companionableness 发音
英: 美:
companionableness 中文意思翻译
companionableness 反义词
enemy | antagonist
companionableness 词性/词形变化,companionableness变形
副词: companionably |名词: companionableness |
companionableness 同义词
match | pal | consort | correspondence | confidant | partner | crony | supporter | coordinate | escort | acquaintance | fellow traveller | buddy | fellow | mate | associate | correspondent | brother | comrade | chum | helper | keep company |friend | fellow traveler | attendant | colleague | cohort | ally | half | accompany | parallel | company | assistant | familiar | twin | accompanist | adherent
companionableness 相似词语短语
1、companionless ─── 无伴侣的(companion的变体)
2、combinableness ─── 可化合性
3、comparableness ─── 可比性
4、compatibleness ─── 配伍性
5、compliableness ─── n.屈从;依从
6、compassionateness ─── 慈悲
7、conscionableness ─── 意识
8、communicableness ─── 沟通性
9、companionable ─── adj.好交往的;友善的;适于做朋友的
companionableness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、His younger brother is not much of a companion for him. ─── 他的弟弟和他志趣不太相投。
2、He wants you as a companion. ─── 他想要你作他的同伴。
3、He waved desperately to his companion. ─── 他绝望地向他的伙伴挥了挥手。
4、A companion star is a perfect source of infalling material for a black hole. ─── 伴星是物质下陷形成黑洞的一个极好的物质来源。
5、A close friend or associate; a companion. ─── 亲密的朋友或伙伴;同伴。
6、And God created a new animal to be a companion for Adam. ─── 于是,上帝创造了一个新动物与亚当为伴。
7、Are you alone or with a companion? ─── 你单独一人还是与朋友在一起?
8、"I didn't either," her male companion said. ─── “我也不知道,”她的男朋友说。
9、He proudly promenaded his elegant companion in the park. ─── 他得意地领著他那标致的伴侣遛公园。
10、He was my former companion in arms. ─── 他是我从前的战友。
11、He's not much of a companion for me. ─── 他和我不大合得来。
12、He greeted his companion politely enough, but inside he was smouldering with jealousy. ─── 他虽然表面上很有礼貌地同他同事打招呼,但心里却充满了妒忌。
13、They can be friend and kinsfolk , play companion. ─── 他们可以是朋友、亲人、玩伴。。。
14、His companion had disappeared during the struggle. ─── 在搏斗中,他那个同伴早已逃之夭夭了。
15、His companion exactly fell in with his humor. ─── 他的同伴和他完全志趣相投。
16、He pressed heavily on his companion's wrist. ─── 他用力握着伙伴的手腕。
17、He was my only companion during the war. ─── 他是我在战争时期的唯一伴侣。
18、Level 2 - Summons a powerful 1800 hit point Spirit Bear companion. ─── 二级-召唤一个熊灵伙伴,拥有1800点的生命。
19、He was neither an easy nor a tolerant companion. ─── 他不是一个平易近人、宽宏大量的同伴。
20、On the long journey he proved himself to be an amusing companion. ─── 在长途旅行中,他表现出自己是一位风趣的旅伴。
21、He was lively, witty, good-natured, and a pleasant companion. ─── 他很活泼,机智,脾气很好,人缘也不错。
22、He is to be our companion in tonight's adventure. ─── 他就要成为我们今晚冒险行动的伙伴。
23、He was a most delightful companion, full of wit and humour. ─── 他是一个很惹人喜爱的伴侣,十分机智幽默。
24、Non-combat pets now have the tag "Companion" instead of "Minion". ─── 你的非战斗宠物将不会显示你的仆从而是显示你的夥伴。
25、 双语使用场景
26、Do you need a companion to cross the Mexican borderline? ─── 你穿越墨西哥国境线需要同伴吗?
27、The Bon Vivant's Companion learns a lot from a simple Gimlet. ─── 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐0推荐收藏#2605-查看全文前天22:52:59
28、He turned to his companion before he replied. ─── 他转身朝向他的伙伴然后回答。
29、The Gardener' s Companion was written by David Green. ─── 《园艺指南》是大卫?格林写的。
30、When you try to be an agreeable table companion. ─── 一名宜人的餐桌伙伴。
31、Gangadhar became a close companion of Narendra. ─── 刚达哈成为了纳兰德的亲密伙伴。
32、But now I want nothing more than a companion. ─── 但现在我更想要的是一个伙伴。
33、His companion followed with quiet and easy steps. ─── 他的同伴却默默地踏着轻松的步伐跟在后面。
34、He was big and hearty, a great beer drinker, a jolly companion on a pub crawl. ─── 他高大,强健,喜好喝啤酒,是一位有趣的酒伙伴。
35、She and he were congenial companion in youth. ─── 他和她是竹马青梅, 志趣相投。
36、A helper and companion, especially a spouse. ─── 助手,合作者帮手及伙伴,尤指配偶(妻子)
37、He can be a conversible companion if he thinks it worth his while. ─── 只要他认为值得跟人家攀谈,他也会谈笑风生。
38、With you as my companion roaming the land! ─── 和你结伴闯荡江湖吧!
