malevolence 发音
英: 美:
malevolence 中文意思翻译
malevolence 同义词
nastiness | ill will | malignity | wickedness | malevolency | meanness | evil | unkindness |spite | malice | hatred
malevolence 词性/词形变化,malevolence变形
malevolence 反义词
malevolence 相似词语短语
1、malevolent ─── adj.恶毒的;有恶意的;坏心肠的
2、benevolence ─── n.仁慈;善行
3、maleficence ─── n.罪行;恶毒
4、benevolences ─── n.仁慈;善行
5、monovalence ─── n.一价;单价
6、multivalence ─── n.多价;多原子价;多义性;有多种价值
7、polyvalence ─── n.多价;多方面相关性
8、malevolently ─── adv.恶意地;伤害地
9、calescence ─── n.渐增温
malevolence 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、However, Heathcliff does not reform, and his malevolence proves so great and long-lasting that it cannot be adequately explained even as a desire for revenge against Hindley, Catherine, Edgar, etc. ─── 乔治到了路格里家,见到了汤姆叔,可是一切都晚了,汤姆再也活不起来了。但他终于见到了乔治少爷一面,脸上露出了宽慰的笑容。
2、Showing great malevolence; disposed to do evil. ─── 恶毒的表现出极其邪恶的;倾向于做坏事的
3、Malevolence or good. ─── //点明主旨之处。
4、For all its malevolence, the Soviet empire was like a Ponzi scheme, dependent on ever-increasing amounts of money. ─── 出于恶意,苏联帝国被描述为庞氏骗局,依赖于不断增长的金钱来运行。
5、” This simple phrase has been spoken many times throughout the James Bond film series, always laced with malevolence and hatred. ─── 这句简单的话已经在詹姆斯邦德系列电影中屡见不鲜,且总是伴随着邪恶而憎恨的语气。
6、Then, a more than fiendish malevolence thrilled every fiber of the Lieutenant’s frame. ─── 这时,他就像一个恶魔似的,全身充满了邪恶之念。
7、A Great and Powerful Malevolence ─── 强烈的恨意
8、Did his criticism arise from pure malevolence ─── 他的批评是纯粹出于恶意吗
9、Creatures of pure malevolence and woe, gloom golems haunt the layers of Hades, thriving on the misery and despair they inflict on others. ─── 由纯粹的恶意和不幸组成的生物,深黯魔像,出没在黑狄斯的底层,因它们对其他人造成的苦痛和绝望而知名。
10、"Regeneration items like Orchid Malevolence or a Linkens Sphere will allow liberal use of his abilities in battle and help him against spellcasters and nukers." ─── "紫怨和林肯法球等恢复性物品让他在战斗中可以自由的使用技能,以及帮助他抵抗技能施放和爆发伤害。"
11、Created as the middle section of a three-part trilogy, 'Malevolence' is the tragic story of a group of bank robbers on the run from the law. ─── 作为一个三部曲中间的一部,《怨恨》讲述的是一群银行劫匪妄图逍遥法外的悲剧故事。
12、The evil that is in the world almost always comes from ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding. ─── 人世间的罪恶几乎总是由愚昧无知造成,如果缺乏理解,好心能造成和恶意同样大的危害。
13、But he did not know what malevolence was. ─── 但是他却不知道什么是恶毒。
14、90. I had always been aware of a frame of malevolence under his urbanity. ─── 我常常觉察到,在他温文尔雅的下面掩藏着一种恶意。
15、She saw how much he worried about that senator during their mission to destroy the Seperatist's starship Malevolence, how panicked he was when he discovered her inadvertently ending up in the battle. ─── 在执行摧毁分离主义分子的星际飞船“毒牙号”的任务时,她见过他是如何地担心那位参议员,当他无意中发现她在战斗中被俘时他是如何地恐慌。
16、malevolence by virtue of being malicious or spiteful or nasty ─── 由于有恶意阴险的行为而让人感到狠毒
17、All taint of private malevolence ─── 用心险恶
18、Of the three Republic warships pursuing the Malevolence, the lead ship is General Skywalker's Resolute. As a flagship, it has red conning towers. ─── 追逐“恶毒”号的三艘共和国战舰中,领头的是天行者将军的“决心”号。作为旗舰,它有顶部为红色的塔。
19、The Malevolence was the flagship of the Confederate Navy. ─── “毒牙号”是邦联海军的旗舰。
20、The author's self-serving indictment seethes with malevolence. ─── 作者的自私控诉和恶毒一起沸腾了。
21、's embassy was downplayed, while the seriousness of irrelevant incidents was exaggerated. Their deliberate obfuscation of the issue and shameless spouting of nonsense show up their malevolence. ─── 将自己炸别人写得轻淡几笔,却将不相干的事情写得严重无比,因果倒置,胡扯耍赖,其邪恶由此可见。
22、Created as the middle section of a three-part trilogy, 'Malevolence' is the tragic story of a group of bank robbers on the run from the law. ─── 作为一个三部曲中间的一部,《狠毒》讲述的是一群银行劫匪妄图逍遥法外的悲剧故事。
23、English: Fan Chi accompanied Confucius to the Rain Altar.He asked:" How can one go about exalting virtue, dispel malevolence from within and recognise delusion? ─── 樊迟跟随孔子到舞雩台下游玩,说:“请问如何提高品德修养、去除恶念,明辨疑惑。
24、Orchid of Malevolence is actually not that bad of an item for Barathrum. ─── 对裂魂人来说,紫苑是件不错的装备。
25、In the script, Anakin's original plan to board the Malevolence included a foolhardy hyperspace micro-jump that would have deposited the Twilight just centimeters away from the enemy ship's hull. ─── 剧本中,安纳金最初的登上“恶毒”号的计划包括一个胆大包天的超空间小跳跃,把“曙光”号放到离敌舰外壳只有几厘米的地方。
26、Malevolence person will be bad grade! ─── 其后送给女朋友她说不要后,就在此作拍卖!
