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n. 黑格尔派哲学家adj. 黑格尔的
Hegelian 词性/词形变化,Hegelian变形
Hegelian 短语词组
1、determinist hegelian ─── 决定论黑格尔
2、neo-hegelian philosophy of law ─── [法] 新黑格尔法哲学
3、neo-hegelian ─── [哲学] adj. 新黑格尔主义的 n. 新黑格尔主义者
4、Hegelian philosophy of law ─── [法] 黑格尔法律哲学
Hegelian 相似词语短语
1、Vergilian ─── adj.弗吉尔之诗的;似弗吉尔之诗的
2、Anglian ─── n.盎格鲁族人;盎格鲁语;adj.盎格鲁人的
3、Aetolian ─── 埃托利亚人
4、Hegelianism ─── n.黑格尔哲学
5、regalian ─── adj.与帝王相关的;君主的
6、Abelian ─── n.(美)艾伯立让(人名);adj.(abelian)(群)交换的
7、Aeolian ─── adj.伊奥利亚(人)的;n.伊奥利亚人;伊奥利亚语
8、Mendelian ─── adj.孟德尔遗传学的,孟德尔定律的;n.孟德尔遗传论者
9、Hegelian ─── n.黑格尔派哲学家;adj.黑格尔的
Hegelian 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Humanitarianism: A characteristic of Hegelian Aesthetics ─── 人道主义:黑格尔美学的一个特征
2、The Hegelian dialectics of the initial idealism for senior materialist dialectics. ─── 把黑格尔的初级唯心辩证法改造为高级唯物辩证法,
3、Marx is on the foundation of the labor concept of " of positive aspect of critically Hegelian " , the work that discussed " of " negative field mainly namely the concept that dissimilation works. ─── 马克思在批判黑格尔的"积极方面"的劳动概念的基础上,重点论述了"消极方面"的劳动即异化劳动的概念。
4、The difficult task of explaining Hegelian thought is left till later in the book and introduced thoroughly but thoughtfully through the use of pictures and short paragraphs. ─── 解释黑格尔思想这样困难的任务放在书中最后的部分来完成,通过使用图片和短文的方式完整而有见地的作了介绍。
5、the logic medium of Hegelian Mysterious core is Mystery Reasoning, which strips Kant's scientific spirit involved in Criticism Reasoning. ─── 黑格尔神秘内核的逻辑载体是“神秘理性”,它阉割了康德“批判理性”中的科学精神。
6、Comparative Research on Marxist Philosophy And Hegelian Legal Philosophy ─── 马克思和黑格尔法哲学比较研究
7、In a sense, Hegelian Philosophy symbolizes not only the completion of metaphysics, but also its end. ─── 而在某种意义上,黑格尔哲学既标志着形而上学的完成,也象征着形而上学的终结。
8、The Hegelian dialectics of the initial idealism for senior materialist dialectics. ─── 把黑格尔的初级唯心辩证法改造为高级唯物辩证法。
9、the combination of thesis and antithesis in the Hegelian dialectical process whereby a new and higher level of truth is produced ─── 黑格尔的辩证过程中论点与反论点的结合,从而得到新的更高级的真理
10、Hegelian philosophy of law ─── [法] 黑格尔法律哲学
11、Comprehending Hegelian theory of tragedy must join together his philosophy thought. ─── 理解黑格尔悲剧理论必须结合他的哲学思想。
12、Hegelian philosophy system ─── 黑格尔哲学体系
13、Reason and Experience--A Modern Interpretation of Hegelian Dialectics ─── 理性与经验--对黑格尔辩证法的现代阐释
14、What is the guile of Hegelian reason? How to answer this one question? ─── 什么是黑格尔的理性的狡计?怎么回答这一问题?
