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09-15 投稿


complementary 发音

英:[ˌkɑːmplɪˈment(ə)ri]  美:[ˌkɒmplɪˈment(ə)ri]

英:  美:

complementary 中文意思翻译



complementary 短语词组

1、complementary angle ─── [机] 余角

2、complementary angles n. ─── [数] 余角

3、complementary colour ─── 补色

4、complementary color ─── 互补色 [电] ─── 互补颜色

5、complementary distribution ─── 互补分布

6、complementary coommodities ─── [经] 互补商品

7、complementary DNA ─── [化] 互补DNA

8、complementary binary ─── [计] 补码二进制

9、complementary code ─── [计] 补码

10、complementary convention ─── [法] 附约

11、complementary definition ─── [计] 互补定义

12、complementary demand ─── [经] 互补需求

13、complementary cells ─── [医] 补充细胞

14、complementary base ─── [化] 互补碱基

15、complementary colors ─── [化] 补色; 辅助色; 助着色剂 ─── [医] 补色

16、complementary colours ─── [化] 补色; 辅助色; 助着色剂

17、complementary accounts ─── [经] 补充帐户(科目)

18、complementary assay ─── [化] 互补试验

19、complementary constant current logic circuit ─── [计] 互补恒流逻辑电路

complementary 词性/词形变化,complementary变形

比较级--more complementary;最高级--most complementary。

complementary 常用词组

complementary function ─── 余函数

complementary product ─── 补充产品;互补产品

complementary metal oxide semiconductor ─── 互补金属氧化物半导体

complementary 相似词语短语

1、complimentarily ─── 赞美地

2、complementally ─── adv.补充地

3、complementarity ─── n.互补性;补充;补足

4、uncomplimentary ─── adj.贬损的;贬降的

5、complementarily ─── 补充的;互补的(complementary的变体)

6、complemental ─── adj.补足的;补充的;补偿的

7、complement ─── n.补语;余角;补足物;vt.补足,补助

8、complimentary ─── adj.赠送的;称赞的;问候的

9、commentary ─── n.评论;注释;评注;说明

complementary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What are the complementary elements of the SAS HR system that make the compensation system effective? ─── SAS公司人力资源系统中,哪些互补项目使其薪资系统得以有效运作?

2、Strictly, a base pair is a pair of complementary bases (i. e. the A: T, G: C and A: U interactions) held together by hydrogen bonds. ─── 严格地说,碱基对是一对相互匹配的碱基(即A:T,G:C,A:U相互作用)被氢键连接起来。

3、If the little patient can be very good,cooperate, still but complementary with Wen Shui hot compress is treated. ─── 如果患儿能很好配合,还可辅以温水热敷治疗。

4、During intermission, enjoy the complementary Wine, Apple, & Orange. ─── 在休息期间,请各位享用-酒、苹果、和橙。

5、Nabucco and South Stream are not rivals, they are complementary, insists Turkey's foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu. ─── 土耳其外长AhmetDavutoglu坚称,纳布科线与“南流”并非竞争而是互补关系。

6、The complementary switches are adopted to minimize clock feedthrough and charge injection of the switches. ─── 使用互补传输门开关,减小了MOS开关的电荷注入和时钟馈通效应;

7、Complementary to the three additive light primaries, there are three subtractive primaries. ─── 与加色法三原色互为补色的颜色为减色法三原色。

8、There is a complementary divergence of views of the structure of amorphous polymers. ─── 关于无定型聚合物结构有着互补的分歧意见。

9、You can sign an assembly in two different but complementary ways: with a strong name or with signing. ─── 可以通过两种不同但互为补充的方式为程序集签名:使用强名称或使用签名。

10、The Wolverhampton product line would be complementary to Moog's Aircraft Controls Segment. ─── 伍尔弗汉普顿的产品线将补充穆格公司的飞机控制部门。

11、Complementary goods have a negative cross elasticity of demand. ─── 互补商品的需求的交叉弹性为负数。

