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09-15 投稿



unrivaled 发音

英:[[ʌn'raɪvəld]]  美:[[ʌn'raɪvəld]]

英:  美:

unrivaled 中文意思翻译



unrivaled 词性/词形变化,unrivaled变形

异体字: unrivalled |

unrivaled 相似词语短语

1、unriddled ─── v.解决(难题);解释(unriddle的过去式和过去分词)

2、unraveled ─── vt.解开;阐明;解决;拆散;vi.解决;散开

3、outrivalled ─── 打败;胜过(outrival的过去式和过去分词)

4、unrivalled ─── adj.无与伦比的;无敌的

5、outrivaled ─── vt.胜过;打败

6、unrevealed ─── adj.未揭露的

7、unrifled ─── 无膛线的

8、unriveted ─── vt.拆除铆钉;使松脱

9、rivaled ─── n.竞争对手;可与……匹敌的人;同行者;v.与…竞争;比得上某人;赶上(某人);竞争;adj.竞争的;n.(Rival)(俄)里瓦尔(人名)

unrivaled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Raised in unrivaled prosperity, we inherit an economy that is still the world's strongest, but is weakened by business failures, stagnant wages, increasing inequality, and deep divisions among our people. ─── 我们在无与伦比的繁荣中长大,继承了仍然是世界上最强大的经济。但由于企业倒闭,工资增长停滞,不平等状况加剧,人民的分歧加深,我们的经济已经被削弱。

2、unrivaled in bravery ─── 无比英勇

3、As the world's first electronic stock market, NASDAQ long ago set a precedent for technological trading i ovation that is unrivaled. ─── 它的市场期票出票人遍及全美各地,通过电话和国际互联网进行交易。

4、Currently, there are seven inventions into production, which kit is the unrivaled hot springs Su sell to distant places Japan, Korea and Taiwan in the international market have higher visibility. ─── 目前,已有七项发明专利投入生产,其中杰名盖世温泉素更是远销日本、韩国和台湾,在国际市场中享有较高的知名度。

5、This game was renowned for its unrivaled database and helped make it one of the best football management games around. ─── 这场比赛是以其无与伦比的数据库,并使它成为一个最好的足球管理的游戏了。

6、He is unrivaled in bravery. ─── 他英勇无比。

7、I never heard Zhaojuzhang not go next, a Zhaojuzhang grabbed the telephone and said: surnamed Wen. I hear you, I ask Murong unrivaled. ─── 我在赵局长旁边再也听不下去了,一把抢过了赵局长的电话,说:姓温的,你给我听好了,我叫慕容无双。

8、I might be unrivaled but I'm still trying to reach new heights. ─── 也许我已所向无敌,但我仍想百尺竿头更进一步。

9、Stock to be cleared is unrivaled in both variety andquality. ─── 将被清除的库存在种类和质量上都是无与伦比的。

10、In the term of history, the power of culture is unrivaled. ─── 从世界历史上看,文化的力量无坚不摧。

11、Rolls Royce's unrivaled experience in high technology manufacturing ─── 劳斯莱斯在高技术制造方面无与伦比的经验

12、matchless beauty; the team's nonpareil center fielder; she's one girl in a million; the one and only Muhammad Ali; a peerless scholar; infamy unmatched in the Western world; wrote with unmatchable clarity; unrivaled mastery of her art. ─── 无可比拟的美丽;这个队无敌的中场手;她是万里挑一的女孩;举世无双的穆罕默德·埃里;出类拔萃的学者;在西方世界无与伦比的丑闻;写得无比清楚;无比精通她的艺术。

13、This unrivaled depth of whisky making expertise passed down from generation to generation allows us to make whisky using age old methods. ─── 我们拥有这些历代相传的一流威士忌酿造知识,懂得运用古法来酿造威士忌。

14、unrivaled; unequalled; peerless ─── 无与伦比

15、In those days I was deeply amazed whenever I read from Jin Yong's swordman novels that the supposed "fools" such as Monk Xuzu or Guo Jing managed to master some unrivaled combat art finally. ─── 那些日子,每每在家看金庸的武侠小说,看到虚竹得了天山童姥的绝世武功,郭靖学了降龙十八掌,觉得老天喜欢傻人,连金庸都知道。

