interrogation 发音
英:[ɪnˌterəˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n] 美:[ɪnˌterəˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n]
英: 美:
interrogation 中文意思翻译
interrogation 词性/词形变化,interrogation变形
interrogation 短语词组
1、criminal interrogation ─── [法] 刑事讯问
2、illegal interrogation ─── [法] 非法讯问
3、individual interrogation ─── [法] 个别讯问
4、interrogation of a indictor ─── [法] 讯问原告
5、interrogation mark ─── [计] 疑问符, 询问符
6、interrogation of a prisoner ─── [法] 讯问犯人
7、interrogation reply system ─── [计] 回答系统
8、active interrogation ─── [化] 有源探询; 外加探询; 外加源探询; 主动探询
9、interrogation of record ─── [法] 讯问记录
10、active neutron interrogation (method) ─── [化] 外加中子探询法; 有源中子探询法
11、interrogation link ─── [计] 询问链路
12、interrogation function ─── [计] 询问功能
13、interrogation of a criminal ─── [法] 讯问罪犯
14、interrogation reply cycle ─── [计] 回答周期
15、interrogation of a defendant ─── [法] 讯问被告
16、interrogation coding ─── [计] 询问编码
17、interrogation code ─── [计] 询问代码, 询问电码
18、interrogation point n. ─── 问号
19、interrogation of a witness ─── [法] 讯问证人
interrogation 相似词语短语
1、interrogative ─── adj.疑问的;质问的;n.疑问词
2、interlocation ─── 间隔
3、interrogations ─── n.[法]审问(interrogation的复数);[计][通信]询问
4、interrogating ─── v.[计]询问(interrogate的ing形式);质问
5、reinterrogation ─── 再污染
6、interrogational ─── adj.审讯的
7、interrelation ─── n.相互关系
8、interpolation ─── n.插入;篡改;填写;插值
9、interrogator ─── n.质问者;询问机
interrogation 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The four secret memos detail the legal justification for the Bush-era CIA interrogation programme, whose methods critics say amounted to torture. ─── 四个秘密的便签详述布什时代中央情报局审讯方案的法律依据,其的方法批评人士说发展成为酷刑.
2、Only mastering all these demands can investigators finish interrogation task and solve cases quickly. ─── 只有掌握这些内容,才能更好地完成审讯任务、迅速破案。
3、The interrogation tactics of the typical wizard are not friendly, reassuring, or particularly helpful. The wizard often doesn’t explain what is going on. ─── 典型向导的询问策略不友好、不可靠,也没有什么特别帮助,向导通常并没有向用户解释事情进行得怎么样。
4、They are inspection, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, palpation of the pulses. ─── 它们是望、闻、问、切。
5、All the tumultuous interrogation points of revery recurred to him in throngs, but without troubling him. ─── 他梦幻中的一大堆喧嚣纷扰的问号一齐回到他的脑子里,但并没有使他烦乱。
6、In the interrogation, which account for the suspects involved in the Zang Tianshuo part of the crime. ─── 在讯问中,这名嫌疑人交代出涉及臧天朔的部分犯罪行为。
7、The fundamental principle of sub-carrier frequency modulation used for FBG array interrogation is analyzed. ─── 分析了副载波调频技术用于光纤光栅阵列查询的基本原理。
8、He confessed after four days under interrogation. ─── 他在受讯问四天之后招认了。
9、Under interrogation, she give the name of her accomplice. ─── 在讯问下她说出了同犯的名字。
10、His superiority in the interrogation room was not based on intellect or physique. ─── 他在审问室里的优势并不是以智谋和体力为基础建立的。
11、A correct diagnosis must be made on the basis of deduction by the four diagnosis techniques, that is inspection, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, and palpation. ─── 准确的诊断必须以四种诊断方法,即视诊、听嗅诊、问诊和触诊为基础。
12、A each one question mark, each one interrogation. ─── 一个个的问号,一个个的质问。
13、He wanted to tear into me, but this was F.J. 's interrogation , and he wanted no distraction. ─── 他本想狠狠训我一顿,但是现在是琼斯在问话,而他不愿让别人打搅的。
14、Crucially, the report is critical of the value of the information obtained through harsh interrogation. ─── 关键是该报告对于通过严刑逼供得来的信息价值大为不满。
15、Interrogation of devices for purposes such as to avoid contention, to determine operational status, or to determine readiness to send or receive data. ─── 为避免冲突,确定运行状态,确定数据收发的准备状况等目的对设备进行的查询的做法。