12、The Nullable class provides complementary support for the Nullable structure. ─── Nullable类为Nullable结构提供补充支持。

13、The program must contain a complementary method that resumes the game when the GotFocus event is raised. ─── 因此,程序必须包含一个补充方法,在引发GotFocus事件时该方法可以使游戏继续。

14、P/ and /Ph/ these two allophones of the same phoneme are said to be in complementary distribution. ─── 可以出现在不同语音组合中的同一为止,产生意义差别。

15、If you have done your research and wish to try a complementary therapy, the next step is to talk to your personal doctor or HIV specialist. ─── 如果在经过研究后您仍然希望尝试补充疗法,那么您下一步要做的就是与您的私人医生或HIV病毒专家谈一谈。

16、Accordingly, compound floor installs medium complementary makings and fittings to also must cause your attention. ─── 因此,复合地板安装中的辅料和配件也必须引起你的注重。

17、To be complementary or equivalent. ─── 互给补足或相等

18、Still others have a primarily desktop appeal but a complementary mobile aspect (possibly for alerting). ─── 另外一些适合桌面但是移动作为补充(比如报警系统)。

19、You can sign an assembly in two different but complementary ways: with a strong name or using either the. ─── 可以用两种不同但相互补充的方式对程序集进行签名:使用强名称或使用。

20、"We see thin-film as highly complementary to crystalline and concentrators. ─── “我们看到薄膜作为互补性很强,以结晶和集中。

21、What are complementary treatments? ─── 什么是互补疗法?


23、Significative conclusions have been driven from the two models, and the conclusions are complementary. ─── 两个模型均得出了有意义的结论,且结论相互补充;

24、As a complementary framework tosustainableforest management, FLR has come to international attention increasingly. ─── 作为森林可持续经营的重要组成部分,FLR在国际上日益受到关注。

25、Accents and complementary colours or contrasting colours? ─── 主色和补色还有对比色呢?

26、She knew only that if she did or said thus-and-so, men would unerringly respond with the complementary thus-and-so. ─── 她只明白,只要她如此这般地做了说了,男人们便会准确无误地用如此这般的恭维来回报她。

27、In fact, there is no contradiction at all; to put it more exactly, sacrifice and self-preservation are both opposite and complementary to each other. ─── 其实一点也不矛盾,正确点说,是相反相成的。

28、Much the same numerical result emerged from a complementary approach described in the Science. ─── 《科学》杂志上描述的一个互补方法得出了几乎一模一样的数值结论。

29、Accordingly, raise in the bedroom a few " the function is complementary " flowers, can act as " inhaler " . ─── 因此,在居室养一些“功能互补”的花卉,便可充当“空气过滤器”。

30、The forearm and finger motions are complementary: neither can substitute for the other. ─── 前臂和手指动作是补充的:两者都不可以相互代替。

31、The complementary solution is the same. ─── 其通解是一样的。

32、A segment of double-stranded DNA in which the nucleotide sequence of one strand reads in reverse order to that of the complementary strand. ─── 回文结构含有双股脱氧核糖核酸的一部分,其中的核苷酸系列的一股颠倒顺序来读取即为互补的一股

33、The form and content are complementary to each other. ─── 内容和形式之间是相辅相成的关系。

34、The school's approach must be complementary to that of the parents. ─── 学校与家长的教育方法必须相辅相成。

35、No,it does not. Sacrifice and self-preservation are both opposite and complementary to each other. ─── 不相矛盾,牺牲和自卫是相反相成的。

36、With its unique characteristics, China English is harmonious with and complementary to idiomatic English. ─── 中国英语与地道英语和而不同、并行互补。

37、To be complementary to the template-based systems, we also design a novel ab initio domain prediction system, KemaDom. ─── 其次,作为对基于模板方法的补充,我们设计了一个新的从头算预 测方法,KemaDom。

38、This paper proposes a new aperiodic correlation signal,which is complementary binary array pairs(CBAP). ─── 具有良好非循环相关特性的序列中,互补序列最具有代表性。