39、He led off with his companion in a sort of quick-step. ─── 他和他的舞伴带头跳一种快步舞。
40、On the long journey I proved myself to be an amusing companion. ─── 在长途旅行中,我表现得像个开心果。
41、He is all alone without a companion. ─── 他孤身一人,无人相陪。
42、A comrade, companion, or associate. ─── 同志、同伴或朋友
43、She looks small by the side of her companion. ─── 与她同伴一比,她就显得瘦小。
44、My wife has been my good companion in joy and in sorrow. ─── 不论是在快乐时或是在悲伤时,我妻子一直都是我的好伴侣。
45、Presently, he smiled and turned to his glum companion. ─── 他笑了一笑,转身对满脸不高兴的杜竹斋轻声说道:
46、In epic the hero often has an inseparable companion. ─── 史诗的主人公通常都有一个形影不离的同伴。
47、To accompany or wait upon as a companion or servant. ─── 侍侯,照顾作为伴侣或仆人伴随或等待
48、The companion can be a mother with good intentions. ─── 可能是心中充满善意的母亲
49、A folding bag is a good companion in shopping. ─── 可折叠拎包,购物良伴。
50、His brother is not much of a companion for him. ─── 他兄弟与他情趣不甚相投。
51、He had always considered her an ideal companion for his son. ─── 他一直以为她是他儿子的理想伴侣。
52、After a short silence, he ventured to look round at his companion. ─── 在沉默片刻之后,他鼓起勇气来望着对方。
53、The fear of being discovered was his constant companion. ─── 他总提心吊胆的,担心被人发现。
54、A narrow-minded or uninterested companion is anathema to Gemini. ─── 一个心胸狭窄,哪有同伴是不能容忍的双子。
55、He is a good companion on the journey. ─── 他是个好旅伴。
56、I am a brother to jackals And a companion to ostriches. ─── 29我与野狗为弟兄,与鸵鸟为同伴。
57、He is not much of a companion for me. ─── 他与我不甚相投。
58、No, I go with my girlfriend. She is a good companion. ─── 不,我和我的女朋友去,她是一个好伴侣。
59、A constant companion is of great help when you are in trouble. ─── 在困难的时候,忠实的伴侣有着极大的帮助。
60、He tried to set his companion up for punishment. ─── 他试图诬陷他的同伴,使其受到惩罚。
61、He was a most delightful companion, full of wit and humor. ─── 他是一个很惹人喜爱的同伴,十分机智幽默。
62、He was my only Chinese companion during my stay in Australia. ─── 他是我在澳大利亚期间的唯一的中国伙伴。
64、He will be your constant companion. ─── 他将成为你的固定伙伴。
65、She was a charming dinner companion. ─── 与她同桌进餐使人感到十分高兴。
66、You can make party companion leaded. ─── 你可以组织自己的团队。
67、Because of the age difference, Rosemary's older companion had the reputation of being a sugar daddy. ─── 因为年龄的差异,罗斯玛丽的老男友有在少女身上滥花钱的老色迷之名声。
68、He was a fine soldier and a good companion. ─── 他是个出色的军人,是个好伙伴。
69、He was "the shadow," a primitive companion for Jung's ego. ─── 他就是“阴影”,是荣格的自我的原初同伴。
70、He was my only Chinese companion during my stay in American. ─── 他是我在美国期间的唯一的中国伙伴。
71、We lose our companion amid the storm and the darkness. ─── 在暴风雨和黑暗中,我们失去了伙伴。
72、Jack, mislead by bad companion, get into the drug habit. ─── 在坏伙伴的诱使下,杰克染上了吸毒癖。
73、He tried to throw the responsibility on his companion so that he could go free. ─── 他试图把责任加在同伙身上,以便自己能逃之夭夭。
74、He slipped through and tumbled on his companion's body. ─── 他掉了下来,翻倒在他的伙伴的身上。
75、An astrologer tell her that she will meet her lifelong companion in her twenties. ─── 一位占星家对说她将在二十多岁时遇到自己的终身伴侣。
76、The companion blocks to these pulleys are the traveling blocks. ─── 与这些滑轮组相连接的滑车称为游动滑车。
77、The Gardener's Companion was written by David Green. ─── 《园艺指南》是大卫•格林写的。
78、Associates describe me a good companion without being a hail fellow wee met. ─── 同事们称我是一位好伙伴,却又不失之于过分亲昵。
79、He proved himself to be an amusing companion. ─── 他证实了自己是个有趣的伙伴。
80、Fear was the hostages' constant companion. ─── 人质一直都感到恐惧不安。
81、We become companion in misfortune from then on. ─── 从那时起,我们就成了患难之交。
82、A horse does not admired his companion . ─── 一匹马绝不会羡慕他的同伴。
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