16、He said he believes the controversial interrogation technique known as waterboarding is torture and should not be permitted. ─── 他说,他认为具有争议的审讯手段“模拟溺水”是折磨,因此不应允许使用。
17、He was first sent to Kharkov for interrogation, and then after trial he was sent to the Lubyanka prison in Moscow. ─── 先是被押送到哈尔科夫接受审问,随后经过审判被关进了莫斯哥的卢比安卡监狱。
18、Good or evil stands behind this severe interrogation point. ─── 善或恶就在这严厉的问号后面。
19、Torture in interrogation and detention centres is widespread in Syria. ─── 在叙利亚,侦讯时和拘留所普遍使用刑求。
20、Field Marshal Keitel described her appearance during an interrogation at Nuremberg. ─── 在纽伦堡一次提审时,凯特尔元帅描述了她的形象。
21、He was called in for an interrogation in which they verbally beat the hell out of him. ─── 他被叫进去调查了一番,在调查中他受到十分粗暴的对待。
22、He seemed shaken after the interrogation. ─── 审讯后他似乎惊惶不已。
23、At his interrogation he protested bitterly against the use of the 155 in Aachen, calling it “barbarous” and claiming it should be outlawed. ─── 在对他的讯问中,上校强烈抗议美军在亚琛城内使用155口径大炮,称其为“野蛮行径”,并宣称此举违反了战争法。
24、Police say she was cool and collected during her interrogation. ─── 警方说她在接受审讯时冷静而又镇定自若。
25、In those under interrogation it can lead to confession. ─── 在那些被审讯的人身上则迫使其招供。
26、What kind of a brain lay behind there? was his insistent interrogation. ─── 他不断地问:那里面的脑子如何?
27、Under the edict of Lord Lothar, you are to restrain the prisoners until they can be escorted to the capital of Lordaeron for interrogation. ─── 在洛萨领主的法令下,你将押送这些囚犯直至他们在洛丹伦的首都接受审问9.
28、Mr Obama has not ruled out extraordinary rendition, the practice of sending people suspected of terrorism to other countries for “interrogation”. ─── 两天后,签署了取缔中央情报局秘密监狱和禁止使用“加强审问”手段的行政法令,使美国的未判决囚犯政策符合国际条约;
29、If he refuses to affix his signature or fingerprint, the case handlers shall record the situation down in the transcripts of interrogation. ─── 拒绝签名或者捺指印的,办案人员应当在讯问笔录上注明。
30、But he is resisting his supporters' demands that Bush-era officials be prosecuted for authorising such methods of interrogation. ─── 但是总统拒绝了自己的支持者应该对布什总统时期允许这种审讯方法的官员起诉的要求。
31、There was a kind of solemnity in this interrogation. ─── 在这一段对话期间,房间里的气氛很庄严。
32、Used to express interrogation, surprise, contempt, or indifference. ─── 嘿用于表示疑问、吃惊,轻蔑或冷漠
33、She was submitted to interrogation . ─── 她受到了传讯。
34、He was called in for an interrogation in which they verbally beat the hell out of him. ─── 他被叫进去调查了一番,在调查中他受到十分粗暴的对待。
35、She was submitted to interrogation. ─── 她受到传讯。
36、During another interrogation, he was hung upside down by his knees, his hands stuck, cuffed behind his legs. ─── 在另一次审讯中,他被倒吊起来,双手铐在大腿后面。
37、They immediately impounded the aircraft and hauled the pilot into an interrogation room. ─── 他们立即扣留了飞机并把飞行员押到了审讯室。
38、Soon Brown himself came back for consultation and received the usual rapid-fire Kennedy interrogation. ─── 不久,布朗本人回国述职,受到肯尼迪惯常用的连珠炮般的询问。
39、Several former CIA directors had fought against the release of the interrogation memos. ─── 中央情报局的好几位前局长都公开反对将审讯手段备忘录公布于众。
40、For example in Spanish the reverse interrogation or exclamation point comes before the sentence, in Japanese the sentences end with "。"( not with ". ─── 例如在西班牙语里面问号或者惊叹号是放在句子前面,在日语里面句子结束是用“。”
41、The time for interrogation through summons or forced appearance shall not exceed 12 hours. ─── 传唤、拘传持续的时间最长不得超过十二小时。
42、It was as a result of this report that the U.S.Navy became interested in mescaline as an interrogation tool. ─── 因为这个报告,美国海军对把墨斯卡灵用做审讯工具很感兴趣。
43、To protect the American people and our values, we have banned enhanced interrogation techniques. ─── 为了保护美国人民和我们的价值观,我们已禁止使用强化审讯技术。
44、The places change, loneliness remains intact, the interrogation without answer, the search in becoming. ─── 人是物非,寂寞依旧,追问无果,探究何益?