39、If you are looking for a man,go to your friends and family members and tell them to keep an eye out for a complementary companion for you. ─── 如果你在寻觅男伴,告诉你的朋友和家人为你留意一下适合你的人选。

40、Non-paired reference field: A decoded reference field that is not part of a complementary reference field pair. ─── 不成对的参考场:已解码的参考场,不是互补的参考场对。

41、Also be just about below this kind of delicate complementary concern, TV and Internet slowly retrorse confluence. ─── 也正是在这种微妙的互补关系下,电视与互联网正慢慢地反向融合。

42、If you want to mute or darken a colour, you should use the complementary colour. ─── 如果你使颜色柔和或黯淡,你应该采用一种互补的颜色。

43、Most think the shape of a target molecule forces a protein to wiggle into a complementary profile. ─── 大多数科学家认为靶标分子的形状迫使蛋白质扭动形成与靶标结合的互补。

44、However, one of the reason we decided to pay a little extra for this hotel was that the website offered complementary airport transfer. ─── 然而,我们之所以愿意额外再付笔钱的原因之一是这里提供了便利的机场接送服务。

45、The first two factors tended to increase ARNH4 or ARk and the complementary ion effect was more complicated. ─── 前两种使AR~(NH_4)或AR~K趋向提高.

46、Based on the theory of complementary sequences and OND, the concept of dummy chip is introduced. ─── 在正交噪声检测(OND)和互补序列理论的基础上,将虚拟码片概念引入到互补序列中.

47、Industrial Relationship between China and ASEAN: Compeitive or Complementary? ─── 中国与东盟的产业关系:竞争还是互补?

48、Negative category values appear as a complementary positive number in the Event Viewer. ─── 在事件查看器中,负类别值显示为正补数。

49、CTVL is a good complementary method of laryngoscopy. ─── CTVL是纤维喉镜的很好补充手段。

50、Waste natural gas is being flared off in the Middle East, Indonesia, and Venezula for lack of pipelines or complementary resources. ─── 中东、印度尼西亚和委内瑞拉由于缺乏油管或辅动性资源,剩余的天然气只能烧掉。

51、Is the packaging appropriately coded, priced, and complementary to the product? ─── 包装是否很好的编码,定价,与产品互补?

52、A leading pharmacologist has criticised degrees in complementary medicine for claiming to offer scientific teaching. ─── 一位主要的药理学家批评了辅助医学学位,他呼吁提供科学的教学给学生。

53、Randomized Controlled Trials in Pediatric Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Where can They be Found? ─── 儿科补充与替代医学的随机对照试验来源调查?

54、Complementary colours exalt each other. ─── 互补色加浓了彼此的色彩。

55、Its solution consists as usual of a complementary function. ─── 其解照常由一余函数组成。

56、The two advantages are compatible and complementary because they are two aspects of competitive force. ─── 因为差异化优势与低成本优势是同一问题-竞争力的两个侧面。

57、The (3) flexible retaining ring provides a complementary seating pressure on the disc. ─── (3)柔性固定环在阀瓣上提供补偿性阀座密封压力。

58、Complementary code keying (CCK) is a nonlinear coded modulation. ─── 互补分码键控(CCK)是一种非线性编码调变。

59、Because of cone fatigue in the eyes, the color and shape of the afterimage may be complementary to the color and shape of the actual object. ─── 因为眼睛中的锥状细胞疲劳的缘故,而产生同形状、颜色互补的影像。

60、It base pairs with adenine in the complementary strand of DNA. ─── 在互补DNA中的配对碱基为腺嘌呤。

61、No, it does not; Sacrifice and self-preservation are both opposite and complementary to each other. ─── 不相矛盾,是相反相成的。

62、PETER F.CARMELIET and RAKESH K.JAIN bring complementary backgrounds to the study of angiogenesis. ─── 卡姆列特及詹恩两人的背景给血管新生的研究带来互补的效果。

63、The team members have different but complementary skills. ─── 队员技术不同但能互补。

64、Not every stalactite has a complementary stalagmite. ─── 不是每根钟乳石都有互生的石笋。

65、And, the affections to economic subject accounting from external and internal environment are complementary. ─── 外部环境与内部环境对经济主体会计的影响是相辅相成的。

66、In the United States, TCM is considered part of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). ─── 在美国,TCM(中医)被视为补充和替代医学(CAM)中的一部分.

