw that the animals had their helpmate but Man did not. ─── 因为上帝看到动物都有自己的伙伴而亚当没有.

8、Eustacia accept s Clym’s marriage proposal on condition that he will return to Paris with her but Clym want s to find a helpmate to educate the heathy people with him. ─── 游苔莎接受了克林的求婚,因为她以为克林会带她回到巴黎。然而克林是想要寻找一个帮手,和他一起对当地无知的居民进行教化。

9、She proved a good and faithful helpmate assisted me much by attending the shop. ─── 她是位善良忠实的贤内助,她照管店铺帮了我大忙。

10、They need to show employees that the robot sitting alongside them can be more of a helpmate than a threat. ─── 他们需要给职员展示坐在他们边上的机器人比起威胁更可以成为一位帮手。

11、I am going to search a helpmate for my soul in the boundless crowd, getting my luck, in-getting ,fate. ─── 签名:我将在茫茫人海中寻找我灵魂的伴侣,得之,我幸,不得,我命。

12、Helpmate: A wife, or bitter half. ─── (内助:妻子,或是充满怨气的另一半。)

13、She is my future stay and helpmate . ─── 她是我未来的伴侣和内助。

14、The person who is kind, gentle, outgoing and have common interest with me will be my ideal helpmate. ─── 答:善良,温柔,开朗,兴趣相同的人会成为与我心心相印的伴侣.

15、It turns out, though, that he was a conscientious helpmate. ─── 尽管人们证明他是一个认真尽责的帮手。

16、For God saw that the animals had their helpmate but Man did not. ─── 因为上帝看到动物都有自己的伙伴而亚当没有。

17、Subduing the Yak The wise Tibetans subdued the powerful yak, known as the king of animals on the plateau, and tamed it into a helpmate. ─── 智慧的民族降伏了力大无比的牦牛,称霸高原之兽王,驯服为藏民的助手。

18、I only admired the love and braveness of the butterfly showed when it care of its helpmate. ─── 我只能钦佩那只蝴蝶在对他的伴侣的关心中表现出的爱和勇气。

19、It is a usual method for single person to find their helpmate by the online-data. ─── 网上约会已成为单身人士寻找伴侣的一种最普遍的方式。

20、She had now the right to be his helpmate in his all kind deeds. ─── 现在,她已成了他一切仁慈行为当仁不让的助手。

21、If god considered woman a helpmate for man,he must have had a very poor opinion of man. ─── 若上帝视女人为男人的伴侣,那他对男人必有很低的评价.

22、What kind of helpmate will be the kindred spirit of you? ─── 问:什么样的人能成为与你性情相投的伴侣?

23、Subduing the Yak The wise Tibetans subdued the powerful yak, known as the king of animals on the plateau, and tamed it into a helpmate. ─── 智慧的民族降伏了力大无比的牦牛,称霸高原之兽王,驯服为藏民的助手。

24、Behind her lord his helpmate, bing awast, to Romeville ─── 跟随老公当配偶,朝着罗马维尔走。

25、Translation resembles coupling.Translation is similar to pairing.A translation takes after a helpmate. ─── 首先,请问这一句中文若要翻成英文,你会怎麽翻?

26、turns out, though, that he was a conscientious helpmate. ─── 尽管人们证明他是一个认真尽责的帮手。

27、24 A wife is her husband's richest treasure, a helpmate, a steadying column. ─── 获得贤能妻子的,就是获得了最好的产业:即一个与自己相称的助手,和扶持自己的柱石。

28、He drew, or rather dragged off, his ferocious helpmate ─── 他把他那怒气冲冲的助手拉开了,实际上是使劲拖开的。

29、If god considered woman a helpmate for man, he must have had a very poor opinion of man. ─── 若上帝视女人为男人的伴侣,那他对男人必有很低的评价。

30、She had now the right to be his helpmate in his all kind deeds. ─── 现在,她已成了他一切仁慈行为当仁不让的助手。

31、The happiness of mankind will be realized when man and woman coordinate and advance equally for each is the complement and the helpmate of the other. ─── 人类的幸福自由在男性和女性和谐相对、并并肩前进时才能实现。因为男女两性互为补充,互为良伴。

32、she proved a good and faithful helpmate, assisted me much by attending to the shop; ─── 她的确是个美好与忠实的配偶,帮助我照管店务;











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