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09-05 投稿



hough 发音

英:[hʌf]  美:[hɒk]

英:  美:

hough 中文意思翻译




hough 短语词组

1、Hough transform ─── 霍夫变换

2、Augustus Edward Hough Love ─── 奥古斯都爱德华·霍夫·洛夫

3、julianne hough ─── 朱利安·霍夫

hough 相似词语短语

1、chough ─── n.红嘴山鸦

2、haugh ─── n.(苏)河岸平台;泛滥平原

3、shough ─── 喊叫

4、though ─── conj.虽然,尽管;adv.虽然;不过;然而

5、cough ─── v.咳嗽;咳出;突然发出刺耳的声音;厉声说出;供认;n.咳嗽,咳嗽声;咳嗽病;n.(Cough)(美、英)考夫(人名)

6、Hough ─── n.踝关节;足部的脚腕;vi.割断踝腱使成残废;n.(Hough)人名;(英)霍夫

7、dough ─── n.生面团;金钱

8、bough ─── n.大树枝;n.(Bough)人名;(英)博夫

9、houghs ─── n.踝关节;足部的脚腕;vi.割断踝腱使成残废;n.(Hough)人名;(英)霍夫

hough 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、hough space ─── Hough空间

2、In scale measurement, we use subpixel edge detection, Hough transform, and LSM to detect and accurately allocate edges on solar cells. ─── 在尺寸量测中,我们利用次像素边侦测、霍氏转换、和最小平方误差法来侦测电池板边缘,利用侦测到的边线来判定破损瑕疵。

3、A New Method for Detecting Center of Laser Newton Rings Based on Hough Transform Algorithm ─── 基于Hough变换算法的激光牛顿环中心提取方法

4、s she and her mother donated property to establish what is now the Dunning-Hough Library. ─── 年代,她和母亲捐资建立了现在的邓宁-霍夫图书馆。

5、The HOUGH transform, round-degree method, and the corner detection method are the main circle detection methods. ─── 主要研究了HOUGH变换圆检测法、圆形度法和拐角检测法。

6、The track forecast of intersectant objects by general Hough transform ─── 利用广义霍夫变换对相交目标进行轨迹预测

7、Fuzzy Hough transform track initiation algorithm for an asynchronous passive sensor system ─── 异步被动传感器系统模糊Hough变换航迹起始算法

8、A Fast Dynamic Hough Transform and Its Parallel Implementation ─── 一种快速的动态Hough变换及其并行实现

9、hough injury ─── 中职学生

10、Thick Line Hough Transform and its Application on Detecting Arrow on the Target ─── 宽线段hough变换及其在箭靶识别上的应用

11、A technology of farming robot vision navigation based on Hough transformation was developed. ─── 一种基于霍夫变换的农田机器人视觉导航技术。

12、Extracting Ellipses Based Hough Transform and Active Snake Technique ─── 基于Hough变换和变形曲线技术的椭圆提取研究

13、Keywords Eucalliphora latifrons Hough;1899;Diptera Calliphoridae;Ports;Interception; ─── 双翅目;合肛优丽蝇;口岸;截获;

14、She stayed at home ,for she was hurt her hough in match. ─── 她因比赛时踝关节扭伤,呆在家里。

15、This paper takes the Hough Transform to simulate a velocity profile by using the anti-noise advantage of Hough Transform to eliminate the noise points. ─── 利用霍夫变换抗干扰(或噪声)能力强的优点,可将干扰点(或噪声)剔除,然后用霍夫变换拟合流速剖面。

16、windowed Hough transform ─── 加窗Hough变换

17、A Local Hough Transform-based Algorithm for Automatic Location of Reference Baseline in Bank Cheques ─── 基于局部Hough变换的银行支票参考基线自动定位算法

18、Application Research on Visual Identification Approach Based on Hough Transformation in Meter Auto-examination ─── 基于Hough变换的视觉识别方法在仪表自动检测中的应用研究

19、An Application of the Hough Transform for Removing the Random-phase Jam in the Remote Sensing Image ─── Hough变换在消除遥感图像随机相位相干干扰中的应用

20、Application of Two Threshold Hough Transform in Automatic Index Identification of Index-instrument ─── 双阈值Hough变换在指针式仪表示值自动判读中的应用

21、In order to search for traces of the rebels, the empire throughout the galaxy to send thousands of detectors, which fell on a rebel base in Star Hough. ─── 为了搜寻反叛者的踪迹,帝国向银河系各处派遣了数以千计的探测器,其中的一个落到叛军基地哈夫星。

22、Augustus Edward Hough Love (1863~1940) ─── 乐甫,A.E.H.(1863-1940)

23、Hough transform method ─── Hough变换法

24、This algorithm thoroughly utilizes the gray-scale distribution features. and uses the depth-first search strategy in the Hough Transformation, and the expected resu1tS have been derived. ─── 但是由于具体问题往往有具体的限制和要求,所以必须根据其特殊性设计具有针对性的算法。

25、Underwater Target Detection Against Texture Background Using Hough Transform[J]. ─── 引用该论文 袁易全,王明敏.