16、Through the Internet and the World Wide Web, we are now experiencing a transformation in communication that is unrivaled in the history of civilization as we know it. ─── 通过因特网和万维网,我们正经历着我们所知的文明史上交际的最大的改变。

17、invincible; unmatched; matchless; unbeatable; unrivaled; unconquerable; incomparable ─── 无敌

18、Hey, unrivaled, I really worth to you ah. ─── 哎,无双,我真为你不值啊。

19、It's the best of both worlds; ultra crisp steering response and unrivaled stability. ─── 它的最好的两个世界;超脆督导反应和无可匹敌的稳定。

20、Over the next two decades, the company built a portfolio of unrivaled cable television news and entertainment brands and businesses. ─── 之后的二十年里,公司再拔头筹,创立了包括有线电视新闻和娱乐业务在内的一整套节目。

21、'It has an unrivaled global franchise, a proven and deep management team and the intellectual and financial capital to continue its track record of outperformance,' he said. ─── 该公司拥有无与伦比的全球业务,拥有久经考验和深谋远虑的管理团队,拥有人才储备和财务资本,能够延续其卓越表现。

22、When the pop songs are in the vogue and are appreciated, sung and commented upon, their influence on the youth mentality is even unrivaled compared with other forms of ideoology. ─── 当流行歌曲风靡社会,为广大青少年争相欣赏、传唱、评论时,它对青少年思想感情的影响作用就更是其他形式的意识形态难以匹敌的。

23、The varied content, superb skills, vast teams, and the popularity in the society were both unprecedented and unrivaled in later times. ─── 其形式品种之丰富,技艺之高超,队伍之庞大,以及在社会上流传之普遍与深入,都可以说是既空前又绝后的。

24、The complicated nature of the farmer's job gave him unrivaled training in invention and practical skill with tools and machines. ─── 农夫那份工作的繁复,给了他在发明和实际使用器具与机械方面无比的训练。

25、Unrivaled, can you guess what I have now? ─── 无双,你猜我现在在哪?

26、His flexibility and massage, all natural techniques have to deal with the blow unrivaled, they were combative sector States called modern "combative King. ─── 他的灵活多变和揉,所有技法自然应对的一击至今无可比拟,所以被各国技击界称之为现代“技击之王”。

27、On the soccer field, Pele's legacy is virtually unrivaled in the modern history of international sports. ─── 在足球场上,贝利创造的奇迹在现代国际体育史上几乎是无人匹敌的。

28、Wall Street Launch Showcases New Industry Standard Computing Infrastructure, Fastest Growing Open Source Operating System Solaris 10 and Unrivaled Partner Support ─── 在华尔街的发布活动中展示:新的行业标准计算基础设施快速增长的开源操作系统Solaris 10向合作伙伴提供的巨大支持

29、Kit is a good group of unrivaled international study, diligently explore, innovate, never satisfied companies. ─── 杰名盖世国际集团是一家善于学习、勤于探索、不断创新、永不满足的公司。

30、I have forgotten unrivaled outside the Mermaid website. ─── 我在国外一直都忘不了无双的美人鱼网站。

31、To meet this goal, our analysts must excel at differentiated information gathering, value added information processing, superior investment recommendations and unrivaled customer service. ─── 如果您发现侵犯您的权益,请即时通知,本站将立即删除!

32、Not sisters, really sorry, so unrivaled pick, my head a bit dizzy, they want to go back to rest. ─── 不了姐姐,实在对不起,让无双陪你去吧,我头有点晕,想回去休息。

33、As with many other information technologies, in particular those that owe their success to the rise of the Internet, the Web must evolve at a pace unrivaled in other industries. ─── 跟许多其他资讯科技一样,特别是利用网带来成功的,网路技术在其他行业也必须不断演进。

34、An unrivaled game life for a mobile game: over 3 hours of play! ─── 一个无与伦比的游戏生活为手机游戏:超过3个小时的比赛!

