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09-01 投稿



enviously 发音


英:  美:

enviously 中文意思翻译



enviously 网络释义

adv. 羡慕地;嫉妒地

enviously 相似词语短语

1、anxiously ─── adv.不安地,忧虑地

2、perviously ─── 可渗透地;能接受地

3、envious eye ─── 嫉妒的眼睛

4、tenaciously ─── adv.坚持地

5、penuriously ─── 穷困潦倒

6、envious ─── adj.羡慕的;嫉妒的

7、deviously ─── adv.绕道地;弯曲地

8、invidiously ─── adv.惹人怨恨地;不公平地

9、obviously ─── adv.明显地;显然地

enviously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Groovy," I said enviously. ─── “好靓呀,”我羡慕地说。

2、The McLure girls' booth was inconspicuous, as Mrs. Merriwether had said, and there were long intervals when no one came to their corner and Scarlett had nothing to do but look enviously on the happy throng. ─── 麦克卢尔家姑娘们的那个摊位,正如梅里韦瑟夫人所说的,并不怎么显眼,有时许久没有一个顾客光顾,所以思嘉无所事事,只嫉妒地望着快乐的人群。

3、In his new book, Falling Behind, he points out that it's not just a case of enviously coveting as good a car as your neighbour's. ─── 他在自己的新书《落后》(FallingBehind)中指出,这不仅仅是以羡慕的心情、渴望拥有一辆与邻居一样好的汽车的问题。

4、American scientists and businessmen note enviously that religious and moral considerations do not seem to inhibit Indian biotechnologists. ─── 美国科学家和商人有点嫉妒意味的指出,宗教和道义上的考量似乎并没有妨碍印度的生物学家们。

5、We watched enviously as they gathered wood, old tires and cardboard boxes for a huge bonfire ─── 我们羡慕地看着他们收集木头,旧轮胎和硬纸箱,准备燃起巨大的篝火。

6、How did she keep her eyes that way, thought Scarlett, looking at her enviously . ─── 思嘉心里很纳闷,她这双眼睛是怎么样保养的呢?她一看见,就感到羡慕。

7、Therefore the love which us doth bind, But fate so enviously debars, Is the conjuction of the mind, And opposition of the stars. ─── 因此,爱把我们连在一起,但命运却出来阻止,我们的爱是灵魂的结合,如星星之间的遥远,不可企及。心心相印,天各一方

8、4. To those rush hour-commuters who sit immobilized in traffic on the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Drive, gazing enviously at the helicopters above, take heart. Gridlock has gone airborne. ─── 在罗斯福大道,上下班时间通勤人士坐在车里寸步难移,羡慕地仰望眷上升机。别气馁,交通拥塞空中也有份。收藏指正

9、Bank bosses peered enviously at the profits and risk-taking prowess of the venerable investment bank. ─── 银行老板们艳羡的目光曾经死盯着德高望重的投资银行在盈利与冒险上的非凡才能。

10、To those rush hour-commuters who sit immobilized in traffic on the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Drive, gazing enviously at the helicopters above, take heart. Gridlock has gone airborne. ─── 在罗斯福大道,上下班时间通勤人士坐在车里寸步难移,羡慕地仰望眷上升机。别气馁,交通拥塞空中也有份。

11、People who love the Arctic for its beauty, not its riches, look enviously at Antarctica, which was carefully parcelled out by a treaty regime designed to stop the cold war spreading south. ─── 那些对北极地区爱其美景而非爱其财富的人很羡慕南极洲,因为南极洲在一项旨在防止冷战南扩的条约体制下被谨慎地加以分配。

12、admire enviously. ─── 非常嫉妒某人

13、We this caboodle woman often should ask her enviously, why is the skin so good? ─── 我们这堆女人经常要嫉妒地问她,为什么皮肤那么好?

14、The other members of the cast looked at her enviously as she came out arrayed in her simple habit, which she wore all through the play. ─── 当她穿着她那身整出戏从头穿到尾的简单行头出场时,剧组的其他演员都妒忌地看着她。

15、Bader Al-Sa'ad, the head of Kia, says he asked himself enviously at the time: “How can I change Kia so we can move that quickly? ─── 但该市场的不明朗,意味着不是所有的管理公司都会从中分得一杯羹。

16、Under these circumstances , the IMF's pockets, which seemed enviously deep just a short while ago, might not be deep enough . ─── 在这些种情况下,IMF的腰包虽然之前看来还深得令人羡慕,但可能也不够深了。

17、Some broadcast networks look enviously at cable channels, with their steady streams of income from distributors, and ponder getting out of broadcast altogether. ─── 一些广播公司对有线频道羡慕不已,看到他们从广告商那里得到稳定的收入,已经开始慎重考虑是否应该彻底退出广播节目行业。

18、I sat on the edge of the street and watched enviously the other boys play baseball. ─── 我坐在街边,羡慕地看着其他男孩打棒球。

19、So some on the side of the more demanding, tech-reliant digital divide are enviously eyeing Italy's less digitized, less demanding work practices. ─── 因此,一些从事身心劳累并且技术性很高的数码性质工作的人对意大利人从事那些低数码化,轻松的工作非常羡慕。

20、Or again will it be another time to enviously wish the couples around all the happiness? ─── 抑或是今年又得再次羡慕的把祝福送给身边的每一对情侣?

