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09-14 投稿



Indiana 发音

英:[ˌɪndiˈænə]  美:[ˌɪndiˈænə]

英:  美:

Indiana 中文意思翻译



Indiana 网络释义

n. 印第安纳州(美国中部的州)

Indiana 常用词组

indiana university ─── 印第安纳大学

Indiana 短语词组

1、Indiana isopentane process ─── [化] 印第安纳(公司)异戊烷法

2、indiana jones and the last crusade ─── 印第安纳琼斯和最后的十字军东征

3、capital of Indiana ─── [网络] 印第安纳州首府

4、indiana pacers ─── 印地安纳步行者队

5、Indiana University ─── 印第安纳大学

6、Indiana University Library ─── 印第安纳大学图书馆

7、Indiana oxidation test ─── [化] 印第安那(公司)氧化法

8、indiana app ─── 印第安纳州应用程序

9、indiana line ─── 印第安纳线

10、going back to indiana ─── 回到印第安纳州

11、Indiana Jones n. ─── 夺宝奇兵(电影名)

12、Robert Indiana ─── [网络] 罗伯特印第安纳;印第安那;罗伯特印第安那

13、indiana jones and the kingdom ─── 印第安纳琼斯与王国

14、indiana jones temple of doom ─── 印第安纳琼斯厄运神庙

15、Indiana Senate ─── 印第安纳州参议院

16、indiana jones adventure ─── 印第安纳琼斯冒险

17、indiana jones trilogy ─── 印第安纳琼斯三部曲

18、indiana jones and the temple ─── 印第安纳琼斯和圣殿

19、historic bridges of indiana ─── 印第安纳州的历史桥梁

Indiana 相似词语短语

1、Indians ─── n.印第安人;印度人(Indian的复数)

2、indicia ─── n.标记;邮戳(indicium的复数形式)

3、indican ─── n.糖苷;尿蓝母

4、indign ─── adj.不值得的;可耻的

5、Indianian ─── n.印第安纳州(美国中部的州)(Indiana的变形)

6、Indian ─── adj.印度的;印度人的;印度语的;印度文化的;印第安人的;印第安语的;n.印度人;印度后裔;(美洲)印第安人;(非因纽特人或米提人的)加拿大土著;(非正式)印度餐,印度餐馆;印第安语;印第安星座

7、indicant ─── n.指示物,标志

8、Indianan ─── n.印第安纳州(美国中部的州)(Indiana的变形)

9、Indiana ─── n.印第安纳州(美国中部的州)

Indiana 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They need to get past Indiana and the Pistons. ─── 他们必须打败步行者和活塞。

2、The mid-western state of Indiana is called the Hoosier State, but nobody is quite sure why. ─── 位于西部中间地带的印第安纳州被称为“胡热尔州”,没有人能明白个中缘由。

3、In 2005, Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, began a program called " Degree in Free 3. ─── 2005年,位于印第安纳州,曼西的州立巴尔大学推出了三年学制计划。

4、Indiana is one of the key battleground states, with three House races out of nine looking competitive. ─── 印第安那州是关键性的战场之一,要从9个竞争者中产生3个众议员。

5、Indiana State laws deliberately subverted the intent of the constitutions 14th Amendment. ─── 印第安纳州的法律有意歪曲联邦宪法第十四条修正案的愿意。

6、Economy is a town located in Indiana. ─── 伊科诺米是位于印第安纳的一座城镇。

7、Jimmy's father sent him back to Indiana after that to live with his aunt. ─── 之后,吉米的父亲把他送回印第安纳州,和他的姑妈住在一起。

8、Indiana calls itself "the cross roads of America", a motto justly deserved. ─── 印地安纳州自称为“美国的交通要道”,这话十分贴切。

9、Arabic professor John Walbridge of the University of Indiana is worried about the push to fill hiring quotas. ─── 印第安那大学阿拉伯语的教授约翰?沃布里吉对于阿拉伯语专家供不应求的现象感到相当忧心。