35、The Black Hills offer unrivaled trails that wind through pristine natural areas, often affording glimpses of bison, deer, bighorn sheep, mountain lions and prairie dogs in the grasslands and forests. ─── 布莱克山步道提供无与伦比的风通过原始的自然区域,常常让看到的野牛,鹿,大角羊,山狮和土拨鼠在草原和森林。

36、It is what led generations of American workers to build an industrial economy unrivaled around the world. ─── 正是这种精神指引世世代代的美国劳动者建成全世界无可比拟的工业经济。

37、Unrivaled in loyalty and courage ─── 忠勇绝世

38、unrivaled global political influence ─── 无可匹敌的全球政治影响

39、Pelecanos are unrivaled for their authenticity, edginess, and humanity. ─── 理想不死,是否难逃现实风尘?

40、* A plunge into the heart of the world of underground racing thanks to 3D graphics unrivaled by any other mobile game. ─── *无与伦比的3D画面把你直接带入到地下赛车世界的心脏,超过任何其他的手机游戏。

41、TV is by far the most powerful medium available to advertisers.DRTV uses this unrivaled power of TV to create the "impulse to buy" and drive sales to retail, Internet and other distribution channels. ─── 电视是迄今为止最强有力的广告载体,电视购物使用电视这一无以伦比的方式创造“购买冲动”,并促进在零售终端,互联网以及其它渠道的销售。

42、“It has an unrivaled global franchise, a proven and deep management team and the intellectual and financial capital to continue its track record of outperformance. ─── 身为伯克希尔哈撒韦首席执行官的巴菲特表示,“它具有无可匹敌的全球布局,公认的、精明的管理团队,人才以及金融资本,来续写其业绩出色的历史。”

43、Hence its unrivaled significance as a means of social direction. ─── 所以,语言作为社会指导的手段,其重要性无与伦比。

44、The complicated nature of the farmer's job gave him unrivaled training in invention and practical skill with tools and machines. ─── 农夫那份工作的繁复,给了他在发明和实际使用器具与机械方面无比的训练。

45、The U.S. has gone on an ethanol binge, anticipating a fuel transition unrivaled since electric utilities set out 40 years ago to build hundreds of nuclear power plants. ─── 美国正涌现一股乙醇热,继40年前电力公司大手笔建造数百座核能发电厂之后,预料将带来新一波势不可挡的燃料转换风潮。

46、Changsha Kiln upsurged for its colorful porcelain,unrivaled in these famous kilns,and a situation of tripartite confrontation in porcelain industy formed. ─── 瓷枕则是相对隐蔽之物,所书多是内心的情感独白,以词抒情。

47、Murong unrivaled I told you to ask your boss! ─── 我叫慕容无双,你去问问你们老板!

48、Without the extremely polished and commercially driven Photoshop to stand against, GIMP is almost entirely unrivaled in sophistication. ─── 此后,工程师一直对大型强子对撞机进行维修。

49、Photo Gallery: Sydney Lifestyle Visitors scale the 440-foot-high steel arch of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which offers unrivaled views of the city skyline. ─── 意译:悉尼的生活方式图片集。游客攀登440英尺高的钢拱形桥的悉尼海港大桥,它提供无可匹敌的意见,城市地平线。

50、The largest U.S. motorcycle maker is now a Fortune 500 company with nearly $6 billion annual revenue and a connection to its owners that is unrivaled in any industry. ─── 哈雷是美国最大的摩托车制造商,是财富世界500强公司之一,年收入达60亿美金,其与客户的紧密联系是任何产业无可匹敌的。

51、America's menu of options—research universities, state institutions, private liberal-arts schools, community colleges, religious institutions, military academies—is unrivaled. ─── 美国的选择——研究型大学、州立机构、私立文理学院、社区学院、宗教机构、军事学院——是无与伦比的。

52、Stock to be cleared is unrivaled in both variety and quality . ─── 将被清除的股票是无敌的进入种类和质量。