45、If you ask too many questions the conversation can feel like a bit of an interrogation. ─── 如果在谈话中你提问太多的问题会让人觉得有点像被审问。
46、Ok, here is an interrogation record. If there are no mistakes, sign your name. You are pending deportation. ─── 好,这是笔录,如果没有错误就请签字,听候处理。
47、During the interrogation, the cop slapped the suspect around. ─── 在审讯过程中,警察连续猛击那个嫌疑人。
48、The Israeli Government has, in the past, denied that it used any interrogation methods that amounted to torture. ─── 以色列政府曾在过去否认过使用相当于酷刑的审问方式。机。
49、He confessed after four days under interrogation. ─── 他在受讯问四天之后招认了。
50、Cheney was unapologetic about the harsh interrogation methods that he had approved, such as waterboarding. ─── 切尼对自己支持的诸如水刑的严刑逼供并未有悔意。
51、A federal judge is ordering the Bush Administration to answer questions about the distruction of CIA interrogation tapes . ─── 一联邦法院法官裁定布什政府应回答关于联邦调查局审问磁带被毁事件的提问。
52、Before Miranda case of 1966, the guidelines of the Supreme Court of U.S. to pre-trial interrogation had been changing. ─── 在1966年的米兰达判决以前,美国联邦最高法院规范审前讯问的指导理论一直处于不断的发展变化之中。
53、"Half of it was left inside," I replied, already somewhat exasperated by this interrogation, "and the other half outside. ─── “半截断在里面了,”已经被他问得有些冒火的我回答说,“还有半截在外面。”
54、He persisted with his interrogation. ─── 他一直在坚持问此事。
55、Neither had carried out nor overseen an interrogation. ─── 但他们既没有执行也没有监督审讯。
56、Rights groups have criticised his decision to protect CIA agents involved in the interrogation procedures. ─── 人权组织(已经)批评他的保护参与审讯程序的中央情报局成员的决定.
57、He read a transcript of the interrogation. ─── 他宣读了一份审讯笔录。
58、Neither, at the other extreme, should you expect an intimidation interrogation supposedly designed to test your ability to cope with stress. ─── 另一方面,你也不会遇到这样的面试:以威胁性盘问的方式测试你处理压力的能力。
59、Investigation and interrogation play important role in realizing understanding truth in criminal action and finding existence aims. ─── 侦查讯问程序对于实现刑事诉讼查明案件真相、发现实体真实的目的具有重要的作用。
60、His interrogation was coordinated with the questioning of several associates at Paddington Green police station, west London, and the questioning of a further suspect in Canada. ─── 他的审讯是和对几个同伴在帕丁顿格林派出所、伦敦西区的审问以及对远在加拿大的一个嫌疑犯的审问协调一致的。
61、His confirmation briefly stalled over his refusal to say whether he considers an interrogation tactic known as waterboarding a form of illegal torture. ─── 他的证实简短地在他的拒绝之上停顿说他是否考虑即是一种违法拷问的形式的一个审问战略。
62、They also explain the divergent grammatical behavior of subjective and objective modality with respect to conditionality, interrogation, and tense. ─── 从功能上看,将说话者包括进去的情态具有人际功能,是主观情态;
63、Your two prime suspects are in the interrogation room. ─── 审讯室里有你怀疑最大的两个嫌疑犯。
64、"We found a relaxed atmosphere here and it was a constructive meeting, " his lawyer commented after today's interrogation. ─── “我们在这里制造了一个轻松的气氛,这是一次积极的会面,”在今天的讯问后他的律师评论道。
65、The torture inflicted on prisoners under interrogation. ─── 刑罚在审问过程中对犯人施用的折磨
66、Repeated interrogation shall be avoided. ─── 但应避免重复询问。
67、The investigation and interrogation projects are being carried out one by one. ─── 一个又一个侦训方案正在执行。
68、Under interrogation, he refused to say anything at first. ─── 一开始审问的时候,他什么也不说。
69、Another is to change interrogation methods that are used by U.S. troops. Are those things that you plan to take early action on? ─── 另一个是改变美国军队使用的审讯方法。那些是你计划及早采取行动的事吗?