10、IT IS not often that Whiting, Indiana, makes the national news. ─── 印第安纳州怀亭市(Whiting,Indiana)在全国性范围的新闻中并不常露面。

11、Follow in the footsteps of Dr. Indiana Jones in a harrowing, life-or-death quest for the legendary Fountain of Youth. ─── 为寻找传说中的青春之泉,印第安琼斯将带领各位勇闯危机四伏的古老神殿。

12、The Indiana pension funds claim the Chrysler bankruptcy plan unfairly favors unsecured lenders over secured lender. ─── 印第安纳养老基金索赔克莱斯勒破产计划不公平地有利于无担保贷款的担保放款人。

13、So will the area from Milwaukee to Gary, Indiana. ─── 从米尔沃基到印地安那州的加里也将如此。

14、Carolyn Yeldell Staley also came home from Indiana to sing. ─── 卡罗琳.耶尔德尔.斯特利也从印第安纳州回到家乡为我的活动献歌。

15、A major industrial region of northeast Illinois and northwest Indiana on Lake Michigan adjacent to Chicago. ─── 卡柳梅特位于伊利诺斯州东北部和印第安纳州西北部的一个重要的工业区,靠近密歇根湖并与芝加哥毗邻

16、Abraham Lincoln was born into a poor family in Kentucky. He grew up in Indiana and later moved to Illinois. ─── 亚伯拉罕.林肯出生于肯塔基州一个贫苦的家庭,他在印第安那州长大,后来又搬到了伊利诺斯州。

17、He grew up in the Midwestern state of Indiana and attended college and law school at Harvard. ─── 他在美国中西部的印地安那州长大,进入哈佛大学和哈佛法学院学习。

18、Indiana is also notable for its covered bridges in the Terre Haute area and for the annual Indianapolis 500. ─── 印地安那州还以其特雷霍特地区的棚桥以及印地安那波利斯500汽车赛而闻名。

19、Indiana, has experimented with it. ─── 印第安纳州,已经尝试过了。

20、At a Southern Indiana coal mine, an accident at an airshaft killed three people. ─── 南印第安纳一座煤矿发生事故,三名工人死于180米深的通风井内。

21、A city of northeast Indiana southwest of Fort Wayne. It is a trade and industrial center. Population,16, 389. ─── 亨廷顿美国印第安纳州东北部城市,位于韦恩堡市西南。为一贸易和工业中心。人口16,389

22、INDIANA: When will they find another team dumb enough to finally take Jamaal Tinsley off their hands? ─── 印第安纳步行者队:什么时候他们才能找到另一支傻得可以的球队,交易走廷斯利?

23、Atlanta also owns Indiana's pick at No. 11, as part of the trade that sent Al Harrington to the Pacers last summer. ─── 亚特兰大,也赢得印第安纳的11顺位,这是作为去年夏天将哈灵顿卖给步行者的交易之一。

24、Clearinghouse for Chemical Information Instructional Materials at Indiana U. ─── 化学信息和教材的交流所。

25、Indiana was unable to knock out blow to the resilient New York Knicks! ─── 他们没有办法去阻击纽约尼克斯队在下半场的强势回弹!

26、In 2005, Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, began a program called degree-in-3" Degree in 3. ─── 2005年,位于印第安纳州曼西的鲍尔州立大学开展了一个名为“3年制学位”的项目。

27、Indiana and many other schools also offer advice on ways to manage spending and save money. ─── 印第安纳大学和一些其它学校也提供关于管理开销和省钱的建议。

28、The sun shone brightly in the cloudless blue Wabash, Indiana, sky. ─── 印第安纳州沃巴什县晴空万里的蓝天上,太阳光芒四射地照耀着。

29、"And now they know we will be back," said Medlin, from Indiana. ─── “现在他们知道我们肯定会回去找他们的麻烦,”麦德林说。

30、Did you smuggle the guns into Indiana State Penitentiary for the big break of September 26th? ─── |你是否曾为9月26号的大劫狱作准备 而往印第安纳州立监狱里偷运枪械?