26、Iris Location Using Improved Randomized Hough Transform ─── 基于改进随机Hough变换的虹膜定位算法

27、multi-scale Hough transform ─── 多尺度Hough变换

28、"(L to R) Julianne Hough, Mark Ballas, and Shawn Johnson arrive for the Country Music Television (CMT) Music Awards in Nashville, Tennessee, on June 16, 2009. ─── " 2009年6月16日,田纳西州,茱丽安.赫斯(左)、马克.巴斯(中)与肖恩.强森出席在纳什维尔举办的乡村音乐颁奖典礼。

29、Hough change ─── Hough变换

30、Traditional methods such as Hough transform(HT) have high precision, but cost a lot of time. ─── 传统方法如Hough变换(HT),虽然有较高精度,但费时。

31、A combining method of Hough transform, coincided-line detecting and least squares curve-fitting is presented and used to fit the line segments from measurement in local map building. ─── 在局部地图构建中,采用哈夫变换拟合、同线性判断和最小二乘拟合相结合的方法从测量数据点中拟合得到局部线段集合。

32、A New Method for Detecting Center of Laser Newton Rings Based on Hough Transform Algorithm[J]. ─── 引用该论文 楼越焕,何平安,谢海宁,彭羽翔,谢会骅.

33、Several conclusions were drawn by us: 1 .It was found that the dissociation between t he action o f 1 eft/right h and a nd p erception appeared, t hough they all were influenced by illusion to some extent in one-hand situation. ─── 单手抓握时,左、右手的行为虽然在一定程度上受到了错觉的影响,但均显示出分离现象;

34、An applied accelerative algorithm of gray scale Hough transform based on the information features of the target is proposed. This algorithm makes the burden of the operation decreased by four quantity degrees. ─── 提出了一种基于目标信息特征的灰度hough变换实用加速算法用于直线检测,使其运算量比传统算法下降了4个数量级。

35、Oilcan Recognition Method Based on Improved Hough Transform[J]. ─── 引用该论文 李斌,尹东,袁勋,李桂芹.

36、The group has also posted 100 of pictures of Dancing With The Stars's Julianne Hough apparently taken from her personal account. ─── 该组织还上传了跳舞大赛“与星共舞”的冠军朱莉安娜霍夫的100张照片,显然是从她的个人账户上盗取的。

37、Wigner - hough transform (WHT) ─── Wigner-hough变换

38、Crop-row detection using Hough transform based on connected component labeling ─── 基于标记信息的Hough变换检测早期的作物行中心线

39、Fast detection of circular pcb mark using Hough transform[J]. ─── 引用该论文 柏长冰,齐春,宋福民,杨莹.

40、A sea-sky-line detection algorithm based on fractal feature and Hough transform ─── 基于分形特征和Hough变换的海天线检测算法

41、Mayhew P.,Clark,R.V.,Sturman,A.and Hough,J.M.Crime as Opportunity Home Office Research Study No.34,London:HMSO 1976. ─── 周路.当代实证犯罪学新编--犯罪规律研究[M]北京:人民法院出版社,2004.

42、general Hough transform ─── 广义Hough变换

43、Ship Wake Detection Algorithm in SAR Image Based on Normalized Grey Level Hough Transform ─── 基于归一化灰度Hough变换的SAR图像舰船尾迹检测算法

44、Fast Hough Transform Line Detection Based on Image Block According to Phase Group ─── 基于相位编组图像分块的快速Hough变换直线检测

45、dynamic generalized hough transform ─── 动态广义hough变换

46、Hough Transform Applying in Vision Navigation of Farming Machine ─── Hough变换在农田机械视觉导航中的应用

47、2-dimensional Hough transform ─── 二维Hough变换

48、Fast straight-line extraction algorithm based on improved Hough transform[J]. ─── 引用该论文 康文静,丁雪梅,崔继文,敖磊.

49、An Algorithm and Its Performance Analysis for Detecting the Target with Constant Acceleration Using Randomized Hough Transform ─── 基于随机Hough变换的匀加速运动目标检测算法及性能分析

50、In the 1940s she and her mother donated property to establish what is now the Dunning-Hough Library. ─── 20世纪40年代,她和母亲捐资建立了现在的邓宁-霍夫图书馆。

51、Considering the complexity of calculation and the precision, a multi-scale Hough transition is used to detect the skew page. ─── 分析了彩色文档图像中的半色调技术和网纹产生的原因和常用的去网纹方法;

52、Hough algorithm ─── Hough算法

53、An Algorithm of Detecting Moving Target with Parabolic Track Using Coordinate Transform and Randomized Hough Transform ─── 基于坐标变换与随机Hough变换的抛物线运动目标检测算法

54、Compute the gradient to a road image,and then make HOUGH transform on it. ─── 对一幅给定的道路图像,首先计算其梯度图像,然后利用HOUGH变换确定粗略道路区。

55、That, says, Mike Hough of Birkbeck College in London, has only marginally increased the public's role in setting police priorities. ─── 而这一“邻里警务”原则,伦敦伯克贝克大学的麦克.霍夫说,只能稍微增加了公众在警察优先考虑事物中的比重而已。