70、The case handlers and interpreters/translators shall affix their signatures to the transcripts of interrogation. ─── 办案人员、翻译人员应当在讯问笔录上签名。
71、They are thought to show suspects being subjected to harsh interrogation techniques. ─── 其中应该包括嫌犯被粗暴的审讯方式对待的内容。
72、Then " equipment management implement " in those two cutout that take interrogation and exclamatory point prepare reshipment. ─── 于是把“设备管理器”中带问号和感叹号的那两项删了准备重装。
73、You'll have to tell us how much interrogation they can stand, Doctor. ─── 到时候你得告诉我们,医生,他们经受得住多少盘问。
74、Whoever violates the administration of public security should honestly answer to the interrogation by public security organs. ─── 公安机关收集证据材料时,有关单位和公民应当积极予以支持和协助。
75、The suspect is marched to the police station for interrogation. ─── 嫌疑犯被押赴警察局听候讯问。
76、Republican John Boehner says it's pretty clear Democrats were well aware of enhanced interrogation techniques and their use. ─── 他说,很明显,民主党一直都很清楚他们使用的问讯方式。
77、All sorts of interrogation points flashed before his eyes. ─── 各种难解的新问题在他眼前闪过
78、If you ask too many questions the conversation can feel like a bit of an interrogation. ─── 如果在谈话中你提问太多的问题会让人觉得有点像被审问。
79、A rigorous, harsh interrogation. ─── 严厉的,粗暴的质问
80、Nor would it employ interrogation tactics like water-boarding, which he said had only played into the hands of terror groups like al-Qaeda. ─── 也不再采取审讯手段进行审讯,如水刑,布伦南声称此种手段过去仅对恐怖组织分子,如基地组织实行过。
81、The office of Security envisioned the drug as an interrogation weapon. ─── 安全部门设想把该药物作为一种审问武器。
82、It was a classic of interrogation: first the bully, then the kind one who offers sympathy. ─── 这是审问的一种典范:开始是欺负人的人,然后那个和善的人再施予同情。
83、There was an eddy of surprise and interrogation. ─── 人群里激起了惊奇和诘问的喊声。
84、"I was, and remain, a strong proponent of our enhanced interrogation programme. ─── 他说,“我过去是,现在依然是强烈支持我们的强化审讯计划的。
85、His heart attack was triggered by the physical and emotional pressures suffered under interrogation. ─── 他的心脏病发作是讯问时在身体和感情上所受的压力引起的。
86、Interrogation skills were invented by psychopaths. ─── 侦讯技巧是由变态发明的。
87、They are a fine example of interrogation tactics on the program's part, and violate the design principle: Provide choices, don't ask questions (see Chapter 10). ─── 它是由程序做出询问的一个很好例子,它们违背了设计原则,即提问不等同于提供选择(见第10章)。
88、S. interrogation rules should be, recommend legal reforms, pave the way for appropriate apologies and restore America's good name. ─── 发起一个关于美国的审问制度到底应该如何的会谈;建议法律改革,为适当的道歉以及恢复美国名誉铺路。
89、He confessed to the crime during his interrogation. ─── 在讯问中他供认了犯罪。
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