15、In this thesis, the forming process of Marx's theory of freedom is divided into four stages: in his youth, in the hegelian period, in the feaerbachian period, in historical materialism period. ─── 本文把马克思的自由观的形成历程分为四个阶段:理想主义阶段的自由观、青年黑格尔阶段的自由观、费尔巴哈阶段的自由观、历史唯物主义阶段的自由观。
16、In his philosophy of life, Marx not only saved the speculative dialectics effectively which represented by the Hegelian dialectics, but also created a reasonable form of dialectics.However, Mr. ─── 马克思的哲学研究,不仅有效地拯救了以黑格尔为代表的思辨辩证法,而且卓有成效地创立了合理形态的辩证法。
17、The characteristic of the Hegelian theory of tragedy is that it tries to interpret Greek tragedy as reflecting some experience of subjectivity. ─── 黑格尔悲剧理论之特色在于,试图将希腊悲剧解释为呈现了某些主体性的经验。
18、Comprehending Hegelian theory of tragedy must join together his philosophy thought. ─── 理解黑格尔悲剧理论必须结合他的哲学思想。
19、hegelian idealists subscribe to a general doctrine about the internality of relations ─── 黑格尔唯心主义者赞同这种关于关系的内在性的一般学说。
20、On the other hand, in the inmost recess of consciousness, Hu Feng resisted the Hegelian philosophy. ─── 另一方面,在意识深处,胡风对黑格尔式的哲学方式是予以“反抗”的。
21、Hegelian tragical theory ─── 黑格尔悲剧论
22、Hegelian Sources of Origin of Marx's Political Philosophy ─── 马克思政治起源思想的黑格尔主义来源及其早期论述
23、Speculation is the method of Hegelian philosophy,which is to "reflect the reflecting". ─── 思辨是黑格尔哲学的方法,是“对反思的反思”。
24、Kierkegaard held that the philosophy of his time, largely owing to the influence of Hegelian idealism, tended to misconstrue the relation of thought to reality; ─── 克尔凯郭尔认为自己时代的哲学,很大程度上受到了黑格尔唯心主义的污染,倾向于曲解思想和实在的关系;
25、It is this pair's dialectical development that drives language to get developed and enriched into the state as it is (i.e., synthesis in Hegelian terminology). ─── 语言的不完备性和明达语言维度是一对矛盾,正是这一矛盾的辩证发展促使语言不断发展、丰富和完善,使语言成为如其所是的语言。
26、Young Hegelian ─── 青年黑格尔派
27、Hegelian aesthetic viewpoint thinks " if dress can reach the body partly each pose cover is gotten as far as possible little, it is best artistic processing namely " . ─── 黑格尔的美学观点认为“服装假如能够把身体各部分及姿势遮盖得尽量地少,即就是最好的艺术处理”。
28、According to Hegelian Characterology, it is complexity, specificity and constancy that make the character Willy vivid. ─── 上述这些性格因素复合在一起,就形成了威利这个鲜明的个体。
29、Is the familiar art of Hegelian ended? ─── 是烂熟的黑格尔的艺术终结?
30、"Process" Dialectics and the Social Structure "without Subject" --On Hegelian Dialects Understood by Althusser ─── "过程"辩证法与"无主体"的社会结构--兼评阿尔都塞理解的黑格尔辩证法
31、the Hegelian school ─── 黑格尔学派
32、For example, in the wake of the German Idealist philosopher G.W.F.Hegel, Hegelian scholars tried to rescue Christianity by viewing it as an unfolding of "absolute spirit. ─── 例如,黑格尔派的学者仿效德国唯心主义哲学家黑格尔,尝试视之为一种“绝对精神”的演变来挽救基督教。
33、Hegelian dialectic ─── 黑格尔辩证法
34、Marx subscribed to the Hegelian concept that human government is greater than the sum of its parts. ─── 马克思接受黑格尔的观念,认为人类政府比它各部分的总和来得大。
35、This excites his surprise, and he even asks why Dewey does not at once declare himself an Hegelian. ─── 这激起了他的惊讶,他甚至发问:为什么杜威不立刻宣布自己是黑格尔主义者?
36、This brings his ' Kantian constructivism' closer to the Hegelian view, on which Marx bases his rejection of universal, socially transcendent principles of justice. ─── 这导致他的“康德式构成主义”,向黑格尔的观点靠近,在这一点上,马克思奠定了他对普遍的、社会先验的正义原则的拒斥。
37、The second stage of the Hegelian dialectic process, representing the opposite of the thesis. ─── 反题黑格尔辩证过程中的第二阶段,体现主题的相反面
38、Language Essence Theory and Hegelian Dialectics ─── 语言实在论与黑格尔式辩证法
39、dialectic in Hegelian and Marxist sense ─── 辩证法
40、9.That the Hegelian system did not solve the problem it propounded is here immaterial. ─── 黑格尔的体系没有解决它给自己提出的这个任务,这是无关紧要的。
41、Dialectic: How Did Marx Reconstruct Hegelian ─── 辩证法:马克思怎样改造了黑格尔
42、Wataru Hiromatsu: From the Hegelian Logic to Reification ─── 广松涉:从黑格尔逻辑学到物象化理论
43、Obviously Hegelian Philisophy is a kind of modem philosophy. ─── 黑格尔哲学显然是一种现代性的哲学话语。
44、Between Transcendence And Historicism: The Ethical Nature Of The Arts In Hegelian Aesthetics ─── 在超验与历史主义之间:黑格尔学派美学中艺术的伦理本性
45、Deconstruction as a Historical Research of Philosophy: Heidegger's Reading of the Hegelian Philosophy ─── 作为解构的哲学史研究:海德格尔对黑格尔哲学的解读
46、That's the Hegelian theory of repetition in history. ─── 这就是黑格尔的在历史中重复的理论。