53、That old horse eat a strict director, said: scored cafes old horse, I do not know your point ink. Unrivaled Hunxiaqu you really want to follow the morning wind. ─── 严台长不吃老马那一套,说:得了吧老马,你那点墨水我还不清楚,无双真要跟着你混下去早喝西北风了。

54、Our dynamic and flexible approach, to meeting the specific needs of customers has earned us an unrivaled reputation for our punctuality in meeting obligations. ─── 我司运用融会贯通的销售手法来满足各位客户的不同需求,并以此为我们所做的工作赢得了无上的声誉。

55、EXAMPLE: Our company is the unrivaled leader in our field, and has a 70% share of the market for our products. ─── 我们公司是业内无与伦比的领先者,我们产品的市场占有率达70%。

56、He fought the War of the Three Henrys and prevailed as unrivaled leader. ─── 他在三亨利之战中奋战,并取得优势成为无可匹敌的领袖。

57、Your black bamboo, combining Chinese classic painting with an intense sense of the modern ,is really unique and unrivaled among contemporary. ─── 你的竹墨画结合了中国古典绘画和浓烈现代画意识,在中国现代绘画作品中最独树一帜。

58、Finally, the sheer size and flexibility of U.S. financial markets is unrivaled. ─── 最后一点,美国金融市场的绝对规模和灵活性是无与伦比的。

59、Unrivaled as chairman and vice chairman for you. ─── 无双为董事长,您为副董事长。

60、On the broad lake surface with a capacity for ten thousand waterbirds, there is not only the spectacular “Swan Lake”, but also the unrivaled sight of “the Great Wall of Siberian Crane”. ─── 在这足以容纳数以万计珍禽候鸟栖息的广阔水面上,有无比壮观的“天鹅湖”,更有令人叹为观止的“白鹤长城”。


62、Woman is unrivaled as a wet nurse. ─── 作为奶妈,女人是无与伦比的。

63、Deputy director of stand up that network by the famous writer below, Mermaid original founders of the Chinese net. Mermaid editor Murong unrivaled as you make a report. ─── 赵副局长站起来宣布,下面由著名网络作家,美人鱼原创中文网创始人,美人鱼总编辑慕容无双先生为大家做报告。

64、Camping takes on an otherworldly feel amid eons-old geological formations in Arches National Park. Free from light pollution, the park offers unrivaled views of the heavens. ─── 意译:拱门国家公园图片。露营承担在一个来世的感觉在其中亿万年地质学的形成在拱门国家公园。不受来自光污染,公园提供了无与伦比的星光夜空视图。

65、Unrivaled, you Zhongyuao out, I should congratulate you, your tears, and it should be a very good day for a few days. ─── 无双,你终于熬出来了,我应该祝贺你,你太苦了,应该过几天好日子了。

66、As the world's first electronic stock market,NASDAQ long ago set a precedent for technological trading innovation that is unrivaled. ─── 作为世界上第一家电子股票交易市场,纳斯达克早就史无前例地进行了技术交易的创新。

67、He has been the center of attention for most of two decades, the guy everyone came to see, the unrivaled superstar, the face of the sport. ─── 近二十年来,他一直是公众的焦点,他是无法比拟的的超级巨星,是职业拳击的名片。

68、absolutely unrivaled ─── 举世无双

69、Not the strongest of his stories, it makes up for this in a series of action sequences unrivaled by any other heroic bloodshed film. ─── 但后期吴宇森过多地玩弄相同的风格,最终毁了自己的事业。

70、A plunge into the heart of the world of underground racing thanks to 3D graphics unrivaled by any other mobile game. ─── 无与伦比的3D画面把你直接带入到地下赛车世界的心脏,超过任何其他的手机游戏。

71、As the world"s first electronic stock market, NASDAQ long ago set a precedent for technological trading i ovation that is unrivaled. ─── 作为世界上第一家电子股票交易市场,纳斯达克(NASDAQ)早就史无前例地进行了技术交易的创新。

72、This person is not simple, know how to look at the matter from a long-term regulation fish unrivaled, I watched you this Mermaid dangerous. ─── 这个人不简单,懂得放长线调大鱼,无双,你这条美人鱼我看着危险。