31、Fueling the citification of Indiana has been an expanding, remarkably diversified manufacturing and service company. ─── 印地安那州极其多样化的制造业和服务业的不断扩大,加速了该州城市化的进程。

32、On the other hand Mitch Daniels, Indiana's Republican governor, was re-elected by a wide margin. ─── 另一个方面,共和党人米奇-丹尼斯以巨大优势再次当选印第安纳州州长。

33、The Midwestern state of Indiana is called "The Hoosier/s/ State", but nobody is quite sure why. ─── 印地安那州被称为“胡希尔之州”但是没人知道具体为什么。

34、He is the creator of the epic Star Wars saga and the archaeologist-adventurer character Indiana Jones. ─── 他是史诗星球大战英雄传奇和考古学家冒险家印第安纳琼斯的创作者。

35、The Indiana man blacked out and crashed his car, which burned for 20 minutes before rescuers could get him out. ─── 他突然眼前一黑晕了过去,撞了车,等救援人员把他从车中救出时,车已足足烧了20分钟。

36、They were now far beyond the city limits, and the train was scudding across the Indiana line at a great rate. ─── 他们这时早已远离市区范围,火车正飞速越过印第安纳州界。

37、But it was his speech at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana that received the most attention. ─── 不过得到最多关注的是他在印第安纳州的圣母大学的演讲。

38、A village of northeast Illinois,a suburb of Chicago near the Indiana border. Population,29,039. ─── 兰辛伊利诺斯州东北部的一个城镇,位于芝加哥郊区靠近印地安那边界。人口29,039。

39、On December 7, a worker at a woodworking factory shot one fellow worker dead and wounded six others in Indiana. ─── 12月7日,印第安纳州一家木工厂内的一名工人开枪打死1名工友,打伤6人。

40、He got out a map and a list of animal shelters in Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois and Indiana, and began telephoning. ─── 他找出一张地图和一张记录怀俄明、内布拉斯加、艾奥瓦、伊利诺伊和印第安纳州的动物庇护站的名单,然后就开始打电话。

41、Indiana Main Menu Law library. ─── 伊利诺斯大学法学院图书馆。

42、He was born in Kentucky (1809), was taken to Indiana as a boy and later on to Illinois. ─── 他出生于肯塔基州(1809年),小时候被带到印第安纳州,后来又被带到伊利诺斯州。

43、The Indiana Pacers and Toronto Raptors have held discussions about a possible trade involving Jermaine O'Neal and T. ─── 印第安纳步行者队和多伦多猛龙队已经为可能的涉及小奥尼尔与T.

44、Paul Butler is the financial manager in the Office of International Services at Indiana University Bloomington. ─── 保罗巴特勒是印第安那大学伯明顿分校国际服务办公室的财务经理。

45、The Indiana Department of Homeland Security says seven people died in the flooding and high winds. ─── 印第安纳州国土安全部发布的消息说有七人在洪水和巨风中丧生。

46、They were now far beyond the city limits, and the train was scudding across the Indiana line at a great rate. ─── 他们这时早已远离市区范围,火车正飞速越过印第安纳州界。

47、He never imagined acting would earn him the opportunity to star with Harrison Ford in the upcoming Indiana Jones movie. ─── 他从未想过表演会给他带来与哈里森福特一同出演即将到来的印第安纳琼斯电影的机会。

48、MT is a genetic and plant breeding expert formerly at Kansas State but now at Perdu University in Indiana. ─── 但是它供给许多草本家族的作物。独脚金是开花草本植物中少有的几种寄生植物之一。

49、An Indiana Senator Evan Bayh announced he won't be running for president in 2008. ─── 印地安那州参议员埃文.巴依宣布他不会参加2008年总统大选。