47、SOA has gone through its Hegelian sublation, and can just be part of the landscape now that enables new initiatives. ─── SOA已经经历了黑格尔说的扬弃,并且现在可以只作为整体的一部分来促进新的创新。
48、3. The two Hegelian concepts of "Absolute spirit" and "Absolute existence" potentially contain the concept of "relation object" which is capable of incarnating the relations of the reality. ─── 黑格尔的“自在自为之有”和“纯有”这两个概念,是潜在地包含着能够体现现实各种关系的“关系实体”概念,其逻辑的展开,表现了它们所隐含的具体生动的辩证法思想。收藏指正
49、Abstract: “Practical Individual” is one important concept in Marxian Philosophy and is formed by discarding Hegelian“Absolute Spirit”, Feuerbach “Practical Man” and Stewart “The Unique”. ─── 文章摘要: “现实的个人”是马克思哲学的一个重要概念,它是马克思对黑格尔的“绝对精神”、费尔巴哈的“现实的”和施蒂纳的“唯一者”的扬弃而形成的。
50、Althusser has found the basic feature of its "process" from Hegelian dialectics, and takes it as the theoretical ground for forming his outlook of social structure, which is characterized with "without subject". ─── 摘要阿尔都塞从黑格尔的辩证法中看到其“过程性”的基本特征,并用以作为建构自己“无主体”的社会结构观的理论依据。
51、The combination of thesis and antithesis in the Hegelian dialectical process whereby a new and higher level of truth is produced. ─── 合题黑格尔的辩证过程中论点与反论点的结合,从而得到新的更高级的真理
52、the Hegelian system did not solve the problem it propounded is here immaterial. ─── 黑格尔的体系没有解决它给自己提出的这个任务,这是无关紧要的。
53、"Practical Individual" is one important concept in Marxian Philosophy and is formed by discarding Hegelian" Absolute Spirit", Feuerbach "Practical Man" and Stewart "The Unique". ─── “现实的个人”是马克思哲学的一个重要概念,它是马克思对黑格尔的“绝对精神”、费尔巴哈的“现实的人”和施蒂纳的“唯一者”的扬弃而形成的。
54、Instead of an external opposition and unity, Hegelian “contradiction” indicates some kind of internal self-negation. ─── 继承黑格尔、告别旧形而上学的马克思所使用的“矛盾”概念也应与抽象的“对立统一”(可能是外在的对立统一)相区别。
55、Hegelian logic ─── 黑格尔逻辑学
56、A problem with this Hegelian approach arose as the historical Jesus came to be seen merely as one stage in the unfolding of absolute spirit; ─── 这些黑格尔派哲学家面临的一个问题就是会把历史上的耶稣看成仅仅是绝对精神演变的一个阶段;
57、Perhaps the best that can be hoped for is a rapid shift from antithesis to Hegelian synthesis. ─── 或许我们能抱有的最好的希望就是从对立主义到黑格尔学说迅速的转变。
58、Greek Art and Hegelian Aesthetics ─── 希腊艺术与黑格尔美学
59、Is it just a bit of revolutionary propaganda, or mere playing with persuasive definitions, or a bit of Hegelian mysticism? ─── 它仅仅是一些革命性的宣传,或仅仅是玩弄劝诱性的定义,或一些黑格尔的谬论?
60、The laziness of epistemology which believes that Marx's dialectics and history view is simple reverse to Hegelian theory, slip toward economism very easily and produce the economic person's mirage. ─── 把马克思的辩证法和历史看作是对黑格尔的简单颠倒,这种认识论上的懒惰很容易滑向经济主义,产生经济人的幻象。
61、Hegelian " pure existence " what meaning? ─── 黑格尔的“纯存在”什么意思?
62、The two Hegelian concepts of "Absolute spirit" and "Absolute existence" potentially contain the concept of "relation object" which is capable of incarnating the relations of the reality. ─── 黑格尔的“自在自为之有”和“纯有”这两个概念,是潜在地包含着能够体现现实各种关系的“关系实体”概念,其逻辑的展开,表现了它们所隐含的具体生动的辩证法思想。
63、Marx's dialectics is theoretically formed on the basis of the structure transformation to Hegelian dialectics, which is the change of a theoretical place. ─── 摘要马克思的辩证法是对黑格尔辩证法的结构改造中的理论的生成,是一种理论场所的转变。
64、Taking humanity at large as the centre, he insists that "literature is essentially the study of humanity".Criticizing historical rationalism he appeals to people to step off "Hegelian Ghost"; ─── 首先表现在他始终以人为中心,坚持"文学是人学"的现代观念,对历史理性、对作家-工具论进行批判,号召人们走出了"黑格尔的鬼影";
65、The famous Hegelian scholar, Bruno Bauer , had led that attack on Strauss, and continued to attack Strauss in academic journals for years. ─── 黑格尔的著名学者,布鲁诺鲍尔,导致了这一袭击施特劳斯,并继续攻击施特劳斯在多年的学术期刊。
66、Because of our meager understanding of Hegelian metaphysics, the study of Hegel in China is not prosperous enough. ─── 我国黑格尔研究有些萧条,与我们对黑格尔的形而上学的理解有很大关系。
67、The Hegelian Civil Society Theory serves as an important intermediate link for its development. ─── 黑格尔之前的市民社会理论仅区分了市民社会与自然社会;
68、the relation between Hegelian philosophy and Christianity is the source of all arguments, and the inspiration of the general theme of Spirit does come from Christian belief; ─── 黑格尔哲学与基督教的联系是产生一切争辩的原生点,而其“精神”总主题的灵感正是来源于基督教的信仰;
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