73、As the world"s first electronic stock market, NASDAQ long ago set a precedent for technological trading innovation that is unrivaled. ─── 作为世界上第一家电子交易市场,纳斯达克(NASDAQ)早就史无前例地进行了技术交易的创新。

74、Not matched or paralleled by others of its kind;unrivaled. ─── 不等同的一类中其他所不能匹配的或不能相比的;无敌的

75、I see the dust on the way, I waved -- and shouting: unrivaled, I will get help quickly over luggage Once again he was exhausted me. ─── 烟尘老远就看到了我,冲我招手,喊:无双,快过来帮我拿行李,累死我了。

76、In times of strength, a mightier dollar allowed Americans to feed their insatiable appetite for foreign goods at cheap prices while providing Yankees abroad with virtually unrivaled economic clout. ─── 美元坚挺的时期,强有力的美元使得美国人能满足他们对于外国低价商品贪得无厌的胃口,同时带给美国人实际的无可匹敌的经济影响力.

77、This game was renowned for its unrivaled database and helped make it one of the best football management games around. ─── 这场比赛是以其无与伦比的数据库,并使它成为一个最好的足球管理的游戏了。

78、Foreign high-end retailers have for years enjoyed strong sales in the Japanese market, which also serves as an unrivaled market for developing of high-end consumer products. ─── 多年以来,国外高端零售商在日本市场的销售一直很强劲,同时,日本也是开发新的高端消费品的最佳市场。

79、This person is not simple, know how to look at the matter from a long-term regulation fish unrivaled, I watched you this Mermaid dangerous. ─── 这个人不简单,懂得放长线调大鱼,无双,你这条美人鱼我看着危险。

80、not matched or paralleled by others of its kind; unrivaled ─── 一类中其他所不能匹配的或不能相比的;无敌的

81、Italian painter, who invigorated the Venetian school of painting and whose art was unrivaled in the portrayal of mood. ─── 焦尔焦内意大利画家和威尼斯画派的早期名画家,他的画有(公元1505年)和(公元1510年)

82、matchless beauty; the team's nonpareil center fielder; she's one girl in a million; the one and only Muhammad Ali; a peerless scholar; infamy unmatched in the Western world; wrote with unmatchable clarity; unrivaled mastery of her art ─── 无可比拟的美丽;这个队无敌的中场手;她是万里挑一的女孩;举世无双的穆罕默德·埃里;出类拔萃的学者;在西方世界无与伦比的丑闻;写得无比清楚;无比精通她的艺术

83、result, it is a vehicle unrivaled in capability, size and appearance. ─── 结果,这是车无敌在能力、大小和出现。

84、They were the most important central bankers in their respective nations when those four countries controlled most of the world's wealth and one -- England -- was its unrivaled lender. ─── 他们是各自国家最重要中央银行的掌管着,其中英格兰银行是英国最大的债主,而这四个国家掌管了世界最主要的财富。

85、Take advantage of productivity and workflow enhancements, unrivaled editing power, and breakthrough compositing capabilities. ─── 利用生产效率和工作流增强,无可匹敌的编辑能力,和突破性的复合功能。

86、Because of its unrivaled practical advantages, space station technology has been gaining more and more attention in developed countries. ─── 空间站以其其它任何航天器无以比拟的优势,日 益受到世界航天大国的重视。

87、unrivaled mastery of her art. ─── 无比精通她的艺术。

88、Many visitors, primarily in such industries as electronics design, technology and manufacturing, paid a lot of attention to ZWCAD. They were attracted by its high compatibility and unrivaled cost. ─── 中望CAD吸引了许多参观者(主要是电子设计、技术生产行业)的注意力,并以其高度的兼容性和不可比拟的性价比广受当地人士的关注。

89、A delight to behold and sheer joy to drive, the SL offers unrivaled control and safety thanks to its unique combination of sophisticated electronic systems. ─── sl双座跑车将多种先进电子系统进行独特的精心组合,符合标准配置,拥有无与伦比的控制系统和卓越超群的安全性能,带给您赏心悦目的完美体验。

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