50、"We are going to have a great election here in Indiana, people deserve to have their voices and their votes counted. ─── “我们将会在这里印地安那的选举中表现极好,人们有权发表他们的意见,他们的选票是有效的。

51、The president postponed a trip to the central state of Indiana, which had been planned for Friday. ─── 奥巴马推迟了原定星期五到中部印第安纳州的旅行计划。

52、"This is great news for Evansville and for Indiana," Senator Evan Bayh said. ─── “这是好消息埃文斯维尔和印地安那, ”参议员埃文贝赫说。

53、A major industrial region of northeast Illinois and northwest Indiana on Lake Michiganadjacent to Chicago. ─── 卡柳梅特位于伊利诺斯州东北部和印第安纳州西北部的一个重要的工业区,靠近密歇根湖并与芝加哥毗邻。

54、Goshen College in Wolf Lake, Indiana, is another college teaching sustainable agriculture. ─── 印地安那州Wolf湖的Goshen学院是另一家教授农业自给自足的学校。

55、Indiana's legislators cast a suspicious eye toward Washington, passing a vehement resolution. ─── 印第安那州议员以怀疑的眼光来看华盛顿,通过了一项措辞激烈的诀议案。

56、In 2005, Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, began a program called " Degree In in 3. ─── 2005年,印第安那曼斯的波尔州立大学开始了一顶称为“3年制学位”的活动。

57、A village of northeast Illinois, a suburb of Chicago near the Indiana border. Population,29, 039. ─── 兰辛伊利诺斯州东北部的一个城镇,位于芝加哥郊区靠近印地安那边界。人口29,039

58、But if my quest for fame and riches does not succeed, I'll perhaps look back and blame Indiana Jones. ─── 但是如果我对名望和财富的追求不成功,我也许会回过头看看并责怪印第安纳·琼斯。

59、"He's a 6-8 athletic, active guy," Lakers coach Phil Jackson said before their game against the Indiana Pacers. ─── “他是个6尺8并且充满活力的家伙,”禅师在对步行者的比赛前说。

60、On Sep.12 th, The9 th Solheim Cup was closed at Indiana America. ─── 北京时间9月12日,第9届索尔海姆杯欧美女子对抗赛在美国印第安纳州卡梅尔落下帷幕。

61、Clark discovered that Hamilton was strengthening his defenses at Fort Sackville at Vincennes, Indiana. ─── 后来,克拉克发现汉米尔顿在印第安那州文森地区的萨克维尔堡增强他的防御力量。

62、Harrigan's Restaurant at the Holiday Inn in Indiana, Pennsylvania serves classic American cuisine. ─── 下午时分,客人还可前往室内泳池和健身房好好地放松一下。

63、But now, in theaters now, they have the trailer for the newest Indiana Jones movie. It's gonna be great. Watch. ─── 但现在,在影院里,是最新印地安纳?琼斯电影的宣传片。那一定会很好。注意看吧。

64、Dan had once farmed in Indiana, where my father was a country doctor. ─── 丹原先在印第安纳州务农,我的父亲曾在那里当乡村医生。

65、In any case, it is hard to argue with the words of a retired farmer from Chesterton, Indiana. ─── 不管怎样,对于这位印第安那州切斯特顿的退休农场主的话,我们很难去反驳。

66、On March 31, 1880, the good people of Wabash, Indiana (population 320), launched a technological revolution. ─── 1880年3月31日,印第安纳州瓦巴斯市(人口320)的人们引发了一场技术革命。

67、He got out a map and a list of animal shelters in Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois and Indiana, and began telephoning. ─── 他找出一张地图和一张记录怀俄明、内布拉斯加、艾奥瓦、伊利诺伊和印第安纳州的动物庇护站的名单,然后就开始打电话。

68、Elizabeth Kiss is a personal finance specialist with Perdue University in Indiana. ─── 伊丽莎白.基斯是印第安那州普渡大学的私人财务专家。