27、Other flowers you could send include basil (hatred) and lobelia (malevolence). ─── 其他可以选用的还有罗勒(仇恨)、半边莲(恶毒)。
28、Clone pilot Broadside was last seen in the Season one episode "Shadow of Malevolence". ─── 见到克隆人飞行员“舷炮”是在第一季的《毒牙暗影》里。
29、To express or gratify(anger, malevolence, or resentment); vent. ─── 发泄表示或使满足(愤怒、恶意或憎恨);发泄
30、The ghost of a suicide seeking a substitute is terrifying largely because of the expansion of personal vengeance to general malevolence. ─── 自杀鬼寻找替身非常可怕,主要因为个人复仇欲极度扩张。
31、malevolence by virtue of being malicious or spiteful or nasty. ─── 由于有恶意阴险的行为而让人感到狠毒。
32、In this potent narrative of victimhood Israel, of course, has been held up as a prime example of Western malevolence. ─── 当然,以色列常常作为受害者出现在令人信服的记事中,一直作为西方恶行的最好例子被一再举出。
33、Showing great malevolence;disposed to do evil. ─── 恶毒的表现出极其邪恶的;倾向于做坏事的
34、The Doctor finally comes face-to-eyestalk with the leader of his greatest enemies, and he's a huge monster Dalek, full of malevolence. ─── 博士最后把他们赶出了月球基地,但是随后他们用大笨蛋加农炮扫过月球表面,最终博士还是比他们更胜一筹。
35、to my disordered reason all the more terrifying for that, as the approach of some blind and mindless malevolence to which is no appeal. ─── 对于我错乱的理智来说更是恐惧,因为对于盲目且不小心的恶意束手无策。
36、The Malevolence was a heavy Separatist warship active during the Clone Wars. ─── “毒牙号”是分离势力的一艘重型战舰,活跃于克隆人战争时期。
37、What malevolence you must have to wish to convince me that there is no happiness in the world! ─── 你真是多毒辣呀,想让我相信这世界上没有幸福!
38、To recognize and change ones mistakes and not keep on critizing fault on others, is that not dispelling malevolence. ─── 自我反省过失,消除不该有的邪恶念头,而不是指责他人的恶劣行为,不就是修正自己邪恶的行为吗?
39、These cruel beings know no mercy for the weak nor sympathy for humankind, for they are genuine monsters of pervasive malevolence. ─── 这些残忍的生物从不怜悯弱者,也不同情人类,因为它们是货真价实的邪兽。
40、an act of pure malevolence ─── 充满恶意的举动
41、Three syllables that contain a sense of dark malevolence, raise tales of intrigues unending, and bring forth images of a race of people whose ambition is outmatched only by their ruthlessness and cunning. ─── 三个音节里涵盖了恶毒的思想,无止尽的阴谋,和只能靠著无情残忍的狡猾伎俩来满足自己野心的黑暗精灵一族。
42、By this time, after long hours of continued reflection upon one subject, a sombre brooding malevolence, a deep-seated desire of revenge, had grown big within his mind. ─── 他一连好几个钟点尽思量着一桩事,如今可有一团郁结不解的恶念,一股根深蒂固的报仇心理,在他心里越胀越大了。
43、To express or gratify(anger,malevolence,or resentment;vent. ─── 发泄表示或使满足(愤怒、恶意或憎恨);发泄
44、or it might well be that the physician was not careful then, as at all other times, to hide the malevolence with which he looked upon his victim. ─── 也可能是,医生当时没有象乎素那样小心地掩饰他看着自己的牺牲品时的那种恶毒样子。
45、Be of good humor and enjoy a good laugh when it is apt, but avoid the kind of unrestrained barroom laughter that easily degenerates into vulgarity or malevolence. ─── 做个有幽默感的人,在适当的时候就尽情地笑,但要避免那种容易变成恶意的不受控制的酒馆式的狂笑。
46、For all its malevolence, the Soviet empire was like a Ponzi scheme, dependent on ever-increasing amounts of money. ─── 出于恶意,苏联帝国被描述为庞氏骗局,依赖于不断增长的金钱来运行。
47、Any malevolent ways to win or stop people to win the competition such as invading the voting system with information technology, having more votes improperly or any other malevolence is not tolerated. ─── 不得以不当方式争取或阻止他人获得活动竞赛之奖项,例如:以恶意电脑程式影响投票系统,不当累积票数,或其他恶意目的之行为等。
48、It would be such a tragedy if TB, by some malevolence of fate, turned into the greatest President of Europe we never had. ─── 如果造化弄人,没有让托尼·布莱尔弄到那个我们英国人从没见过的肥缺的话,那真是一场悲剧。
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