21、One girl, Tomoko Suzuki (Juri Ueno), stares enviously out the window at the musicians as their bus pulls away. ─── 去山边偷摘珍贵松茸,却偏偏巧遇野猪王;

22、When we first arrived, I watched enviously as Roger joined the older boys and girls. ─── 我们两兄弟到了以后,一开始我只是很羡慕地看着罗杰加入那些哥哥姐姐们的行列。

23、Outsiders look enviously at Sweden's economic success. So why are the Swedes thinking of voting out the ruling Social Democrats next weekend? ─── 外人带着嫉妒看待瑞典的经济成就。那何以瑞典人正考虑在下周末将执政的社会民主党选下台呢?

24、Those who mount the equipment play contently while others wait enviously. ─── 在器械上玩耍的孩子玩得心满意足,没占上器械的只好在一旁艳羡。

25、The US too has been rapidly improving ties with Delhi, and Pakistan has looked on enviously at the international sanction given the US-India nuclear co-operation pact. ─── 美国也一直在迅速改善与印度的关系,在巴基斯坦仍遭受国际制裁的背景下,巴基斯坦对美印订立核合作协议相当艳羡。

26、Are Italy, Spain and the other countries struggling with high wage costs and low productivity eyeing Britain enviously, as its currency slumps and its relative wage costs fall with it? ─── 看著英国人大幅贬值英镑,而相对工资成本亦随之而落,挣扎于高劳务成本与低生产率之中的意大利、西班牙等国是否会眼红呢?

27、Tanya thought enviously, he must go a long way south ─── 坦妮亚歆羡不置,心里在想,他准是去那遥远的南方的。

28、Since then, India has looked enviously at China's far larger and more successful zones. ─── 也正是从那时起,印度开始对中国大而多的经济区投以羡慕的眼光。

29、They look enviously at the success of their European counterparts. ─── 他们看着欧洲同行的成功,羡慕不已。

30、They look enviously at the success of their European counterparts. ─── 他们看着欧洲同行的成功,羡慕不已。

31、Since then, India has looked enviously at China's far larger and more successful zones. India is at last moving into a bigger league. ─── 也正是从那时起,印度开始对中国大而多的经济区投以羡慕的眼光。印度最终开始向更大的联盟迈进。

32、His impulsive decision to buy the expensive gloves turned out to be a good one, which even promoted his social status on the bus, as poorer passengers stared at him enviously for six months out of the year. ─── 他一时冲动花大本钱买了这副手套,没想到还真不错,就连坐公共汽车时也觉得高人一等,因为一年中有6个月的时间会有条件比他更差的人在车上羡慕地盯着他看。

33、How did she keep her eyes that way, thought Scarlett, looking at her enviously. ─── 思嘉心里很纳闷,她这双眼睛是怎么样保养的呢?她一看见,就感到羡慕。

34、It's definitely an ego boost to date a guy whom your friends immediately, and enviously, agree is a babe. ─── 和一个你的朋友会立即羡慕并同意其是美男的人约会是自我提升。我在一个朋友的生日聚会上炫耀他,每个我认识的人都在耳语。

35、Under these circumstances, the IMF’s pockets, which seemed enviously deep just a short while ago, might not be deep enough. ─── 在这些种情况下,IMF的腰包虽然之前看来还深得令人羡慕,但可能也不够深了。

36、Every year we gaze enviously at the lists of the richest people in world.Wondering what it would be like to have that sort of cash. ─── 多少人在今天已经见不到明天的太阳, 多少人在今天已经成了残废, 多少人在今天失去了自由, 多少人在今天已经家破人亡。

37、You haven't changed," I am often enviously told. ─── 你没变,”我常被羡慕地告知。

38、Every year we gaze enviously at the lists of the richest people in world. ─── 国外的测试网站,可以测试你在全球的贫富排名。默认是英镑/年,现在的人民币对英镑汇率大概是9:1

39、Yet again, they were looking for their way home blindly, enviously ─── 然而,它们又一次盲目地、忌妒地寻找着归途。

40、But we don't, in fact, as fellow singer and bud Tanya Chua has told us a tad enviously. ─── 但我们不会,事实上,歌手蔡健雅也只是带着一丁点忌妒向我们抱怨了几句。

41、He went onto describe how magnificent the Dragon Palace was, with its exotic delicacies.The uncle enviously begged, "I'm nearly in the grave, and I've never even seen the Dragon Palace. ─── 叔叔羡慕得不断央求他:“我老得快进棺材了,也没见识过龙宫,你就让我去玩一会吧!”

42、The other members of the cast looked at her enviously as she came out arrayed in her simple habit, which she wore all through the play. ─── 当她穿着她那身整出戏从头穿到尾的简单行头出场时,剧组的其他演员都妒忌地看着她。

43、Tanya thought enviously, he must go a long way south. ─── 坦妮亚歆羡不置,心里在想,他准是去那遥远的南方的。

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