56、3D Hough transformation ─── 三维Hough变换

57、A Kind of Sonar Detection on Target Trajectory Based on Hough Transform ─── 一种基于Hough变换的声呐对目标航迹检测算法研究

58、rapid Hough transform ─── 快速Hough变换

59、Hough density spectrum ─── Hough密度谱

60、Hough Transform OCR Image Slant Correction Method ─── Hough变换OCR图象倾斜矫正方法

61、Application of Hough Transform in Detecting Hole on Auto Carling ─── Hough变换在汽车纵梁漏孔检测中的应用

62、For bottle image, lines in the matter brim was detected by means of Hough Transform and then dimensions and perpendicularity tolerance were obtained. ─── 对药瓶图像,通过hough变换的方法,检测出边缘几条直线,据此求出尺寸公差与垂直度。

63、Transformada Hough GUI de Matlab complete source code can be directly used by the test. ─── (译):Transformada霍夫完整的GUI日Matlab的源代码可以直接使用的考验。

64、An Automatic Method for Transverse Wave Detection and Vessel Velocity Estimation Based on Generalized Hough Transform in Remote Sensing Images ─── 一种基于广义Hough变换的遥感图像船舶横波自动检测与速度估计方法

65、Hough Transform(HT) ─── 哈夫变换

66、Real-time HOUGH transformation detection for dynamic line edge and its application in the flow measurement ─── 动态线边缘实时HOUGH变换检测及其在测流中的应用

67、Hough Transform Based Time-Frequency Representation Curve Character Extraction ─── 基于Hough变换的任意时频分布线条特征提取

68、Hough transition ─── Hough转换

69、Hough's literary career grew out of his taking camping trips and writing about them for publication. ─── 霍夫的文学生涯的前身是他参加野营旅行和写作对他们出版。

70、Gaze Estimation of Human Eye Based on Hough Transform and Gradient Information ─── 基于Hough变换和梯度信息的人眼视线方向估计

71、Hough transform track initiation algorithm for distributed heterogeneous sensor network ─── 分布式异类传感器网Hough变换航迹起始算法

72、Hough Transform and Its Application in Chinese Business Card Skew Detection ─── Hough变换在中文名片图像倾斜校正中的应用

73、Hough function ─── Hough函数

74、Keywords Military Decision Making;Decision Support;Situation Awareness;Situation Assessment;Force Aggregation;Data Fusion;Dempster-Shafer Theory;Hough Transform; ─── 军事决策;决策支持;态势觉察;态势评估;兵力聚合;数据融合;证据理论;霍夫变换;

75、The time complexity of the algorithm is 90*O(n3) and its complexity and robustness are better than Hough transformation. ─── 该算法的时间复杂度为90*O(n3),较Hough变换的复杂度及鲁棒性更好。

76、Motion Detection of Closed Boundary Using Fourier Descriptors and Hough Transform ─── 傅里叶描述子和Hough变换检测封闭边界运动

77、Compared with Hough Transform (HT) and Randomized Hough Transform (RHT), the proposed algorithm has the advantages of smaller size of computer memory, shorter computational time and good robustness. ─── 对比该算法与霍夫变换和随机霍夫变换, 证实了它具有节省内存、速度快、抗干扰等优点。

78、generalized Hough transformation(GHT) ─── 广义霍夫变换

79、Eye State Recognition Based on Horizontal Projection and Hough Found the Circle ─── 基于水平投影和Hough查找圆法的人眼状态识别研究

80、Real-time gray-level Hough transform ─── 实时灰度Hough变换


82、Two advanced algorithms of generating path guidance line are proposed: the Hough transform-based is to pre-limit the angular value of possible collinear points before peak detection. ─── 提出两种自然环境中的路径导航线生成算法:对于矮小作物规则分布的农田场景,在标准Hough变换的基础上,预先检测共线点峰值的限定偏角阈值,以迅速检测关键信息;

83、PEI Sooghang,HORNG Jihwei.Circle arc detection based on Hough tranform.Pattern Recognition Letter,1995(12 ─── 张艳珍.一种新的摄像机线性标定方法,中国图形图像学报,2001,27(5

84、Augustus Edward Hough Love ─── 乐甫(1863-1940),英国人,地球物理家、数学家。

85、An Improved 2D Hough Transform Method for Extracting Laser Spot Parameter ─── 一种改进的二维Hough变换提取激光光斑参数方法

86、Skew angle detection and correction of document images based on Hough transform ─── 一种基于Hough变换的文档图像倾斜纠正方法

87、Thermocouple hole into the outlet, outlet and a good location Hough mouth. ─── 把热电偶孔进风口,出风口和哈夫口定位好。

88、The algorithm of Hough transform and its realization to identify the single cycle sinusoidal curve image ─── 基于Hough变换识别单周期正弦曲线图像的算法及实现

89、Precise determination for the global center position of double olsen samples based on Hough transform ─── 基于Hough变换的双球冲球心精确定位技术

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