69、And it was at Indiana I got the impression that, you know, the gene was likely to be DNA. ─── 而且正是在印第安纳的时候,我开始觉得我们的DNA很有可能就是我们的基因。

70、Most cities in Indiana are dry on Sundays. ─── 印第安纳州的许多城市在星期天都禁酒。

71、The work of Henry Chandler Cowles in the Indiana Dunes helped spread the science of ecology throughout the world. ─── 亨利.查德尔.卡莱斯对印第安那沙丘的研究极大地促进了生态学在全世界的传播。

72、Indiana like and many other schools also offer advices mange advice on ways to manage spending and save money. ─── 印第安纳大学和其他一些学校也提供一些管理开销和省钱的方法。

73、Obama, 46, sought to reassure his supporters late Tuesday at a rally in Evansville, Indiana. ─── 46岁的奥巴马星期二晚上在印第安纳州的伊万斯维尔的一个集会上再次寻求要他的选民放心。

74、"We were pretty astonished that this actually worked, " said computational social scientist Johan Bollen of Indiana University-Bloomington. ─── “对这个结果我们颇感震惊。”美国布卢明顿印第安纳大学计算社会科学家约翰博伦说。

75、In 2007 a refinery in Indiana received a permit to increase discharges into Lake Michigan. ─── 2007年,印第安纳州的一座炼油厂得到了向密歇根湖的排放许可。

76、NBA Indiana Pacers is one of the great teams in Indy. ─── NBA印第安纳步行者队是印地的优秀球队之一。

77、This deadly crash five weeks ago has families and friends in Indiana now reeling from a case of mistaken identity. ─── 5个月前一起严重的车祸让死者的亲友经历了大喜大悲。

78、Indianapolis Star - Injured forward Ron Artest wants to return to the court, but not to the Indiana Pacers . ─── 印第安那波利斯明星报-受伤的前锋阿泰斯特希望重返赛场,但是却不是印第安那步行者队。

79、The office of international services at Indiana University provides assistants to foreign students and scholars. ─── 印第安纳大学的国际服务办公室可以象留学生和外国学者提供帮助。

80、The appeal was made by Indiana Treasurer Richard Murdock. ─── 作出上述呼吁的印第安纳财务理查德克。

81、Little Turtle was chief of the Miami tribe whose territory became what is now Indiana and Ohio. ─── “小乌龟”是迈阿密部落的酋长,该部落的地盘就是今天的印第安那州和俄亥俄州。

82、In 2005, Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, began a program called degree " Degree in free3. ─── 2005年,位于印弟安纳州曼西的波尔州立大学,开始了一项名为“3年制学位”的项目。

83、Experts at Purdue University Extension in Indiana say tomatoes started from seed take 45 to 90 days till harvest. ─── 印第安纳州普敦大学附校的专家说,番茄从种子到成熟需要45天到90天。

84、The teams involved are the Lakers, Minnesota, Indiana, and perhaps a fourth. ─── 他们是湖人、森林狼、步行者,甚至有第四支球队的加入。

85、In Elkhart, Indiana the unemployment rate stands at 15 percent, roughly twice the national average. ─── 印第安纳州的埃尔克哈特的失业率高达15%,几乎相当于全美国平均失业率的一倍。

86、Pence represents Indiana and Cantor is from Virginia. ─── 便士代表印第安纳州和康托尔是从弗吉尼亚州。

87、People from all over Indiana and from many other states attend the fair. ─── 来自印第安纳州和其他许多州的人们参加了博览会。

88、Maybe that Indiana Jones photo got between me and my big break in Hollywood. ─── 也许是印第安纳·琼斯的照片挡在了我和我在好莱坞的好运之间。

89、An Indiana law gives preferential treatment in contract bidding to local businesses. ─── 印第安纳州:法律赋予优先与当地企业签订合同的权利。

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