67、After six months, they should be fed adequate and safe complementary foods while continuing breastfeeding for up to two years or beyond. ─── 在六个月之后,应给他们喂养充足安全的补充食品,同时继续母乳喂养至两岁或两岁以后。

68、Bruce Tate, demonstrates how and why antipatterns are a necessary and complementary companion to design patterns. ─── 一书的知名作者,他在本文中说明了反模式如何及为什么会成为设计模式必要的和补充的伴侣。

69、The two sides are complementary. ─── 二者是互补的。

70、The uncertainty of the momentum and the uncertainty of the position are complementary. ─── 动量的不确定性与位置的不确定性是并协的。

71、His personality is complementary to hers. ─── 他的个性与她的相反相成。

72、Is Complementary Principle Essential to Understand Quantum Mechanics? ─── 互补原理对于理解量子力学是必需的吗?

73、"Male" and "female" are complementary terms. ─── “男性”和“女性”是互补关系术语。

74、PTCA is a safe,effective,little painful method,CASI is an important complementary procedure for PTCA. ─── PTCA具有创伤小、痛苦少、术后恢复快、安全和治疗效果可靠等特点,CASI是PTCA术的重要补充手段。

75、Such a treatment exploits the complementary action of two or more antibiotics. ─── 这种疗法利用两种或两种以上的抗生素的互补作用。

76、As they are complementary in nature, the measures in both systems deserve att... ─── 因此 ,在改革过程中 ,应注意两种制度的搭配。

77、At this point we're ready to start mixing things up a bit, what with the triads and the complementary colors and all. ─── 现在,我们准备把颜色混合起来,就是将三角形顶点颜色和互补色以及其他颜色混合起来。

78、Complementary and Incremental Mortality Risk Prediction by Cortisol and Aldosterone in Chronic Heart Failure. ─── 关键词:心力衰竭;心血管疾病;一氧化氮;非洲美洲;试验

79、FPGAs rely on the ubiquitous transistor-based technology called complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS). ─── FPGA使用的材料是互补式金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)技术,这是种随处可见的电晶体技术。

80、CCR: Short for Complementary Colour Removal. A method of archromatic separations by Hell Company. ─── CCR:是英文字义“除去补色”的简称。是“海尔”公司所用的一种消色分色法。

81、He has done experiments complementary to those of Eigen. ─── 他已经做了与艾根的实验互补的实验。

82、school's approach must be complementary to that of the parents. ─── 学校与家长的教育方法必须相辅相成。

83、In many cases, these complementary firms have been accompanied by government-assisted agencies. ─── 在很多情况下这些辅助性企业由政府扶助的一些机构协同。

84、It is shows that this formula have some fine properties, such as transitivity, complementary, and so on. ─── 分析表明,该公式具有传递性、互补性等诸多良好的性质。

85、Discussion of Forms of Complementary Medical Insurance. ─── 发展补充医疗保险的形式探讨。

86、"The multitude that dibble seeding covers and TV crowd have very good complementary sex. ─── “点播覆盖的人群和电视人群有很好的互补性。”

87、Are there compensating or complementary controls which reduce? its intrinsic importance? ─── 存在补充性或替代性的控制来降低其内在的重要性吗?

88、They were not contradictory but complementary and suited to different temperaments. ─── 它们并不是对立,而是相互补充,适合不同的气质。

89、But he also maintained that we look for someone with complementary needs. ─── 但是,他也坚持说我们寻找与自己互补的人。




语义关系(Sense Relationship)




1.等级反义词(Gradable Antonyms)



2.互补反义词(Complementary Antonyms)


3.逆向反义词(Converse Antonyms)




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